Thanks Romper :)

My 365 - Day 203

I was recommended this location so thought I would take a trip up there this evening to try and capture some sunset shots and see what it was all about. As it happens due to all the dips and hill around these mines none of the ruined buildings were nicely framed with the sun behind them, but this little lake was ideal. The weather had other ideas, however, and clouds rolled in not long after taking this shot and so the actual sunset didn't happen as such. The processing of this is a little different to what I normally do, but I did this by mistake and quite liked it, the correctly processed version is here -
I like both of them JL (y)

Not sure which one i like best though :)

hehe yeah I couldn't decide which either Tony :(

My 365 - Day 204

Got a busy day today so don't think I am going to get a chance to go out and take any shots. Was thinking what to get a shot of whilst on the exercise bike and just as I was about to finish I thought I should get a shot of the clock thingy as it as about all I am going to be doing today that isn't work :( (and yes according to that I have no pulse!)
Day 197 - Stuning sunset, processing looks spot on (y)

Day 198 - Personally think the grass is too green, doesn't need quite as much satuation (Hides from venomator)

Day 199 - Still on the website :) Keep going at it mate, it'll be worth it in the end i'm sure of it (y)

Day 200 - 200 days gone by! Gone quick, You say you're not in the mood for anything creative - Looks okay to me :)

Day 201 - Look at the angle of the left tent!!! Guessing they couldn't have a pool table in there :p

Day 202 - Lovely pic, possibly a bit too much orange, but might just be my bad eye for photog! :LOL:

Day 203 - Personally not a fan mate, the other picture on flickr looks much better! The one on here needs to be softened quite a bit imo.

Day 204 - You're dead and pulseless! :(
203 = :eek: ... a gateless and weirdly processed sunset ... have you had a brainstorm or something JL ... :cautious:

204 = less than 6 miles and less than 9 MPH ... :cautious: ... you sure that is not a pedometer reading ... :naughty:

TastelessWhittie said:
Personally think the grass is too green, doesn't need quite as much satuation (Hides from Venomator)

You can hide but you can't run ... :cautious: ... and you can never have too much Green satch m8 ... :nono:

Thanks Romper :)

My 365 - Day 203

I was recommended this location so thought I would take a trip up there this evening to try and capture some sunset shots and see what it was all about. As it happens due to all the dips and hill around these mines none of the ruined buildings were nicely framed with the sun behind them, but this little lake was ideal. The weather had other ideas, however, and clouds rolled in not long after taking this shot and so the actual sunset didn't happen as such. The processing of this is a little different to what I normally do, but I did this by mistake and quite liked it, the correctly processed version is here -

Wow, mental PP - really like this shot a lot!

Could have sworn I added yesterdays last night, but it aint here guess not!

My 365 - Day 205

Went, with a few fellow photographers, to Chester today, no main aim for the day other than to walk around and try some street candid photography. This shot isn't exactly street, but it is candid I guess. This was on the river bank in Chester, there are lots of benches but this one caught my eye because of the mixture of characters sat on it. I was tempted to go for a shot of their faces but it would have meant going down to a lower level and I don't think it would have worked as well. Big upload of shots from the day coming to Flickr soon ;)
Cheers Whittie :)

My 365 - Day 206

I was kindly lent a Canon 400mm lens by this reprobate ( - Didn't get chance to get outside and give it a good work out but took this shot out of my window earlier (it is the vent on a house roof across the road). My god this lens is sharp! It is loooovely :)

P.S the inset part of the pic is a 100% crop
that is a dodgy looking character you borrowed the lens off!:D no camera bag though i notice, gotta say that lens looks sharp to me
Nice shooting JL, that 400mm looks excellent - I got the 100-400mm and love it, the range you get ('specially on a cropped camera) is amazing!
205 = Nice candid (sort of ... :shrug:) just intrigued why you chose to focus on the first person only and, say not further down the line or even all of them ... :shrug:

NotaLemonoraJimmy said:
Could have sworn I added yesterdays last night, but it aint here guess not!

:cautious: ... Pretty limp excuse if you ask me ... :naughty:

206 = :eek: ... that is some serious sharp glass by the look ... :D ... you buying one soon ... ;)

205 = Nice candid (sort of ... :shrug:) just intrigued why you chose to focus on the first person only and, say not further down the line or even all of them ... :shrug:

Yeah it isn't overly candid really is it - as for picking out the first person it was just because that was the person I could see the most and the only person on the bench who's face I could I was seeing what I could capture with the 70-200 set on F4 pretty much all day :p no real reason for it, just thought it would be interesting (how sad is that?)
Not sad at all ... :shrug: ... and thanks for bothering to satisfy my curiosity Tom ... ;) ... sometimes the obvious is not necessarily the case and tbh I'd probably have gone for the same effect for similar reasons ... :D

My 365 - Day 207

I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia a few years ago now, and have been on various tablets for it, but the latest ones have some lovely graphics to explain how much fun you can't have :( Was hoping for a good sunset tonight, but it has got stormy instead, hence this pretty boring photo :p
My 365 - Day 208

Took the borrowed 400mm out for a walk today, it seemed it was even too hot out for any wildlife :( I wanted some nice birds in flight or something, but nothing around :( so I decided what I could see from where I was standing, turns out nothing interesting really :p but this shot came out ok. I probably should have spent more time out, but it was WAY to hot!
207 = That makes for a shot with a difference ... :D ... sharp where it needs to be ... ;) ... is this a permanent thing or does it go away eventually Tom ... :shrug:

208 = I rather like the clean simplicity of this one ... :cautious: ... and not just for the Green content ... :D ... :love: algae ... :LOL: ... but it has that diagonal angular interest that seems to fascinate ... :shrug:

207 = That makes for a shot with a difference ... :D ... sharp where it needs to be ... ;) ... is this a permanent thing or does it go away eventually Tom ... :shrug:

It will probably go away if I can loose weight and stuff, but could well end up with an op once I have lost weight if it doesn't fix itself :(
My 365 - Day 209

Went up to the Sunderland Airshow today. To cut a long story short, there wasn't much of an "air" show as there was an insane amount of misty fog (or fret I think they called it) around. At stages you couldn't even see the what was about 10 feet off shore. This shot captures pretty much the only plane that was visible all day. Didn't really get much chance to get my eye in and just fired off as many shots as I could with the 400mm this is one of the best, cropped and rotated as it was banking heavily, the noise is due to having to shoot through the fog :( Still got plenty of shots, just nothing of flying planes!
Glad your enjoying the 400mm Tom, also gutted about the fog at the air show :(

The owner of that 400 looks like one seriously shifty character to me :runaway:
I have that , horrible isn't it.... always seems to be worse at night when you want to sleep. Well it is for me anyway , feels like my insides near my gut are being torn. :puke:

Dont get the torn bit myself, I just get aches in my chest and left shoulder :( then just random stomach upsets etc....but yeah it really isn't fun is it :( seems totally random at times too, can be fine for months then it just goes mental!
Dont get the torn bit myself, I just get aches in my chest and left shoulder :( then just random stomach upsets etc....but yeah it really isn't fun is it :( seems totally random at times too, can be fine for months then it just goes mental!

Yeh thats about right , went a month without any problems then these last 3 days awful pain... And im on meds , when i went to the hospital and had the camera they said it was fine at the time and didn't want to operate :(

Sorry will let u get back to your photo's
Still enjoying this JL, I like the image of "ladders" over the wall. So very simple and basic, but a good photo.
Thanks everyone :) The positive comments really do help (y)

My 365 - Day 210

Was a bit sick of taking photos today after taking so many yesterday at the airshow, we had take away from this place for tea though, so got a quick snap whilst my dad went in to pick the food up. Think I need sleep now :)
My 365 - Day 211

This was a bit of a grab shot as I spotted there was a game of bowls going on as I was taking a ton of plastic bottles etc to the recycling bin things. Luckily had the camera with me, but on the 10-20 lens. Could have done with some more action or people a bit nearer, but I still quite like it.
Nice one JL (y)

What's the bit they are bowling in to though? or is it a brick wall thing?

My 365 - Day 212

Crap photo, but I don't care :p I am totaly knackered. I don't sleep well in warm weather and we seem to have had a good spell of warm nights recently, add that with a 6:30 wake up this morning and now I just want to go to bed :(
"Day 211", I feel like that guy on big brother. I think the 10-20 was the right choice(as if you had one) for that shot. Love the colours in the sky contrasting with the green.
Cheers Gerodi :)

My 365 - Day 213

I was messing this evening with some shots from my recent trip to Chester, when I noticed they were quite colourful, so I decided to try and make some sort of montage thingy. I was going to just post that, but it wasn't a photo as such, so I had to take a photo of that....and then post that on here :(