My 365 - Day 214

It was my dad's birthday today, so we went out for an meal this evening. The food was excellent (I recommend - the food is excellent, if a little pricey). This was my had some fancy italian name, but it was profiteroles and some very nice choccy sauce and ice cream.
My 365 - Day 215

We are having some work done on our house over the next few weeks. This was stage one, moving my dads study up into the guest room, so that his old study can now become the is all good fun! I don't think.
My 365 - Day 216

Today was going to follow on from yesterdays theme, but that was pretty boring, spotted this shot on the way home from some tea out (it was yummy) couldn't stop at the time but went back and got this shot. Some recent rain has turned this field into a bit of a lake, and had literally hundred of gulls swimming around on it, making one hell of a noise.
I have to say JL, you have a great eye for sunsets. What processing techniqe do you use on them? They truley are stunning (y)
We need a seperate 365 forum now! :rules: I think i'm doing well keeping up, :cautious: then realise i've missed someone for a few days. :bang:

I may not always comment, seems little point in constantly saying how fabulous your pics are,:p but i (try to) always have a look.

Well done on yet more great shots:clap:
My 365 - Day 217

Similar theme to yesterdays shot. Hadn't got a shot all day, but obviously needed one. The chimney outside was all lit up in golden sun so I decided to head out, and ended up at Embsay Reservoir (Day 136 was from here too) I had a look on Google Earth before hand and saw that it I should be able to see the sunset over to the one side. I got there a bit late however and the sun was getting too low to be seen from much further up the banks, so I got this shot as a back up in case the sunset vanished completely behind the hills....and it did :(
My 365 - Day 218

Having a break from work today I decided I needed some air so went for a drive up above Skipton to see if I could get above the rain. Turns out I couldn't and it was just as bad up there :( Skipton is in the dip in the middle of the shot, under that big cloud of rain.
Hi JL,
Congrats on the new Tea Boy job!
I said this in my own 365 but have to say it again here.
I have read your 365 from "cover to cover" a few times now and every time I am stunned at how ace your photos are.
Loving day 212, I have days like that all the time!
My 365 - Day 219

Had no decent shot for today, so has some Weetabix and strawberrys to help me think. The red in the bowl stood out as I put it down on my desk, so took a shot and thought I would wait to see what the sunset did. Sunset was rubbish so went back to the quick snap from earlier and thought I would mess around with it in Photoshop. End result is pretty pants, but I have nothing else :(
My 365 - Day 220

Continuing the theme from about 5 days ago, the next step of our house alterations took part today with the boarding out of the loft, not a very exciting event, but has made us realise quite how big out loft is! This is a really badly stiched shot as Photoshop just refused to do it properly! :( It has been a busy day of work so nothing more exciting I am aftaid.
well done teaboy. liking most of your shots. keep on going(y)
My 365 - Day 221

Ok so today is the 08/08/08 - can't say I am ever that impressed by that sort of thing, but I thought a photo to represent it might be worthwhile. I could have got up at 08:08 this morning and taken this, but then I could have sat there an hour ago and changed the time on my 40D and clock to 08:08 (and 8 seconds) and set up the shot nicely :p (well as nicely as you can for a clock!) also for a bit of fun I shot at F8 and 800ISO, was going to go for 8 second exposure, but really couldn't be arsed, to make up for that I am uploaded this at 08:08pm :p
Date Time Digitised = 2008-08-08 08:08:08

Not commentated on your 366 before but I have found it all highly enjoyable.
There are some outstanding photos on this thread.
Well done and I cant wait to see all the rest.
Cheers fletch5 and Staggerlee :)

My 365 - Day 222

Noticed everything was loading a bit slowly on the net for me today, so did a speed check and noticed the lovely people at BT have throttled our broadband down to 135kb/sec again! they did this the other week, claimed there was a fault went through the usual useless questions and then fixed the problem the same day, seems it is back again! useful they haven't done anything with the support ticket from last time so don't know what the problem was and we are probably going to have go through the whole thing again :(
That sucks :(
Tickets should be generated on your name and house so your account will have notes/ticket section. They shouldbe able to retreive all data, as i beleive this is law.
That sucks :(
Tickets should be generated on your name and house so your account will have notes/ticket section. They shouldbe able to retreive all data, as i beleive this is law.

The ticket shows up on my account on the BT website, but is still just listed as open and has had nothing added to it :(

Some belting good shots over the last few weeks JL ... :clap: loads of gorgeous sunsets too , enjoyed that catch up loads, ta. (y)

Cheers FB :)
My 365 - Day 223

I have an ever growing pile of crap on my desk that I need to either sort or deal with, there is a poor laptop stuck under all that somewhere :( something fun to look forward to tomorrow I guess.
Ive just looked through all 31 Pages of your thread and the pictures are brilliant. Well done, the dedication you have is amazing.

Cheers Bod :) it seems to be getting pretty easy to get a shot a day now, can do it without having to think "damn I need to get a shot" - which is a good thing, I think.
My 365 - Day 224

Popped into Ikea this evening, this is my sisters excited face! Anyway many hours later we made it out and two trolleys full of boxes and random stuff.
Ahhhh the joys of swedish flatpacks!!!. We all hate them =]
My 365 - Day 225

More problems with my damn internet today! It was like living in the dark ages this morning, I was without the internet for a good 5 hours, it went VERY slowly :( I have no idea why it stopped working, but when I got back online I noticed there was a BT problem listed for nearby but it didn't suggest it should be effecting me :( anyway, internet lives now...and oddly seems to have lost its odd throttle BT had put in place, but god knows for how long!
My 365 - Day 226

Have spent a good part of today laying out some photo books on the Photobox website. Wasn't sure I was going to like the way it worked to start with, but I think I have managed to get what I was after in the end. Just hope the finished book looks good :)
My 365 - Day 227

I get a new bathroom floor :) I can't use that bathroom for a week :(

Propper 227 added now
I keep dipping into this thread now and then. That Welsh footpath is great
ok **** - just realised I still havent added the 3 days before yesterdays to this thread - D'oh

Cheers oldgit :)
My 365 - Day 228

Had no ideas for a shot today, so decided I would try a different camera, the last few I have posted have been taken on my IXUS 75, normally my shots are from my Canon 350D or 40D. The only camera I haven't used so far for a 365 entry is my phones camera. I don't use it much, in fact I don't use my phone much so that I have lost the lead to get the picture from my phone to my pc! so I had to take a photo of the photo on the screen :( so the photo in the photo was taken on the correct day, but as I couldnt be arsed to find the lead last night, and then just couldnt find it full stop today I had to resort to taking a photo of the in fact still no 365 shot actually from my phones camera!

I hope you havent followed that, because I sure havent!
My 365 - Day 229

New bathroom floor laid and setting, still not allowed to walk on it :( looks nice though!
My 365 - Day 230

Went to North Wales yesterday. Had a great day out but the weather decided it didn't want to play ball in the evening so no nice Sunset shots to be had. This shot was taken near Llyn Ogwen on a footpath upto Cwm Idwal. This is a beautiful waterfall with a lovely wooden bridge over it. I probably could have spent all day taking photos of just this waterfall.
My 365 - Day 231

This use to be the en-suite for one of the bedrooms, it is soon to be one end of the new kitchen. If it wasn't for the rubble it would just be one VERY big bathroom at the moment.
Right I am away for a few days and then have a busy weekend so it might be a mass catch up with these in a week :)
WOW - day 230 is one cracking shot. That old bridge looks the part, as if that shot would have been a few hundred years ago.
Not forgotten about this, just not had chance to sort out all the past days shots yet :|