Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

So, let me summarise this then, its ok to go to the pub have a few bevvies come back under the influence and repeatedy verbally abuse and tw@t my work colleague cos the chef, who got fed up waiting, pi$$ed off home. But thats ok cos next day when I woke up with a hangover I feel a little guilty and sent a couple of texts apologising.

The lengths the apologist for Clarkson will go to amazes me.

Jake, whilst I appreciate we all have differing opinions on this, I'm not sure where I stated that what he did was Ok, in fact I agreed that he should have been reprimanded.

The point I was making was that we all know alcohol can have a tendency to alter people's state of mind. I for one have lost count of the number of times I've exchanged harsh words and the occasional punch with my best mate, because after a few Stella's he gets a bit lairy. After 25 years were still best mates though.

I was listening to a woman on the radio yesterday who was asking when men had stopped being men and become such pussies. Ok a few words were exchanged and some form of physical altercation which resulted in a fat lip. Hardly as if he punched him repeatedly. The whole thing was blown out of proportion by the BBC and other media. In my opinion it shouldn't have even been in the public domain.
I was listening to a woman on the radio yesterday who was asking when men had stopped being men and become such pussies.
I heard that too, and found it ironic, that it took a woman, to point out one or two basic facts ;)
Non compete clauses are very very difficult to uphold as you are ultimately denying a person the right to earn a living the best way they know how.

They, and radius clauses, are overturned all the time.

Commonly known as breakers.
And which is worse?
JC was lambasted for referring to a bridge that wasn't exactly straight, (both on the web and on here)
And reciting a child's nursery rhyme that was in vogue when both he and I were kids.

What's good for the goose and all that?

Oh the irony. I was working with some Koreans and Burmese Engineers on a massive test rig that had a 5 degree slope on it, at the time of the PC fracas. Those guys didn't even register anything untoward. But then, they are probably not professional offence takers who seek to be offended, and actively watch out for offence.
Those guys didn't even register anything untoward.
Thats good to hear (y)
TBH, I never even knew it was supposed to be an "offensive" word until it all kicked off on here.

As you have indecated, too many people trying to get offended on someone else's behalf ;)
The complaints to the BBC regarding the slope comment were upheld.

All two of them.
The obscurity of the reference only made it even more pointless. They went out of their way to make a racist comment most of the audience wouldn't pick up on. Why? Was it a private joke they thought they'd get away with?
The obscurity of the reference only made it even more pointless. They went out of their way to make a racist comment most of the audience wouldn't pick up on. Why? Was it a private joke they thought they'd get away with?

I have no idea.
But plenty of people seem to have gone out of their way to express their mock outrage on the internet whilst seemingly "can't be arsed" to make a formal complaint about it where it would matter :)
Given most regulators are apathetic and toothless, a media frenzy is usually more effective than an official complaint!
The complaints to the BBC regarding the slope comment were upheld.

All two of them.
I'm glad the BBC are looking after the minority interests (y)
Given most regulators are apathetic and toothless, a media frenzy is usually more effective than an official complaint!

What did that particular frenzy achieve?
The yoghurt knitters at the BBC have wanted rid of him for a long time. They prefer bland and insipid don't rock the boat, don't offend anyone type of output. It's why there are fewer and fewer shows to watch on it.

Any facts to back that up? Or is it just a reds under the bed rant?
Trouble is people fall into 2 camps - people like me who like TG and him, and those who can't stand him. As a result there is a lot of anti BBC from TG fans, and lots of cheering from his haters. The BBC should certainly have handled it differently and ultimately everyone has lost... the producer has come out looking a bit of an idiot (and a scapegoat), JC is not on the BBC, TG is finished and the BBC have lost millions.

Had to laugh at some of the idiots slagging off JC... he is a racist cos he calls his black dog Didier Drogba (he is a Chelsea fan, and if we had a dog am sure my son would call him Theo Walcott or Danny Welback)... and the best one... "glad that he has gone as his japes around the world in TG cost the taxpayer millions"... really, I though that TG made a profit!
Trouble is people fall into 2 camps - people like me who like TG and him, and those who can't stand him. As a result there is a lot of anti BBC from TG fans, and lots of cheering from his haters. The BBC should certainly have handled it differently and ultimately everyone has lost... the producer has come out looking a bit of an idiot (and a scapegoat), JC is not on the BBC, TG is finished and the BBC have lost millions.

Had to laugh at some of the idiots slagging off JC... he is a racist cos he calls his black dog Didier Drogba (he is a Chelsea fan, and if we had a dog am sure my son would call him Theo Walcott or Danny Welback)... and the best one... "glad that he has gone as his japes around the world in TG cost the taxpayer millions"... really, I though that TG made a profit!
Much more complicated, there are loads of top gear fans who see JC for exactly what he is (bloody idiot), you can see loads of them on this thread.

The JC 'fans' just like to pretend that 'political correctness' and 'leftie BBC' conspiracies are at fault, rather than a bloke that just liked to push his luck who inevitably pushed it too far.

Frankly, there might be lots of 'overly PC arseholes' making crap up like the above, however you can't defend the obvious racism we've all witnessed.
Trouble is people fall into 2 camps - people like me who like TG and him, and those who can't stand him. As a result there is a lot of anti BBC from TG fans, and lots of cheering from his haters. The BBC should certainly have handled it differently and ultimately everyone has lost... the producer has come out looking a bit of an idiot (and a scapegoat), JC is not on the BBC, TG is finished and the BBC have lost millions.

Had to laugh at some of the idiots slagging off JC... he is a racist cos he calls his black dog Didier Drogba (he is a Chelsea fan, and if we had a dog am sure my son would call him Theo Walcott or Danny Welback)... and the best one... "glad that he has gone as his japes around the world in TG cost the taxpayer millions"... really, I though that TG made a profit!

He punched a colleague in the face. He hasn't even been sacked. I know people like you think punching someone in the face and calling all Mexicans lazy is a-ok. But it's really not.
Trouble is people fall into 2 camps - people like me who like TG and him, and those who can't stand him. As a result there is a lot of anti BBC from TG fans, and lots of cheering from his haters. The BBC should certainly have handled it differently and ultimately everyone has lost... the producer has come out looking a bit of an idiot (and a scapegoat), JC is not on the BBC, TG is finished and the BBC have lost millions.

Had to laugh at some of the idiots slagging off JC... he is a racist cos he calls his black dog Didier Drogba (he is a Chelsea fan, and if we had a dog am sure my son would call him Theo Walcott or Danny Welback)... and the best one... "glad that he has gone as his japes around the world in TG cost the taxpayer millions"... really, I though that TG made a profit!

No, they don't. I've never seen Top Gear - we don't have television - and I'm not interested in cars. All I know about Clarkson is what I've read in the newspapers. I have no opinion about him one way or the other, but he assaulted his producer for some puerile reason. The BBC announced that they weren't renewing his contract, and I think that's fair enough.
Which is fair enough - you are entitled to your opinion, just as I am to mine - I've only got into this with ingrid because she decided to attack me personally about making it. If she said what you did the way you did there'd have been no problem.

I can't deny that its in bad taste (a lot of humour like this is) however i'd take issue with the unecessary - look at how the BBC have treated clarkson over this , then look at how they treated for example savilles alledged offences (while they were actually happening) - Can you (or anyone) really deny a disconect between the seriousness of the offence and the seriousness of the penalty ?

IMO whether someone likes the joke or not its a case of 'many a true word spoken in jest'
How has the BBC treated Clarkson over this? In reality they have done zilch, nothing, nada. His contract kept running until it's natural expiry date. They have done nothing.

If anyone thinks physical and verbal assault are acceptable in the workplace then I think we have nothing left to discuss.

I cannot see any parallels between what Saville did, the BBC and basically the rest of the UK didn't do, and what happened here. Other perhaps than that people are still apologising for Clarkson, just like they did for Saville. Perhaps it isn't the BBC perse but society that need to have a good look at themselves.
Frankly, there might be lots of 'overly PC arseholes' making crap up like the above, however you can't defend the obvious racism we've all witnessed.

....That's not racism on TG, it's just language! And furthermore it's just language which is banter. It's only taking the p*** and it's not even faintly angry either.

Some people take everything far too seriously in life. And far too literally. :rolleyes:
You cant decide that words or phrases are racist.. its the intent and the way they are used that is racist .. eg the word black is not racist.. we all use it all the time..
Someone on twitter said its a shame Clarkson didn't abuse a kid as the BBC would have covered that up and we would never have known
He punched a colleague in the face. He hasn't even been sacked. I know people like you think punching someone in the face and calling all Mexicans lazy is a-ok. But it's really not.

What has Richard Hammond got to do with this current issue?
....That's not racism on TG, it's just language! And furthermore it's just language which is banter. It's only taking the p*** and it's not even faintly angry either.

Some people take everything far too seriously in life. And far too literally. :rolleyes:

That's 'opinion', and in my 'opinion' the N word used in any context by a white middle aged well connected bloke is racist. And you might have noticed but I'm not a 'taking life too seriously' kind of bloke.

Just like in some peoples 'opinion' the assault that happened is 'just handbags', it's serious enough for a criminal charge, which in my opinion makes it serious enough for the sack.

You're entitled to your 'opinion' too, but what you wrote above: that's the ridiculous mock outrage that's typical of this debate, I find it immensely funny that the 'Political Correctness gone mad' brigade can't see that 'outrage on behalf of others' isn't exclusive to the lentil knitters.

Just have a proper 'think'. If the BBC wanted to get rid of JC, and have 'clearly been campaigning to' for years; how many serious misdemeanours could they have sacked him for? And how many new contracts have they offered him (you understand they're optional), they've had plenty of opportunity for a soft landing.

If the BBC didn't want him, this conversation wouldn't be happening, they'd have closed TG down years ago. They're more than happy to make 'bad' commercial decisions, if they feel it's the 'right thing to do'. On this occasion he left them with no option.
....That's not racism on TG, it's just language! And furthermore it's just language which is banter. It's only taking the p*** and it's not even faintly angry either.

Some people take everything far too seriously in life. And far too literally. :rolleyes:

Acutely using the N word is racist. Who says so 'the crown' if convicted for using it you're liable to end up with criminal conviction.

That goes beyond banter and taking the p***.
Acutely using the N word is racist. Who says so 'the crown' if convicted for using it you're liable to end up with criminal conviction.

I presume this is a law just for us white folk is it? because those black people on telly say it all the time and get away with it.. I AM ASKING A SERIOUS QUESTION .... Is it the word or the intention? if its just the word then it must be just aimed at white people.. a law that white people cant say certain words but black people can? or is there some special wording that says if its on telly then its ok?
I presume this is a law just for us white folk is it? because those black people on telly say it all the time and get away with it.. I AM ASKING A SERIOUS QUESTION .... Is it the word or the intention? if its just the word then it must be just aimed at white people.. a law that white people cant say certain words but black people can? or is there some special wording that says if its on telly then its ok?

Well, thats for the court to determine. If someone makes a complaint to the police its investigated, offender charged, the CPS support the prosecution then it really is up to the court to determine the outcome.

Do you really hear it all the time on TV ? it was removed in the Dambusters film the other day (Guy Gibsons dog) I suppose you may here it on MTV I understand that rappers use it a lot, but I then again I would rather watch paint dry or listen to white noise.
Do you really hear it all the time on TV ? it was removed in the Dambusters film the other day (Guy Gibsons dog)

Seriously? please tell me thats not true :( that does make me sad because no way on earth could that be seen as racist.. and thats exactly my point... if he where alive would they arrest him? are the TV people saying all black people are stupid.. because you would have to be to think that was racist :(

I suppose you may here it on MTV I understand that rappers use it a lot, but I then again I would rather watch paint dry or listen to white noise.

But its still there.. how can black people be allowed to say it but not white...
I presume this is a law just for us white folk is it? because those black people on telly say it all the time and get away with it.. I AM ASKING A SERIOUS QUESTION .... Is it the word or the intention? if its just the word then it must be just aimed at white people.. a law that white people cant say certain words but black people can? or is there some special wording that says if its on telly then its ok?
The word itself? No.
The intent? That's where it gets complicated. But back to the case in point: a white rich bloke who's whole public persona is to 'look down on minorities', using that word is really out of order, and to suggest it's not racist is ridiculous.
'Banter' is what happens between a group of people: so in the context of that word a group of mates taking the mick out of each other and one of them refers to another as a N*****, that's banter. A group of rich white blokes taking the mick out of strangers? That's not banter that's bullying, and if there's racist comments involved it's racist. It's simple to me, but I'm of average(ish) intelligence.
Or sometimes it just is because people say so. When I came to the UK I just could not understand why the P word was no good. To me it was merely a shortening of where someone came from just like many do with many other geographical areas. But hey some idioms seem to have stolen it and given a different meaning to it. Still find it strange but if that is what the rules are then so be it.
Seriously? please tell me thats not true :( that does make me sad because no way on earth could that be seen as racist.. and thats exactly my point... if he where alive would they arrest him? are the TV people saying all black people are stupid.. because you would have to be to think that was racist :(

For calling his dog 'Nigger' today? Quite possibly, and he'd certainly face the risk of prosecution. In the 1940s, no.
Or sometimes it just is because people say so. When I came to the UK I just could not understand why the P word was no good. To me it was merely a shortening of where someone came from just like many do with many other geographical areas. But hey some idioms seem to have stolen it and given a different meaning to it. Still find it strange but if that is what the rules are then so be it.

The P word has changed its meaning ..... in the 70s there was a charity called the spastic society.... but the word was used by so many people to insult disabled people that finally the word spastic was seen purely as an insult word and the charity ended up changing its name.. simmilar the P word would have started out quite innocent and to the point now where it makes me cringe to hear it used :(
For calling his dog 'Nigger' today? Quite possibly, and he'd certainly face the risk of prosecution. In the 1940s, no.

But any fool can see its a 1940s film and the intent wasnt racist in any way shape or form.. so why delete it from the film now? who is going to be stupid enough to think its a racist calling his dog that to insult black people ?
I ahve seen/heard the N word used in many forms.. mostly as insult.. but a lot as a form of endearment between black people or in jokes... But I have never seen/heard the P word used in anything other than insulting..
Sorry if its already been mentioned but I saw a thing on facebook saying Clarkson May and Hammond are in talks with sky to do Top Speed. It will be the same format as TG. Dunno how true it is but hope it is.
Thank god I've got Dambusters on DVD and it can't be fiddled with....absolutely ridiculous.

And as mentioned in another thread some time ago, my niece / goddaughter has CP and refers to herself as spastic! It's her username in several online communities too.
Hope they don't go to Sky. Don't want to have to give that scumbag Murdoch any money. I thought Sky had already said there is no way they'd have them as Clarkson had used the N word so it was against their equality and diversity policy?
Any facts to back that up? Or is it just a reds under the bed rant?

You might want to read up about Danny " a fixture of the north London metropolitan elite" Cohen. He's been in all the papers for a while now. Denying the BBC and their overtly PC nature would be like denying the Tories are keen on helping fellow toffs or denying the Daily Mail has a problem with EU immigrant benefit cheats.

Michael Beurk said the BBC staff made the Guardian their 'Bible' and political correctness 'their creed'. Peter Sissons left and said in his memoirs ' the BBC was institutionally biased to the Left, politically correct and, during the time he worked for it, rudderless.' It's not exactly some hidden secret.