weekly Minx 52 for 2016 -Finished

Size - Cute image. I like that you've caught catchlights in their eyes. It could do with perhaps a little emphasis in the shadows perhaps?
Forgotten - Looking at the exif, that can't have been an easy shot to pull off. As Carl says, it is a quirky image and all the better for it.
Hi Alison

Havent a clue what the rodents are. Glad theres none around where I live. Give me the shudders. Nice theme.

The cave, well its certainly not forgotten now. Always an interesting storey behind these, and the time it must of taken.
A couple of good snapshots for size and forgotten there. I don't mean for the deliberate use of that word to be in any way a criticism, just as they stand they come across to me as a viewer as "nice snap, well taken" rather than "wow, look at that".

I think in the circumstances, you've done well with both, but a couple of thoughts about what could be tweaked...

Size: I'd ask what the story/image is here... I don't mean a detailed backstory, but what are you trying to convey? That they are the same size or one is larger than the other? Or that both are very large? For me, this image would work better with a clearer sense of scale - either against one another, which would require the larger one to be closer to camera to get perspective working for you - or against their food, which is cut into large chunks (no control over that presumably!) and therefore doesn't really show how big these things are. The other option would be a closer crop of the nearest as it has interesting, almost "human" looking hands rather than mousey paws and getting closer in to that, its face and its food might yield a more "wow" shot...

I think you've gone and found some really interesting subjects there, but to make the shot stand out I think your subject matter is worth you trying to imagine what the viewer might think as they look at the shot and aim for something other than "cute animals"... all meant in a very constructive way and I hope you take it that way!

Forgotten: no envy for you tackling those lighting conditions. There's some interesting light coming in from what looks like the top and a white balance correction to remove a bit of the golden glow (but not all) may help pick other shades out a touch? I also think it would be one for a very shallow depth of field - partly to allow more light into the camera and partly so you can focus just on a narrow strip of the shells and use DOF fall-off to add extra interest to the image. I also wonder if getting right up against the "corner" of the floor and wall might allow you to use that curve as a leading line? Even putting your camera on live view and placing it into the corner, using the LCD to compose the shot? An interest subject that just needs a bit of contrast (not in terms of light levels, more "differences" in general) across the frame?

In both cases you've done the hard work of finding interesting subjects, so your photographic eye is definitely working well!!
I like the rodents (not really a rodent person), slightly odd subject (just reading @pjm1 's post above) but I can now see that even the small one is a frightening size when weighed up against the tomatoes and courgettes. Anyway, pretty sharp.
Size: I'd ask what the story/image is here

My thoughts were just on the size of these rodents as most people think of mice or rats when they think of rodents not a creature this size.
This was indeed a snap shot I was out on an outing with Beaver Scouts to Drusillas celebrating 30 years of Beaver Scouts so I was looking after a
small group of children as well as snapping away.

Thanks for the advice I will bear it in mind for future shoots I have to confess I am generally a point and click photographer which is why I joined the challenge to improve my shots
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"Pebble art"
Very clever I don't have the patience or the artistic flare for the that !

Milestone, as Dean says, great PoV nicely captured Minx
Milestone - a great idea for the theme, well captured with good detail, as Dean says the low angle makes it. BTW I love your pebble art (y)
The milestone is an interesting one and certainly a subject I wouldn't even have considered! You've done well not to completely blow the sky out / retain the detail on the stone.
I like your pebble art Alison - brilliantly creative. An interesting milestone marker compared to the ones close by - must be one of the oldest I've come across. Nice texture ... and I like the plant squeezing an existence and flourishing by it's side.
Nicely done, the bubble stands out well against the leaves, it's a wonder it didn't pop when it landed.
Stone ... liking your pebble art Alison (y) Your milestone works really well for the theme, as others have said the POV makes it.

Simple ... hey cool. The contrasting slatted BG works really well.
Yeah, that's nice Alison. Like the reflection and the vibrant green against that bg. :clap:
Hi Alison

Stone - well captured but I think the composition could be stronger. Worth pushing it off centre and perhaps not looking to get all of it in frame? Nice idea, maybe just a tiny tweak here & there?

Simple - well mathematically it doesn't get much simpler than a sphere so I'm with you on that. I'd prefer the bubble to be in focus rather than the plant - that would be my only negative comment as otherwise you've captured it well.
Stone - Really like the milestone @minx. The POV makes it work and you've done well with the sky (much better than minimax corner).
Simple - That's a cool shot - sharp in the right places and the reflections add a something to the image too.
Hi Alison and I love the pebble art (y)

The milestone taken from that PoV makes it clearly the focus of the shot and you did well in what looks like difficult lighting conditions :clap:

Simple is an inspired idea and it's really hard to spot the focus on a bubble so have a go at manual focusing if you do it again (y)
Nice Passiflora Minx, abandoned suits the theme too.
Alison, both re-shoots are fine, my preference is the abandoned chair and the reflection. You can imagine someone sat there fishing until the chair broke !