Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

In another strange twist, Top Gear Live will continue with Clarkson, May and Hammond presenting, but will be debranded.

Jeremy Clarkson is to appear again on stage with Richard Hammond and James May, with whom he presented the BBC's Top Gear.

A deal has been done to fulfil a series of live shows that were planned before the presenter was dropped from the show for hitting a producer.

The gigs will be stripped of all BBC branding and content and will be called Clarkson, Hammond and May Live.
So the BBC cuts off its nose to prove to its detractors that it can stand up against ' violent media *****', but ultimately its the tax payers who are now losing out, with the money still flowing to the presenters.......
BBC Worldwide rolls all it's profits back into the BBC, so the profits made off this tour (of which I am sure there would be) end up back in the BBC kitty.
Clarkson, Hammond and May ! - a rose by any other name.....

The BBC is a joke. JCs return is not unexpected but the BBC can do a U-Turn faster than JC !
Clarkson, Hammond and May ! - a rose by any other name.....

The BBC is a joke. JCs return is not unexpected but the BBC can do a U-Turn faster than JC !

Not to mention, with all the publicity (and fans seeing it as the end of TG tour) it won't be surprising if this isn't a complete sellout and they even end up adding extra dates.

Clarkson, Hammond and May will probably be so badly 'punished' by this whole matter that they end up with an extra 6 figure amount in their bank accounts ;).
Clarkson, Hammond and May ! - a rose by any other name.....

The BBC is a joke. JCs return is not unexpected but the BBC can do a U-Turn faster than JC !
The tour is BBC Worldwide, which is a separate commercial company.
Good news is no news, JC will be resurrected :help:
He wasn't sacked, his contract expired and wasn't renewed - big difference.
Exactly - it was an opportunity to let the situation cool down without anyone burning their bridges. It was conspicuous how much the BBC praised Clarkson in the announcement, and how Clarkson hasn't slagged off the BBC afterwards. We don't know what was said behind closed doors, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was an agreement to make a temporary split to take the heat out the media coverage.

The producer who was part of the TG reformat is staying with the BBC, so JC would have a big task ahead of him to create a new show as successful as TG has been. And given he's not a young man, he might not be arsed. Plus, I doubt he'd want to risk the ridicule of making a ratings flop. Likewise, the BBC know that JC is a big audience draw, and would hate to see him at a competitor. Clarkson back for the 2017 series of TG? It wouldn't surprise me. In the meantime, JC can keep himself busy knocking out a couple more books and do a documentary about Spitfires or something.
Good news is no news, JC will be resurrected :help:
Well he was ( circa) a couple of thousand years ago.
We'll have to wait about a week to find out if history does in fact repeat it self :D
The Top Gear website says a lot (without any words).

Last week


This week


Three very obvious omissions.
The Top Gear website says a lot (without any words).

Last week


This week


Three very obvious omissions.

The BBC are branding a presenter who doesn't actually speak. I think they have really lost the plot now !

They should go the whole hog and put Stig on BBC radio !
The BBC are branding a presenter who doesn't actually speak. I think they have really lost the plot now !

They should go the whole hog and put Stig on BBC radio !
Where does it say that The Stig is a presenter? He's on the masthead because he's totally associated with Top Gear. Surely that can't be too hard to comprehend?
Where does it say that The Stig is a presenter? He's on the masthead because he's totally associated with Top Gear. Surely that can't be too hard to comprehend?

No, It doesn't say anywhere that the Stig is a presenter. That would be silly wouldn't it. He doesn't speak, therefore he's not a presenter!

"Too hard to comprehend ?" my subtle comment really has been completely lost on you hasn't it ! I thought you had a bit more savvy than that to take it literally !

Images don't always convey words. The masthead Is just a sad indictment that the Stig is the last existing member of the TG team and a shadow of its former self.
Umm, the rest of the production team are still there.
Umm, the rest of the production team are still there.

Erm, no not at the moment. They are only there when a series is in production ! The TG set at Dunsfold airfield has been dismantled, the lights turned off and the hanger door padlocked......

There is tumbleweed rolling around Gambon as we speak !
You know what I meant! The production team - including, crucially, the producer responsible for the reformat - are still onboard for next series.
He should have been given the job to Chair the political debate on ITV last night
You know what I meant! The production team - including, crucially, the producer responsible for the reformat - are still onboard for next series.

Means little. You could give one direction the Beatles production team and they would still be s@@t.
Means little. You could give one direction the Beatles production team and they would still be s@@t.
It means a lot. We could put you in to rewrite and reproduce Sgt Pepper and it would be awful.
Means little. You could give one direction the Beatles production team and they would still be s@@t.
Whilst that's true, give The Stones the Beatles production team and they'd still be great - they wouldn't be the Beatles which would upset some Beatles fans, but the Stones would sell to people who hate the Beatles, so 'swings and roundabouts'.

That's the full analogy - I don't understand people who can't think through a problem to the end. There's plenty of revamped telly programs that are as good as or better then the preceding version. Top of the list of successes: Top Gear? Just remember it's not the only one.

There's also plenty of revamped shows that have failed too...

There's also plenty of shows that failed just by moving channels with few other changes... ;)
Not least that top gear itself was revamped several times.
Time to let it go guys! But it'll be fun to try and Guess what Clarkson's, May's and Hammonds new show will be called on which ever platform decides to buy them!

....Jodie Kidd would be excellent - She has good experience of presenting car programmes and is a genuine enthusiast and petrolhead.

Guy Martin is one of my heroes but I can't see him wanting to present a car show. I have no idea who Philip Glenister is or whether he is a performance car enthusiast.

The BBC ought to rename it as no-one can really follow on the Top Gear tradition which the three amigos created. But Auntie Beeb is ludicrous, as we all know.

....Jodie Kidd would be excellent - She has good experience of presenting car programmes and is a genuine enthusiast and petrolhead.

Guy Martin is one of my heroes but I can't see him wanting to present a car show. I have no idea who Philip Glenister is or whether he is a performance car enthusiast.

The BBC ought to rename it as no-one can really follow on the Top Gear tradition which the three amigos created. But Auntie Beeb is ludicrous, as we all know.

Philip Glenister - DCI Gene Hunt. ' Ashes to Ashes'

Hunt: You're nicked for the murder of Delphine Parks, the rape and attempted murder of Nina Akiboa. Anything you say will be taken down, ripped up and shoved down your scrawny little throat until you've choked to death. Gene Hunt chapter 1 verse 2.