Michael23's 52! Revised Slide Show Added

micheal...love the reshoots... filling the background with the wood ...good call.. it was distracting in the originals.. beautiful colours... :clap:

did you ever think to PP a catch light? or two :shrug:
guess their eyes might not be wide enough for the full effect... or perhaps not being star like? .... still worth trying though (y)
Hope you dont mind matey I had a spare two mins....


Hiya Michael,

Firstly, well done to the very talented lady who makes these ... they are fantastic! I can recall the hours of fun I used to have playing with the inside-out doll that my grandmother had in her collection.

Well done on the revisit/edit of the photos ... the background works much better. I also like the edit ..MD.. has done to the eyes :LOL: brings the doll alive :D

Good on you for taking all the c&c on board.


Dawn :)
Thanks again Kev for the idea.
Dave, I like your edit, I may well have overlooked something to get them as round as that, must have another play and see what happens.
Dawn, thanks for your comments. Pleased you like the 2nd versions.

I realised earlier that it is Saturday tomorrow! Where has that time gone :puke:
those dolls are amazing, and yes, clearly lots of work, much prefer the single close ups against the wood

weird twigs indeed, very alien :0)

love the evolution shot, but reckon could do with a bit of a straighten? But cracking colours and shot, job well done

and another cracker for wind, really nice use of selective colour, and what a lovely place that is
Hiya Fleur thanks for your thoughts. Much appreciated as always. I couldn't make my mind up on the evolution shot with regards the straighten, I couldn't make my mind up so left at that. I am also pleased you like my windmill photograph.

Now for BLUR! Whilst cooking tea this evening I looked at a jug I had soaking with fairy liquid in it, I took a picture on my phone and popped it through the editor programme. Just pushed the colours to get the green a little more vivid and added a dose of the radial blur tool. So here is offering number 1 for blur, hoping I can find some other blurry stuff through out the week.

blur by scilly puffin, on Flickr
my word michael.... my brain has just been fried by your Blur... head rush followed by eye strain.. love the fairy liquid (y) ..gives me that sense of rushing through a busy blood vein in that film..about the little people in the big person body...donald pleasants was there..? (y)

Love the idea for the thought of this shot. If I was being super critical I would have liked to be a bit sharper in the centre... but great use of the zoom burst technique! Great work!!!!

Hiya Michael,

Great stuff pal! It's amazing the things that are right in front of our eyes which we normally wouldn't give second thought to, so well done to you for being so observant!

I love this .... it has a very abstract feel to it .....which is right up my street as far as images.

I have done something similar before .... put a bit of water and fairy liquid in a 2lr plastic bottle .... shake it up and capture the formations .... brilliant!

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)
my word michael.... my brain has just been fried by your Blur... head rush followed by eye strain.. love the fairy liquid (y) ..gives me that sense of rushing through a busy blood vein in that film..about the little people in the big person body...donald pleasants was there..? (y)

Hiya Kev, I was the same when I saw it full size when I uploaded it from my phone. Pleased you like it.

Hi ya Michael

brilliant shot for Blur...really scifi-esque , great colors & almost seems to move :clap:
Hiya Lynne, thanks for your comment and I am pleased you like it.

Love the idea for the thought of this shot. If I was being super critical I would have liked to be a bit sharper in the centre... but great use of the zoom burst technique! Great work!!!!

Hiya Mark, your comment on the sharpness was what I was aiming for, this was taken on my phone which has a touch screen to take the pic so there could have been some excess movement. I was quite impressed with this being edited in phone.

Hiya Michael,

Great stuff pal! It's amazing the things that are right in front of our eyes which we normally wouldn't give second thought to, so well done to you for being so observant!

I love this .... it has a very abstract feel to it .....which is right up my street as far as images.

I have done something similar before .... put a bit of water and fairy liquid in a 2lr plastic bottle .... shake it up and capture the formations .... brilliant!

Well done :clap:


Dawn :)

Hiya Dawn, I thought you might like it with it being abstract style. Will have to have more of a play at some point.

Great colour in blur and nice take on the theme...but my oh my, it hurts my eye after a while.


Hi Andy, thank you for your comment. It does play with the eyes doesn't it!
my word michael.... my brain has just been fried by your Blur... head rush followed by eye strain.. love the fairy liquid (y) ..gives me that sense of rushing through a busy blood vein in that film..about the little people in the big person body...donald pleasants was there..? (y)

Inner Space

As to the pic... very neat idea!
I just very nearly banged my head into my monitor looking at your blur pic ... gave me a very odd "falling" sensation looking at it. :LOL:

Top work!
When I first read the theme of blur, a photograph I took a while back immediately came into our minds. I have now found the photo, and I thought I would post it up as it is perfect for the theme. No pp in this at all, my daughter was dancing around and I zoomed my 18-55 during the 1/15th sec exposure and all hand held.

Week 35, Blur 2 by scilly puffin, on Flickr

Great pose there from your daughter and fits the theme well.

I know there was no PP but I had a quick auto tone adjust in LR and it really made a difference.

Hi Michael,

My hols have got in the way of comments, so apologies for missing a few weeks.

It's all been said really, but for me, other than my mum knits these and I know how much time goes in to it, it doesn't say 'Work' - Sorry

The first one is messing with my head and is uncomortable to look at, if I look long enough will an image appear! The second one is a nice idea, but to work, I think you need a slightly longer exposure so your camera can focus and capture the image once you've zoomed in. Saying that, I'v never tried the technique myself so I could be wrong!
Last edited:
Great pose there from your daughter and fits the theme well.

I know there was no PP but I had a quick auto tone adjust in LR and it really made a difference.


Hiya Andy, thanks for the comment. I haven't put this through any editing software since it was taken. Might take a ook at some point and see what happens. (y)

Hi Michael,

My hols have got in the way of comments, so apologies for missing a few weeks.

It's all been said really, but for me, other than my mum knits these and I know how much time goes in to it, it doesn't say 'Work' - Sorry

The first one is messing with my head and is uncomortable to look at, if I look long enough will an image appear! The second one is a nice idea, but to work, I think you need a slightly longer exposure so your camera can focus and capture the image once you've zoomed in. Saying that, I'v never tried the technique myself so I could be wrong!

Hiya Neil, hope you enjoyed your holiday. Thanks for the comments, no need to be sorry about "work" it may well be a theme I will revisit when a reshoot comes up.
With my 2nd blur shot, I have hardly ever used this technique, so you could be right. If I do this style in the future, I will remember the slightly longer exposure. (y)
michael, i do like the composition offset of number 2, the bold striking colours, the centralised theme. the added tilt of perspective. even the bold border, hadn't noticed it til i started typing...meaning it added and blended in..or its early and i need to go back to bed..

number 1.. weird and does nothing....except wonder IF you are really spiderman, and you're trying to tell us something??
Hiya Kev, thanks for your thoughts. I was really pleased with number 2, I went through numerous colours for the border and settled with this one, the coronia is one of the boats which runs trips from Scarborough.

As for spider, I quite liked it after I was messing around with the perspective option in photoscape. My secret will never come out, what ever it is :puke::thinking::naughty:
pssstt michael.... the third photo.... is that the secret... you know...default colours, G, fill the layer with black... switch colours to white... small brush... say no more..say no more... :D
I quite like #1. Reminds me of a PC game I used to play :thinking:

#2, childhood memories...:clap: went on the boat every year as a kid, so there is an emotional connection for me. Nice bold colours and the central composition works well.

I thought #3 was a photograph of someones dandruff...;)

Hi Michael

Spider...it's growing on me...though I hate spiders ! Sort of looks like it should be in a horror movie so gets a (y) from me :)

Time...really like this image ( though at 1st & 2nd & many looks ) I was convinced it was the label on a bottle of corona lager :bonk: Like the colors & angle & the rust showing through all add to the feeling of somewthing thats been around for a long time (y)
Onto a new theme already! Where is the time going :thinking:

First idea was for the mixing of a cake, but my oven isn't working properly, so not much point in making a cake. :( I then had 2 more ideas and here they are. Was wanting to do the bags outside, but the winds of today put a stop to that! So resorted to indoors.

Mixed Bags

Week 37, Mix by scilly puffin, on Flickr

These badges were a really hard subject to light, and dof proved a problem as well, the eagles head being awkward to get in focus.

A mix of badges

Week 37, Mix by scilly puffin, on Flickr
Hiya Michael,

I'm a bit behind at the moment, both with posting for the themes and commenting, so thought I would try a bit of catching up tonight.

I love the 'blur' photo .... the way the effect creates a sense of motion.

With 'time', I'm not sure about #1 :thinking:, it took me a while to register the connection with #2 .... guess because it is so late at night and I'm tired. Like the idea for night time with the stars, although I think a nice star trail may have worked quite well for this too, i.e., the time it takes to capture the trails and the time of day one take them.

I like your thinking outside of the box .... or should that be bag :LOL: for mix with the 'mixed bags' :D and I think you have done well with the composition.

The badges shot is very clear too.

Well done!


Dawn :)