Critique required Kell's 52 4 24 - WK 42 - LOCAL

I'm still waiting for some film to be developed to get my "Filthy" shot, so in the meantime here's this week's WHOLE

Week 08 WHOLE

Just missing (at least) one lens to make this set of Minolta primes WHOLE.

Looking to fill that gap with an 85mm f/2 or f/1.7, but might have to wait a bit till the right one comes along.

Ideally, they'd all be one release date, but beggars can't be choosers. The two with the green numerals are Minolta MDII (1978-9) and the two with the orange numerals are MDIII (1981>)

@nog and @SimonH - seeing them here, I'm now leaning towards your preference for the MKII lenses.

On the wide end, I also wouldn't mind a 24mm f/2.8.

I'd also like to upgrade them all to the fastest possible glass in each focal length - the 35mm is already an f/1.8 which was the fastest they did.

I do have another 50mm which is an f/1.4 (but it's not as nice as this 1.7 cosmetically). There's also a 1.2 (but that's mega money).

My 28mm is a f/2.8, but there is an f/2

The 135mm is an f/3.5, they also did an f/2.8 and an f/2 version. This would be the last one to get upgraded as it's not a focal length I use that much.

Composited from four individual shots.

TP52 2024 Week 08 (ALMOST) WHOLE by Kell, on Flickr
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Filling the hole to make a whole. Good idea and ticking boxes. Like scissors which join to divide (Alexander Pope). Anyways, er ... photography.....

4 shots? Beyond me, guess there must be a reason. Could you enlighten?
Nice crisp and clear shot. I enjoy using primes... usually time to zoom with the feet but with that collection not as necessary..
Filling the hole to make a whole. Good idea and ticking boxes. Like scissors which join to divide (Alexander Pope). Anyways, er ... photography.....

4 shots? Beyond me, guess there must be a reason. Could you enlighten?


Each lens was taken as a separate shot as I don't really have anything 'proper' set up to do tabletop.

So I have them set up with two cardboard boxes, supporting a light tablet directly above.

This is quite a blue light, but as it's not enclosed, there's some orangey light-bulb light leaking in from the back.

So each one was cut out, then I created a new background and spaced them all out evenly, ensuring that if I had the 85mm, it would fit in the gap perfectly.

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Thanks for the explanation. Helpful. Might get some lighting sorted out at some pont.

The tablet that I'm using isn't (I don't think) designed for photography. I bought it as a way to light through paper in order to trace and draw images.

This is the one I bought....

Ah, your explanation makes perfect sense, I may have to rob that technique for one of my pictures this year.
Week 07 - Filthy

Over the past decade or so they've upgraded the entire station at High Wycombe. New footbridge, new multi-storey car park, new platform.

But they've kep the same roof above platform 3 and it's FILTHY.

Handheld with a Minolta X-500 + Minolta MDIII 50mm f/1.4 + Kodax Tri-X

2024TP52: WK 07 Filthy by Kell, on Flickr
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I like it, but wonder if it would have worked in sepia tones to bring out more of the filth character? I sort of expect railway stations to always have a tinge of brown from the train dust/dirt
I really like this Kell. The use of a largish aperture and low POV leads the eye to the grubby roof. Nicely processed too.
Another +1 for Filty Kell. Very atmospheric. Nice focus on the platform number. Regarding the sepia comments, it might work, but I think mono does it justice. That Minolta looks to be working well.
I like that - nicely composed and suitably gritty :)
Skipping week 09 for the moment until I get some film developed.

Week 10 - Texture.

Many, many years ago when I used to smoke, my cigarettes of choice were Lucky Strike. Part of an on-pack promotion had this Lucky Strike Lighter.

I always liked the knurled TEXTURE.

Shot with my Canon 5D and a Minolta 24mm manual lens mounted via an adapter.

TP522024 week 10 TEXTURE-4608 by Kell, on Flickr

TP522024 week 10 TEXTURE-4595 by Kell, on Flickr
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Lovely texture there Kell - and a great choice of mono :)
Great lighter... that's about the only thing I miss about smoking, you could get some really cool lighters. The fingers have an almost metallic look which enhances a lovely shot.
I'm still waiting for some film to be developed to get my "Filthy" shot, so in the meantime here's this week's WHOLE

Week 08 WHOLE

Just missing (at least) one lens to make this set of Minolta primes WHOLE.

Looking to fill that gap with an 85mm f/2 or f/1.7, but might have to wait a bit till the right one comes along.

Ideally, they'd all be one release date, but beggars can't be choosers. The two with the green numerals are Minolta MDII (1978-9) and the two with the orange numerals are MDIII (1981>)

@nog and @SimonH - seeing them here, I'm now leaning towards your preference for the MKII lenses.

On the wide end, I also wouldn't mind a 24mm f/2.8.

I'd also like to upgrade them all to the fastest possible glass in each focal length - the 35mm is already an f/1.8 which was the fastest they did.

I do have another 50mm which is an f/1.4 (but it's not as nice as this 1.7 cosmetically). There's also a 1.2 (but that's mega money).

My 28mm is a f/2.8, but there is an f/2

The 135mm is an f/3.5, they also did an f/2.8 and an f/2 version. This would be the last one to get upgraded as it's not a focal length I use that much.

Composited from four individual shots.

TP52 2024 Week 08 (ALMOST) WHOLE by Kell, on Flickr

I've still not filled the hole in WHOLE, but this is the whole Minolta collection. So far...

Lens Line up copy by Kell, on Flickr
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Week 09- HIdden

I took this one first as I walk past a few of these by (presumably) the same Graffiti artist.

Most of them feature this PPE clad DR and I can only assume by the HIDDEN meaning, that whoever drew them was an Anti-Vaxxer.

Hidden Meaning - Minolta X500 plus Ilford XP2

Hidden Meaning by Kell, on Flickr

I've walked past this sore none-stature for a while but never really paused to read it. But essentially, whatever was there has been HIDDEN away to keep it safe.

Hidden away - Minolta X500 plus Ilford XP2
Hidden Away by Kell, on Flickr

(Close up)

Minolta-53 by Kell, on Flickr

But this is my submission. HIDDEN (Almost) out of sight.

Out of Sight by Kell, on Flickr
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Week 11 - Personal(ised)

I reckon I'm easy to buy pressies for - just get me something to do with cameras. But recently, I couldn't think of anything else I needed. Until I started re-using my film camera.

The original strap was a Minolta branded strap, but my wife got me something more suited to a vintage camera and had it PERSONALISED.

TP52WK11 - Personal by Kell, on Flickr
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Week 12 - Shadows and Silhouettes

Minolta X-500 + 28-85mm + Ilford XP2

I had thought I'd captured this lone surfer coming out the water just as the sun was going down with more of their board obviously showing. But it's not to be.

Lone surfer by Kell, on Flickr
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Nice one Kell. I think I would have cropped half the black foreground out.
Yep - nailed it :)
A beauty and spot on for the theme, as above though cropping some of the dark foreground out would be an improvement, personally I think a letter box crop would work well.
Beautiful shot there, improved with slightly less black in the foreground.

A beauty and spot on for the theme, as above though cropping some of the dark foreground out would be an improvement, personally I think a letter box crop would work well.

Thanks both.
Nice one Kell. I think I would have cropped half the black foreground out.

I amended the original pic in flickr, so now that version has updated.

Just FYI.

Wasn't really thinking about how it would affect this thread....