
About right for the Mk1, the 80-200 was under £300 ... if you don't need VR and a foot it's a steal :)
Just been having a look see if any about around your price ;)
is the VRII worth the extra?
As gramps says, not really for DX users. I believe the V1 has less focus breathing too. AF's apparently not quite as fast, but more than adequate.
As gramps says, not really for DX users. I believe the V1 has less focus breathing too. AF's apparently not quite as fast, but more than adequate.

I do try and get lens that can work on FX too if I can just incase I add a second body ;) calls future proofing ha ha
I do try and get lens that can work on FX too if I can just incase I add a second body ;) calls future proofing ha ha
The VR1 works fine on FX, just vignettes and IIRC is a bit soft at the edges, but it's not generally the type of lens you need edge to edge sharpness (I know there's exceptions ;))

You could always go all out and get the new FL one.
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Another good reason to get a good copy of the 80-200 :D
Hello Everyone.

First of all I know there is already a D500 thread on here, the whole point of this one is to show everyone that the D500 is not just for Wildlife. But Wildlife images are welcome in here along with many others images people capture with their D500.

My Finding of this D500 is amazing, I love everything about this camera and with the correct lens it can take any images as you wishes. The Noise and DR handling is fantastic IMO and the handling of the camera. I love the fact that it got the Pro camera layout. Let hope we get this thread alive with many images of different subject..

I am going to post a few and when I get the correct lens I will post some Zoo images and the like.

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr

by Andrew Rookes, on Flickr
Glad to see you finally found the camera you were looking for. Enjoy it and don't take it the wrong way, but no more questions now in the Fuji thread stick with this one [emoji6]
Glad to see you finally found the camera you were looking for. Enjoy it and don't take it the wrong way, but no more questions period [emoji6]
FTFY ;) :p
Looked at the sigma 50-100 art lens today what a lens. It be a lens to get. It need decide what lens I need first.

These are 3 lens I want to add to my kit

Sigma 50-100 1.8
Sigma 150-600
Nikon 70-200 vrii
Pretty sure some one here loves the tamron 70-200 2.8
Amazing how clean they can get
Yep, does look very clean. However, we don't know the light conditions, and Nik dfine is very good at cleaning up images. I'm not saying it's not good though, it is, it looks pretty flawless.
Out of interest every sample RAW I've seen from the D500 are over 40mb, which seems large for 20mp. Do they not apply Nikon's lossless compressed to RAWs on the D500?
Out of interest every sample RAW I've seen from the D500 are over 40mb, which seems large for 20mp. Do they not apply Nikon's lossless compressed to RAWs on the D500?

Yes we have option to compress which be smaller file and uncompress which is the 40mb [emoji106]
Cool, what sizes is an average file size using 14 bit RAW lossless compressed?

Just had a look for you

Lossless Compressed 14 bits is 24 mb

Can do 12 bits too

Lossless compressed 14 bit
Lossless compressed 12 bit

Those option we have

Can even have L Raw M Raw S Raw
Yep, does look very clean. However, we don't know the light conditions, and Nik dfine is very good at cleaning up images. I'm not saying it's not good though, it is, it looks pretty flawless.
It's your standard kitchen downlights with one bulb blown lol.nikon 18-200VR used which TBH I have a love hate with.i'll personally be interested after a day in Wales on a mountain.
Deleted due to Flickr compressed it too much
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Why is there a second d500 thread now? Seems totally needless IMO. I'm shortlisting this camera as a possible purchase next year and having two threads on the go now seems silly.:grumpy:
Why is there a second d500 thread now? Seems totally needless IMO. I'm shortlisting this camera as a possible purchase next year and having two threads on the go now seems silly.:grumpy:

As the other thread was all about birding.. the whole point of this one is to show everyone what the camera can do as a allrounder.. No one is saying you have to follow this thread the choice is your ...
How was it all about birding? :confused: There have been a range of useful topics discussed and images covering the full gamut of photography. As a potential purchaser, I would be very disappointed if the camera couldn't be "all purpose".

I take your point though ... :exit:
As the other thread was all about birding.. the whole point of this one is to show everyone what the camera can do as a allrounder.. No one is saying you have to follow this thread the choice is your ...
People should know that most cameras are great at everything these days ;) Why not just start adding different pics to the existing thread? :p