Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

you have to feel sorry for clarkson - if only he'd abused a child instead of a producer, then the BBC might have just covered it up :LOL:

As said the tweet from Glasgow City Council...

That is yet another distasteful totally irrelevant post you have made about child abuse, no I won't RTM it, prefer people to see you for the prat you are

fine by me- they'll also see you for the humourless idiot you are -its a joke thats been doing the rounds on the internet for a while, if you are too stupid to comprehend what the :LOL: smiley means that's not my problem.

Also for those of us that aren't thicker than a whale sandwich, its a comment on the BBC's double standards in overeacting to something pretty minor, but covering up something higely major - I hadnt realised it would be necessary to explain the subtext :banghead:
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Wow just wow. Is that the official Twitter address? Now that is worth reporting to the Scottish executive.
And the best part of it dribbled ...........
Best not go there Eh? :D

No! Best not!
Now you go to your room and you think about what you've done :LOL: :bat:
Not everyone is a lefty liberal handwringer trying to be offended by everything. Clarkson and co will do better at a different channel away from people like Danny Cohen.
I'm just curious to know what leftie liberal handwringer restrained Clarkson et al. They seemed to be in full insult mode when I last watched and I'm certain it was on the BBC.
It's a joke that has been doing the rounds on twitter for days.
And which is worse?
JC was lambasted for referring to a bridge that wasn't exactly straight, (both on the web and on here)
And reciting a child's nursery rhyme that was in vogue when both he and I were kids.

What's good for the goose and all that?
It's a joke that has been doing the rounds on twitter for days.
fine by me- they'll also see you for the humourless idiot you are -its a joke thats been doing the rounds on the internet for a while, if you are too stupid to comprehend what the :LOL: smiley means that's not my problem.
Also for those of us that aren't thicker than a whale sandwich, its a comment on the BBC's double standards in overeacting to something pretty minor, but covering up something higely major - I hadnt realised it would be necessary to explain the subtext :banghead:

Well I'm glad that you lot find child abuse a joke, there are far more comparisons that could have been made, but hey if you feel the need to follow the in crowd...................
I think the principal issue is

if i go to the pub come back worse for wear have a row and t*** my work colleague and he complains ... then fair enough , take action

but if i go to the pub come back worse for wear and have a minor barnie with a work colleque in which i don't actually t*** him at all, and he doesnt complain about it - then theres nothing to answer (other than why 'I' was drinking in work hours of course... but thats doesnt seem to be at issue here)
The Top Gear Hangar was a permanent feature at the drome, mentioned at every major event held there,
I bet the publicity was worth a fair bit, especially the uuse of the top gear track for driving days;)

Yeah, there was a challenge a few years ago to set a time on the circuit at the end of track days
Well I'm glad that you lot find child abuse a joke, there are far more comparisons that could have been made, but hey if you feel the need to follow the in crowd...................

As I said it hadn't occured to me that people here would be too stupid to get what its about... however for the hard of thinking the joke isn't 'about' child abuse - no one is suggesting that paedophillia is funny (if i'd told the joke that ends 'my isnt that a big word for an 11 year old' you might have a point ) - the joke is about the BBC's reaction to the two compared events - covering up something serious while having a witch hunt over something minor.

The fact that you were too stupid (or too eager to attack me and others) to appreciate that speaks volumes - but hey lets leave it so people can see you for the prat you are
The thing that strikes me(no pun intended) about the Clarkson affair is that there are those that are trying to defend the indefensible..............since when is it alright whether in the workplace or a public place to hit someone before, during or after a verbal tirade without facing the proper authorities and being 'brought to book' as a result.

Yes, the beeb and for that matter the Catholic Church have been exposed as having issues of moral responsibility in the past and perhaps this may have been a case of never again will someone get away with something because they are "a big name". Clarkson has a history of taking things to the bleeding edge if not over the edge of what is decent & moral behaviour to this physical assault is IMO for the BBC the straw that broke the camels back.

Assault can never be an acceptable action by anyone. All the comments in the press and twittersphere that I have heard talked about how he should be forgiven and 'punished' in any other way but dismissal are spurious. To all those that consider it OK, if you did the same in your place of work would you be surprised if you were not faced with immediate dismissal? So why different rules for Clarkson?

Oh, for the record I also like TG but some of the things Clarkson et el get up to and say have on occasion made me cringe ranging from the stupidity to the barely disguised offensiveness.
The lengths the apologist for Clarkson will go to amazes me.
You don't have all facts.
Clarkson hasn't agreed with the report - he's trapped under a heavy sofa and unable to complain.
It wasn't Clarkson. It was his evil twin.
It was all a dream.
The thing that strikes me(no pun intended) about the Clarkson affair is that there are those that are trying to defend the indefensible..............since when is it alright whether in the workplace or a public place to hit someone before, during or after a verbal tirade without facing the proper authorities and being 'brought to book' as a result.

Its not acceptable - end of. BBC took the only easy option open to them, to not renew his contract rather than sack him. I've no doubt part of it is he drops any legal action about being compared to Saville by bbc senior management.
The thing that strikes me(no pun intended) about the Clarkson affair is that there are those that are trying to defend the indefensible..............since when is it alright whether in the workplace or a public place to hit someone before, during or after a verbal tirade without facing the proper authorities and being 'brought to book' as a result.

Yes, the beeb and for that matter the Catholic Church have been exposed as having issues of moral responsibility in the past and perhaps this may have been a case of never again will someone get away with something because they are "a big name". Clarkson has a history of taking things to the bleeding edge if not over the edge of what is decent & moral behaviour to this physical assault is IMO for the BBC the straw that broke the camels back.

Assault can never be an acceptable action by anyone. All the comments in the press and twittersphere that I have heard talked about how he should be forgiven and 'punished' in any other way but dismissal are spurious. To all those that consider it OK, if you did the same in your place of work would you be surprised if you were not faced with immediate dismissal? So why different rules for Clarkson?

Oh, for the record I also like TG but some of the things Clarkson et el get up to and say have on occasion made me cringe ranging from the stupidity to the barely disguised offensiveness.

Did he actually hiit the guy then ? - all the reports i read including the alledged victim on twitter suggested that he didnt, it was described as 'handbags' was it not
Its not acceptable - end of. BBC took the only easy option open to them, to not renew his contract rather than sack him. I've no doubt part of it is he drops any legal action about being compared to Saville by bbc senior management.

Hmm! it could be argued that like the disclaimer at the end of corporate emails, such uncalled for comparison statements like that executive made could be held up as "this is the view of the individual writer and not representative of the views of the Corporation...."

What I also find sad and annoying in equal measure was when the PM publicly supported him before the full(er) details were known........yes they are neighbours & friend(s) but he is PM so more thought before mouth moves please i.e. no different to the Senior exec at the beeb speaking so poorly!
As I said it hadn't occured to me that people here would be too stupid to get what its about... however for the hard of thinking the joke isn't 'about' child abuse - no one is suggesting that paedophillia is funny (if i'd told the joke that ends 'my isnt that a big word for an 11 year old' you might have a point ) - the joke is about the BBC's reaction to the two compared events - covering up something serious while having a witch hunt over something minor.

The fact that you were too stupid (or too eager to attack me and others) to appreciate that speaks volumes - but hey lets leave it so people can see you for the prat you are

I don't do Twitter so to me your came across as a comment from you personally ?
If not finding comments comparing what happened here with Jeremy Clarkson attacking his producer
and child abuse in the least amusing makes me a PRAT then so be it
I'm just curious to know what leftie liberal handwringer restrained Clarkson et al. They seemed to be in full insult mode when I last watched and I'm certain it was on the BBC.

The yoghurt knitters at the BBC have wanted rid of him for a long time. They prefer bland and insipid don't rock the boat, don't offend anyone type of output. It's why there are fewer and fewer shows to watch on it.
I don't generally have much time for clarkson, and to be honest i won't miss top gear - but this does feel like a witch hunt over something minor (assuming reports that he didnt actually hit the producer are true), its also an odd comparable that he makes a racist double entendre and they don't do anything - he has a minor row with a producer and reports it himself and they sack him ?
Yeah, there was a challenge a few years ago to set a time on the circuit at the end of track days

I know I live a few miles from the drome ;)
The yoghurt knitters at the BBC have wanted rid of him for a long time. They prefer bland and insipid don't rock the boat, don't offend anyone type of output. It's why there are fewer and fewer shows to watch on it.
Really? :banghead:

I'm guessing you've not got kids.
Did he actually hiit the guy then ? - all the reports i read including the alledged victim on twitter suggested that he didnt, it was described as 'handbags' was it not

Not sure! as far as I recall the news reports said along the lines of the 3 presenters were in the room with the producer...............the producer was subject to the tirade of insults during which he was struck hard enough to draw blood requiring minor(?) medical attention..............during the fracas someone in the room (May or Hammond???) had to restrain Clarkson. Sorry if I have not kept up but that is as I understand the chain of events. As for Twitter I do not subscribe but how many pinches of salt need to be taking with the storm of conflicting reports.

If, as reported, he verbally abused him that is a minor punishable offence..............on the surmise the assault reports are correct and who at this stage has provably contradicted them then that is another possibly criminal offence!
Did he actually hiit the guy then ?

- all the reports i read including the alledged victim on twitter suggested that he didnt, it was described as 'handbags' was it not
Apparently they were wrong.

(assuming reports that he didnt actually hit the producer are true)
They aren't.

As you've clearly been living under a rock (or a moose) for the past few days, i'll fill you in; ;)

The report concludes that Clarkson attacked Tymon in an attack lasting ~30seconds, before he was restrained. Clarkson then launched into a verbal tirade lasting several minutes, which included threats to sack Tymon.

Now, one might make the claim that the report is only one side of the story, but the report itself claims that all parties have agreed it is correct, and Clarkson has not come out to contradict this.
In other news, the producer has stated he doesn't want to press charges;

Of course, the conspiracy theorists will claim this is all part of his cunning plan to sue Clarkson for damages. A cunning plan that involves winding him up, getting beaten up, not reporting it, denying it took place and then not pressing charges. Clearly an evil genius... ;)
In other news, the producer has stated he doesn't want to press charges;

Of course, the conspiracy theorists will claim this is all part of his cunning plan to sue Clarkson for damages. A cunning plan that involves winding him up, getting beaten up, not reporting it, denying it took place and then not pressing charges. Clearly an evil genius... ;)

Well, victim not pressing charges does not always mean no action taken. It was a criminal offense (assault always is, isn't it?) and the Police are continuing their being seen to not show favour, in this case his fame is against him i.e. if there is indeed a case to answer the Police will possibly not let it drop???
okay i stand corrected according to Oison Tymon Clarkson did hit him (although given that the only injury sustained was a bleeding lip it can't have been much of a punch) - he also says he doesnt want to press charges as he had a good working relationship with clarkson and views this as a regretable one off incident

(if we want to talk about really unacceptable behaviour the fact that tymon is now getting death threats on twitter for disgrunteled fans speaks of a severe loss of proportion - hopefully the police willl kick their arses as 'making threats to kill' is a criminal offence as well )
Yeah I do. What difference does that make?
I really don't understand how people fall into the trap of 'the BBC hates Clarkson'.

They pay him millions, they let him get away with behaviour anyone else would get sacked for, time and time again.

I just wished my employer 'hated me' to that tune.

He makes them fortunes, they love him but are clearly frustrated that he can't behave like a grown up. I'd imagine every parent could understand this relationship.
Now, one might make the claim that the report is only one side of the story, but the report itself claims that all parties have agreed it is correct, and Clarkson has not come out to contradict this.

Given that the only witnesses are may and hammond (and Tymon himself) i'd suspect it is fairly likely to be true - May and Hammond don't have any reason to lie to incriminate Clarkson (unless they are evil geniuses after a bigger cut of the pot when they film TG 2016 of course ;) :LOL: )
okay i stand corrected according to Oison Tymon Clarkson did hit him (although given that the only injury sustained was a bleeding lip it can't have been much of a punch) - he also says he doesnt want to press charges as he had a good working relationship with clarkson and views this as a regretable one off incident

(if we want to talk about really unacceptable behaviour the fact that tymon is now getting death threats on twitter for disgrunteled fans speaks of a severe loss of proportion - hopefully the police willl kick their arses as 'making threats to kill' is a criminal offence as well )

There are documented (in the press FWIW) of Twitter twits digging themselves into such holes so they equally deserve their legal day in court! The growth of social, or should that anti-social media is something no society can be happy with or proud of :(
I don't do Twitter so to me your came across as a comment from you personally ?
If not finding comments comparing what happened here with Jeremy Clarkson attacking his producer
and child abuse in the least amusing makes me a PRAT then so be it

One last time from the top - its not about saying clarkson's attack on his producer is comparable in scale with child abuse - it should be obvious to anyone with a brain cell that they arent remotely comparable in that respect

The comparrison (and thus the joke) is about the BBC's alledged reaction to the two events , that is that when various celibrities (such as Saville) since outed were abusing kids the BBC alledgedly covered it up, but when someone commits the (by comparison) more minor offence of slapping a producer they get imediately outed and fired.

Also a senior BBC manager decided to compare Clarkson to Saville (though he is probably now wishing he hadn't)

Thus the joke highlights the BBC's double standards, and the idiocy of the senior manager in making that comparrisonwhen they way in which they treated the cases at the time of the offence is diametrically opposed (and inversely so to the seriousness of the offence)

Jesus, its hard work in here sometimes :banghead: :banghead:

oh and what makes you a prat is not that you didnt get the joke (that merely showed that you aren't that bright), what makes you look like a prat is calling Waaaaahmbulance in you post attacking me for making it, thus displaying to all and sundry both that you didn't understand it, and that you hadnt stopped to think in your eagerness to attack me personally (yet again)
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Well, victim not pressing charges does not always mean no action taken. It was a criminal offense (assault always is, isn't it?) and the Police are continuing their being seen to not show favour, in this case his fame is against him i.e. if there is indeed a case to answer the Police will possibly not let it drop???

Its highly unlikely they'll pursue it under the cirmunstances.
I mean, yes it seems there was indeed an assault, but a) the victim initially lied and said there wasn't, and b) the person comitting the assault was the one who immediately reported it.
They'd be a laughing stock to continue without the victim's evidence. It would be splashed across tabloids for ridicule at a time when the police reaaally need to be seen directing resources to rather more worthy directions.
@big soft moose No many of us got the "joke", just didn't think it was funny and seriously bad taste. Or in plain English; unnecessary.
One last time from the top - its not about saying clarkson's attack on his producer is comparable in scale with child abuse - it should be obvious to anyone with a brain cell that they arent remotely comparable in that respect

The comparrison (and thus the joke) is about the BBC's alledged reaction to the two events , that is that when various celibrities (such as Saville) since outed were abusing kids the BBC alledgedly covered it up, but when someone commits the (by comparison) more minor offence of slapping a producer they get imediately outed and fired.

Also a senior BBC manager decided to compare Clarkson to Saville (though he is probably now wishing he hadn't)

Thus the joke highlights the BBC's double standards, and the idiocy of the senior manager in making that comparrisonwhen they way in which they treated the cases at the time of the offence is diametrically opposed (and inversely so to the seriousness of the offence)

Jesus, its hard work in here sometimes :banghead: :banghead:

I don't think it's about the disparity in the two situations, or the uneven outcomes, in the sense that you've cited. The Clarkson fracas would probably have been dealt with internally, and quietly, if the BBC wasn't facing allegations of covering up for Savile et al. Rightly or wrongly, they probably decided to deal with this 'by the book' rather than risk criticism for showing leniency towards someone who is big earner for them.
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@big soft moose No many of us got the "joke", just didn't think it was funny and seriously bad taste. Or in plain English; unnecessary.

Which is fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am to mine - I've only got into this with ingrid because she decided to attack me personally about making it. If she said what you did the way you did there'd have been no problem.

I can't deny that its in bad taste (a lot of humour like this is) however i'd take issue with the unecessary - look at how the BBC have treated clarkson over this , then look at how they treated for example savilles alledged offences (while they were actually happening) - Can you (or anyone) really deny a disconect between the seriousness of the offence and the seriousness of the penalty ?

IMO whether someone likes the joke or not its a case of 'many a true word spoken in jest'
It would be a sad day if everyone found the same thing funny or not. :(
Everyone is different, give it a rest.

I chuckled :)