My 365 - Day 232

The Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh - one of the venues for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. It is a pretty cool place to hang out waiting for shows etc as there are always "celebs" or people who have shows on either walking through or sitting around having a drink. I was making a mental list of who I saw this year, but can't remember now :( Ixus 75 got quite a good shot of this considering it was pretty dark!
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Me on the way into Edinburgh from the B&B we stay at.
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The Stand Comedy Club - Another good venue that has free lunch time comedy, which is more a sort of mini review of what is on with a range of acts performing all compared by a very bitchy camp compare. Very atmospheric venue though and one we always end up at the most.
My 365 - Day 235

Lake of Menteith, Scotland - More shots from this to come. I took a day off from the Edinburgh festival to tour around Loch Lomond. The weather wasn't too good though :( but improved slightly for the Sunset.
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Proof that anyone in our family has to have the ability to use a camera, very little proof of my mum using one though. This is Musselburgh harbor - or the wall of it at least, looking out to sea.
My 365 - Day 237

Family Day '08 - We have a "Family Day" every year where my extended family (on my mums side) meet up and well, sit around, eat and chat. My excuse for looking so scruffy is that everyone else has chance to get ready I had the 10 second timer to get in place :(
My 365 - Day 238

The last shot before "the problem" - more tomorrow!
My 365 - Day 239

Balls! Err99 on my lovely 40D :( Cant work out what is wrong, have tried all the usual fixes, but nothing happening. Error only happens when I try to take a photo. Yesterdays 365 shot is the last photo it took before erroring out :(
My 365 - Day 240

New oven in the new kitchen :) It has two ovens! how swanky is that :)
My 365 - Day 241

Poor camera strap has lost its 40D friend, it was sent back to Canon today for repair :(
My 365 - Day 242

My room is a huge mess! I needs a proper good clean, I just can't be arsed to do it! :(
My 365 - Day 243

The new kitchen is getting there :) Just the tiles that need adding now and the blind going up in the window, then it is finished!
My 365 - Day 244

mmm tasty! This is supposed to be a decaying Kiwi fruit, turns out it takes a LONG time for Kiwi fruit to go off :(
My 365 - Day 245

Wohoo bathroom completely finished. Posted some shots before of this in various states of repair, but now the new floor is down and stuff and it is looking pretty damn sweet :)
My 365 - Day 246

Meow! This fella (possibly lass) has been loving the fact the builder has had to front door open so he can get in and out to cut tiles etc on the drive. Found the cat asleep in the house and because we gave him some fuss he decided he would explore the whole house until I carried him outside and put him on the bin, of course with my camera in hand. He wasn't too keen on the noise it made, but got this shot of him posing in front of "the chimney" :)
My 365 - Day 247

Finally got round to cleaning and tidying my room. Looks a fair bit better now. Some would still call it messy, but it doesn't get much better for me :)
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New wall! The builder knocked this up in less than a day. The kitchen used to be through that gap, soon it will be my study in there :)
My 365 - Day 249

This (if you look carefully) is my new tripod. Bargain from a fellow member of - My 6 or 7 year old £10 tripod is still going strong but it is a bit of a pain at time so I splashed out a whole £25 on this baby! :p I cant see me ever spending hundreds of pounds on a tripod really. This will do me a good few years now :)
My 365 - Day 250

Mammoth 365 catch-up! These last 19 365 have been spread over all sorts of devices due to going on holiday etc, so this evening was the time for sorting them all out. It wasn't easy but I am there :) all up to date now! :D
Hi Tom :wave:

Just found this have got some fantastic photos on here! You've inspired me to get out more with my camera!

glad to see you caught up again, been missing this thread.
sorry to hear bout the err99. have you got the 40d back yet or any ideas what happening?
My 365 - Day 251

Went to the Southport Airshow today. Got a ton of shot to process (especially as I went to see the end of the La Machine in Liverpool in the evening too). This was our spot at the airshow at a far end where it was nice and quiet and plenty of room. We took a wander more towards the centre for some shots later on. Anyway, more shots to follow soon.
My 365 - Day 252

I normally find something that I am doing or is happening in a day to take a phot of, not today. Nothing really happened :( So this is the very last thing I did yesterday. Took this shot, turned off the telly and went to sleep :)
My 365 - Day 253

I haven't had anything from Burger King for months, so felt like splashing out today and getting me a Veggie Burger - then got tempted into going large, then got even more tempted by the Mozzerella Stick things, they weren't really worth it :(
My 365 - Day 254

I haven't really played any games for a while now, got a bit bored of them. But came across this mod with a mate the other day and it has been good fun, running around being chased by scary monsters :D The poor little IXUS wasn't happy taking a sharp shot of my monitor :( but couldn't be arsed to find the 350D
My 365 - Day 255

YAY! My 40D is back :) and it now takes photos! crazy! I guess now I have it back I have no excuse for not going out and taking some nice interesting shots...just hope it is ok weather tomorrow!
My 365 - Day 256

Seems not everything I reported as a problem with my 40D has been fixed :( There is a bit of loose felt sort of material in the mirror box thingy that annoying causes a soft edge to the top of my viewfinder, it doesn't effect any photos but it is a pain. Crap weather today so no chance to go out and take any photos!!!
My 365 - Day 257

This has been on my list of places to photograph since I moved up to the Skipton area. It is a fairly small shopping centre just off Skipton Hight Street. I noticed a little display in there today showing its construction 20 years ago. It is very nicely done and quite a pleasant place to stroll around. Got a fair few other shots which might get some HDR treatment later on.
My 365 - Day 258

This will soon be my office :) well half of it, the far end. There will be a new window at the back and all sorts, should be a nice little study :)
My 365 - Day 259

Wasn't really hungry so decided to try and make something a bit lighter for my tea. Had some fresh ciabatta bread so decided to try and make some bruschetta - have had it just as a tomato topping before, sometimes with onion, sometimes other bits and bobs. I lost track of what I put in mine, but it contrained red onion, white onion, tomato, basil, mixed herbs, vinaigrette and some salt...possibly some other bits too. Anyway, it was VERY tasty :)
My 365 - Day 260

Getting sick of this grey damn weather :( Realised I don't really have a shot of the chimney in the weather for my collection, so got one this evening. The processing started to make this look like it was taken on an old film camera, in some way, so I played with that a bit.
Glad to see this is still running JL but will you please stop posting images of food this time of night? your rmaking me hungry :D
Nice that you have caught up now. That little shopping arcade looks a nice little place.
thanks guys, some more interesting photos to follow as soon as I get some nice weather I promise :p
My 365 - Day 261

Last week I spotted that Photobox had a cool special offer where you could get their collage prints done for £1 each. I decided to get a few for my new study and they arrived today and look excellent :D
My 365 - Day 262

Today's shot was going to be a infra red shot of the chimney, but I forgot how crap my kit lens was for infra red :( and I only have an filter the size for the kit lens, think I might need to get one for me new lenses. I quite liked how this turned out before the final bit of twiddling to get the IR shot looking correct.
My 365 - Day 263

I have to pay for my 40D and lenses in December so spent a good part of my dad working out where I was going to get the money from, which lead onto working out invoices I need to send out etc. This was the nice easy first stage of making a not of current finances. Not sure why I do this on paper but it seems easier than typing it all onto the PC, even though I then end up doing that later :|
My 365 - Day 264

Went for a bit of a walk this evening. Missed a nice sunset, but I was eating at the time :) Can still see the setting sun reflected on some of these houses.
My 365 - Day 265

Went to Manchester today to have a wander round and take some photos, of course. Whilst there we met up with Tootdood ( he spots a interesting spot on a side street where the sun was reflecting off a glass building creating a very warm shaft of light. This was a very quick grab shot of the toot as he basked in the heat. Sorry Toot :p