Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

here is a pic of mr jones leaving tia and calli in his dust at new brighton beach


calli enjoying a run


tia trotting along


and the tribe back at home
mr jones, tia ,calli and leyla

He's gorgeous, Stuart! Must have been a very sad loss indeed.

The second pic is my favourite. You caught a super expression there.
Great pic of a fine lad! Hopefully, you can give a home to another K9 in time.... it's awful when they leave us but, as you know, they give us soooo much!

Thanks for the kind words, he was truly wonderful. Broke my heart when I lost him and I did not even know I had one, I am normally a very strong person but I was devastated, I doubt I will ever have another, just could not go through that again, I think it was because he was so big, he was a twelve and a half stone gentle giant, almost like having another person sitting with you.
This thread is loaded with great photos, and some stunning looking dogs.
Must upload some myself in the near future - a pair of cheeky Border Terriers.
TP - At this time of year the rescue centres are awash with unwanted dogs - many healthy dogs will end up being put down for lack of a home - somewhere there's a dog sitting in one of the homes, lonely and frightened, who would really benefit from the really excellent loving home you could give him - the dog you lost was smashing, he wouldn't resent you having a new friend....;)

I lost two dogs to ill-health last year, one after another, I too was devastated, but have since given a home to a Staffie and a Jack Russell from local rescue centres, who are now very much part of the family - I'd be just as hurt if I lost them, but it's a price worth paying...

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TP - At this time of year the rescue centres are awash with unwanted dogs - many healthy dogs will end up being put down for lack of a home - somewhere there's a dog sitting in one of the homes, lonely and frightened, who would really benefit from the really excellent loving home you could give him - the dog you lost was smashing, he wouldn't resent you having a new friend....;)

I lost two dogs to ill-health last year, one after another, I too was devastated, but have since given a home to a Staffie and a Jack Russell from local rescue centres, who are now very much part of the family - I'd be just as hurt if I lost them, but it's a price worth paying...

Fab pair and great picture of them. Moreover, I agree with you re giving a rescue dog a new home. I also have 2 rescue dogs (to be honest, they really rescue me rather than the other way around). All told we have had 5 dogs in total - but only ever 2 at a time. Sad losses of 3 dogs have clearly happened over the years - the most recent in Oct 2012. I never see a new dog as a 'replacement' - more as making a new friend. 'Replacement' isn't really possible and invites too much comparison - dogs are as unique and wonderful as people - they all have personalities in their own right. Everyone on this thread knows that......
Thanks for the kind words, he was truly wonderful. Broke my heart when I lost him and I did not even know I had one, I am normally a very strong person but I was devastated, I doubt I will ever have another, just could not go through that again, I think it was because he was so big, he was a twelve and a half stone gentle giant, almost like having another person sitting with you.

I truely understand this - as I have been through this exact thought process myself. However - as you will see from my later post, I managed to get beyond this point, and it was hard. You'll never replace your lovely boy - but given that you had such a good relationship with him must mean you are a true dog-lover. It would be very hard of you - on yourself - not to allow yourself to get close to another dog. We will (nearly) always outlive our K9 friends - and thus cannot be helped... everyone is different of course - but I hope that some day you may feel that the time is right....

For what its worth, I cried more and felt the loss more keenly at the time of death of my first than I did for several relations.... Yep - a dog can really get to your heart and own it....
Just to bump the thread, a couple of my border collie, Biscuit, who sneaked onto the sofa while I was doing something else. As soon as he sees a camera, he's off, so as I had a camera in my hand, I sneaked one or 2 in before he was properly awake.

GHP_2519.jpg by G_H_Photography, on Flickr

GHP_2520.jpg by G_H_Photography, on Flickr

GHP_2522.jpg by G_H_Photography, on Flickr

Nothing special photographically, but taken on a D700, Samyang 85mm f1.4, available light, taken wide open.
That is a bonny shot - great wee eyes.

One of the Big Lad chilling on the way down Hartsop above How with Gavel Pike in the background

I realise Sarah has posted our dogs on here previously but I thought I'd share a photo of them that I took as part of my 52 last year. Being spaniels they don't normally stay this still for long :LOL:

Here's Lela (Springer) and Archie (Working Cocker).

Friendship by Delta Skies, on Flickr