weekly Flyphots 52 for 2021: Week 52 'Showcase'

Both work Jim, I'm going with the Buddha (y)
Both good shots but the sad chimp is really good - poor thing.

Thanks, they are actually really well cared for at Monkey World, I think this one was just bored to be honest (the weather was rubbish and they were all inside their interior pen)
I think the chimp image is a really good interpretation of the theme and wins for me on pure originality.
The sad primate is great - reminds me why I don't like seeing animals in captivity as they always make me feel sorry for them. I realise there is often a good reason for it but I don't like seeing it myself...
The sad primate is great - reminds me why I don't like seeing animals in captivity as they always make me feel sorry for them. I realise there is often a good reason for it but I don't like seeing it myself...

I know what you mean, but at Monkey World they rescue animals so actually do a good job. They have one enclosure with lots of Capuchin monkeys in, that were all rescued from a lab in Peru (I think), they also have an example of the cages these monkey lived in at the lab, now that is disgusting to see, but at least now they have space to roam around and can live a little more 'naturally', even tough in captivity.
Looking down
It's most certainly the first shot for me. It captures real emotion, the emotion seems to be sadness.
Looking down
It's most certainly the first shot for me. It captures real emotion, the emotion seems to be sadness.

Thanks Dominic
I like the monkey shot, good take on the theme and he looks like he needs cheering up.

Week 27 Indigenous

This little lady is certainly indigenous, the 'humble' female House Sparrow (they are currently eating their way through pounds of bird seed in our feeders!!)

Have not seen any garden birds since last year round here, very nice shot Jim.
we have loads of them on our feeders, it's lovely. Thanks for the comment Dave
Nice little Spadger. I have a pair and about half a dozen fledgelings scoffing everything I put out at the moment. :)
Nice little Spadger. I have a pair and about half a dozen fledgelings scoffing everything I put out at the moment. :)

cheers. Yep we have juveniles too, in fact i've just posted a pic in the Birds section of a mother feeding a juvenile.
Nice Jim (y)
I've got quite a lot this year, they seem to be making a bit of a comeback
Good to see.. I hardly get any - blue tits, goldfinches and long tail tits seem to be more prevalent these days. A nicely caught shot.. it has activity about it.
Week 28 - Plants

I spotted a bracken casting this shadow on a small patch of sunlight in a local woodland, and was quite struck by its simplicity and beauty ...

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A good catch. A shot that wasn't going to be around for very long as the sun shoots across the sky too.

Thanks Tim, yes and it was one of those that I only just noticed as I walked by.
Lovely idea... as photographers I think we notice much more detail when out walking. It looks a tad dark on my screen.
Lovely idea... as photographers I think we notice much more detail when out walking. It looks a tad dark on my screen.

Thanks Helen, I think you're right - I tend to pay attention to everything (as far as I can) around me, just in case there's the opportunity for an image.
week 29 'Dominating' + tech HDR (ughh - hate HDR!)

A 3 shot HDR merge (in Affinity Photo) of Budleigh Salterton beach this morning just after sunrise. Image made from a 'dominating' position on the path up to the cliffs (a shoehorn? maybe, but it works for me ;) )

Maybe a bit of a shoe horn (but who am I to moan about that ;) )
I guessed that must have been taken quite early this morning to get zero people on the beach - especially given today is the last day of the heatwave for a bit apparently.
Very HDR, so bang on for the tech.
Maybe a bit of a shoe horn (but who am I to moan about that ;) )
I guessed that must have been taken quite early this morning to get zero people on the beach - especially given today is the last day of the heatwave for a bit apparently.
Very HDR, so bang on for the tech.

Thanks Tim
Definitely a shoehorn but the vantage point works really well and it definitely has the classic HDR effect for the technique part :)
Definitely a shoehorn but the vantage point works really well and it definitely has the classic HDR effect for the technique part :)

It is one of the 'better' HDR that I like and unlike some over-saturated versions that hurt the eyes and need a pair of these :cool:.

Nice scenic view btw.

Thanks Stan - I really DON'T like HDR at all, it just looks to fake/false to me.
Yepm - the horn of shoe is strong in this one. I care not - it's a good pic :)
Same as others when I first looked I thought the dominating link was the sky as it certainly does dominate the image in HDR. Nicely captured.
Same as others when I first looked I thought the dominating link was the sky as it certainly does dominate the image in HDR. Nicely captured.

Thanks Helen