52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

Cheers Jean - simply the power of autofocus and an unflinching ability to not blink :)

Do I make a habit of it? Hmmm there's a few of these on my flickr stream so maybe eye do :):D
Do I make a habit of it? Hmmm there's a few of these on my flickr stream so maybe eye do :):D GROAN

I love the clarity of this shot. Looks so simple but must have been hard to do. :clap::clap:

I see we share the same eye colours and mine goes with freckles and pale skin. :D
I love the clarity of this shot. Looks so simple but must have been hard to do. :clap::clap:

I see we share the same eye colours and mine goes with freckles and pale skin. :D

Thanks very much Jill :)

Well I'm an ex-redhead with the odd freckle so there ya go :)
Week 10 of 52: Wisdom

Well this was a corker of a theme and caused me to think very very hard! The Wisdom of Solomon? Wisdom Teeth? Wisdom After the Event? So I googled London/Wisdom/Architecture as I knew I was going to be in London today :) and I came up with this:

The Gryphon/Griffin: The strength of the lion and the wisdom of the eagle combined in the griffin symbolized the strength and wisdom of God.

Bingo :)

And then I found this along the embankment:


Not pin sharp granted, a 3 RAW hand held HDR using the 70-200 on a grey day :)

Edit: Just changed this to a single raw HDR as the obvious movement of the branches between shots was bugging me :) (Original here: Griffin)

But I quite like it :) Hope you do too :)

One lesson - google is your friend :D
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Well you learn something everyday :)

I have tried to take a picture of this before now and its really not easy far too many trees in the way, Very nicely done :clap:
Google is most definately our friend... I've learnt something new today. didn't realise the Griffon was a symbol of wisdom.

You've done well for 3 shots handheld, very well.

Mission accomplished!

Google is most definately our friend... I've learnt something new today. didn't realise the Griffon was a symbol of wisdom.

You've done well for 3 shots handheld, very well.

Mission accomplished!


Cheers Mark and Ruth - however the one in this thread is now 1 Raw :( The 3 Raw wasn't bad but the branch movement irritated me :)
Well done for nailing the shot. I learnt something today too!!
That's a good picture, I really like that :)

I didn't know that about the Griffin either :)
John - this is excellent - both as a shot and as a response to the theme. I love the colours, too :clap::clap::clap:

You've also managed to make the weather look better than it was. :)

A good plug for Google :D

The Griffin used to be the company logo for the old Midland Bank - now HSBC. Quite ironic in the current financial climate. :thinking:

Many thanks Kay and Jean - this Griffin, and many more dotted around, indicate the boundaries of the City of London I believe - more financial connections :)
Good shot John. The processing has worked well, I wouldn't have known it was HDR unless you told me. I too learnt something about the griffin (y)
Cheers John - much appreciated :) Roll on something easier next week :D
Just as the others have said I've learned something new today (well actually 2 if you include that I didn't know that Eagles were supposed to be wise)

I like the shot, the trees are a bit distracting but picking up on what toothie said you may have done well to get this :) I was looking to see what aperture to shot this on to see if a wider aperture could have helped but my EXIF reader is telling me that it can't find any :(
Cheers Simon, much obliged :)

Its HDR and as a result Exif has gone, here it is though:

Tv(Shutter Speed) 1/200Sec.
Av(Aperture Value) F7.1
Metering Modes Spot
Exposure Compensation 0
ISO Speed 200
Lens EF70-200mm f/4L USM
Focal Length 200.0 mm

Perhaps I should've opened up a bit :)
When I saw HDR alert I thought oh no, he's gone over to the dark side :(

But then I looked at this and thought what a great picture. The combination of the red and grey is fantastic, and North American Indians also thought the eagle was wise too.

I really like the lattice of branches too as it could be trying to break out of a web of deceit (or have I totally lost it now :LOL:). So well done on yet another great submission. :clap::clap:
I really like the lattice of branches too as it could be trying to break out of a web of deceit (or have I totally lost it now :LOL:). So well done on yet another great submission. :clap::clap:

Thanks Jill - very poetic I like it :) I saw that the NA Indians also saw the eagle as wise :) Double whammy then :D

Nicely done, good concept, well found and researched idea John. (y)

Cheers Adam - this 52 lark is educational :D
Now that is a great shot from you this week...:clap:

I like...I like...I like...:clap:

When I saw the HDR alert I was a bit worried...It's not a favorite style of mine:razz:

But you pulled off a cracking shot good interpretation and educational...(y)
What a lovely image! I was worried too when i saw the HDR alert as I find so many HDR over done. In the right hands, however, I really like the results (love Pete McC's work) and this is a corker :clap:
Definitely prefer the new version - the ghosting on the other one was too much. I think you tonemapped well to bring out the right amount of detail on the griffin - brill :) I really like the silvery feel of the statue - the HDR really brings out the texture. Good shot!
When I saw the HDR alert I was a bit worried...It's not a favorite style of mine:razz:

But you pulled off a cracking shot good interpretation and educational...(y)

Thanks Marcus - I used to be an HDR nut now I've calmed down but I still pop back there for the right image :)

What a lovely image! I was worried too when i saw the HDR alert as I find so many HDR over done. In the right hands, however, I really like the results (love Pete McC's work) and this is a corker :clap:

Thanks David - it was PeteMCs work that got me into HDR some years ago - glad you like it!

Definitely prefer the new version - the ghosting on the other one was too much. I think you tonemapped well to bring out the right amount of detail on the griffin - brill :) I really like the silvery feel of the statue - the HDR really brings out the texture. Good shot!

Many thanks Stewart - it was niggling me :)
This was hard from two perspectives - this week has been a bit hectic pre holiday and I had no idea what to take a shot of!

Well its Mothers Day so I visited my Mum and the we also had the Ma-In-Law over - my daughter April is back from Uni for our holiday next week - so why not get the three of them together: Grandmother/Mother, Mother/Daughter, Daughter/Granddaughter - well I had a shot at that then April pointed out their gold bangles and the relationships between them - Suzanne's bangles are from her own gran, Vera's are her own and April's are from Vera herself (her gran).

Also the ring April wears is Suzanne's (the first I bought her 30 years ago) so the relationships are somehow echoed in the jewelery - if that makes sense. :thinking:

I know I should take more care with portraits and I regret the crop of their hands and the reflection but it was a quick shot of them together.

Two shots this week - neither technically great but its the idea for me this week (and i was rushed :)) - the first is of the three ladies themselves;

April , Suzanne and Vera


The second is my actual my submission - related hands :)

The hand are great and a fantastic idea from April :)

The picture of the 3 of them is also a lovely photo but the background is lacking imo
The hand are great and a fantastic idea from April :)

The picture of the 3 of them is also a lovely photo but the background is lacking imo

100% agree Ruth - it was a spur of the moment shot - but I thought, for the record, it'd be nice to show the owners of those hands :)
Great take on the theme John, April's idea was brilliant, and you've done the hands really well. The portrait is good apart from that reflection :D.
Hi John well you put in a couple of nice shots this week, the portrait is a very good effort when you consider it was a rush and no time for a better set up, so for me it is the more natural shot. What if you did a tighter crop to lose the hands, near the elbows and clone some of the reflection out...:thinking:
I still think it's a lovely shot and worth a play around.(y)

As for the hands, well that's a nice shot also but not as good for me...
A great idea with the hands. Nice to get all three generations together as well :)
A beautiful idea, John, and your three ladies look very happy and relaxed. What a great illustration of the theme. April's idea is terrific and the hands shot is lovely. :)

Also well done for getting this done when you must be busy with holiday preparations. :clap::clap:


Ditto, well done :clap::clap:
I love the hands shot John, such history and such a connection. It was good to see all 3 generations together, but I know what you mean about quick captures with people. If you factor averything else in first you miss the moment, but then you look at the picture on the computer and go :bang::bang::bang:

But the hands shot redeems all that, and the shared jewellery link gives us an even closer relationship, so well done :clap::clap:
First chance I've had to thank you all for your comments as Cuba took me away :)

And when 'Poverty# came up I thought Cuba would be ideal...little did I know I'd be seeing less 'real' Cuba than I'd hoped! More of that later!

The shot below was taken from a moving coach in the Holguin district where we were staying! Very little done to it other than a slight straighten and sharpen! I got lucky :)

Here is my poverty! Cuba is a lovely place but the poverty is there to be seen all over!
