52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

really like the shot. did not think of monopoly.......... maybe i sholud have got my starwars limited version out?
Now that is a good monopoly shot, why didn't I get that image.... like it very much John.(y)
Thanks all for the positive comments - seems like a few of us went for pretend wealth instead of real wealth :D

Sooooo much easier to come by :D
A great shot mate (y) you've done well with the composition and the DoF is great, clearly well thought out.

Having just posted my shot, this is the second Monopoly shot I've seen and I suspect from reading the comments there are few more out there :LOL: The thing that bugs me is that I hadn't actually thought of this :bang: ;) :LOL:
Thanks Simon :) All the Monopoly shots are good and it interests me to see how the same subject has been shot by different folk :) Fascinating stuff :)
Well I thought that was going to be my project this week...:p

I had the same idea but leaving it last minute I couldn't find it in the loft...:thinking:

The daughter lent it to somebody ages ago and not got it back:help:

Anyway seems like there was going to be a lots of the same thing this week...:LOL:

Oh and congratulations on your shot...it's nicely done as usual...:clap:
I remember those interminable monopoly games when I was a kid. Love the colours, composition and depthe of field. Tiniest crop at the bottom to remove the sliver ofwhite on the righr hand side? Great take on the theme, Love it.:clap::clap:
Thanks Frank, I only saw that sliver after I posted on here where I have the black theme :) curses :D
Well how do you top that :LOL::LOL: :naughty:

A great shot, DoF, composition and creativity spot on. (y)

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone :bonk: this week :)
Well how do you top that :LOL::LOL: :naughty:

A great shot, DoF, composition and creativity spot on. (y)

And I'm glad I'm not the only one who has gone :bonk: this week :)

Jill many thanks :)

....and for various reasons, as you know, I've definitely gone :bonk: this week :D

Next week will be better :D
Ah identity, I thought of passports, fingerprints and then retinal scans :)

"Eyes are the windows to the soul" ... someone recently reminded me of that ;)

I thought therefore technically eyes identify us and also, perhaps, as a person they also identify us! :)

In this shot I wanted to show the iris and pupil - my left eye is multi coloured and therefore much more interesting than my right one :)

Here is my identity - can you see my soul ;)?


Taken with the camera on manual using the ringflash


1) its hard to line up and focus the eye exactly right
2) remote leads are very necessary
3) take care when you clone patterns as a repeat pattern is a dead giveaway (check my flickr to see my first attempt)

and finally

4) maybe I should think harder - this seemed too easy :(

Maybe I'll reshoot this one :)

Oh last thing...Sorry Ruth :)
yikes :puke:......thats needs a warning :help:
Dammmmm youuuuu! I was thinking along exactly the same lines for this week. Now I wonder whether I will rethink... In any case - Its cool - although I always find it freaky to look into an eye that closely...
Dammmmm youuuuu! I was thinking along exactly the same lines for this week. Now I wonder whether I will rethink... In any case - Its cool - although I always find it freaky to look into an eye that closely...

Sorry Stewart :) I keep pipping people to the post :) Too much time on my hands I guess :D
That's a great shot nice detail in the Iris and I love the way the inner edge rolls into the dark of the pupil. Technically isn't it the retina that's used for ID? Go on get a shot of that!!! Seriuosly, I love tha shot I was just wondering if the eyelashes add to or detract from the shot, I can't really decide. :clap:(y)
That's a great shot nice detail in the Iris and I love the way the inner edge rolls into the dark of the pupil. Technically isn't it the retina that's used for ID? Go on get a shot of that!!! Seriuosly, I love tha shot I was just wondering if the eyelashes add to or detract from the shot, I can't really decide. :clap::clap:(y)

That's odd I was only trying to add another clap not post agin. Sorry.
Oohh wow, however much staring at an eyeball engrosses me, I can't keep my eyes off this shot, the colours of your eye, the detail, ace picture indeed (y)
Really like :clap: :clap:
That's a great shot nice detail in the Iris and I love the way the inner edge rolls into the dark of the pupil. Technically isn't it the retina that's used for ID? Go on get a shot of that!!! Seriuosly, I love tha shot I was just wondering if the eyelashes add to or detract from the shot, I can't really decide. :clap:(y)

Thanks Frank, yep it is the retina but I'm not that good :) Perhaps Alby would get there :) Ideally (eyedeally?) I would have just the iris and white of the eye showinng but just couldn't get it.

Oohh wow, however much staring at an eyeball engrosses me, I can't keep my eyes off this shot, the colours of your eye, the detail, ace picture indeed (y)
Really like :clap:

Many thanks Shorty :)

Exceptional shot John, what a cool eye you have. (y)

Does this mean your one of twins John?

Thanks Adam - I am a twin :D has the colouring got something to do with that!!!! I'm amazed!!! :eek: Even more 'identity' then!
Very nice shot DS and well executed. Looking that closely at an eye seems to make mine water (odd I know)

My youngest son has two multicoloured eyes, from a distance they look green, however when you get close up they are a mixture of both blue and brown.

Guess that means hubby is definitely recessive then (in more ways than one:naughty: :LOL:)

And finally once again I am pleased that this bears no resemblence to my idea!!

Well done :clap: :clap: :clap:
Angela - thanks very much - glad I didn't spoil your shot this week ;)

Ruth I know you don't like eyes so thanks for popping in and looking :)
that is one hell of a shot(y) and really hit the theme seeing (ha ha) as everyones eyes are different!

well done DS :clap::clap::clap:
Well what a very interesting eye you have! Great take on the theme and I can imagine it was horribly difficult to get right. Well done :clap:
Thanks Matt and DS - the eye shot took about 10 gos to get right mainly focus issues but I got it in the end :)

Thanks for your comments :)
so how did you set it up?
remote shutter release?
manual focus?

love to know :)

Tripod (Manfrotto 190B) fully extended so the camera was at eye level (ok that's obvious :)), remote shutter release, ringflash.

I used autofocus with my eye wide open :) - again lining up my eye was tricky and trying to ensure the camera focused on the iris rather than the lids was where it went wrong mainly - then click, click, click :)!

I just tried to look in the lens and centre my eye by reflection :) :)

I've done a few of these before but always with my less colourful right eye and for some reason it felt more awkward shooting the left one! :shrug:

I did it in a darkened room hoping the pupil would be dilated more but also used the ringflash's light which probably defeated the object :D

Processing wise I cloned out the reflection of the ringflash from the pupil and cropped and sharpened and that was that :)

Hope that helps (y)
Great close up with lovely detail in the iris. Can see the muscle striations and the colours are brilliant :clap:
Excellent John, amazing detail. It's hard enough to do this from behind the camera with a willing volunteer, doing you own... oh boy...
Maureen, Gary, John - many thanks for your comments :)

'Muscle Striations' !!! ooh err - which bits are those !? :)
That's good and horrible at the same time...:clap:

You have got some great detail going on there.

I'm amazed how well this shot looks for a self portrait...excellent...(y)
That's good and horrible at the same time...:clap:

You have got some great detail going on there.

I'm amazed how well this shot looks for a self portrait...excellent...(y)

Cheers Marcus - I agree with the 'horrible' as well :)