I was at Wex yesterday and was told that Canon is drip-releasing bodies rather than trying to meet demand, no obvious reason why, such as supply chain, logistics, transportation etc.

My mother’s in Central America right now, and flying back via the States; I had a look earlier for prices, but they’re basically the same as greys. And also in very limited supply.
It's a marketing ploy - scarcity / FOMO... every release they play this game.
It's a marketing ploy - scarcity / FOMO... every release they play this game.
Sorry but that’s …
Bull excrement

I posted about this the other day. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There’s a defined speed with which they can build cameras, and inflating their supply capacity is a cost they could not recoup.

So they balance supply as best they can with a fairly well defined demand pattern over the life of a product.

If there was a quick and cheap way for them to recoup r&d costs, they’d be all over it.
I'm sure there was an article somewhere in the last week or so about supply problems in the photograph industry. I can't remember where as I just saw the headline and moved on. Maybe that's it. Googling might find it or something along the same lines.
And this is what 'facts' have come down to in 2024. :rolleyes:

The entire business is based around the concept of 'return on investment'. It makes no sense whatsoever for any company to limit supply of a product that they have spent millions developing. And front line shop staff have bluntly no more information than anyone else and shouldn't be speculating to customers.
Totally agree and there's also the possibility that the supply is being restricted to that particular retailer if they're a little slow in paying for stock ?? Senior management aren't likely to tell shop floor staff if there are cash flow issues...unless absolutely forced
Sorry but that’s …
Bull excrement

I posted about this the other day. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. There’s a defined speed with which they can build cameras, and inflating their supply capacity is a cost they could not recoup.

So they balance supply as best they can with a fairly well defined demand pattern over the life of a product.

If there was a quick and cheap way for them to recoup r&d costs, they’d be all over it.
It is a known marketing strategy used to raise interest, create a demand that cannot be met ... no need for the crude way you started that message.
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It certainly revs things up... no need for the way you started that message.
No need to spread unfounded nonsense, I never had much patience for conspiracies when I was young, and now I’ve got old and the internet has given rise to a world of misinformation where it should have allowed the proliferation of knowledge I lack patience around it.

Horses for courses. ;)

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
No need to spread unfounded nonsense, I never had much patience for conspiracies when I was young, and now I’ve got old and the internet has given rise to a world of misinformation where it should have allowed the proliferation of knowledge I lack patience around it.

Horses for courses. ;)

Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
Well, all the people who work in marketing will be delighted that you either don't think that such a thing exists or that Canon are above such a thing. Canon could take a leaf out of the OM / Olympus approach to customers and major firmware upgrades. It's not unfounded nonsense just because you don't think that something doesn't apply. This forum is a supportive and helpful community so maybe dial the negative comments about anything that annoys you.
Well, all the people who work in marketing will be delighted that you either don't think that such a thing exists or that Canon are above such a thing. Canon could take a leaf out of the OM / Olympus approach to customers and major firmware upgrades. It's not unfounded nonsense just because you don't think that something doesn't apply. This forum is a supportive and helpful community so maybe dial the negative comments about anything that annoys you.
I'm happy to be supportive and if you read my posting history you'll find everything from whole series of posts tutoring people into the hobby, right up to me giving away stuff to help newbies and sharing business advice.

That doesn't mean though that I should sit by and watch nonsense being posted and not challenge it in case I hurt someone's feelings. We're only truly supportive if we are sharing worthwhile information surely? If we start disseminating nonsense, then that isn't 'supportive', it's actually destructive.

Marketing is one thing - it's about creating a demand that can be monetised - marketing has no other purpose.

So refusing to monetise a demand on purpose (as people keep alluding to regarding CaNikon sales) isn't 'good marketing', its financial malpractice bordering on financial suicide.

And what the heck has that got to do with OM firmware upgrades :)
scarcity / fomo is a marketing thing - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11747-023-00976-w for some research and https://www.diyphotography.net/fuji...ges-are-a-marketing-ploy-to-keep-prices-high/ recent fuji example - a way to keep marketing, operations and finance happy all at the same time...
Re the first link, I very nearly mentioned diamonds in a much longer version of a reply but decided against muddying the waters, I can't read the whole article without paying, but it's a much more complex picture than controlling supply, you also have to have made a rock solid foundation of that supply and be certain you're not just going to drive your customers to your competitors. There's an almost monopoly in the diamond market which allows this mechanism to work flawlessly. It's also self sustaining in any 'limited edition' product - again, once you're certain that the demand exists and is only for that specific product.

Regarding the second link, the 'conclusion' is a lot of supposition on behalf of the journalist, rather than Fuji openly admitting they were creating demand by undersupplying. Purposely written to obfuscate the quote from opinion. Indeed quoting a 'Rumors' site as the basis for a factual statement isn't hitting anyone's radar as responsible journalism.
I'm happy to be supportive and if you read my posting history you'll find everything from whole series of posts tutoring people into the hobby, right up to me giving away stuff to help newbies and sharing business advice.

That doesn't mean though that I should sit by and watch nonsense being posted and not challenge it in case I hurt someone's feelings. We're only truly supportive if we are sharing worthwhile information surely? If we start disseminating nonsense, then that isn't 'supportive', it's actually destructive.

Marketing is one thing - it's about creating a demand that can be monetised - marketing has no other purpose.

So refusing to monetise a demand on purpose (as people keep alluding to regarding CaNikon sales) isn't 'good marketing', its financial malpractice bordering on financial suicide.

And what the heck has that got to do with OM firmware upgrades :)
The comparison with OM's approach was about the way that Canon treat their customers.

I am aware that you are a veteran on here and contribute very positively. It's part of the reason that I found the references to excrement and nonsense just rude. Feelings do not come it; I was not expecting that kind of approach from you. Are you really saying that using that kind of language is the only way you can emphatically disagree ?
Are you really saying that using that kind of language is the only way you can emphatically disagree ?
That was language tamed for the forum, which doesn't allow me to use the proper phrase.

I can 'disagree' in a thousand different ways, but I wasn't disagreeing with the post, I was calling it what I believe it to be.

If I was 'disagreeing', I might say that someone was mistaken, or that there's other views, or that there was evidence that contradicts, or I would contradict it line by line. But I didn't feel the post merited that, I simply believe it was nonsense that I would describe as I did.

I don't hold with the opinion that using 'bad' words is a sign of a limited vocabulary - I believe the opposite, that words are precious, and that each one of them deserves space to breathe, and sometimes colourful language is the right language.
That was language tamed for the forum, which doesn't allow me to use the proper phrase.

I can 'disagree' in a thousand different ways, but I wasn't disagreeing with the post, I was calling it what I believe it to be.

If I was 'disagreeing', I might say that someone was mistaken, or that there's other views, or that there was evidence that contradicts, or I would contradict it line by line. But I didn't feel the post merited that, I simply believe it was nonsense that I would describe as I did.

I don't hold with the opinion that using 'bad' words is a sign of a limited vocabulary - I believe the opposite, that words are precious, and that each one of them deserves space to breathe, and sometimes colourful language is the right language.
Or it’s just rude. What you believe it to be does not make it fact.
brining it back to canon :) did anyone have any 3rd party EF to Rf converters they can recomend? I asked a few weeks ago but seems to have got overlooked :)
The Viltrox one with the control ring (that is USB firmware upgradable) works ok but also seems to cost as much as the Canon one.
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I'm happy to be supportive and if you read my posting history you'll find everything from whole series of posts tutoring people into the hobby, right up to me giving away stuff to help newbies and sharing business advice.

That doesn't mean though that I should sit by and watch nonsense being posted and not challenge it in case I hurt someone's feelings. We're only truly supportive if we are sharing worthwhile information surely? If we start disseminating nonsense, then that isn't 'supportive', it's actually destructive.

Marketing is one thing - it's about creating a demand that can be monetised - marketing has no other purpose.

So refusing to monetise a demand on purpose (as people keep alluding to regarding CaNikon sales) isn't 'good marketing', its financial malpractice bordering on financial suicide.

And what the heck has that got to do with OM firmware upgrades :)

Nor you for that matter.

Can I suggest that you watch Stephen Fry's excellent interview about what he thinks of people who become 'offended' by something?

No, it doesn't you are right and I managed to do post my remarks without being abrasive to make my point. I will pass on Steven Fry.
No, it doesn't you are right and I managed to do post my remarks without being abrasive to make my point. I will pass on Steven Fry.
im puzzled that you see ‘abrasive’, but I guess tone doesn’t travel well in the written word.

I’ve just got home from watching a superb Man Utd performance! Unfortunately my team were on the wrong side of the 7-0 scoreline.

But I had a great night, and I was reminded of this exchange when I was reminding my son in law that the important thing is to remember to keep a sense of proportion and a sense of humour.
brining it back to canon :) did anyone have any 3rd party EF to Rf converters they can recomend? I asked a few weeks ago but seems to have got overlooked :)

To be honest in my opinion for the price difference you may as well use a Canon one , at least you know it will always work will all your lenses
I got the Canon one at the same time as my R5 and all my old EF lenses work perfectly
To be honest in my opinion for the price difference you may as well use a Canon one , at least you know it will always work will all your lenses
I got the Canon one at the same time as my R5 and all my old EF lenses work perfectly

true but this is one to modify to take a TC allow a RF TC to be used on EF lenses - so i want a test mule first at least
Ahh I see yes
I’m still using EF TCs as well
I recently bought the RF 1.4x one to use with my 100-500 but would like to replace my EF mk2 with that and try it on my EF lenses, so getting a cheap RF/EF converter and "modifying" it to fit is a good option to only carry one TC