Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

Yes, but did they send any Teslas back for test after that?
(And in the grand scheme of things, I think "major" is giving them credit).

I don't know - but after the bad blood I guess not. "major" was said with tongue firmly in cheek
I always thought they were rubbish as cars... :whistle:

Was in Zurich a couple of years ago. I've never seen so many Tessla's parked up in one road...
Three of my friends have one. I'm considering one to replace my Golf R.
Three of my friends have one. I'm considering one to replace my Golf R.

Don't know what they're like to run / drive, but blimey they're ugly!
I simply don't think they're attractive.
I agree not the most attractive car out there if budget was unlimited. However at least it is not a family hatchback yet space to seat seven. 0-60 in less than 4 seconds. And incredibly cheap to run.

When sensibly configured with nice 22" wheels and good colour scheme etc I like it. Looks like a sleeker XF to me with quite a bit of hint of Aston Martin.
It wasn't peugeot though - they took the p*** out the owners
No, they took the mick out of the cars as well. Do you not recall the dramatisation of the wine-fuelled breakfast meeting where they agree to make terrible cars, with, IIRC "le chassis horrible"?
Some are as stylish as the competition IMO.
To be fair that top one doesn't look bad from the outside.
I can't see it going very far though that's only a very short cable :D

Nice to see the red one being blown along though, nice and economical I bet (y)
And it answers the question "what those damned windmills are for "
Tesla have installed 2 charge points at the Sainsbury's we use. Not seen anything plugged in in those spaces. I quite like the look of the thing TBH but not sure I'd splash the cash on one!
What's your idea of a good looking car then?

Why are you getting your knickers in a knot? :LOL:
I've had a quick look (very quick, granted), but it seems they currently only offer the one car...and that looks far too much like an Insignia to ever be consifered "beautiful", (especially that nose!).
Seems they have a smaller car coming out but not for another year...and it looks alot like the Focus but with en even uglier nose.
The sporty little thing you posted isn't too bad, almost mischeivous :), but does look like the result of a quick shag between a Lotus Elise and an MX5 :LOL:
Why are you getting your knickers in a knot? :LOL:
I've had a quick look (very quick, granted), but it seems they currently only offer the one car...and that looks far too much like an Insignia to ever be consifered "beautiful", (especially that nose!).

I think this might be of use for you if you think it looks like the Insignia ;).

Looks more like the Jag or the Maserati.






Now put your knickers back on before they get even more knots in them :p
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I think this might be of use for you if you think it looks like the Insignia ;).

Looks more like the Jag or the Maserati.






Now put your knickers back on before they get even more knots in them :p

I think you're expending far more effort over this than I, no?
I don't like Tesla cars looks. Getting over it might be the option for you to go for :)
I think you're expending far more effort over this than I, no?
I don't like Tesla cars looks. Getting over it might be the option for you to go for :)

I can't, you might end up throwing more knickers at me to knot :p.
The set is dismantled following the end of each series.
The hangar isn't BBC property and is used for other projects.
The set is dismantled following the end of each series.
The hangar isn't BBC property and is used for other projects.

Except it isn't the end of the series.

From the BBC statement:
The BBC must now look to renew Top Gear for 2016. This will be a big challenge and there is no point in pretending otherwise.

I have asked Kim Shillinglaw to look at how best we might take this forward over the coming months. I have also asked her to look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series.

So a few days ago they were going to "look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series" and today the story surfaces that Top Gear set is dismantled and all offices removed from site...

Pretty sure the portacabins disappear from Highclere between series of Downton too. :LOL:

@Dave1 The clue is in the BBC statement.
They're planning for 2016.
The current (incomplete) series (22?)is over.
Whatever they might do will be a new series. (series 23....or 1 depending how you look at it :) )
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Hope the 3 presenters all go to Sky where they get a bigger budget and aren't constrained with the PC BBC agenda.
What constraints are those then, not being able to insult mexicans, indians and lorry drivers?
@Dave1 The clue is in the BBC statement.
They're planning for 2016.
The current (incomplete) series is over.
Whatever they might do will be a new series.

No, the clue is in the line
I have also asked her to look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series.

"Current" would mean the 2015 series, the 2016 series is mentioned separately.
you have to feel sorry for clarkson - if only he'd abused a child instead of a producer, then the BBC might have just covered it up :LOL:
What constraints are those then, not being able to insult mexicans, indians and lorry drivers?
And they obviously weren't that constrained, given those comments made it past the editting suite and out for broadcast.
So a few days ago they were going to "look at how we put out the last programmes in the current series" and today the story surfaces that Top Gear set is dismantled and all offices removed from site...
Maybe they're just going to screen the prerecorded VT as a shorter episode. I guess they were hoping to film the studio segments without Clarkson, but since May and Hammond have thrown their toys out of the pram that's no longer an option.
No, the clue is in the line

"Current" would mean the 2015 series, the 2016 series is mentioned separately.

Fairny nuff, but I think they can probably manage that with what they've already got.
Shooting would normally have just finished for the series anyway, and the hanger isn't theirs for an infinite amount of time.
The short term lease is probably up, and in all likelyhood the next tenants are probably due in. Those places don't earn money when they're standing empty.
Having listened to some of the report and various views today, although I don't agree with violence, I do agree that the situation has been handled very poorly. I find all this talk of work placed bullying to be a huge exaggeration of what actually happened, to put this into context a bit lets look at it simple terms.
  • A group of blokes have had a long day at work with maybe very little rest or refreshment,
  • after work they have gone for a quick drink, which has lead to a couple more (alcohol having a known effect on decision making).
  • They have gone to get something to eat and found the kitchen is shut so only a cold option available.
  • 1 of the group gets a bit agitated with the person responsible for organising food and things escalate from there.
The report doesn't even state what the argument as about.
Ok so put simply as I understand it this is whats happened.
  • An isolated incident where somebody (potentially under the influence) has had a go at somebody for not doing there job.
  • Expletives were used (pretty common place these day). To me this is not work placed bullying, this is somebody directing frustration and should not be judged as such.
Now lets take this further.
  • Said aggressor wakes up having realised he's been a complete cock and tries on numerous occasions to apologise, he also blows the whistle on himself to his employer (even though this happened outside of work), to me this clearly shows remorse.
Now is where it gets silly,
  • the BBC remove the show from air immediately putting it into the public eye and scrutiny,
  • the media frenzy blows things way out of proportion leaving the BBC feeling as though it has only one decision.
What should have happened is this should have been investigated internally and the show remained on TV until a decision had been reached. Allowed an unbiased decision to be formed once everything had been put in context. Should he have been reprimanded, of course (even though this was outside work hours). Should he have been removed from the show, no. Regardless of what people may think of him or the show, it is a large revenue stream for the BBC, not to mention the potential costs that may be incurred by not fulfilling agreements. All at the cost of the license fee payer.

The question as to whether TG can continue, of course it can, however given that the show was in the main about the chemistry between 3 mates p£$%ing about with cars and having a laugh, I doubt if it can continue in the same format, which is part of what has made it so popular around the globe. Their only option is to make it a more serious car show, which is what it was originally, but then it was axed due to nobody watching it.

Hopefully in the meantime Sky will commission a the old format with the 3 mates but under a different name. Can this happen? More than likely, I heard an interview today with somebody from the BBC's media dept, and when he was asked could JC take the show to another channel, he responded clearly, that the NAME could not be used elsewhere, no mention was made to the format.
So, let me summarise this then, its ok to go to the pub have a few bevvies come back under the influence and repeatedy verbally abuse and tw@t my work colleague cos the chef, who got fed up waiting, pi$$ed off home. But thats ok cos next day when I woke up with a hangover I feel a little guilty and sent a couple of texts apologising.

The lengths the apologist for Clarkson will go to amazes me.
The Top Gear Hangar was a permanent feature at the drome, mentioned at every major event held there,
I bet the publicity was worth a fair bit, especially the uuse of the top gear track for driving days;)
you have to feel sorry for clarkson - if only he'd abused a child instead of a producer, then the BBC might have just covered it up :LOL:

That is yet another distasteful totally irrelevant post you have made about child abuse, no I won't RTM it, prefer people to see you for the prat you are
What constraints are those then, not being able to insult mexicans, indians and lorry drivers?

Not everyone is a lefty liberal handwringer trying to be offended by everything. Clarkson and co will do better at a different channel away from people like Danny Cohen.
but does look like the result of a quick shag between a Lotus Elise and an MX5 :LOL:
And the best part of it dribbled ...........
Best not go there Eh? :D
But thats ok cos next day when I woke up with a hangover I feel a little guilty and sent a couple of texts apologising.
Its funny how times have changed, many years ago, a guy I worked with fancied himself as Jack the lad.
I called him an Anchor or something similar, while he was being particularly obnoxious,
he took a swing, I put him on his back.

A third party saw the "fracas" and reported it to management, we were called in to a meeting, and were told "you two were seen fighting"
We looked at each other in amazement, shrugged our shoulders and denied it.
More to the point, I think that jack the lad was embarrassed to admit that he'd been decked by someone nearly twice his age :D

End of story. Nothing they could do.
Things were much simpler then ;)
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That is yet another distasteful totally irrelevant post you have made about child abuse, no I won't RTM it, prefer people to see you for the prat you are

It's a joke that has been doing the rounds on twitter for days.