Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

OMG you pop up everywhere I go ... is that good or bad?????

i know..i'm like the built in flash... not got the right settings..and i might well spoil your shot with a bit of red eye..??? its early...i was awake too early... :bonk:
Well, aren't you a lucky man.
There are several of us 52ers wishing we had what you had.
I'm referring to the fact that you have a OH so supporting of your photography :D

From the sensual images that have been posted so far, I'm seeing that there is a fine line between erotic and sensual.
Initially I didn't see the link to sensual in your shot, mainly because I'm thinking of ideas around the stimulation of the senses.
However, from a Google of sensual you get:

- Relating to or affecting any of the senses or a sense organ; sensory.
- Of, relating to, given to, or providing gratification of the physical and especially the sexual appetites. Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous.

...........so your well on theme.

The bed sheet is a good idea and I like the vignette which adds to the feel of the shot and helps draw your
eye's to the, erm, how can I say this, well you know where (I've gone all shy).
The B&W is good too, but I'd like to see a colour version as the lace and the skin tone may be better against each other.

Well done to you and Jennie, who I suspect now gets a lovely box of chocolates, at least that's how I'll be persuading my OH for my take on the theme.

Oh ye, the helicopter is good too.
Great shot for "sensual" and well done to the missus for helping out. A very seductive image. I wonder if a less tight crop would have worked?

I like the B+W and the processing. The vignette works well.
Well, aren't you a lucky man.
There are several of us 52ers wishing we had what you had.
I'm referring to the fact that you have a OH so supporting of your photography :D

From the sensual images that have been posted so far, I'm seeing that there is a fine line between erotic and sensual.
Initially I didn't see the link to sensual in your shot, mainly because I'm thinking of ideas around the stimulation of the senses.
However, from a Google of sensual you get:

- Relating to or affecting any of the senses or a sense organ; sensory.
- Of, relating to, given to, or providing gratification of the physical and especially the sexual appetites. Suggesting sexuality; voluptuous.

...........so your well on theme.

The bed sheet is a good idea and I like the vignette which adds to the feel of the shot and helps draw your
eye's to the, erm, how can I say this, well you know where (I've gone all shy).
The B&W is good too, but I'd like to see a colour version as the lace and the skin tone may be better against each other.

Well done to you and Jennie, who I suspect now gets a lovely box of chocolates, at least that's how I'll be persuading my OH for my take on the theme.

Oh ye, the helicopter is good too.

Hi Neil, many thanks for popping by and for your comment. The bed sheet was awkward, no matter how much I ironed it, the creases would not come out :bonk: so that spoiled some I did. With regards to the colour version, I am not happy with at all, it really doesn't do the image justice and looks so much better in the black and white, so on this occasion I won't post it up as I feel it would take away from the b+w shot. Jennie read your comment last night, and said "do I get a present now then?" So looks like I will have to find her something now :LOL: Glad you liked the helicopter,

Great shot for "sensual" and well done to the missus for helping out. A very seductive image. I wonder if a less tight crop would have worked?

I like the B+W and the processing. The vignette works well.

Hiya Patrick thanks for your comment, With regards to a less tight crop, I didn't actually keep any of those, creases were showing in the background, and I fluffed the lighting up on them as well. (y)
Hi Michael

love the montage for Rescue...well laid out & great quality for a phone(y)

Beautiflu capture for Sensual...perfect for the theme & well done to Jenny for being your model(y) I love the B&W ,the slightly lighter area aroud the lace just above & the vignette works well :clap:

ps...hope you treated her to something special for being your model :)
Hiya Lynne, thanks for the comment, pleased you like the pic.(y)

Again, thanks to everyone for the comments on my sensual photo, it means a lot!

Here's my tpday photograph should go straight to post 96. Been a busy weekend, so didn't get chance to do much, but I quite liked this one, stood at the top of a rope ladder to get the angle for this.

Now to think of something for elaborate!
Hiya Lynne, thanks for the comment, pleased you like the pic.(y)

Again, thanks to everyone for the comments on my sensual photo, it means a lot!

Here's my tpday photograph should go straight to post 96. Been a busy weekend, so didn't get chance to do much, but I quite liked this one, stood at the top of a rope ladder to get the angle for this.

Now to think of something for elaborate!

Hiya Michael,

You are welcome ... you did real well with this last theme.

I noticed your photo for the TP Day ... and have to say great shot ... at first I was wondering if it was some sort of device leading on from the theme of 'sensual' :naughty:, but then realised it was something else :LOL: The mind boggles with these themes at times (sorry).

I'm still trying to decide on my TP Day shot ... hopefully I will get it sorted this week.

Well done on your first half of the Photo52 .. you have come on in leaps and bounds and I look forward to the next half ... Good Luck!


Dawn :)
Hiya Michael,

You are welcome ... you did real well with this last theme.

I noticed your photo for the TP Day ... and have to say great shot ... at first I was wondering if it was some sort of device leading on from the theme of 'sensual' :naughty:, but then realised it was something else :LOL: The mind boggles with these themes at times (sorry).

I'm still trying to decide on my TP Day shot ... hopefully I will get it sorted this week.

Well done on your first half of the Photo52 .. you have come on in leaps and bounds and I look forward to the next half ... Good Luck!


Dawn :)

That gave me an idea :LOL: :naughty:

Thanks Dawn, looking forward to the 2nd half!
That gave me an idea :LOL: :naughty:

Thanks Dawn, looking forward to the 2nd half!

Once again you are welcome (y)

So are we going to see your TP Day photo as your 'Elaborate' :naughty: .... no need to answer :LOL:

Indeed the 2nd half should be fun :eek:


Dawn :)
Hiya Michael,

Sneeky!!!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

Good for you .... and glad to have been of service :D (as in idea that is :naughty:)

Definitely an 'elaborate' contraption ... one that I am not going to elaborate too much on .... leading on from the theme of sensual :eek:

But I couldn't resist suggesting that your TP Day photo be your 'Elaborate' pic too.

I just hope others see the link .... or is that just me taking the idea a bit too far :thinking:

Right SarahLee ... next week we need a theme that is going to totally tone things down heeehaaaaa!

Well done Michael ... it looks like you have had a great tog week :clap:


Dawn :)
I like that photo, more specifically the processing that reminds me of a park in the 1970's (god I'm old!). I'm not sure that it says elaborate to me, but it's a nice photo, non the less :)
I just love being sneaky! :LOL: I had been thinking all day about using it as elaborate! I just needed that little nudge :LOL:

TMI! :eek: :LOL:

But the fact that you had been thinking about it all day .... and my little bit of encouragement (good or bad) ... I think it works (y)

I like that photo, more specifically the processing that reminds me of a park in the 1970's (god I'm old!). I'm not sure that it says elaborate to me, but it's a nice photo, non the less :)

And Michael ... don't worry about Niall's reply ..... he is 'old' (his words) and needs to get with the program :naughty: Come on Niall ... liven up .... OMG I've wanted to say that in last 6 months. Believe me Niall by the end of the year you will not only look back on your progress in photography ... but PD too. And please don't take that the wrong way ... you are a great guy ... you just need to relax a bit more :hug:


Dawn :)
I don't understand? I wasn't insulting them, I was merely pointing out that I can't see what's elaborate about the photo. I even complimented them on the photo!
I don't understand? I wasn't insulting them, I was merely pointing out that I can't see what's elaborate about the photo. I even complimented them on the photo!

Relax Niall, I didn't say you were 'insulting' the photos, each has there own opinions which is great because that is how we learn.

I was merely trying to say that you need to be more 'relaxed' ... because whenever you reply to others or on your own thread there is an element of tension.

Sorry Michael that I pointed this out here, but it had to come out somewhere.


Dawn :)
I don't know if you read tension into my post, but there wasn't any. I've had a few ciders tonight so I'm more relaxed then ever as I'm off work for 2 weeks :D Sadly this coming week is my last week off :(

Generally I don't waffle in forum posts and stick to the point I'm trying to make, and do often get comments about coming off as tense on a couple of other forums that have what I consider to be an extremely light hearted approach, but I'm honestly never tense. Trust me, if I'm tense or stressed you'd know it! The only way I've found people don't misunderstand me is to pepper a post with smilies, which seems a bit silly and needless at times, but hey ho.

In my thread I've been stressed out immensely as I've had a lot going on (which I'm not posting about here), which is pretty much the reason I wasn't posting much, and was suffering as a result of that, and lack of time.

I have to admit, I didn't expect to be told to "relax" when I was complimenting someone's photo!

Oh, and what does "PD" mean?
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No worries (y)
Other than elaborating on my previous week....
: marked by complexity, fullness of detail,
The ropes are very complex, from there creation to the detail they have on close up inspection.

Niall, I am glad you like the photo, this was one of those moments, don't rely on your camera display in the field, always wait and view them properly!
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Niall, I am glad you like the photo, this was one of those moments, don't rely on your camera display in the field, always wait and view them properly!

I know what you mean :) I went out today to take a photo for this theme and ended up rolling around in the garden with the cat, taking photos of flowers and a ladybird :D
That's really nice. I love the grain in it, it really adds a sense of texture to the image, which is impressive as it's all light :D
Hiya Michael

Drat!!!! I had a similar idea ... but you have beat me to it :bonk:

If I am not quick on this one all my ideas may be nicked and I may have to resort to finding something to elaborate on the last theme (which is NOT what I was wanting to do) :LOL:

But as this is the week of my birthday I may just have a card or two up my sleeve :D

And ... I love the photo of your elaborate cloudscape (y)


Dawn :)
michael, i love it when the sun is streaming through the clouds like this and you have captured it beautifully. with the ground in contrast and a slight feature in the centre of something like a copse of trees or a clump of buildings with a mast, being showered by these rays of sunshine. awesome.

your TP day photo demostrated a similar warmth and the DOF was great, the eye being led off into the distance (y)
I really like both your pics for "elaborate".

Ropes - beautiful light. The textures and detail are great. Love the simple repeating pattern and the DOF. Great image.

Sunset - This shot is brilliant. The light, composition, processing are all wonderful - nothing I would change.

Must admit that neither shouts "elaborate" to me, but who cares. Also for some reason they both look better on flickr than on TP:shrug:

Great pair of images - well done (y)
Hi Michael

love your shot for the TP day...great focus, DOF & colors...maybe if I'd seen the whole contraption I might have seen elaborate but ...theme or not it's a great shot (y)

The clouds shot is just great...lovely colors that make you feel all warm..great shot :clap:
Thanks for the comments everyone, Stan the ufo you spotted is an aeroplane, I forgot it was in there, I remember now zooming in on it to see what it was. Glad you all like the pics, I was hoping for something more elaborate, but nothing has presented itself yet! The sunset is probably my best ever. Somewhere at my mums and dads I have a set of slides which show the most awesome sunset ever, but I have no idea where they are, which is a shame as that sunset had every conceivable colour in the sky, taken a long time ago, I have never seen a sunset like it since.
Hi Michael, Greta idea for the elaborate shot and well executed. (Been struggling for inspiration myself lately.)

Keep er lit
Hiya Michael,

I like your last take for the them .... however there is something going on with the black in the background that is distracting. Perhaps lower the shadows to darken it to remove the speckles and then it will be ace!

I have done some more takes of 'elaborate' tonight .... following on from last weeks theme ... but they are carp ... so I have given it up as a bad job.

Looking forward to the new theme so I can move on.

Well done to you though for the progress you made this week.


Dawn :)
Hiya Michael,

You are welcome .... the edit is much better and a great photo too (y)


Dawn :)
Hi Michael,

3 interesting ones to choose from for elaborate. I think the cloudscape is the best fit for the theme, but the third and final edit nudges it for me on content. Strangely, a simple black and white palette and a relatively simple idea but it shows the elaborate embroidery / pattern off very well. (y)

What is it? Wallpaper / cushion / curtain?
In fact, don't tell me. I like the fact that it's keeping me guessing.
As soon as I saw this theme, I knew what I wanted to work around. My daughter Caitlin has been doing ballet with her best friend from school, and earlier on this year they were asked if they would like to enter a local balet competition, "The Beaurepaire Dance Festival". To which they both replied yes please with big beeming smiles!. The 2 of them started off doing a ballet dance duet, of which they learned very well in a suprisingly short space of time, with this happening there teacher said "as you have both done so well, you can do a modern dance too". They decided they wanted to do it, now there competition entry would include a Lion King dance in the modern section. They came 2nd for each dance, in what was a tough competition, considering this was there first ever one, plus the other girls in the same sections were also a little older, so they did incredibly well. So my main picture is Caitlin after her ballet dance celebrating with a lovely bunch of flowers, I have processed it with quite a broad vignette, I liked the way it worked with the photo.

Week 28, Celebration by scilly puffin, on Flickr

One of the medals Caitlin received

Week 28, Celebration by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Week 28, Celebration by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Did the best I could with the certificate, as it wasn't completely flat, and I think there is an optical illusion going on there too.

These next 2 are from last Saturday, this time this was a show purely for the dance school Caitlin attends. I am really pleased they did this as we saw them perform without any nervousness or trepidations, and there Lion King dance was awesome and pretty much stole the show when we heard the applause from the audience.

Lion King by scilly puffin, on Flickr

And here she is posing on the park after an amazing day.

My Lovely Daughter by scilly puffin, on Flickr

The gradient/vignette at the top might not be to everybody's taste, but it really made me say "now that works"
(y) I like the 1st image of Caitlin

Nice shot buddy..

Regards Dave