Clarkson suspended by the BBC, TG taken off air.

Nigel would be entertaining on a show like that....Ed, no way....Nick should just let his wife take the spotlight and have her do a cookery programme.
Nigel would be entertaining on a show like that....Ed, no way....Nick should just let his wife take the spotlight and have her do a cookery programme.

Actually, farage is ckarkson mk2, can see milli being captain slow who they both gang up on!

Anyway, the proper TG looks like it could be on itv.
So tonight just before spring watch there was an ad on bbc2 for the new Top Gear. And it had Clarkson in the trailer.

Have I missed something?
So tonight just before spring watch there was an ad on bbc2 for the new Top Gear. And it had Clarkson in the trailer.

Have I missed something?

I'm glad it wasn't me dreaming or imagining it!!! I saw it too
I couldn't help but think I was dreaming or it was just a bad mistake. But what if it is real?
Dunno wasnt there, but its worth mentioning that the producer made no complaint to either the BBC or the police so it wasn't for effect or even a future damages claim
Gonna bookmark this for future review ;)
I know where my money would be placed :LOL:

Still waiting on that claim you were so certain of. Are you ready to admit you were totally wrong yet, or are you just going to try and brazen it out?
Still waiting on that claim you were so certain of. Are you ready to admit you were totally wrong yet, or are you just going to try and brazen it out?

Ok what are you wittering about now?
I certainly can't be arsed to go through the whole thread again.
You repeatedly claimed that you were convinced that the producer's (Oisin Tymon IIRC) reaction was a ruse to claim damages, and that he would sue Clarkson. Which is pretty defamatory about his character, I'd say.
I was wondering if, since the passage of time has made your bold assertion look, ahem, misguided, whether you'd like to retract your accusation.
You repeatedly claimed that you were convinced that the producer's (Oisin Tymon IIRC) reaction was a ruse to claim damages, and that he would sue Clarkson. Which is pretty defamatory about his character, I'd say.
I was wondering if, since the passage of time has made your bold assertion look, ahem, misguided, whether you'd like to retract your accusation.

At only 3 months post incident? Not a chance. :)
Ok, let's keep it bookmarked for another 3 months. Sportsman's bet? :woot:
The Times newspaper yesterday said there are two films to be broadcast. They have been put together from the episodes which which were pulled.

The first film is classic cars and the second film is SUVs.
Ok, let's keep it bookmarked for another 3 months. Sportsman's bet? :woot:

He has three years in which to launch a civil suit; you know, when his PTSD kicks in ;)
I had the crazy thought, what if the 3 presenters of Springwatch took over Top Gear? Could you imagine it?

We'd have the most cringeworthy motoring show in the world.
Nah Chris Packham, now he's THE man, he's not a bad photographer too. I just might watch it again. Although they wouldn't be able to go too fast, they'd keep stopping and looking at the wildlife :)
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Nah Chris Packham, now he's THE man. I just might watch it again. Although they wouldn't be able to go too fast, they'd keep stopping and looking at the wildlife :)
If they got Attenborough on board as well, that'd be pretty good.
Quite a different show though!
I had the crazy thought, what if the 3 presenters of Springwatch took over Top Gear? Could you imagine it?

We'd have the most cringeworthy motoring show in the world.

And yes, yes! the fledgling Subaru is just poking its front grill out of the container..
Doesn't say if the other two have been persuaded by a big sack of cash, or are sailing into unchartered waters on the good ship Clarkson.
Chris supported by some gorgeous women would do it for me. Lets make it old skool men and motors. Then again it is still on the bbc isn't it?
Time will tell, but Top Gear just went up a gear in my estimation. :D
Shame, I like Evans but can't see TG being as good, the chemistry of the other 3 was magic. What are they going to do, try to keep the same format or try something new.
I'm hoping they kick the other two into touch as well - new start, new team put all the crap behind them
I think Chris Evans (good Warrington lad by the way) could be good for the show.

If May and Hammond stay with Clarkson and move to another station then it begs the question - Is Chris Evans doing 'Top Gear' or is 'Top Gear' just changing it's name and coming on elsewhere.

Could be two refreshing makeovers for the price of one. Win win.
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To be fair, top gear has done this a few times. I think it could do with being a bit more about cars for a while and less of contrived juvenile pranks.
Chris Evans...decent choice for me.. I like Clarkson .. but if someone has to replace him then yeagh why not.. he's a petrol head and a seasoned presenter.... works for me.... well we will see of course but yeagh worth a shot :)
Hopefully the 3 stooges will carry on their own show.

I find Evans rather annoying sometimes. I can see Jason Plato and either Jodie Kidd or suzi Perry working well. Or maybe all 3 of them. Driven was a hoot when you had Jason and penny Mallory larking about. She'd be another good choice.

80% of most shows is presenter talent. If they don't gel then it's just excruciating.
A good choice for a presenter in my opinion, however it will only work if they change the format. If they try and imitate the Clarkson/Hammond/May format it will fail. It was the chemistry that made it work.
If I was a gambler I'd say the other members of the team will be relatively unknown (like May and Hammond were) so as not to create too many preconceptions (there are enough Chris Evans haters without losing any more potential viewers).

Chris has a lot of 'mates' that'd make the show interesting (see TFI last Friday).
Well that's the end of Top Gear for me. Can't stand Chris, he does my head in.
Whereas Mrs V will be back as a regular viewer (she got sick of JC being a dick)

On a more serious note, we covered this earlier, but the same guy took over the most listened to breakfast show, the one that was so big it was bound to fail when Wogan left, and he made it bigger by a large number. Of course he lost a chunk of audience, but he brought with him a bigger chunk. I can see the same happening here.
Whereas Mrs V will be back as a regular viewer (she got sick of JC being a dick)

On a more serious note, we covered this earlier, but the same guy took over the most listened to breakfast show, the one that was so big it was bound to fail when Wogan left, and he made it bigger by a large number. Of course he lost a chunk of audience, but he brought with him a bigger chunk. I can see the same happening here.

will he be giving up R2 breakfast to host TG though ?