weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

Edit: photo removed

It's been a tough couple of weeks for Oskar with many trips to the vet and a few overnight stays in the hospital. His condition has improved, especially over the last few days, but Thursday next week is when his future will be decided. Until then, he's getting a lot of extra love and attention. Because he is *such* a lap cat, he needed no convincing at all to help out with this photo.

I took this with the camera mounted on a tripod, using cable release. I had to have a few goes, as I had problems getting all of my head in the frame.

From a technical point of view, it's certainly not a great; I could have done better with the lighting (there are shadows on my face) and it's not as sharp as I would have wanted it (I partly blame the kit lens for this).
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Hi Nat,

I would have to say you look a little awkward/ uncomfortable in that shot! But it must have been even harder to do with a pot on! It is a little soft, I would have been tempted to up the ISO and go for a smaller aperture like F11 or even F16 to get as much in focus as possible. Especially if there is uncertainty over Oskar's future, poor puss:( I'd want as many photos with him as poss!
I'm not sure if you are referring to the posture (kind of hunched down in the sofa to fit my head into the frame) or the facial expression, which I did not think was uncomfortable at all (there's a hint of a smile). The pot is irrelevant; I was sitting down so it made no difference either way.

I don't shoot at f16 with this lens (18-105).
Hi, Nat, I had a glimpse before you removed it and didn't see it as overly uncomfortable. Only your left arm. Guess stroking Oskar would have been a bit of a barrier. I quite liked your calm and caring facial expression and Oskar looked cosy.

Cheers and hope all goes well with Oskar.
Andy, the left arm was holding the cable release, which is why it is where it is.

I'm going to use this photo as my entry for the theme but it will remain private. I hate having my photo taken and yes - I DO often look awkward in them. This is the reason why I don't post pictures of myself in places like this. I wasn't looking for critique on the model and I should have made that clear.
Thanks, all.

Oskar is doing a lot better now, much to my surprise. To be honest, I'd given up hope. Last week, the vet and I both agreed to give him another week and if there was no sign of improvement, we'd put an end to it... But for now at least, he is fine.

I'm still trying to come up with something for Natural that I can shoot indoors.
Hi Nathalie

didn't get to see your image :crying: I'm with you on not liking being in front of the camera...behind it is a much better option :LOL: Hope both you & Oskar are doing well (y)
Thanks, Lynne. :)

I know what I want to photograph for Age... I'm a little worried that by the time I get around to it (this depends on when my supplies arrive), someone else will already have photographed the exact same thing.

Still no idea what to shoot for Natural. Might have to leave it until I'm mobile again.
I'm sure it was a good shot, I too much prefer to be behind the camera, than in front of it, but as odd as this is gonna sound, it's oddly liberating to shoot SP's... even though I don't like the results.

Week 42 - Age by C Fredriksson, on Flickr


I had high hopes for my cake shot but when I finally got around to photographing it, nothing looked right... I shot the whole cake, with and without candles, from different angles and then repeated the process with this slice. I found the background was clashing with the cake, and some of the cake decorations did not even go together... In my opinion, at least. So unfortunately, it's another B&W conversion!

I might attempt a re-shoot at some point with a really nice looking cake... The trouble is, I want to see it up close before I buy it and for that, I need to be mobile.
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Hi, Age does look a tad dark. But I quite like it. I has a nice feeling to it.

Natural, mmmmmmmmmm, I do like Pomegranate. Good detail in the FG and nice fall off. Central white bit draws my eye a bit.

Wish I had a Pomegranate now :D

Hi Nathalie

I like the concept for age but it's very dark on my screen (laptop though).

Natural is a lovely shot but you have cropped a bit at the bottom which is niggling me - I can understand the bg being oof and missing bits, but I feel as if I want to see all of the bits which are in focus (does that make sense?) :)
Age - Dark as said but I like the point of view on this one.

Natural - Loving the saturation of the colour on this one. The small drops of water add to the image as well.
Hi Nathalie,

Age, I like the idea for the theme (wish it had been the theme the week I made my daughters cake:bonk: ) but I feel a little is lost in the B&W conversion! I think a colourful cake should be seen in colour, maybe some selective changing in PP could make it match! I do like the composition though.

Natural, nice DOF, I like how you can just about see where some segments have been removed.
Hi Nathalie , hope your recovery is progessing well (y)

All has been said about the cake...great idea , I like the fact it's a slice rather than the whole cake but for me it needs to be color....quite like Marsha's idea of selectively changing the colors ?

Natural....not had one of those since I was at school ( junior school at that !) Great image...no fault for me , looks like you could reach in & pick one of the seeds out :clap:

Week 43 - Spread by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

Cupcake frosting.

I know it's a little messy... that's because they're homemade and when I made them, I wasn't planning of photographing them - just eating them!

I tried two other ideas (spread the word: twitter, and spreading disease: flu) but I found the first one technically impossible (could only be done with a screenshot) and the second could be executed but as a photo, it was a non-starter.
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Hi, Nat, Spread, no I rather like that. Really nice colours, nice and bright, well composed.

Crit?....can't see any off the at,

Good show.


BTW, I had a flu idea but it would involve another SP...and a rather messy one :)
Age, I really like that (this is the lightened version I think)... Whilst the cake would normally be seen in colour, I think, for me, it's a good fit. The mono brings out the tones and lines.

Natural, Good strong colours, and I like the water spots too. The pith seems a little bright to me, but that might be my laptop.

Spread, that's a good spread of toppings, in a good spread of colours :D... fits the theme nicely.
spread is lovely - love colour in a picture and this has plenty :) also the lighting is spot on :clap:
Thanks for the comments.

Regarding the cake shot, I think I need to try and do this properly with a real fancy cake at some point.

I find it very strange that the photo with the most views out of the whole Photo52 lot so far is Duo. Either there's a lot of people with a feet fetish or Duo is a popular search term...
nice image for spread i like the white bg and the colours on the stars they are well exposed
Hi Nathalie
Another catch up, sorry
Up – Lovely clean shot. Second (untitled) also works well
Duo – Not seen original but final edit looks good
Industry – Like the subject, layout, and DOF. Difficult subject to get right balance with whites a little bright, done well
Change – Excellent and the pod is a brilliant addition
Flow – Like both the edit and original. The inverted image is the stronger and a very successful experiment.
Age – On theme. Not a complete disaster just needs some experimentation with lighting.
Natural – Back on course with another brilliant shot. Colour and DOF just right
Spread – Another colourful submission and well shot against white BG
Hi Nathalie,
A wee bit of comment catch up for me here.
Age, I understand your exposure and lighting issues here and the mono conversion perhaps solves a few of those but I can't help but think that the subject would suit colour more :thinking:
Compositionally it is spot on and is bang on theme (y)

Natural, back to your colourful best :D you've captured some great detail in there giving depth to the image. Technically very good too, I like the highlights on the fruit.

Spread, just perfect. The colour tones, lighting and composition faultless IMHO.

ooohh...yum yum , that looks wonderful , both as an image & as a cake that I'd quite like to be eating just now (y) Great colors , you've caught the testure in the frosting , no highlights...yup , like it lots :clap::clap: Would like to see it flipped horizontally though ?
A couple of personal problems have been distracting me over the last few weeks... but at last, weeks 44 & 45 are done. Both are cat photos, as you can see. Together was always going to be; Pack I could have done something different but I thought the cat in the suitcase would be more interesting than for instance a suitcase full of clothes or a photo of my camera bag with all the camera gear in it (those were the only other ideas I had at the time). Having thought about it a bit more, I think an abstract photo of a pack of cigarettes could have been pretty good... Ah well.

Week 44 - Together by C Fredriksson, on Flickr

Week 45 - Pack by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
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Week 46 - Art by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
Natural rock art.

I picked this rock up a few months ago while exploring the beach (on the east coast, I can't remember exactly where) for photo ops. I thought it was a neat example of how if given enough time, water will quite literally eat its' way through stone... I also really liked the shapes and the colours.
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