
Been to Chatsworth loads of times, never seen a Kingfisher. Are there certain parts of the river you're more likely to spot one?
They have regular stop-off points, sticks in the water, a low branch, reeds, anywhere they can perch and fish or rest up a bit ... need to check out possible locations and listen out for the "peep-peep" as the blue flash passes by :)


They have regular stop-off points, sticks in the water, a low branch, reeds, anywhere they can perch and fish or rest up a bit ... need to check out possible locations and listen out for the "peep-peep" as the blue flash passes by :)
Thanks, will have to pop down again. Would I be best starting at the Baslow end of the river or the Beeley end?
Beeley end mate that where I saw a few.
Thanks. Been informed this morning by a U3A walker that River Bradford at Youlgreave's a good place too.
Beeley end mate that where I saw a few.
Well they alluded me again today, walked nearly the full length of Chatsworth Park and no sight or sound of one :(
Well they alluded me again today, walked nearly the full length of Chatsworth Park and no sight or sound of one :(

Wildlife photographers don't walk ... they sit and wait!

Wildlife photographers don't walk ... they sit and wait!

I would've done if I found a spot that looked like they might be there, but it didn't look like the best area tbh.
Nice, I've just joined the club, but not got out much yet, I notice you have a strange blue area at the top of your image, what is that?
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You change cameras more often than twist ;)

Was thinking where he was the other day has he come off here to ease his Gas???

Yeah I admit I have but I just needed to try a few systems. But this is final I am staying Nikon now honestly.. Just maybe add a cheap body later down the line if I feel I need to but I am perfectly happy taking any photos with this.. The sigma 18-35 1.8 Art lens is ACE it is damn fantastic..
Nice, I've just joined the club, but not got out much yet, I notice you have a strange blue area at the top of your image, what is that?
Either the Blue Sky or a bit of CA
Gotta say if anyone want to do Landscape with the D500 this Sigma lens is brill I am amaze how sharp it is etc. and being 1.8 through out is a bonus it like 3 prime lens in one..
Anyone bought the D500 as a grey import ?

Wil be buying after xmas and fancy using HDEW....
Was thinking where he was the other day has he come off here to ease his Gas???

Yeah I admit I have but I just needed to try a few systems. But this is final I am staying Nikon now honestly.. Just maybe add a cheap body later down the line if I feel I need to but I am perfectly happy taking any photos with this.. The sigma 18-35 1.8 Art lens is ACE it is damn fantastic..
Heard that before :p
Heard that before :p
Yes you might of mate.. I did like the D750 but I just though a Mirrorless will do me fine but I was wrong. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed my 6 month with it but I just missed the DSLR feel and OVF I must admit also the AF engine of this D500 oh god.
Bought mine from panamoz - paid Monday delivered Friday, best price I could find. All happy. Good comms and service, first time I bought a grey body.

Would be mine as well.

Whats the situation re warranty ?

As I normally buy used, this is a new situation for me.

Basically 3yr shop warranty means if a fault, send to authorised repair centre and they cover any costs, if needs replacing they will. Best reading the link but have a good reputation and one they want to keep. It's really the same as if Nikon warranty but it's you and the shop not Nikon, and 3 years.
How many years warranty comes with uk version
ive used Panamoz many times and their service is superb and they will swap warranty on if you sell the camera/lens.
just ordered a D500 from them and I`m looking forward to using it for low fly aviation.