Canon EOS 6D Mk2 Owner's Thread

And so Canon will probably sell loads of these. It'll be worse in some respects, better in others but for many it will be perfect.

No doubt they will sell loads, but maybe with an improvement to the sensor they could sell more. :thinking: In a shrinking market you don't do no improvement, or even slightly better than the last camera, especially after 5 years imho.

I think only for the fanatics is something 'perfect', most times it's good enough for many, better than the opposition may have at a similar level and maybe even great, but then maybe it is just me, I have had some great cameras, and have a great one now, but none have been perfect. ;) And the closer they were to perfect, time starts to make them seem not as good in some respects, and it is mainly the sensor which ages badly, be that in Resolution, High ISO performance, Dynamic Range or all three.
No doubt they will sell loads, but maybe with an improvement to the sensor they could sell more. :thinking: In a shrinking market you don't do no improvement, or even slightly better than the last camera, especially after 5 years imho.

I think only for the fanatics is something 'perfect', most times it's good enough for many, better than the opposition may have at a similar level and maybe even great, but then maybe it is just me, I have had some great cameras, and have a great one now, but none have been perfect. ;) And the closer they were to perfect, time starts to make them seem not as good in some respects, and it is mainly the sensor which ages badly, be that in Resolution, High ISO performance, Dynamic Range or all three.
But they haven't done 'no improvement'.
The wishlist for the 6dII was:
  • Better AF system Yes
  • Dual card slots - never going to happen, it's reserved for 'pro' cameras it would just take sales from the 5div
  • Articulated screen Yes
  • 4k video - never going to happen, it would just take sales from the EOS video cameras (all the smaller manufacturers giving 4k video don't have a pro video alternative)
  • Dual pixel AF Yes
  • Higher x sync speed - unfortunately not, in a £ per feature world it's not seen as great value.

Hardly anyone mentioned a higher MP count or increased DR - one of which we got and people are fixated on something that they apparently never wanted.

Back to my earlier point, most photographers have a camera. The fact that camera has less detail to pull back from the shadows compared to a camera they don't own is irrelevant. Canon aren't complacent, they understand 'the market' in a much more detailed way than the average forum member could possibly contemplate.
But they haven't done 'no improvement'.
The wishlist for the 6dII was:
  • Better AF system Yes
  • Dual card slots - never going to happen, it's reserved for 'pro' cameras it would just take sales from the 5div
  • Articulated screen Yes
  • 4k video - never going to happen, it would just take sales from the EOS video cameras (all the smaller manufacturers giving 4k video don't have a pro video alternative)
  • Dual pixel AF Yes
  • Higher x sync speed - unfortunately not, in a £ per feature world it's not seen as great value.

Hardly anyone mentioned a higher MP count or increased DR - one of which we got and people are fixated on something that they apparently never wanted.

Back to my earlier point, most photographers have a camera. The fact that camera has less detail to pull back from the shadows compared to a camera they don't own is irrelevant. Canon aren't complacent, they understand 'the market' in a much more detailed way than the average forum member could possibly contemplate.
No. It's because they are canon and they can release a tiny improvement and call it a day so long as it has there badge on it. They done all the hard work before you and I was born to become number 1.

They never have to make huge improvements until there number 1 status is threatened
No. It's because they are canon and they can release a tiny improvement and call it a day so long as it has there badge on it. They done all the hard work before you and I was born to become number 1.

They never have to make huge improvements until there number 1 status is threatened
That's a very cynical view that obviously doesn't stand up to the 'facts' but I'm certain nothing I say could change your mind.
Like all those people who 'don't believe anything they read' but have very strongly held beliefs they can't explain the origins of. :rolleyes:

Canon spend millions on market research, but clearly you believe they just ignore all the results of that, cross their fingers and 'hope' that their gambles will pay off. :thinking:
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But they haven't done 'no improvement'.
The wishlist for the 6dII was:
  • Better AF system Yes
  • Dual card slots - never going to happen, it's reserved for 'pro' cameras it would just take sales from the 5div
  • Articulated screen Yes
  • 4k video - never going to happen, it would just take sales from the EOS video cameras (all the smaller manufacturers giving 4k video don't have a pro video alternative)
  • Dual pixel AF Yes
  • Higher x sync speed - unfortunately not, in a £ per feature world it's not seen as great value.

Hardly anyone mentioned a higher MP count or increased DR - one of which we got and people are fixated on something that they apparently never wanted.

Back to my earlier point, most photographers have a camera. The fact that camera has less detail to pull back from the shadows compared to a camera they don't own is irrelevant. Canon aren't complacent, they understand 'the market' in a much more detailed way than the average forum member could possibly contemplate.
I think you have pretty much nailed it here. why people seem to chuck their rattles out the pram on new camera releases is beyond me:confused::dummy::D
is this going to be a great camera-yes, will it be the best camera ever-no. there will be areas where other cameras do it better, but its far from crap. all manufactures are there to make money first and foremost, not to for fill our camera wet dreams. Canon are still number one because so far their business model works better than most other company's,
Phil, even you can surely if grudgingly admit that Canon's new offerings usually don't exactly surprise or set pulses racing because of some sexy new feature, do they?
Hardly anyone mentioned a higher MP count or increased DR - one of which we got and people are fixated on something that they apparently never wanted.
I thought people were saying the Mark II has decreased DR, particularly at base?
I thought people were saying the Mark II has decreased DR, particularly at base?

I thought that. Also, higher MP doesn't mean better, so guess that's why no one has been taking about the increased MP?

I'm still waiting for local shop to have stock as the camera still interests me as I do like some of Canons glass.
Can anyone actually see this apparently such inferior Canon IQ with their own eyes without zooming though ?

I have a 6D and D600 and I can see a difference at 1:1 but I'm never ever going to print anything like that big, it would cost a absolute fortune.
The fact that people had not asked for more dynamic range is that no one expected the the 5Dmkiv to get a huge boost in it, and then not put any of that tech in the 6Dmkii. However the target market now for that camera is people who don't need dynamic range but need lowlight and video AF blogging.
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I thought people were saying the Mark II has decreased DR, particularly at base?

One of the reviews I saw suggested that at higher ISO's the DR is actually better than the Mk1........ I think the problem with reviews is that the reviewers often have some kind of axe to grind. They tend to focus on one issue when there is a whole range to consider, and that's what makes a camera body what it is.

I'm just as guilty as the next man at falling for the headline "issue" and basing my opinions on that. When really it's what you do with the camera that counts........:)
Canon don't have wide dynamic range. Nikon do. What Canon do have is superior colour rendition (to my eyes). This is why I use a 6d when I could easily have gone back to the D750 or get a D810.
You buy into a brand not a single body. Lens line up perhaps will play a part in deciding which direction you go. You can have the "greatest" body but if you don't have the lenses to back it up you will not attract some photographers. Solution, either bring out the lenses or accept the situation.

Neither Canon or Nikon were particularly innovative, Canon tried the pellicle mirror and eye focus but where are they now, before the brands such as Sony, Olympus etc came along and they aren't innovative now. Not in the way the others are trying to be. But innovative doesn't mean better necessarily. If you don't want it or need it then it's a gimmick.

I don't know why Nikon or Canon aren't interested in mirrorless. Probably they are beavering away in the background on something ready for the time they do need it but they don't seem to feel it's required at this point in time.
Phil, even you can surely if grudgingly admit that Canon's new offerings usually don't exactly surprise or set pulses racing because of some sexy new feature, do they?
I'm not a fanboy.
I'm plenty on record about other brands.

Canon don't have to set pulses racing on internet forums. Their market research and marketing efforts, along with their R&D are keeping them in the top spot.

The worlds greatest selling car was the Toyota Corolla - I don't think any 'car nut' ever fantasised about owning one.

I'm a bit of a rally car nerd, and I can think of no WRC car I'd like to own less than the Corolla WRC.

We are not 'the market', no matter how much we like to think we are. If I were to list all the cameras I'd love to own, the list would be long and somewhat esoteric. And it wouldn't include a 6d - but I own 2 of them - I'm buying cameras to do a job, others buy them for different reasons, but very few people have the same wishlist as Camera forum 'experts'
Canon don't have wide dynamic range. Nikon do. What Canon do have is superior colour rendition (to my eyes). This is why I use a 6d when I could easily have gone back to the D750 or get a D810.
I agree here.i do love the colours from canons.always have,even their G Series have nice colours.
Canon don't have wide dynamic range. Nikon do. What Canon do have is superior colour rendition (to my eyes). This is why I use a 6d when I could easily have gone back to the D750 or get a D810.

That only matters if you actually use it. e.g. I virtually never use my 5D4 under ISO 800. At which point it is comfortably outperforming a D810 in DR. At base ISO it doesn't but it's immaterial in my photography. In all other aspects of the sensor, Sensitivity etc they are so close as to be meaningless.
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I'd go with nikon if I had to choose between the two. Far better camera bodies and lenses match what canon have
My dad (who got me started in photography) always told me it's the thing in front of the camera and the thing behind that get's the job done. The middle bit is not that important.

This was in film days but it still holds true today. As I said on another thread (I think, it may have been this one) I have wall mounted shots taken on a D70 in the early 2000's.

Are the images suddenly crap because technology has moved on? No.

It's all about the light, the photographer behind the camera with the eye and imagination for an image and the lens (which has to be appropriate for the said image).
That only matters if you actually use it. e.g. I virtually never us my 5D4 under ISO 800. At which point it is comfortably outperforming a D810 in DR. At base ISO it doesn't but it's immaterial in my photography. In all other aspects of the sensor, Sensitivity etc they are so close as to be meaningless.

Sorry Gaz, I was talking about high ISO sensitivity.
I think you have miss read that-Phil says we have one of those (ie increased mp)
Ahh, ok yeah I did misread that (y)
One of the reviews I saw suggested that at higher ISO's the DR is actually better than the Mk1........ I think the problem with reviews is that the reviewers often have some kind of axe to grind. They tend to focus on one issue when there is a whole range to consider, and that's what makes a camera body what it is.

I'm just as guilty as the next man at falling for the headline "issue" and basing my opinions on that. When really it's what you do with the camera that counts........:)
That's why I said base ISO ;)

Canon don't have wide dynamic range. Nikon do. What Canon do have is superior colour rendition (to my eyes). This is why I use a 6d when I could easily have gone back to the D750 or get a D810.
That's a very important factor to consider. I personally prefer Nikon to Canon colours overall, but there's certain times/conditions when I do think Canon are better. Lenses also play a part of course.
I'd go with nikon if I had to choose between the two. Far better camera bodies and lenses match what canon have

I prefer the Canon jotstick, top command dial, rear aperture ring and set button customised to ISO.

A pleasure to use, set exposure and move AF points. Makes a big difference IMO
Their market research and marketing efforts, along with their R&D are keeping them in the top spot.
I bow to your superior knowledge on how much R&D, market research and marketing Canon do. :oops: :$ I have no idea how much any company spends on either. :thinking: I will say as a registered owner of a Canon camera I have never received any market research from them. I have had the odd survey from Nikon. And only from Sony on how good or bad their website is so far, seemingly every time I go onto a new page. :eek: :rolleyes: :LOL:

We are not 'the market', no matter how much we like to think we are.

I think most, if not everyone visiting here is potentially their market, being photographers, especially if they have money to spend and even more particularly if they are Canon owners. ;) :LOL:

but very few people have the same wishlist as Camera forum 'experts'

But you said there was a wishlist that everyone wanting a 6DII wanted! :confused: Or were they not "forum 'experts'". ;)

Regardless of 'wishlists', I would expect a sensor to improve in every way with 5 years of development, clearly some people don't. :confused: And I wouldn't expect a FF camera to have less Dynamic Range at base ISO than a crop sensor camera unless it was built for speed and low light performance. Isn't that one of the reasons people go FF! :confused:

What Canon do have is superior colour rendition (to my eyes).

I try to go for accuracy of colour as much as possible, and attempt to make all my cameras render the same colours with a Colorchecker Passport. I can then manipulate colours or not to make the image how I want. We all do things our own way though. :) One's not right or wrong if it works for the individual. ;)
I prefer the Canon jotstick, top command dial, rear aperture ring and set button customised to ISO.

A pleasure to use, set exposure and move AF points. Makes a big difference IMO
Yep, familiarity with a camera is also very important. The newer Nikon's have joysticks but I don't get on with them tbh.
Yep, familiarity with a camera is also very important. The newer Nikon's have joysticks but I don't get on with them tbh.

I have been wondering about the new Nikon Joysticks since I seen it on the D500.
I was praying they would start putting it on the d7500 onwards but unfortunately they left it out :(
I have been wondering about the new Nikon Joysticks since I seen it on the D500.
I was praying they would start putting it on the d7500 onwards but unfortunately they left it out :(
From what I can tell they're reserving it for the pro/enthusiast level cameras. I'm yet to figure out why the D7500 was released and where it fits in. Whether we'll see a joystick on the D750 replacement time will tell, but it's pretty much guaranteed to be on the D850 looking at leaked images.
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I have been wondering about the new Nikon Joysticks since I seen it on the D500.
I was praying they would start putting it on the d7500 onwards but unfortunately they left it out :(

I'm so used to using the direction pad for moving the focus point that the joystick is pretty much unused on my D500. :( :rolleyes: It takes a bit of time to break the muscle memory. :LOL:
The focus spread is a little disappointing. It was the same with the D600. Very small. Will mean focus and recompose is used more.
I thought people were saying the Mark II has decreased DR, particularly at base?

I think Phil is saying that increased DR over the mk1 wasn't on people's wish list.
Somehow I doubt that. Both the 5d3 and 6d Dr was seriously outdated

Not really a must, it's just wasn't as good as some of their competitors. But it's effective ISO was very, very good and better than most so it didn't really matter that much? More DR is nice but as a 6d owner what I had was more than enough for me.
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I think Phil is saying that increased DR over the mk1 wasn't on people's wish list.

It was certainly on my wish list. In fact it was the only thing that would have made me upgrade.
I'm a landscape photographer so I'm not interested in a better focus system, or a couple of extra fps. A few more MP would be nice but not the be all and end all, but better DR would have been very welcome.

Whilst I'm sure the 6Dmkii will be a great camera for anybody moving into full frame and I'm sure Canon will sell tons of them, unfortunately I won't be upgrading and I'm sure, neither will a lot of mk1 owners.
It was certainly on my wish list. In fact it was the only thing that would have made me upgrade.
I'm a landscape photographer so I'm not interested in a better focus system, or a couple of extra fps. A few more MP would be nice but not the be all and end all, but better DR would have been very welcome.

Whilst I'm sure the 6Dmkii will be a great camera for anybody moving into full frame and I'm sure Canon will sell tons of them, unfortunately I won't be upgrading and I'm sure, neither will a lot of mk1 owners.

I won't be either, but only because I don't feel the need to regardless of the mk2 specs as the mk1 is more than good enough for me.

I'm a landscape photographer too but the DR isn't in any way limiting imo. It's also interesting that it's DR is better than a lot of cameras, but those lesser cameras aren't criticised for having a lower DR?

We are far too spoilt in this day and age.
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I won't be either, but only because I don't feel the need to regardless of the mk2 specs as the mk1 is more than good enough for me.

I'm a landscape photographer too but the DR isn't in any way limiting imo. It's also interesting that it's DR is better than a lot of cameras, but those lesser cameras aren't criticised for having a lower DR?

We are far too spoilt in this day and age.
What lesser cameras? They same price as this? Matter if fact. The 80d has better dr and that's a lesser camera
I won't be either, but only because I don't feel the need to regardless of the mk2 specs as the mk1 is more than good enough for me.

I'm a landscape photographer too but the DR isn't in any way limiting imo.

We are far too spoilt in this day and age.

I agree the DR is certainly not limiting and hence why I said the 6dii will be a great camera, but an improvement in DR would have been greatly welcomed, especially after 5 years and the improvement offers by other manufacturers.
What lesser cameras? They same price as this? Matter if fact. The 80d has better dr and that's a lesser camera

The 80d has better DR on paper but lesser effective ISO. Swings and roundabouts.

But there are plenty of lesser cameras with less DR, my other Canons being some but they don't lack DR in reality and weren't criticised for it.

My Sony RX100 apparently has slightly better DR on paper but I can tell you it doesn't when you press the shutter! The 6d shadow recovery is far better, cleaner and more detailed. But then the 6d effective ISO is about 5 times greater.
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Is anyone seeing a bit of a parallel here with the Mk1 6D? Lots of people referring to its alleged 'spec sheet' and 'lab-test review' shortcomings... but most people that actually bought a Mk1 6D and used it seem to agree that it consistently produced really nice-looking photographs, particularly in low light and high ISO conditions.

So perhaps we ought to wait until the 6D Mk II has established itself in the wild in reasonable numbers, listen to the people that have used it, and look at some 'real-life' type photos taken with it before we pass judgement? In the meantime I'll carry on using my Mk1 6D and enjoying the consistently good results it gives me. :)