weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

really like pack :clap: and togethers a really nice b+w. cant fault art either its such a wide subject whose to say it isn't art.
Together, a lovely shot of the two cats Nat.
Pack, I think this is superb, made me chuckle.
Art, a very interesting shot, I had to stare at it for a while to work out what I was actually looking at.
wow 3 very good submissions, cats seem to be better at posing than dogs, they are just slower and less excited ha ha

well I love what you've done with together, and pack is cool too, even though it's ccropped I can still see that puss is in a suitcase. Art is fab, what a great find, I love beach stones :clap: the angle you've used is spot on :)
Together – I’m not a cat person but I like the image. It’s got a great range of tones from whites right through to blacks

Pack – Some fantastic colours in those eyes. They certainly make the focal point nicely.

Art – Nice image. It’s fantastic what the elements can do to something as hard as stone.

Week 47 - Colour by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

I'd wager most of you knew what my choice of subject for this theme was going to be... I was in need of some flower therapy and I picked these up yesterday.

It annoys me that it's not original in any way. I would have liked to at least have found an angle that was different to what I have done before, but everything else I tried was missing a focal point. This frame I actually took yesterday, so in that sense it is a cheat, but I thought there was no point in going back and taking the exact same shot again.
Hi Nat, sorry, I've been struggling to keep up with everyone!

Together is lovely definitely a shot to frame :)

Pack is superb, love those eyes :clap: It did make me chuckle too as my cat couldn't stay our of our suitcases! I would crop that little white bit out too.

Art, great detail in that. It is amazing what water can do! (y)
Hi, Nat, missed a few :nono:

Some crackers here :clap:

Spread, nice, clean and bright photograph. Crisp BG and great depth. No crit from me on this one.

Together, B&W was a good choice and nice flowing sense. Good tones and detail. Eye contact would have been good and the cushion :thinking: with what looks like a reptile skin pattern on draws my eye a tad.

Pack, great eye contact and catchlights. Just a tad off the top for me.

Art, another cracker and the hole is amazing. I saw loads of these on a recent trip to Bridlington. Amazing how the water creates a hole in the rock over millenia. I'd like to see a tad more DOF as the OOF lower left draws my eye. I really like how you've left some colour in the hole as opposed to all white.

Colour, :clap: vibrant, well composed and there's a natural yellow vignetting. Think I'll revisit this one because I can't make my mind up about the slight 'flaw' in the lower left petal.

Overall, really good show :clap:

Hi Nathalie, sorry I've not commented for a while. Hoping to make amends :)

Age is such a clever take, and a very original way to photograph it; stunning!

Natural; you excel at these close up shots. I'd love to do as well; very very nice indeed.

Spread says "sprinkle" to me more than spread, but who cares, it's a lovely photo!

Together; what can I say - brill! Can't fault it.

Pack; wow, even better! How on earth did you get your cat to pose so perfectly? Stunning eyes.

Art; it's interesting that you've not tried to photograph a piece of art, rather create one. I love it - fantastic colours.

Colour; now I really hate you (not really really, just pretend really!). That is perfection. Nothing else to stay!
Pack is superb, love those eyes :clap: It did make me chuckle too as my cat couldn't stay our of our suitcases! I would crop that little white bit out too.
Thanks, Marsha. I have cropped out the white bit (was the brand logo catching the light) and uploaded a new version.

Colour, Very nice, never mind about angles, the colour is really nice and vibrant, I like it a lot.
Thanks Michael.

Hi Nat, I missed colour earlier. It definitely fits the theme (y) I wouldn't worry about it having been done before, I guess all our shots have been done before by someone! I always think, well it hasn't been done by me:)
Well, I have taken very similar shots myself before, which was why I was a bit disappointed. It can be hard though, with such limited depth of field, to get something that looks good.

Hi, Nat, missed a few :nono:

Some crackers here :clap:

Spread, nice, clean and bright photograph. Crisp BG and great depth. No crit from me on this one.

Together, B&W was a good choice and nice flowing sense. Good tones and detail. Eye contact would have been good and the cushion :thinking: with what looks like a reptile skin pattern on draws my eye a tad.

Pack, great eye contact and catchlights. Just a tad off the top for me.

Art, another cracker and the hole is amazing. I saw loads of these on a recent trip to Bridlington. Amazing how the water creates a hole in the rock over millenia. I'd like to see a tad more DOF as the OOF lower left draws my eye. I really like how you've left some colour in the hole as opposed to all white.

Colour, :clap: vibrant, well composed and there's a natural yellow vignetting. Think I'll revisit this one because I can't make my mind up about the slight 'flaw' in the lower left petal.

Overall, really good show :clap:

Thanks, Andy.

Together - the reptile skin thing is the duvet, and I was literally cursing as I was editing the photos because it's pink AND green and there was no way I could get rid of it. This was the main reason I went with B&W. I wish I could plonk them down where there's a nice clean background and get them to stay there, but they are cats and they love soft things like pillows, the duvet, blankets... If I try and interfere in any way, move things out of the way (such as the duvet) they stop interacting with each other and try and get my attention instead. Eye contact, believe me -- I tried.

Pack - this has been cropped already to remove the light reflecting logo on the suitcase and I don't want to take any more off the top. I had considered blurring that part of the image, as the details draw my eye a little, but to be honest, I'm not keen on doing this type of editing.

Art - Sorry you disagree but this DoF, the way it turned out, was exactly what I was aiming for. :)
Hi Nathalie, sorry I've not commented for a while. Hoping to make amends :)

Age is such a clever take, and a very original way to photograph it; stunning!

Natural; you excel at these close up shots. I'd love to do as well; very very nice indeed.

Spread says "sprinkle" to me more than spread, but who cares, it's a lovely photo!

Together; what can I say - brill! Can't fault it.

Pack; wow, even better! How on earth did you get your cat to pose so perfectly? Stunning eyes.

Art; it's interesting that you've not tried to photograph a piece of art, rather create one. I love it - fantastic colours.

Colour; now I really hate you (not really really, just pretend really!). That is perfection. Nothing else to stay!
Mark... You are WAY too kind! :nono:

Pack - They love containers of all kinds; cardboard boxes, suitcases, shopping bags. When I put the suitcase out on the sofa, it took all of about five seconds for one of them to jump in. I had the camera ready, closed the lid, then opened it a few times and took five frames. Job done! Most of the time it's not that easy, though.
Thanks, Marsha. I have cropped out the white bit (was the brand logo catching the light) and uploaded a new version.

That's better :)

Well, I have taken very similar shots myself before, which was why I was a bit disappointed. It can be hard though, with such limited depth of field, to get something that looks good.

I was half asleep when I posted last night:bonk: I do think it looks good, I could see it framed as part of a collection :clap: I especially like how the DOF varies throughout the shot.
Hi Nat,

I don't think I have commented on your posts before. Forgive me but I have been away at sea and to catch up on everything you and everyone else is an impossible task so here is a bit of feedback on your last three images.

Together - Very nice composition your two cats cuddled up is a very pleasing image, nice focus and catchlights in the eyes. I think that B/W works very well and colour would have been less impactive.

Pack - I didn't get the connection at first because the (cats) eyes have overriding prominence in the image. I didn't see the case at first but when I did it made sense, I do quite like it and think it works well for the theme.

Art - Good choice of focus and depth of field but personally I'm not sure if this says art to me. Very difficult i know as 'Art', like photography is extremely subjective. As an image I do like it.

Colour - Very nice. Your selective focus and softening of the petals around the frame work very nicely. Strong colours make it a compelling image. Would look nice block mounted.
Hi Nathalie

your 1st cat image...that's one intense stare from the top cat :eek: beautiful image though , mono works really well :clap:

ART...great find on the beach & fab angle to shot at...lovely colors & textures...can see that framed (y)

Color...now , I really want to like this as the colors are simply wonderful and the angle spot on ( there's a limited number of ways to shot a flower close up so don't beat yourself up over it :) ) ....but....the oof patch on the rhs of the centre lets it down for me . Daresay it's down to the angle & the f4.5 , having seen some stunning flower shots from you both here & on flickr I don't think this is one of your best . Don't mean to sound harsh , just saying it as I see it....sorry :crying:
Color...now , I really want to like this as the colors are simply wonderful and the angle spot on ( there's a limited number of ways to shot a flower close up so don't beat yourself up over it :) ) ....but....the oof patch on the rhs of the centre lets it down for me . Daresay it's down to the angle & the f4.5 , having seen some stunning flower shots from you both here & on flickr I don't think this is one of your best . Don't mean to sound harsh , just saying it as I see it....sorry :crying:
I can't even find this OOF patch you're referring to? :shrug: But you're of course entitled to your opinion... We don't like the same things, and that's okay.
I can't even find this OOF patch you're referring to? :shrug: But you're of course entitled to your opinion... We don't like the same things, and that's okay.

Oh pants...I had a feeling my post woudn't go down to well...I never meant to take offence . I've drawn a line round the area I was talking about but not sure about posting the image as you edit not ticked . I would like to show you what I'm talking about so maybe I could email it to you ? Of course it may just be my eyesight ..........
Hi Nathalie, bit of a comment catch up for me here.

Together, bang on theme, I like the B&W treatment here, I know you mentioned about the coloured duvet cover so it was a compromise. It works well, you've held a lot of detail in the image and I think the subjects suit the processing so (y)

Pack, great (y)
The eye contact really makes this, I feel an even tighter crop could be had here and it still be a very striking image.

Art, as mentioned its subjective but hey whats not to like about pebbles ;)
Lovely colour tones in here too, well spotted and executed.

Colour, bang on theme again. Lovely bright vivid colours, good detail and bold composition. Good work :) Iain
Oh pants...I had a feeling my post woudn't go down to well...I never meant to take offence . I've drawn a line round the area I was talking about but not sure about posting the image as you edit not ticked . I would like to show you what I'm talking about so maybe I could email it to you ? Of course it may just be my eyesight ..........
I'm not offended, only surprised that something which I can't see even after it's been pointed out to me, is enough of an issue to make the photo substandard. There's no need to email it to me. If I can't see it after all this time staring at it, that's more than good enough for me. It's not an issue as far as I'm concerned.
lovely colours in "colour" not much else I can add its all been said
Hi Nat :)

Behind again..... so here we go

Together - Lovely Sharp eyes, and liking the portrait crop, not as expected :)

Pack - Nice catch-lights, did it take much persuading ?? I know mine don't

Art - very interesting, at first thought it was an egg :D as you say nice shapes and colours

Colour - Very Nice, I do like a macro flower shot, nice composition and wonderful colours (y)
Hi Nathalie

I have been away for a week and find that you have really motored on!

Together - spot on theme. Good detail partic in top cat. B&W is good approach given the colours that you describe. I am with Andy on just wishing that the lizardy print on the lhs was not there.

Pack - so original :clap: Like the colours, the EYES (they are that big), the pov and dof. Faultless for me.

Art - good spot and well on theme. Good colours and balance of stone in the frame. It gives me the impression of a person's left eye looking at me. (y)

Colour - on the subject that you know so well. (y) Good colour and like the position of the centre of the flower to bottom left. You have captured the lovely graduated colours of the petals very well. I see the point that Lynne is making as the lhs of the centre has about 3 'rows' of rosettes oof and the rhs of the centre has about 5 rows oof, yet the petals to the right are in better focus. This may have more to do with the natural irregularities in the flower and the domed nature of it rather than your technique. It certainly does not make the photo substandard and is a minor issue.
Lovely colours, so fits the theme perfectly Nat... I think Alan has nailed it about Lynnes comments... I wasn't so sure on that bit myself initially, but after looking at it for a while, I don't think it's a problem at all.
I see the point that Lynne is making as the lhs of the centre has about 3 'rows' of rosettes oof and the rhs of the centre has about 5 rows oof, yet the petals to the right are in better focus. This may have more to do with the natural irregularities in the flower and the domed nature of it rather than your technique. It certainly does not make the photo substandard and is a minor issue.
Alan & John, thanks for commenting. Just to clarify -- there's very little of the image that is actually IN focus; only a small part of the centre and then the part of the petals that happened to fall within the plane of focus. I'm sure you know this, but I shot it like this on purpose -- the entire centre was never meant to be in focus.

Someone might argue that the OoF-ness is not regular enough, ie the RHS has more of it than the LHS, but if that's the level we're bringing the critique to now, I think I'd better stop leaving feedback altogether!

The only thing that bothers me about this photo, is the fact that there's a gap in the petals in the top LHS.
As I said Nat, I don't think it's a problem, the image works for me... The gap in the petals, I hadn't noticed to be honest.
Together - Lovely shot with great B/W conversion
Pack - Great focus on the eyes with DOF just right
Art - Good use of a natural element and well spotted
Colour - To meet the theme you've shot a very colourful image and the softness of the petals etc. is clear, however I think the point is that the OOF on RHS draws the eye away from the rest of the photo. The other OOF areas do not have the same effect and can be dismissed. The image works to convey the theme which is the important part.
Interesting.... I'm kinda intrigued by what is glowing in the first one... and in fact how you shot it... (black card, with a star hole cut in it ?)

I much prefer the look and feel of the second shot, although, for me, it's less about the glow (although the one light that's nearly in focus is clearly glowing, and the diffused glow of the others is there too... and more about the cat, the Cat is lovely mind you and the look says it all... (I can just picture the cat trying to work out the angles for getting to a shiny thing up at the top of the tree ;)
Hi Nat, that second shot is smashing! The lighting is simply incredible; you've managed to get a subtle glow on the cat's face as well as the more obvious glow of the lights themselves. Perfect :)
Interesting.... I'm kinda intrigued by what is glowing in the first one... and in fact how you shot it... (black card, with a star hole cut in it ?)
It's a candle lantern, with star-shaped holes along the top. I took it with the macro lens and unfortunately, the edges were quite uneven when you got really close!

I much prefer the look and feel of the second shot, although, for me, it's less about the glow (although the one light that's nearly in focus is clearly glowing, and the diffused glow of the others is there too... and more about the cat, the Cat is lovely mind you and the look says it all... (I can just picture the cat trying to work out the angles for getting to a shiny thing up at the top of the tree ;)
A bunch of the tree decorations have already mysteriously disappeared...

Hi Nat, that second shot is smashing! The lighting is simply incredible; you've managed to get a subtle glow on the cat's face as well as the more obvious glow of the lights themselves. Perfect :)
Thank you!
Although I feel #1 fits the theme better and I do like it, I find #2 a super picture of the cat. Can't help but wondering what he/she is looking at and thinking.
Hi Nat,

I wondered if your first glow shot was through a lantern, I used to have a similar thing from Ikea :) I like the silhouette with the glow in the middle. But the second shot wins it for me, love the focus on the puddy cat and the bokeh from the lights in the background :clap:
'Ello, Glow #1 is nice and minimal. Was it card over the lens? Glow #2, nice bokeh and who doesn't love a good cat staring at...something.

Hi Nathalie

the cat shot....BEAUTIFUL....can't fault it but really think it needs printing & putting on a wall to show it off :clap:
The star shaped Glow....love the tones & the shape ...I've got one of those lanterns but never thought about using it....:bonk: