Comp works just right. Maybe a little brighter?
I don't think I've seen one of those types in the 52 before,
rare as Rocking horse ... never mind
Nice idea Jim
Nice idea... I don't think it needs more horses. It made me smile. too
Lego hands, a nice collection you have Jim. Very narrow depth of field, not sure it helps
Didn’t know what these were!! My knowledge of Lego ended around the time the first wheels came out and the light brick you had to connect to a big battery!!
Not a fan of Lego at all a good collection of hands though, DoF already mentioned perhaps not the best BG either
Nice shots...
...and curious -- but have you tried putting some hdr tech on the first pic? bring up a little more fur detail (as it is in the shade)
as for lego hands.. I thought that was neat... DoF, perhaps you can re-shoot and try stacking on it for more in focus (although I haven't managed to get that tech to work yet)...
Nice squiggle pix. All I;d tweak is his face / eye on shot one to bring out a bit more detail / light.
I like the first one, it shows the agility of the squirrel, nice backlight too.
Hands is very original, great idea.
Thank you HelenI love the squirrel shot you've chosen. The oof background colour lifts the composition.
The light is captured nicely on your squirrel shot, But I also like the detail in the second one.
It might seem common, but somehow I completely missed the idea of all the signs and notices for theme ideas and went right off piste.
The contrast between science and religion here also made me smile.
Clean - As Ian says, that's a clever idea counter posing Church & Science
Fur - Torn here. I like the close up of the second shot, but also the suggestion of action in the first one.
Hands - As others have said, perhaps a contender for a stacking shot. Alternatively, no f2.8 as a shot like this can either be lit or be taken on a tripod to allow a long shutter.
Snappers - Chuckle, I love that. I don't think you needed any more horses, there were sufficient to get your point across
Very interesting item with lots of different textures with its overall appeal aided by the light falling on it.
A sight that is noticed far too often with this disposable society, presumably the wearer's think its perfectly acceptable to throw the mask away when it no longer serves a purpose. It works well for the theme with the colour pop just giving that extra edge.
Getting more than one theme connection was good going.
Snappers Choice
I would see that bird and not immediately think of a robin, also expecting the red breasted variety. Nice sharp image with lots of detail in the feathers.
Looking down
The monkey does look depressed and captures the theme perfectly, the eyes and facial expression adding to the overall mood. The buddha works well too and you can envisage it staring down at you.
The bird seed in our feeder doesn't get much attention, its normally the peanuts that regularly need replaced. Well time capture with the sparrow blending well with the seed colours.
Well spotted, it would have been easy to walk by, I think that one thing photography give you is an appreciation of your environment and makes you look at things you might have ordinarily ignored
A really sharp image that has the classic HDR look about it, its the water that gets my attention first.
Snappers Choice
Could have been interesting shot lower down through the legs of the rocking horse capturing the real horse.
An interesting collection, I'm just trying to work out what figure they would come from, especially the gold ones.
Acrobatic squirrel pose captured well, presumably you had to freeze movement of the feeder.
The companies producing all the PPE and liquids necessary for the pandemic must be one sector of the economy that is growing. We have become a bit robot like going through the sequence of using the hand dispensers when entering premises. Its surprising the difference in the liquids too, some are like water and you end up excessively rubbing you hands together to try and absorb it, or you pass the extra to your other half if next to you
It's so obvious that it never even crossed my mind . Nicely composed image with just the right amount of focus.