Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

Hi Michael, sorry to hear you've been under the weather.

Two excellent images for "bright". Both spot on for the theme.

The viola shot is just lovely. The detail in the lower petals is very good. I tried something like this for "bright" but yours is much better executed. As you say it would have been better to have the upper petal less bright, but you've still done really well.

The shot of the sun is just stunning. Very good capture of sunspot. And thanks for the interesting link.

Very nice images for bright. I particularly like the first image. For me that one has good composition, sharp focus & good detail with good DOF. As said, the flowers in the background are a slight distraction but they don't take away anything from the main subject. Your second image is a very nice capture and again spot on theme.
Hiya Michael,

Your viola shot is absolutely beautiful :clap: The background colours are slightly distracting, although add to the bright theme too.

The second photo is fantastic .... well done on getting the sunspots. What equipment do you use for this sort of photography? Do you mount your camera to a telescope?

You have done well on both counts this week.


Dawn :)
Hi peeps, glad my latest photos are to your liking. (y)

Dawn, the equipment used is the following

Meade Lxd55 8"sct astronomical telescope
Full aperture solar filter to allow visual and photographic use.
I used my new Panasonic Fs10 compact camera, held upto the eyepiece and giving some very serious magnification! I would normally use a digiscoping mount, but I cant find it.

I also boosted the saturation in pp to bring back/in the orange colour, the filter I use gives a very bland and pale image. It's awesome to view the sun through the scope, these are my first real sunspots that I have viewed, usually only seeing the odd one, but this group is something.
Hi peeps, glad my latest photos are to your liking. (y)

Dawn, the equipment used is the following

Meade Lxd55 8"sct astronomical telescope
Full aperture solar filter to allow visual and photographic use.
I used my new Panasonic Fs10 compact camera, held upto the eyepiece and giving some very serious magnification! I would normally use a digiscoping mount, but I cant find it.

I also boosted the saturation in pp to bring back/in the orange colour, the filter I use gives a very bland and pale image. It's awesome to view the sun through the scope, these are my first real sunspots that I have viewed, usually only seeing the odd one, but this group is something.

Hiya Michael,

Thanks for the info on equipment you use. I have a Celestron scope which I keep meaning to get a T attachment to connect my camera to so I can get some astro shots. I was going to buy the connector earlier in the year but never got round to it ... must make a plan to get one soon though. Also would need to get the correct filters etc for viewing the sun.

Well done and I look forward to seeing more of your astro shots.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, i brought my solar filter from here I think it was an orion one, cost me about £100, it was the only one they had left, about 3 days before the venus transit a few years ago. I really want to get some night sky stuff done with it! If you have a look at wildaboutbritain there is some great pics from one of the members on there.
I have never used my 30d on my astro scope, just my compacts.
Hiya Dawn, i brought my solar filter from here I think it was an orion one, cost me about £100, it was the only one they had left, about 3 days before the venus transit a few years ago. I really want to get some night sky stuff done with it! If you have a look at wildaboutbritain there is some great pics from one of the members on there.
I have never used my 30d on my astro scope, just my compacts.

Hiya Michael

Thanks for the links, will check them out. I haven't been on wildaboutbritain in ages, seem to spend most of my time here or on Flickr now :LOL:

Just looked outside and tonight would be great for some star trails as the sky is clear, but I'm so tired ... I need to hit the pit. Hopefully this weekend I can try more star trails again.


Dawn :)
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Well this theme certainly has me stumped for fresh and new ideas! If I can think of one, I shall post it up! Anyway decided to take a look in my pictures from the Isles Of Scilly, I was looking for a Lifeboat image, but couldn't find the one I was looking for, as I was going through the pics, this one stood out! But this is the end result of playing around in photoscape, the origional was, well rubbish! So with the aforementioned tweaks I give you Peninnis Lighthouse on St Mary's, Isles Of Scilly. Or rather a Rescuers Aid

Week 25, Rescue by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Maybe a marmite image, but lets see :D I like it (y)
Sun spots, yyyeeeaaahhh, right...it's a blooming egg...:D

I don't think us mere mortals should be able to photograph the sun...:puke:

I gotta agree that the halo really distracts. I don't feel a sunset would add anything to the photograph, apart from, of course, a sun!

There's a serenity to the photograph. I'd like to see a crisper photograph, the light bits (lower right) and a tad more room at the top of the lighthouse.

....and I don't like Marmite.....
Hi evryone, many thanks for your replies. With the halo effect, I was trying to add in a glow to mimic the light at night time.
I wasn't sure how it would go down, but thanks for pointing out the areas where you think I could improve it. So have had another play and now I have 2 versions I like (y)

Week 25, Rescue 2 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Hope you like (y)
Right, been having another play! Those horizons bug me! I was sure it was straight... Have been having a play in capture 1 6 software courtesy of this thread Basically I have been playing around with the highlight and shadow, brightness and contrast, well something like that anyway, I cant remember :LOL: I have done another 2 takes, the first one was done last night, don't tell anyone but I fell to sleep on my laptop after uploading it! :naughty::bonk: and the 2nd one this morning. I really appreciate your comments and critique, and I have enjoyed this little exercise, getting to know the pp side a little better. (y)

Rescue3 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 25, Rescue4 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Oh and its the new theme tomorrow, I didn't realise what day we were on! :banana:

I hadn't spotted the horizon in your previous shots, I guess I was blinded by the halo!

#4 is now my fav, but I am also liking the detail you've pulled out in the buildings of #3, rather than being a full silhouette. Or is #3 my fav :thinking:

They still has a halo, but it's nowhere near as distracting as the first.
You've lost the brightness in the sea on the right which makes the shot better balanced. How did you do it?

I like this 52 project as it gets you thinking about improvements people suggest that you don't always see yourself. I just wish I had the time to act on them!
Hiya Michael,

Now I have to say .... I like your first photo that you posted for rescue (with a bit of a rescue in post processing I think it looks good). Hope you don't mind but I did a bit of an edit.

Michael_filtered by crystal_singer (drodd), on Flickr[/IMG]

I ran it through Noiseware Community Edition to reduce some of the grainy noise, especially noticeable in the sky. Did a slight straighten and crop, applied a slight gradient filter in Picasa 3 and also did a bit of a clone of the sea on the right to reduce some of the brighter spots, and also removed the white flecks below the building.

I like the halo effect, which gives the impression of the bright light radiating from the lighthouse and creating the shimmer on the water.

It's a pity there isn't a bit more space above the top of the lighthouse, but heyho.

Out of the other photos you posted I like #3 for the detail of the lighthouse.

Otherwise I think you have done well finding a photo for this weeks theme which seems quite a challenge for most.

Roll on the weekend when we can move onto a new challenge :D


Dawn :)
Hi Michael

love the idea for Rescue & for me Rescue 4 is the better version , the slight vignette either side at the top gives me the impression that the sun is hiding behind the light house . Nice work & good to several versions with different processing....wonder what the color version would look like ??:LOL:
Rescue 3 is my preferred option; it isn't fighting my eyes now (y)

I still haven't found any inspiration for this week and you are bragging :(

Hi Tina, thanks for your comment, I'm sure you will get some inspiration, it has been a really tough theme, I havn't been able to think of a fresh idea at all.


I hadn't spotted the horizon in your previous shots, I guess I was blinded by the halo!

#4 is now my fav, but I am also liking the detail you've pulled out in the buildings of #3, rather than being a full silhouette. Or is #3 my fav :thinking:

They still has a halo, but it's nowhere near as distracting as the first.
You've lost the brightness in the sea on the right which makes the shot better balanced. How did you do it?

I like this 52 project as it gets you thinking about improvements people suggest that you don't always see yourself. I just wish I had the time to act on them!

Hi Mark, I am liking 3 and 4 the most now, i appreciate your comments about the halo, it's a marmite thing. :D Now with regards the brightness, I am trying to remember what I did, I am pretty sure it was the exposure adjustment tool in capture 6, underexposing it a little, then I brightened the image and altered highlight and shadows to prevent the bright areas coming back.

Hiya Michael,

Now I have to say .... I like your first photo that you posted for rescue (with a bit of a rescue in post processing I think it looks good). Hope you don't mind but I did a bit of an edit.

Michael_filtered by crystal_singer (drodd), on Flickr[/IMG]

I ran it through Noiseware Community Edition to reduce some of the grainy noise, especially noticeable in the sky. Did a slight straighten and crop, applied a slight gradient filter in Picasa 3 and also did a bit of a clone of the sea on the right to reduce some of the brighter spots, and also removed the white flecks below the building.

I like the halo effect, which gives the impression of the bright light radiating from the lighthouse and creating the shimmer on the water.

It's a pity there isn't a bit more space above the top of the lighthouse, but heyho.

Out of the other photos you posted I like #3 for the detail of the lighthouse.

Otherwise I think you have done well finding a photo for this weeks theme which seems quite a challenge for most.

Roll on the weekend when we can move onto a new challenge :D


Dawn :)

Hi Dawn, thank you very much for your comments, and for taking the time to do an edit, which I like very much (y) There's quite an impact created by the crop. I looked at the exif and I found it was taken with a 4mp fuji 5500 bridge camera! So I am quite pleased with the outcome.

Is the noiseware programme a stand alone or plugin?
Hi Michael

love the idea for Rescue & for me Rescue 4 is the better version , the slight vignette either side at the top gives me the impression that the sun is hiding behind the light house . Nice work & good to several versions with different processing....wonder what the color version would look like ??:LOL:

Hi Lynne, missed your post, I kept being sidetracked :LOL:

Well, here it is the origional

4359 by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hi Dawn, thank you very much for your comments, and for taking the time to do an edit, which I like very much (y) There's quite an impact created by the crop. I looked at the exif and I found it was taken with a 4mp fuji 5500 bridge camera! So I am quite pleased with the outcome.

Is the noiseware programme a stand alone or plugin?

Hiya Michael,

Well then ... considering the camera you used for the shot I think you have done great and I really like the photo.

The noiseware programme is a standalone free download which you can find here: http://www.imagenomic.com/download.aspx scroll down the list and you will find the Noiseware Community Edition Standalone 2.6 at the bottom of the list. I find it very easy to use. Hope it helps. I used it on my rescue shot to reduce some of the noise.


Dawn :)
Love the rescue shot looks like it could go on cover of a mag
The halo looks good I think and also like the darker one
Hi mate.

I actually like your Rescue image... you certainly have worked the PP well to create a good image out a fairly mediocre picture. Not my cup of tea as prefer to get it right in the camera but each to their own!

My biggest criticism is it does not say rescue to me... It says light or safe or refuge etc...but not rescue!

Good work though... another week down!

Hi Mark, thanks for your comment, with this being so far back, I can't remember my reasons for taking them like that, and as I have 2 pics of the same scene from 2 different cameras on the same day, I can only assume I was doing some sort of comparison. I understand what you mean, it is a little distant from rescue, but does certainly help in one and plays a big part, which was what I was going for with this. I have found a few pics of the air ambulance which I will pop up in a bit, ran out of time to upload now.

So rescue take 2 and sensual to follow later on.
Hi again everyone, as I was going through all my pics, I have actually found what I was first looking for. We were at our regular reservoir and heard some commotion, and saw everyone being moved to the side, and then the air ambulance appeared, so snapped some pics on my phone, back then a nokia n85. They had come to airlift a teenager who had fallen from a tall climbing wall, the outcome was fine and everything ok.

Week 25, Rescue, Take 2 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Now onto week 26, what a tough week this has been, and kind of frustrating at the same time too. Now, I have always wanted to do glamour style photography, and I had ideas in my head of what I wanted to acheive. But this was to difficult with having too little space to work with and no decent lighting or backgrounds.

So for this photo, I used a bed sheet pinned up against my patio door, to rid the scene of my garden and other stuff in the background. This also softened the natural light. I also dug out my old canon flash gun from my manual gear and used this. I managed to sync at 1/320 @ f11 and the light bounced off a wall. I used my 18-55.

Week 26, Sensual by scilly puffin, on Flickr

I have to say I am very pleased with the outcome of this, and I must say that this photo would not have been here if my wife hadn't agreed, so to Jennie, I am very grateful indeed.
Hi, Michael, well done with your rescue. I quite like the composition of 3 small and 2 larger.

I'd like to have seen a better sky in the centre left as the brightness is a issue.

Sensual, you can thank your wife from me, too...:whistle::naughty:

It's much better than my attempt, then again that wouldn't be hard...:confused:

For me, though, it's a tad too close. What you have is a photograph of some....cough, boobs. Perhaps if you could have pulled out a tad and got some of her neck in??

Also, the lace and top of the boobs is a bit bright, at least on my laptop.

Cheers and well done (y)
Hiya Michael,

I have been waiting for you to post here. .... talk about keeping me in suspense!!!!

I love your rescue photo .... it is bang on theme and some brilliant captures there too.

However ... onto your 'Sensual' theme ... that is WOW!!!!!!

And well done to Jennie for being the perfect model for the shot too! :clap:

The mono works so well here and hell Jennie has a lovely pert bust that fits the theme perfect! Well done to you both on this shot and I guess you had fun doing this .... that is what it should be about ;) Definitely 'sensual' in my books!

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
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i think you'd better... but the coughing will give away your location...even in one of those...

He speaks from experience .... and even prescribes same to the vulnerable :LOL:

Thanks evryone for the comments so far.

All of the air ambulance photos are unedited. Glad you all like the layout. (y)

Now sensual :D We will certainly never forget this week of the 52 project will we :naughty:

I am very pleased with what you have said about this weeks pic, it means a lot. Andy, you noticed the brightness on the lace, I did my best to sort this out but couldn't do anything to correct it. Hope you enjoyed the cold shower, need one myself :naughty:

Dawn, thanks so much for your comments, I shall let Jennie read what you put. It sure was fun doing it! I got an email through on my phone and saw your comment on flickr. Time was against me after the shoot.

I wonder what will be revealed for week 27 tomorrow.....
by venerable..you refering to the MS..she won't be happ... oh..vulnerable... yeah i knew that... i have plenty of experience..al of it useless

OMG you pop up everywhere I go ... is that good or bad?????