52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

Thanks John - Colour cast :) I'm not sure - I used the VP filter which might have done something - Suzanne is Anglo-Indian and the skin colour looks fairly accurate on this monitor :)

I prefer the landscape shot on this one myself but its been a great learning experience and I want to get stuck into some more :)
No probs John - actually most folk think Suzanne is of Italian or Spanish extraction (if thats the phrase :))
It's no fun getting out of your comfort zone is it :(, but I've seen some of your other work (candids or portraits on your flickr and they look good to me (y))

I think the difficulty for you was it was such a personal portrait and that adds another level to your stress.

Needless to say you've pulled it off and, with just a few minor tweaks, you would make a good photo great :clap:

So I applaud you for stretching yourself, well done mate (y)
It's a lovely portrait. It sometimes is difficult to leave your comfort zone. I found still life very hard

And - ouch - for your opposites one :LOL:
Thanks so much Kelly :) Now I need to go from 1 person to a crowd :( !!!

And the blood letting didn't hurt that much :)
Week 7: Crowds

Urk - this was hard! Time at work prevented me from trawling the malls and stations in Birmingham for a crowd, Saturday was busy decorating at home so that left today and a trip to a fairly desolate Walthamstow Market!

Crowd? What crowd! :puke:

I ended up with 3 very different shots I liked and there are links to the other two under the chosen shot.

Why this one? The splash of colour over the entrance, the disappearing lines, the man striding into the frame and, eventually, into the crowd!


My other two faves can be found here First Direct and here Sainsbury Shoppers
wheres the crowd then :whistle:

I expect its credit crunch. You should of tried Lidl or Primark :D

The best of the three. I like the splash of colour (y) Shame the guys not a couple of paces nearer to get rid of the shop front on the far left (IMO)
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wheres the crowd then :whistle:

I expect its credit crunch. You should of tried Lidl or Primark :D

The best of the three. I like the splash of colour (y) Shame the guys not a couple of paces nearer to get rid of the shop front on the far left

Cheers Pat - it was the biggest crowd I could find today :D
Yes it's the best of the 3 you took...

I know I shouldn't say it but the shot you took at B&Q...the first one was a fabulous shot...and it was a crowded shelf...:LOL:

But like us all we have got other things in our lives to do before doing the 52s every week...:razz:

Still your another week through so that's worth a...:clap::clap::clap:
Yes it's the best of the 3 you took...

I know I shouldn't say it but the shot you took at B&Q...the first one was a fabulous shot...and it was a crowded shelf...:LOL::clap:

Damn why didn't I think of that :)

Ah well such is life - cheers Marcus :)
Very nice, even though the crowd is not huge, there is a sense of activity and vibrancy. well done :clap:
I like this shot for all the reasons you stated. The disappearing lines leading you into the crowd are great. Like the sense of movement in the guy striding into the shot (y)

Better than me. I haven't been able to get out and capture the shot I wanted as I've been suffering with a horrid cold all weekend :(
Angela, Maureen thanks to you both for the comments and yep the crowd is a bit thin :)

A crowdlet perhaps! :D

Maureen I hope the cold goes away quickly for you :D!! Brandy and Lemsip will do it :):)
ah- so that's where the crowd was, then :LOL:

It's a good shot, John. I like the composition and the lighting. The figure striding in from the left is a great touch and gives a sense of movement to the crowd (or crowdlet :)) It would work as an advert for the mall, imo.

I agree that this is the best of the three and I think it's the clean composition that gives it the edge.

Well done.

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Good shot John, I agree about the man coming in from the left (y)
Jean, Simon, John - many thanks - for me this was a hard one - simply finding the subject was the challenge this week :)
This was definately the most challenging shot to date, well for me anyway. I like this shot John, who says crowds have to be big.:thinking:(y)
I like it, there is a crowd but its not in your face the sign above them frames the shot nicely :clap:

Thanks Ruth :)

This was definately the most challenging shot to date, well for me anyway. I like this shot John, who says crowds have to be big.:thinking:(y)

Well as we've seen 3's a crowd :D

Thanks Mark - and I agree about this being challenging!!! To a degree all the other shots I've had control over - this one no such luck! :)
Well done you for getting out of your comfort zone 2 weeks in a row (y)

I love the composition, the dynamic aspect, and the sharp clean lines of the floor tiles leading you right through the picture. :clap::clap:
That's great. I like those leading lines created by the tiles too. They draw you into the shot.:clap:
Week 8: Wealth

Back on safer ground - the table top :) I saw this Monopoly set going cheap in ASDA and as soon as I saw it I thought "Wealth" so I had to have it :)


Harder than I thought: angles, framing, lighting all conspired against me (and its late as well - I'm sure that doesn't help :))

Anyway I quite like the end result and I hope you do too :)

Comments always welcomed :)
Thanks Ruth, as I went to be at ridiculous o'clock I thought of a few ways I could have improved the composition - another day though :)!
What can I say (before somebody else does :D) - Pass GO and collect £200 :clap::clap: Oh and you've won the Community Chest, too. :)

It's very clever, John and I like it. I would have thought the red and the purple £500 note would have shouted each other down - but they don't. I like the composition, the reflections in the top hat and the dof. The very smallest niggle - I'd have cloned out the tiny bit of black to the left hand side, by Mayfair - but that is a tiny niggle and I'd never have managed to come up with this shot in the first place - definitely 'out of the box'. :)

Cheers Jean and that black bit I cloned out in my first version but redid it and forgot (slaps forehead and says d'oh!)

Out of the box ?:) I suppose it was :D
Out of the game box :D. Very clever John, it's worked well, the DOF and colours are excellent, and the lighting is about right.
Right, making an effort to look at all these challenges again... :p
I really like the Monopoly one, just nicely composed and works well :)
I'll have a better look when I'm not at work :D
Nicely done john. I'm completely gutted as it's almost identical to what I've done for this week. I don't know why but I opened your thread while I was waiting for LR to convert to jpeg, the wife came running down the stairs when she heard my scream as I saw your shot! Completely gutted as this was about the only idea I'd had for this week as I'm very short of time! Back to the drawing board and desperately hope the inspiration fairy pays me a visit very soon!!
John, Dan thanks!

Ahhh David - great minds think alike! Sorry!

Why not do it anyway? :) Might have been interesting to compare takes?
There wouldn't be too much to compare, I had a different piece and more money but that's about it!! I might try and come up with something else on the same theme as I can't see a chance to get out for anything else. Bugger!
There wouldn't be too much to compare, I had a different piece and more money but that's about it!! I might try and come up with something else on the same theme as I can't see a chance to get out for anything else. Bugger!

Aww sorry :( What piece were you going for? :)
:agree: Great take on the theme

Well done DS, just posted my shot, looked on here and arrrgghhh someone beat me to it. :bang:

I am not going to re-submitt as I am left bereft of ideas now! I knew I should have gone with the Star Wars Monopoly :bonk:

Anyhoo, I love your shot, especially the idea behind it :naughty: and the focus is really good. I particularly like the closeness of the images.

well done :clap: :clap: