weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

Hello Iain,

I have missed your images and creativity while I have been away. You have come up with some cracking shots. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,

all the positives have been said - I'm going to try for some hopefully constructive crit..... :thinking:

reflections stand out for me, wonder if darkening these down a bit might make them less distracting, (just tried a quick vignette in picasa and it works for me)......

and I'm seeing a few white specks - but I've been on my own for that before so it's probably my screen.

Good week Iain, getting quite a few weapons in your arsenal now, pebbles, crystal balls, cutlery people. (y)
Wonderful image, I can see the speckles Graham mentioned in the highlights in places - I had a look on flickr against a black screen, not Pixel peeped though - but that doesn't distract from a clever, simple image, well done.
Hello Iain,

I have missed your images and creativity while I have been away. You have come up with some cracking shots. Keep up the good work.

Best wishes,


Thanks Nick, much appreciated you stopping by (y)

all the positives have been said - I'm going to try for some hopefully constructive crit..... :thinking:

reflections stand out for me, wonder if darkening these down a bit might make them less distracting, (just tried a quick vignette in picasa and it works for me)......

and I'm seeing a few white specks - but I've been on my own for that before so it's probably my screen.

Good week Iain, getting quite a few weapons in your arsenal now, pebbles, crystal balls, cutlery people. (y)

Thanks Graham, I tried a quick vignette in picasa after reading your comments, you're right it does work (y). The reflections aren't the main subject so good idea to dim them a little.
I can't see the specks that you mention but as Brian mentioned them also they must be there.
Yes, Ive managed to gather a few default options I can go to ;)

Wonderful image, I can see the speckles Graham mentioned in the highlights in places - I had a look on flickr against a black screen, not Pixel peeped though - but that doesn't distract from a clever, simple image, well done.

Thanks Brian (y)
Rock, erm... rocks!

Concept, colours, composition, and that wafer thin DOF are all spot on for me. Just a really pleasing shot to look at.

Love the fencing forks too. Hard to pick out anything that could be improved, and a great idea.
Rock, erm... rocks!

Concept, colours, composition, and that wafer thin DOF are all spot on for me. Just a really pleasing shot to look at.

Love the fencing forks too. Hard to pick out anything that could be improved, and a great idea.

Thanks Nick (y)

Rock, a step away from my usual stuff but I had an idea/concept and am pleased it came out as I had envisaged.

I like the fork figures, so much so, I have quite a few more ideas. Not sure when to use them though, I wouldn't want anyone to get fed up with them if I use them too often.
OMG mate what can I say but superb... the captions made me lol :LOL: :clap:

:LOL: Thanks Dean, some of them were "reverse engineered" in that I came up with the titles first and then bent the forks to suit.
Excellent series of pics really like the pan as a hot tub, all of them are very good :clap::clap:
All quality, but the Gondolier has it for me by a mile. So creative, beautifully done, and the reflection is perfect.
Bloomin' 'eck, Iain, they'll be thinking you have some kind of cutlery fetish :nono: :D

Laid on a plate...:LOL:

For me, it's Paddle boat: well composed, lit and reflection is great.

I though #1 was 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil', still work well.

Good show.

Very nice set, all of them are good but the hot tub pan is my favourite.

Thanks Mark (y)
This is just as I hoped that people would have a preference so I can see which one will be this weeks submission.

All quality, but the Gondolier has it for me by a mile. So creative, beautifully done, and the reflection is perfect.

Cheers to you too Nick (y)

Bloomin' 'eck, Iain, they'll be thinking you have some kind of cutlery fetish :nono: :D

Laid on a plate...:LOL:

For me, it's Paddle boat: well composed, lit and reflection is great.

I though #1 was 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil', still work well.

Good show.


Cheers Andy (y)

:LOL: cutlery fetish........ there might be something in that ;)

I get these ideas, and have to act on them. The fork thing is just my latest idea range. I think I have exhausted my ideas on this though, I need to find something else :LOL:
Paddle boat, (reflection is absolutely exquisite), laid on a plate, :naughty:, and hot tub :clap: for me.

All super.

The eggs being in colour doesn't sit well as part of the set for me, and the first I'm getting a very slight feeling of a poorly attempted YMCA rendition. :nuts:

Not saying these last 2 are bad, they're great, just not as great as the other 3. (y)
Paddle boat, (reflection is absolutely exquisite), laid on a plate, :naughty:, and hot tub :clap: for me.

All super.

The eggs being in colour doesn't sit well as part of the set for me, and the first I'm getting a very slight feeling of a poorly attempted YMCA rendition. :nuts:

Not saying these last 2 are bad, they're great, just not as great as the other 3. (y)

Thanks Graham (y)

Good point about the eggs being in colour, do you know? I never even tried it with a B&W conversion, I don't know why because following reading your comments, I did a quick conversion and I like it :LOL:

YMCA :LOL: I was unsure how to portray this one, because, as I mentioned to Dean above, some of these were reversed engineered, in that I came up with the title before the image. I did think about putting something on the plate in front of the forks to show what their reaction was at but couldn't think of anything weird enough :LOL:
Hi Iain,

New to the challenge and looking through this weeks pics and the fork people really caught my eye, love the boat one especially, the reflection on the dark glass surface really makes it for me.

well done on the fork bending mate you really have game them character.
Hi Iain,

New to the challenge and looking through this weeks pics and the fork people really caught my eye, love the boat one especially, the reflection on the dark glass surface really makes it for me.

well done on the fork bending mate you really have game them character.

Thanks Gregor, much appreciated you looking in and commenting (y)
I can imagine these selling really well as sets.

You are SO PRO. I am in awe. :notworthy:

WOW, thank you for such kind comments Brian :D

They may, however, be short lived, I am seriously lacking inspiration for this weeks theme :(
Hi Iain

I have fallen behind a bit and thought get up early and catch up - surely not a big job? But then you shoot 5!! for one theme and on his thread, Brian does umpteen reshoots. Conspiracy.

Rock - my first thought was this type of rock and so I commend you :p Like the high key treatment, the bright summery colours and the detail of Clacton !

Pair - good comp, lighting and reflections. very inventive

#1 - like the comp and the lighting - great impression of puzzlement by the figures
#2 - very unusual - good clean base giving excellent reflection, good scale. The lighting is superb - really nice graduation of colour in the base - almost like one of those infinity pools
#3 :nono:
#4 Made me smile and another excellent idea, well handled. Not keen on the b/g
#5 Good comp and well lit. I like the colour - works well in my view - much better white in the plate.. Also the way that you have composed the LH one 'struggling' to lift the egg. How did you get the figures to stand upright and hold the weight of the eggs?
What can I say other than genius, love your work (y)

Thanks Mark (y)

Hi Iain

I have fallen behind a bit and thought get up early and catch up - surely not a big job? But then you shoot 5!! for one theme and on his thread, Brian does umpteen reshoots. Conspiracy.

Rock - my first thought was this type of rock and so I commend you :p Like the high key treatment, the bright summery colours and the detail of Clacton !

Pair - good comp, lighting and reflections. very inventive

#1 - like the comp and the lighting - great impression of puzzlement by the figures
#2 - very unusual - good clean base giving excellent reflection, good scale. The lighting is superb - really nice graduation of colour in the base - almost like one of those infinity pools
#3 :nono:
#4 Made me smile and another excellent idea, well handled. Not keen on the b/g
#5 Good comp and well lit. I like the colour - works well in my view - much better white in the plate.. Also the way that you have composed the LH one 'struggling' to lift the egg. How did you get the figures to stand upright and hold the weight of the eggs?

Thanks Alan, :LOL: I try to avoid multi posting on themes but for the shape theme I kinda got carried away.

The forks holding the eggs are free standing, I just bent the fork handle (there's a joke in there ;)) so as they would stand up.
Week 28 - Plenty
I was struggling for ideas and time this week, still not convinced but as Andy says, "post and be damned" ;)

C&C welcome as always.

Plenty of Time by iain blake, on Flickr

Plenty of time. Works for me and I am a fan of the wooden hands. I saw a miniature figurine recently and was tempted to buy :D

Might not have been possible, but I'd like to see the text on the watches a bit sharper.

Not keen on the vignette.

Cheers and I don't have one watch :help:
This is a great idea, the back of the bottom hand seems a little lacking in detail but other than that I see nothing to be damned for here Iain!

I especially like that you took the TIME (see what I did there ;)) to set them all to the same time, it's the little touches that make all the difference!

Looks like a magazine ad for timex. (y)
good to see you have the right time on all the watches ;)

I like the take on the theme

perhaps the bottom hand seems a bit overexposed and I would have liked to have been able to pick out the grain in the wood a bit more...having said that, maybe there is no interesting grain?...

Plenty of time. Works for me and I am a fan of the wooden hands. I saw a miniature figurine recently and was tempted to buy :D

Might not have been possible, but I'd like to see the text on the watches a bit sharper.

Not keen on the vignette.

Cheers and I don't have one watch

Thanks Andy (y)
As I said, post and be damned, I am still not convinced by this weeks submission and there are a few little things to sort out on it.

I must admit, for some reason this week, I considered packing in the 52 :(
Maybe its just down to lack of inspiration for the theme, maybe its a tiredness from work :thinking:

This is a great idea, the back of the bottom hand seems a little lacking in detail but other than that I see nothing to be damned for here Iain!

I especially like that you took the TIME (see what I did there ;)) to set them all to the same time, it's the little touches that make all the difference!

Looks like a magazine ad for timex. (y)

Thanks Brian (y)
The bottom hand is slightly lighter in colour than the top one but I do agree with what you have said.
As mentioned to Andy above, post and be damned as I wasn't 'feeling' it this week.

You can't post that without a link to one of the funniest comments sketches ever!!

Thought I'd oblige > funnily linky 6 minutes 39 seconds of pure genius :D

Cheers Andy, certainly a classic (y)

good to see you have the right time on all the watches ;)

I like the take on the theme

perhaps the bottom hand seems a bit overexposed and I would have liked to have been able to pick out the grain in the wood a bit more...having said that, maybe there is no interesting grain?...

Thanks Chris (y)
As above, the grain/colour is lighter but I do agree with your comments.

Cheers all!
Oooh... clever!:D

Nice comp, and a great idea, but the upper hand with the watches on the wrong way brings my OCD out!:wacky:
Hi Iain
its a nice balanced composition, not convinced its your best work but saying that you never go for the easy option which is admirable so no talk of giving up :nono:
Haha, love it

Cheers John (y)

Oooh... clever!:D

Nice comp, and a great idea, but the upper hand with the watches on the wrong way brings my OCD out!:wacky:

Thanks Nick (y)

Not sure what you mean about the watches on the wrong way?
I thought they were correct for someone wearing a watch on their right wrist :thinking:

Hi Iain
its a nice balanced composition, not convinced its your best work but saying that you never go for the easy option which is admirable so no talk of giving up :nono:

Thanks Allan, thats a fair assessment of the image, I was lacking inspiration on this theme, post and be damned as Andy would say ;)

Giving up isn't really an option, it would bug the life out of me not completing it :LOL:
Hi :wave:

Loving your fork pictures and the captions crack me up :LOL:

As for your Plenty shot...you obviously have too much time on your hands!:D
Hi :wave:

Loving your fork pictures and the captions crack me up :LOL:

As for your Plenty shot...you obviously have too much time on your hands!:D

Hi Anita,

Thanks (y)
I am glad that you like them, just a bit of fun really ;)
Bloomin' 'eck, Iain, they'll be thinking you have some kind of cutlery fetish :nono: :D

LOL! I was thinking this! That said, the entire set is superb, great skills and very creative! (y)

Plenty - Not so sure on the vignette, don't think it's needed really. But love the take on the theme - 'Plenty of Time' that gets you extra points right there, and well out of 'post and be damned' territory! (y)