weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

Nat, it fits the theme, and these can be hard... this is my 3rd, or is it fourth.. I've lost count now. Stick with it though, you'll be really pleased at the end of the year that you did.
Week 20 - Leave
1/160sec f4.8 48mm ISO200

The pain of leaving / being left.

A highly uncooperative model, but you take what you can get!

On a personal level, this week has been hard for me; a constant struggle between my heart and my head.
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Week 21 - Random by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/125sec f3.5 60mm ISO400

Random flower shot.

A bit of a stretch maybe, but I needed something colourful and 'happy' after the emotional roller coaster of the last few days and the rather depressing Leave interpretation that came as a direct result thereof.

I liked the texture of this flower, the creases in the petals, and the colours.
Authority - good idea, I would have more space in front of the van than behind it other than that a nicely taken shot.

Leave - well done on getting a real person into the shot! I dont think we see enough of them. There is definitely emotion in the shot not sure it says leave to me but understand the context.

Random - gorgeous flower. Lovely colours and great focus.

Hope you feeling ok and getting back the 52 vibe!
For Authority, I would have liked a black backdrop and a small light source to simulate street conditions at night, but I did not have the props at the time. This always seems to be the case...

Hope you feeling ok and getting back the 52 vibe!
Thanks, Alex. Now that the personal distractions are out of the way, I should be devoting more time to this project.
Leave - I can see what you were trying to do with the theme and for me it works. There's definitely a sense of emotion in the image.

Random - Not saying random to me but ignoring that it's a great photo. Nice colours and sharp where it needs to be
Short - On theme, great choice but how sad.
Flight - A good shot, if only it could have been caught flying in, but wings show motion well.
Authority - not much to say except it fits the theme.
Leave - May have been an uncooperative model but the strong emotion shows something wrong, just cant tie it up to leaving, Sorry
Random - Agree with Delta Skies on this one.
Hi Nathalie

sorry to hear you've been have a rough ride lately , big :hug: to you

Liking the simplicity of your Authority shot , great colors , nicely placed with the van for me & right on theme (y)

Randowm.....thats what I like about this theme , it's your own take & for me fits the theme....great colors , nicely focused & def one to make you feel more smiley (y)

Leave....been there , done that ( far too many times ) so yeah , feel the pain & a great image ...well done you :clap:

Well done on still being here , we all have "give up " times but good to see you keeping on with it , you'll feel great at the end when you look back & see just how bloomin' well you've done (y)

Week 22 - Temperature by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/125sec f3.2 60mm ISO800

Hot (temperature).

Weather was really nice last weekend and the first thing that came to mind was a beach scene; sand, ice cream & sunglasses - though I knew I'd have to settle for grass rather than sand if I was to do this. Anyway, I did not manage to get the photo done last weekend, and then the weather turned sour...

Two days ago I tried plan B; a melting ice cream. But, the top of the cone did not melt in the way I had expected and for me, there just was not a picture there.

As it's Friday night and tomorrow is new theme day, I thought I'd try and find something indoors to shoot... It know it's a little lame, but at least I'm ON TIME for once! :p
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Ah bummer, somebody else had already done the HOT hob thing - and done it much better, too. Now I really want to find something else to photograph... Thinking cap on.
Hi Nat. Sorry I'm a bit behind:

Leave, I think this definitely says emotion, and a difficult one to photograph! I think you've done well. {{{hugs}}} to you either way and hope your on the up.

Random, beautiful flower, lovely texture and focus, I think it fits the theme too(y)

Temperature, I didn't realise this was a hob (half asleep on my phone! I thought it was some seedy advert or is the just my dirty mind? I've not seen the other one but I like the POV here and the focus :clap:
Hi Nathalie, how on earth did I miss three in a row? Sorry :bonk:

Leave is a great interpretation, well executed. I'd perhaps have liked to see more of the "protective" cushion, but that's minor. B&W works really well.

Random. OK, so there's nothing about the actual photo that says random to me, but I get where you're coming from, and it's a lovely photo. Great colours and focus.

Temperature is brill :) does matter that someone else had the same idea; you've done it differently and it works a treat.
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Temperature - I like your angle of view here and composition good focus to it works very well and is bang on theme.

Nick (y)

Week 22 - Abstract by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f5.6 60mm ISO400 Flash, Handheld

Abstract Lily.

When this theme was drawn, I knew I wanted it to be a flower shot. And because I already had the lilies, that's what I photographed. I know it's similar to what I've uploaded to my Flickr photostream over the last few days but when it comes to this type of thing, my imagination is pretty limited.

For once, I'm going to say that I'm happy with my photo. I like the colours and the composition, the light, and the focus is where I wanted it. As always though, feel free to disagree! Honest feedback is what I want.

Edit: Slightly brighter version uploaded.
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I've never been a fan of commenting without having a good look for ways to improve....can't see any (y)

Great depth, colours, composition, sharp where it needs to be.

Hmmmm, just had a thought..wondered what having a slightly whiter BG would look like....had a quick edit is PS and a slight brightening of the BG seems to help.

Nevertheless....a cracking photograph :clap:

Like that with the focus on the pollen, nice clean image ... interesting abstract.
Thanks for the comments, all.

As for the background being whiter, the current version of the photo is a pretty good representation of what the flower looks like in real life. I've tweaked the brightness slightly, not sure if it made too much of a difference.
lovely shot :clap:
Leave - a very emotional shot.. captured and processed really well. I hope things are all ok...

Random - not very, other than a random shot... but either way, it's lovely.

Hot - It's on theme, and clearly has a hot feel to it

Abstract - Love it, and despite knowing what it is, it looks very abstract.
Wow, like it a lot! I'm not sure what else to say!
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Abstract - a very nice image, lilly petals look a little disembodied but I really like the shallow depth of field. Nicely on theme Nick (y)
Wow abstract is simply stunning. If you hadn't said what it was I would never have guessed. BG looks fine to me. Love the DOF.
Random Another flower shot - I can see they are your thing so you really lucked out with the themes - but I really like that too - like one of those ink blotch things you used to do at school with a kind of random symmetry.
Hi Nathalie, a lovely abstract pic. The pollen stands out against the white petals and the focus is spot on! :)

A few of us have been able to shoot flowers for this weeks theme but in all different ways!!:)
Hi Nathalie, playing 10 week catch up with everyone's submissions, and mine too :(

Authority - I actually do like that, like the dof on it.

Leave - wonderful shot, great idea (y)

Random - excellent dof and lovely colours

Temperature - again love this one

Abstract - v nice colours and great composition too
Thanks for the comments, everyone.

When I signed up for this in December, I thought I'd be putting quite a lot of effort in every week; coming up with an idea that worked and then translating that into a photograph. Somewhere along the line I realised I needed to spend time on my normal photography too, otherwise I'd soon lose the will to live... Some weeks I've just not been feeling it at all, and instead of falling behind even further I've resigned myself to stretching the themes slightly, to make it easier to come up with something, anything, that will (sorta) meet the requirements.

Although I do love photographing flowers, Random is certainly NOT one of my best... Another candidate for whenever the first Reshoot is drawn!
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Thanks for the comments, everyone.

When I signed up for this in December, I thought I'd be putting quite a lot of effort in every week; coming up with an idea that worked and then translating that into a photograph. Somewhere along the line I realised I needed to spend time on my normal photography too, otherwise I'd soon lose the will to live... Since then, some weeks I've just not been feeling it at all, and instead of falling behind even further I've resigned myself to stretching the themes slightly, to make it easier to come up with something, anything, that will (sorta) meet the requirements.

Although I do love photographing flowers, Random is certainly NOT one of my best... Another candidate for whenever the first Reshoot is drawn!

I think you are too hard on yourself, I'm sure everyone finds it hard I know I do. I find some subject really dull and uninspiring other people have commented the same, but i do look forward to Saturday.
Love the lily pic lovely colours and shape (y)
Temperature - On theme and no problem that someone else has done a similar idea.

Abstract - A gorgeous shot. Nice and sharp where it needs to be. I think the background is spot on as it is in context to the main subject.
Hi Nathalie

Way behind with some comments - sorry

Leave - good in mono . Fine composition and good focus. Wasn't sure at first so looked at it a few times before commenting.

Random - as you say 'a random flower pic' so for me not really on theme. But good central focus and colours.

Temperature - on theme and really good treatment of the contrast of the black and red.

Abstract - really good shot. What i partic like is that to me it is obviously flower related and yet the focus, detail and composition have produced an abstract image where the parts of teh flower seem to float away from/towards each other. :clap:
Hi Nathalie :) Before I start talking about your 52 pics, I have to say that I love your avatar - gorgeous colours, so calm and tranquil.

Abstract - totally gorgeous. Love the colours, the composition, the square crop suits perfectly. I love the subtle border too, how did you do that?
Thanks for the comments, Alan and Vicky!

I've fallen a bit behind again but I'm still in this.

Symmetry -- I have a passable shot done (took it about a week ago) but not sure I want to submit it because it's soooo boring. I will see if I can come up with something better this weekend while working on the other shots.

Moody -- The weather for once suits the theme, yet I have not really got any good ideas for it yet. Again, I'll be out and about this weekend and hoping to stumble across something that works.

Re-Shoot -- We shall see if I will attempt this or not and what it'll be. I can't decide if I want to do something that I was really quite unhappy with the first time around or just do something that I know can be improved upon but is also not too difficult.

For Week 25, Moody/Re-shoot, I might do one or the other (ie not both) depending on how this weekend pans out.

Week 24 - Symmetry by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/800sec f4.0 300mm ISO640

Natural symmetry.

Not the first idea that sprung to mind, but since I've done a lot of flowers already I figured I should do something else... and I love butterflies, though they are not easy to photograph. I used the 300mm for this, since the 60mm did not offer enough reach (does anyone feel like donating me a 105? ;) ).

Week 25 - Moody by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/500sec f4.0 300mm ISO400

Moody Kitty. (Or at least it looks it, to me!)

I think I have mentioned before that I love photographing animals? I don't mind if they are captive or wild, though obviously it's a much nicer experience to observe an animal in the wild than in captivity. Anyway, I'm glad that this week we finally have a theme where I can enter an animal photo without feeling it's a stretch to get it to fit the theme.

I've been to a few zoos over the years and as far as big cat photography goes, most of them have turned out to be a waste of time. Chester Zoo was a pleasant surprise. The tigers, lions and cheetahs are all very accessible... I was lucky in that they were all out and posing for the camera, too. :) The jaguars were nowhere to be seen, but you can't have everything can you?

This is a Sumatran tiger. I'm really happy with it just the way it is, but please, feel free to disagree! ;)

Edited version uploaded 13 July.
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Another gorgeous pic Nathalie, nicely done! I love the way he's looking back, he looks like a right sulking teenager - very moody indeed :) It might be my monitor, but perhaps the colours could be just a little punchier? It looks to me like the day is a little overcast (but then, that does suit moody as a theme).