Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

michael...proud daddy moments are like treasure chests... and well captured here for this weeks theme.. well done... love the background to the medal..good idea..
Hi Michael....love the emotion that comes to the fore from your words & shots (y)

The vignette works just right on the 1st shot , lovely capture (y)

The pick of the bunch for me though is the Medal....great focus , compostion & background...great shot (y)
Hi, Michael well done to you and Caitlin. I have three daughters and know how proud you'll be feeling.

I'm drawn to the simplicity of the medal photograph but I also really like Caitlin's pose on #1 and #5.

Hiya Michael,

Well done on all the photos for this week's theme, definitely a lot to celebrate there.

Caitlin is gorgeous and makes the perfect ballerina in the first shot, a cute lion in the show and so relaxed and happy in the last shot.

The medal photo has great focus and stands out well against the sky, great idea as it emphasises the success.

Well done on all


Dawn :)
Thank you everyone for your lovely comments. I have really enjoyed this weeks theme. I am pleased with the medal photo also,I pegged it on to my washing line, it was lovely and still and as I went to take the pic, the wind got up! But perseverance paid off. Also the day off the competition (1st photo) the sun light was so strong on her face, but I am very pleased with the end result.
The Lion King music was "I just can't wait to be king"

Thanks again for all the comments and support. (y)
Hi Michael....

For the theme i'd go for either photo 1 or 2. Both great captures and better for the theme.

I think I prefer the medal shot over all... Sorta looks a tad surreal!

Great work.

Hi Michael,

Sorry I haven't been around fro a while but am trying to make more time to join in.

Celebrate: Great pic of Caitlin. The viginette really makes this shot and also like the one with the medal and the sky in the b'ground.

Sensual: Fair play to your wife. Mine would never pose for one like that.

Rescue: Good stuff capturing a nice series like that when the opportunity arose.

Bright. The little yellow flower is a cracker and the narrow dof gives great focus on it.

Good stuff.
Managed to get out today to a local food festival at Belper. Weather was rubbish, not that it bothered me, but I was to bothered about getting my new lens wet! I have been treated to a new Sigma 50-200 os, and it had it's first proper outing. Now I haven't been 100% today, health wise, so really had to push myself even just to get pictures. I am glad I did as we all had a great time. I will sort some other pics out and will most probably post up a thread with them in. Now, the smells today were just wonderful! The whole place was jam packed with people, so had to get shot's as soon as they presented themselves, so composition has taken a hit this week.

Week 29, Smell! by scilly puffin, on Flickr

This is sooc, just converted from raw to jpeg and added frame, nothing else done to it. (y)
Hiya Michael,

First of all congratulations on your new lens .... it is great isn't it? ;)

Sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well, I hope you get better soon. Well done to you though for making the effort to get out, despite the bad weather.

I think your photo is just great for this week's theme, and having grown up as a baker's daughter I can just smell this freshness of this baking.

To say it is SOOC, I think you have done a fantastic job. The 50-200 is a great lens for capturing the detail in a subject. I posted a thread today in the People and Portrait forum all taken with the said lens.

Well done to you!

For me it may land up being another late post again this week as something has cropped up tonight and I have to help a friend over the next 2 days, so doesn't look like I will get much constructive photography done.

Take care and hope your health improves soon.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, the lens is great indeed! Its a superb addition to my kit, I can see it getting a lot of use! Thanks so much for the comments on the pic, glad you like it, I could have had these for lunch, but opted for a lentil curry instead! The sooc image is great, normally I play around with processing, but with this I was happy as is, which doesn't happen very often! It's a mad week coming, so I wanted to get done, and todays events really helped. Caitlin is singing with the rest of her school for a leavers performance, and a sports day, which should be tomorrow, but it has rained so much. And to top it off I could be having some dental treatment under sedation this week. So if I don't appear during the week, I may well be in bed sleeping it all off :LOL:
.... I can see it getting a lot of use! ......

i never thought i'd move away from using my 70-200, but having got a 100-400 ...WOW!!! :eek: .. maybe its because it means i can be even further from the bedroom window :naughty:

..but being serious... i can just smell that cooking from here.. and the fact you got the word HANDMADE, peeking over the top of the back there...awesome. adds to the feel of the image (y)
Hi mate

I was at a similar dreach BBQ at the weekend and wish I'd taken my camera now to get a similar shot... Like others have said... your mind does start to think of the smell when you look at this photo... so for that reason alone it works fine for the theme! I's have maybe tried to get a bit more left and down a bit, then zoom in a touch... but maybe that was not possible... Great shot!

Thank you Kev and Mark for the comments, makes me hungry each time I look at it. Mark, I tried to get a little closer and managed another shot but mucked the composition up, so plumped with this one, which I am really happy with. Also I was quite close to the stall that was cooking these.
Another series from the same festival here but of dancers this time.
Another one for smell

_MG_0756 by scilly puffin, on Flickr
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sorry if it offends...but i'm glad i didn't rush over to the dancers... rather like dawn and her ..dedication to moi.... (y) ...sorry michael, but the dancers are like..snapshot-ty .. if thats a work... admittedly you might not have much to woprk with..looks like it anyway... but snatching different angles..getting in tighter might have given a different perspective.. [where's the one for hunching shoulders????]
I have a dodgy shutter button atm so missed quite a few shots!.

dodgy in what way? ... i note you shoot with a 30D... i have a 40D and I seem to have to press it fully then a but more to trigger the shutter... is your similar...i am curious..? maybe its just me and mechanical things..?? :thinking:
Hi Michael, Your first shot is what I had in mind for this week. We went to a Highland gathering yesterday which offered the opportunity but I just couldn't get the type of shot I had imagined. Yours looks good and needless to say I think it's bang on theme.
Second shot doesn't say smell to me as much as the first but it's a good shot all the same. Think it may be improved with a top and bottom crop. hat way all the outer bowls are half in and half out.

Heard of similar problems with shutter buttons on our canons, couple of videos worth a look.


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It's really annoying. Shutter is pressed all the way down and it won't fire properly, it is also related to positioning, I believe there is something under the shutter button is broke, something like a rocker switch.

that sounds VERY similar to mine... i have to wiggle it slightly to take the shot..getting used to it.. though daughter seems to have no trouble???? my fat fingers i guess.??
smell really conveys those wonderful freshly baked smells, yum, nicely done, I dont think the second one evokes aroma so much, more food in general, but a good shot tho

congrats to caitlin, bless her :0) she looks so chuffed, and a super pic, right on theme also

good shots for rescue, personally I'm not over keen on montages, but thats just a personal thing and not a criticism in any way, I just find it hard to focus in on them!!

I prefer the black and white lighthouse one, tho agree with others re the halo effect

liking the viola, and especially love the bokeh on that one :)

the sun looks like an orange!!!!!!!!! amazing!
whitedeer said:
smell really conveys those wonderful freshly baked smells, yum, nicely done, I dont think the second one evokes aroma so much, more food in general, but a good shot tho

congrats to caitlin, bless her :0) she looks so chuffed, and a super pic, right on theme also

good shots for rescue, personally I'm not over keen on montages, but thats just a personal thing and not a criticism in any way, I just find it hard to focus in on them!!

I prefer the black and white lighthouse one, tho agree with others re the halo effect

liking the viola, and especially love the bokeh on that one :)

the sun looks like an orange!!!!!!!!! amazing!

Hiya Fleur many thanks for reply and comments. They are very much appreciated. I have been wanting to do more pics of the sun but the weather here has been terible and when its been nice I have been too busy!

Oh and thank goodness for the tp app for android! Computer issues have struck tonight so I hope I can get it sorted!
Hi, Michael, I much prefer the edited version. It really draws me in.

Really nice rich colours and I feel myself wanting to dip in...

Only this for me is the DEP, with the lower section of the foreground and the higher section of the background being slightly OOF.

Right, where's the fridge...

Hi Michael

great 1st shot for smell......look scrummy , great colors & like the handmade sign just making it in to the frame (y)

Also like your 2nd shot for smell......lots of different spices & foods , all really good colors & it's making my mouthwater just looking at it (y)
Hiya Michael,

Just seen your second shot for 'smell' which is also great, love all the colours and the angle at which you have taken the shot.

You mention that you are having a problem with the shutter button on your camera. Question .... were you using the Sigma 50-200 for these shots? If so, were you in A-DEP mode with lens set to AF? I have noticed that I can't get the shutter to fire with these settings ... not sure why :thinking: yet it works fine with any other setting. I'm thinking it may have something to do with the focal distance. Hmmm something for me to investigate at some point.

Anyway well done on all your 'smell' shots ... I need to get mine sorted some time today.


Dawn :)
Hiya Dawn, thank you for the comment. I have never used a-dep mode on my 30d, I had used it from time to time on my film eos slr's. The a-dep mode uses to lots of foucsing, you focus on the foreground and then a bit further away so it calculates the dof and aperture for you, so that's 2 lots of shutter presses and then a 3rd to take the pic. Apologies if you already knew that!
The lens used was the 50-200 btw (y)
Well to start of with when I saw the theme, I had no idea! But while slaving over the cooker, I remembered something!Whilst at the food fair where my smell photographs came from, there was a stall selling beers, which brought a smile to my face and made me :LOL: out loud! I wish now I had brought some, so I could do them more justice!

So I give you weird! Or is that I presnt weird? :wacky:

Weird Names! by scilly puffin, on Flickr

I will be on the look out for some more weird stuff this week!
michael...i stand corrected... this IS weird....

only critique point is the lower RHS as you look at it, the glow around the inner frame is clipped slightly... else... i hope it is tasty.. (y)
Hiya Michael,

Geewiz! you are on the ball .... I've only posted 'smell' tonight and you have already uploaded your pic for the new theme.

Great idea and fits it well :LOL: .... although I can't say I'd be tempted to try any :puke:


Dawn :)
michael...i stand corrected... this IS weird....

only critique point is the lower RHS as you look at it, the glow around the inner frame is clipped slightly... else... i hope it is tasty.. (y)
Cheers Kev! I do wonder what it tastes like, perhaps I should have brought some to try. Although I'm not a beer drinker.

Hiya Michael,

Geewiz! you are on the ball .... I've only posted 'smell' tonight and you have already uploaded your pic for the new theme.

Great idea and fits it well :LOL: .... although I can't say I'd be tempted to try any :puke:


Dawn :)

Played into my hands this one!

Thanks for the comments (y)
Hi Andy, thanks for your thoughts. (y) The processing was done in photoscape, so no hdr software involved. But I did use a backlight function in the software, which gave it this effect, along with a contrast boost.

Now have you ever processed a picture that you were not sure what to do with? I played around with an image I took back in March, never posted it anywhere apart from flickr, I don't know why, maybe because they would have thought he is weird processing a pic like that :wacky: So an ideal time and place to present it to you all! Best viewed on a dark background, I have found, makes it stand out more!

Are We Being Watched?? by scilly puffin, on Flickr

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An interesting theme once again this week. I did have a first idea, but not got around to attempting that, if I get chance and do it justice, I will post it up. Anyway was talking about this theme with Jennie and our neighbour and Windmill was mentioned. Perfect for the theme! As we have a local windmill, we were given a lift there. I can't believe that I have not visited this location and photographed it. It is awkward to get the angle right for the ideal picture.
Heage Windmill was the location. The lighting today was a nightmare, stupidly bright and really harsh! Decided to try black and white conversions, and I also had a play with this 1 with selective colouring, the flag being a bonus! 2 subjects for the theme in 1 shot, can't be bad! I have to say I quite like this one in the way it has turned out. Hope you like!

Week 31, Wind by scilly puffin, on Flickr