Critique required Kell's 52 4 24 - WK 42 - LOCAL

Lovely idea getting a bear every Christmas and well done keeping it going for 18 years. As above prefer the edited shot, it’s a good example of how important the editing is, more important than the latest and greatest camera.
Only negative is it reminded me of prince andrew
Week 04 - Water.

Bit of a literal one for me this week. We live fairly close to Marlow, and luckily the rising WATER had receded enough to walk along the Thames path.

First one looking back at Marlow Bridge and All Saints Church

TP52 2024- Week 04 - Water-4373-2 by Kell, on Flickr

Similar spot, but about an hour or so later on my way back.

TP52 2024- Week 04 - Water-4380 by Kell, on Flickr

This fella knows a thing or two about messing about on the water.

TP52 2024- Week 04 - Water-4386 by Kell, on Flickr

But this was my submission as I feel it says WATER without showing it.

TP52 2024- Week 04 - Water-4325 by Kell, on Flickr
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I like the first black and white shot, good choice for the theme, I just hope "Life Line" is in better condition than the box it's in,
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Nice set ! Life Line is an interesting shot with all those textures and rusty decay, I like it a lot and a good choice for the main image. Also a fan of your first mono river scene I have to say.
Thanks both.

I also think the first one is a better ‘shot’ - but my rationale was that I thought a few people may do something similar. So wanted to try something different.
Great collection and submission. I always struggle to try and find something that no one else will do. For me that's part of the challenge. For this week, (I can't believe I'm saying this) I'm hoping to get a really good rain. I want raindrops in a puddle or at least a reflection in a puddle. We'll see
I agree with your choice. Feels like the statue should deliver more drama, but surprising how often a subject is in my mind when I leave the house and then come back with something different because of the failure of the expected subject to work as expected.
A nice series Kell and I like the one you've chosen. Lovely black and white processing on the Marlow riverscape.
Good stuff - I think I;d have chosen No1 :)
Good set, think I prefer the first shot-good reflections as well but good to get something different.
I love your chosen shot - as you say, it says the theme, without actually saying it. Lovely decay!

Thanks Paul.

Great collection and submission. I always struggle to try and find something that no one else will do. For me that's part of the challenge. For this week, (I can't believe I'm saying this) I'm hoping to get a really good rain. I want raindrops in a puddle or at least a reflection in a puddle. We'll see

The problem with second guessing and trying to be different is that sometimes no one takes the obvious shot as we're all trying to second guess each other...

I agree with your choice. Feels like the statue should deliver more drama, but surprising how often a subject is in my mind when I leave the house and then come back with something different because of the failure of the expected subject to work as expected.

Yeah - I've tried a few times to get something out of that statue, but never really managed it.

A nice series Kell and I like the one you've chosen. Lovely black and white processing on the Marlow riverscape.

Thanks you, I was really pleased with how that came out. Hopefully in a week or so, I'll have some film shot to compare it to.

Good stuff - I think I;d have chosen No1 :)

Thanks Dave. I did like it, just didn't want to do 'another river shot'

Good set, think I prefer the first shot-good reflections as well but good to get something different.

Thank you Keith
Soft: a great collection. I like the way you edited the alternative.
Water: Your chosen shot is great and the mono conversion makes you focus on the reflections. Nice one.
Week 05 - Snappers Choice.

Bit different from me this week as I've just blown the dust off my film camera (with a view to taking it on a city break in a couple of months).

Long story short - a friend of mine was given a film camera by his neighbour, he didn't want it so I said I'll have it. Came with three lenses (50mm prime, 35-70 zoom and a 70-210 zoom).

Tried it, liked the process, but the zoom lenses were junk (fungus/oil on the internal elements).

However, it prompted me to dig my old camera out, and then get a bit of GAS and find some new lenses for it on eBay.

Ran a couple of rolls through to test them both, and got these back:

Not in order, but all shot on Ilford XP2 B&W 400 ASA.

One camera is the Pentax P30 (the freebie one) and the other is my old Minolta X-500.

R1-01830-010A by Kell, on Flickr

Pentax P30 + XP2 by Kell, on Flickr

Open all hours by Kell, on Flickr

It was a toss up for me between these two, but in the end I went with Tally Ho!

Nighthawks 2024 by Kell, on Flickr

Tally Ho! by Kell, on Flickr
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Nice set. I think you can tell that it's shot on B&W film, just feels different and better.
Good set, like the one you chose but think I prefer the cocoa treats shot
I was wondering what processing you'd done to make this look like film, but you cheated by actually using film!

I like Tally Ho, maybe the most dramatic photo ever taken of a nightbus where someone wasn't getting stabbed. I was about to say the cafe shot reminds me of the Edward Hopper painting, but then I noticed you already called it Nighthawks. I love it.
A lovely set Kell and the visible grain really suits the subject. I think the cafe shot is my favourite.
Thanks all - I was also torn between the cafe and the bus, but in the end, I thought I preferred the bus as, to me, it looks like it couldn’t have been taken on anything but film.

Whereas I feel like I could have got close to the cafe in post on digital.

It’s been an interesting process (pardon the pun) and I cannot help myself from chimping at the back of the camera looking for an LCD screen that isn’t there.
Hi Kell,

Water: Interesting choice with plenty of texture and well taken. I think I would have gone with the B&W Marlow shot, but perhaps that's because I do like B&W images.
Snappers: well that played into my liking for B&W, especially high contrast ones. I like your choice of the bus as it has both an action feel and also human interest with the solitary passenger on the top deck.
Week 06 - Neat and TIdy.

Recently dug my old film camera out and, because I bought an extra couple of lenses for it, needed to get a bag to keep everything NEAT AND TIDY.

Just for ref - it's made from three shots focus stacked in Photoshop. One shot focused on the Minolta logo'd lens cap, one on the MD Zoom, and one on the 28mm and the lens barrel.

Shot at f/8, so probably overkill for that, but not everything was in focus on the first shot I took.

TP52 2024 Week 06 - neat AND tidy. by Kell, on Flickr
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Very tidy and agree with Alan's remark about the 28mm.

Curious about the raised bit with SIMO on- assume its a lens cap but wondering why its got the raised bit.
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Nice take on the theme. Yeah defo overkill but it worked out :)
Two rules for camera equipment...
1 Never chuck anything away
2 Keep it neat and tidy. (And clean I guess)
Works both ways!
Nice one Kell - that's worked out well. Love the ergonomics on that 28mm lens

Very tidy and agree with Alan's remark about the 28mm.

Just out of interest, what is it about that lens that you like?

I don't dislike it, but my other Minolta lenses are all MDIII versions whereas this one is an MDII. so to me it sticks out a bit.

Green numerals instead the orange numbers of the later ones. And the lens focal length on the right instead of the left.

This is the MDIII version of the same lens (28mm f/2.8).

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Thought the green numerals looked better and the grip/width of the focus ring
Snappers: A great set of shots.. I'm with you on the choice... rather like the movement and lighting on the lorry shot to.
Neat and tidy: Very well organised. Kit that looks well-loved and used.