iPHONE images... post your iPhone/Mobile pics HERE... :-)

Quick try with the AutoStitch app on the Iphone.


Just bought the autostitch app.
Great piece of kit for a phone app.
All taken with my iPhone 4S. Not the best smartphone, but the best camera on a smartphone for sure.






After the spate of Instagram photos I've been sharing lately, here are some taken with the main camera app on the Galaxy S2 and processed in Lightroom 3.6:


Shoreditch Underground

Open the Gate

Offer to the Sun
That F4T HO number plate is great!
Great stuff as always, Garry. I'm interested to know how much edited you do on these shots as the quality always look fantastic considering the camera used!
Great stuff as always, Garry. I'm interested to know how much edited you do on these shots as the quality always look fantastic considering the camera used!

Thanks, Don. With the four most recent ones, I imported them into Lightroom 3.6 and, depending on the photo, increased Clarity, Vibrance, and Contrast a little, applied a little sharpening and, in the case of the Lambo shot, a degree or so of straightening. Also, each of those last four had some vignetting added to bring the viewer's eye to the main part of the subject. This is my standard method of editing no matter which camera I've used. The Open the Gate graffiti shot also had a star effect added between the hands using Topaz Star Effects.

Of course, my Instagram photos go through a different process.
Interesting stuff, Garry. I really like the results you get on both iPhone and "normal" camera shots!
Get ready for a huge upload of images from Andalucia when I get home on sunday!