weekly Nat's Photo52 *2012* Week 51 Negative added 25 Dec

Symmetry, wow, would not have thought to try this one. Some great detail. Icing on the cake would have been a BG without similar colours.

Moody, wasn't seeing moody at first but having had a good look at the eye...I can see a bucket load of moody. Placing the eye in the centre in a good touch.

Symmetry - Very nice shot and spot on with the theme. Were you lucky enough to catch this outside or was it in a butterfly house (no problem with either just curious)

Moody - Nice shot and cracking focus on that eye. I definitely assuming you didn't find this one outside :LOL:
Symmetry, excellent take on the theme, the angle works great,

Moody, love it, looks great to me.
Thanks for commenting, everyone.

Symmetry - Very nice shot and spot on with the theme. Were you lucky enough to catch this outside or was it in a butterfly house (no problem with either just curious)
This was also taken at Chester Zoo, in their butterfly house. They had less species compared to two months ago (no tailed jays or white morphos) but it was still pretty good.
Symmetry - lovely, nature amazes me for this kind of stuff. Great colours and angle. I quite like the backgound.

Moody - scary more like :LOL: a stunning looking cat and buckets of mood.

I have yet to see the jaguars at Chester zoo too. Very elusive.
Both really nice shots I live in chester and go to the zoo a lot, the Jaguars do come out and have managed to get a few pics but nothing special, one day

Week 26 - Joy by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/160sec f3.5 60mm ISO200 (natural light)

Flowers, in general, often bring me joy but some in particular, like these yellow ones I spotted on my way home today (no, I did *not* nick them from someone's garden!), really lift my spirits when I need it the most. Yellow for me is a happy colour, and yellow flowers are like a small piece of the sun.

I'm aware there's a pattern emerging with the flower photos, but I guess it's not all that surprising given they're something I love and find great pleasure in photographing. At least they have all been different so far... Having said that, I will try and avoid anything flower related over the next few weeks.
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Another gorgeous shot Nathalie - you seem to have a way with soft colour. It's not muted, it's got great depth, but it's still so soft and gentle. The only tiny niggle I have is that tip of the petal in the background that's almost in focus - I think it wants to be less in focus? Maybe? I don't know. I don't think I care any more either, that yellow is so pretty!
Very nice flower pic Nat, good composition and DOF ... yellow does raise the spirits doesn't it.
very nice pic of the flower - i like the effect that you have created
Cheers, guys. :)

Another gorgeous shot Nathalie - you seem to have a way with soft colour. It's not muted, it's got great depth, but it's still so soft and gentle. The only tiny niggle I have is that tip of the petal in the background that's almost in focus - I think it wants to be less in focus? Maybe?
Thank you! Now that you've pointed it out, I can see what you mean, and it annoyed me so much I had to do something about it, LOL. Edited version uploaded. Better?
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Lovely flower pic Nat, good strong colour, excellent DOF and composition. It doesn't scream Joy at me, but with the explanation, it fits the theme.
Hi, do you know, I hardly notice the beauty of flowers until I sllooooowwww down and take notice and, well, they really are amazing and calming.

I saw it on my phone but wanted to view larger.

Firstly, great addition of the subtle yellow border.

Crisp whites and nice detail in the lower flower.

I never like offering no crit, but I can't find any.

Good show...:clap:
Hi Nat, I looked here before but again clearly forgot to comment!

Symmetry is a great idea and a good catch for the zoom lens.

Moody, it's a tiger :woot: I love tigers so always a winner for me! I think the DOF and composition are spot on.

Joy, you do take lovely flower photos. I didn't get joy immediately....

Nathalie said:
Yellow for me is a happy colour, and yellow flowers are like a small piece of the sun.

... I do now. And in this country real sunshine seems so very much a distant memory!
What's to say Nathalie; symmetry, moody and joy are all just perfect, especially joy. Please send just a little of your ability this way; I love your stuff!
Right, so I'm almost two weeks behind now. I've got an idea in mind for Small, and it's not flower related (yay!). Straight, I can't say I'm feeling very inspired about this one. Most of the ideas I've managed to come up with are very literal (think rulers and spirit levels) and I'd like to do something different. But then again, tomorrow is new theme day and I'd quite like to catch up too so we shall see.

Joy - beautiful (y) :clap:
Thanks, Alan.
What's to say Nathalie; symmetry, moody and joy are all just perfect, especially joy. Please send just a little of your ability this way; I love your stuff!
Wow. :ty:
Hi Nathalie , 'pologies for falling sooo far behind on your thread :crying:

Temperature....like it , simple , minimal & effective nuff said (y)

Symetry...beautiful image , great details , focus spot on....simply lovely :clap:

Moody....any shot of an aminal is good with me....big cats are a favorite of mine to...lovely capture ,what a beady little eye he has on you :)

Joy....lovely lighting , beautiful delicate colors....frame for this one me thinks :clap:

Keep up the good work...the end is in sight (y)

Week 28 - Straight by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f6.3 60mm ISO400

Straight lines

This is a close-up of a bowl, which is why the lines aren't properly straight. Anyhow, I was stumped for ideas and I thought the colours might add a bit of interest... I shot it as out of focus on purpose.
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Hi, Nathalie, Small is a good idea and I do like the detail and contrast on the peppercorn.

Using your hand for the bg is a good idea because it gives a sense of size. I'd like a slightly wider dof.

Straight, very vibrant colours. Do you have an in focus for comparison? I think I'll prefer the blurred.

Desperately playing catch up, so sorry it's brief!

Small - Lovely, making me hungry! I agree with Andy about the dof though.
Straight - Gorgeous colours, makes me think of Mexico and cocktails!
Hi Nathalie

love your image for Small , great way to show the size of the peppercorns (?), like the DOF as is & the textures you've caught in them...nice work (y)

Straight....mmmm.....likey likey...very abstract , great colors ...like it being oof , not sure why but I do (y)
Small - lovely shot, great detail and I like the focus point. Colours have worked well too.

Straight - really nice tones and definitely says straight. Good abstract shot. Being out of focus works, brings something a little different to the shot.
Thanks for the feedback, all.

Small - DoF, I can certainly give this another go with a tripod and see how much more I can get without compromising sharpness.

Straight - Andy, after I'd gone through them and deleted the rubbish, only two frames remained and both were the out of focus version.
Small, nothing like a challenge ;), certainly small though, nicely done.

Straight, I like that, it's on theme with good strong colours, and for some reason, the blur really works well...
Hi Nathalie

Small - bang on theme. Good capture of colour and texture. My only crit would be about dof because at first sight i did not see that the peppercorns were held in a hand as it is indistinct - and that is important to give it the scale that you have identified. - although how you would do that hand held, i don't know:)

Straight - excellent to me . Blur is fine and does not spoil the effect - quite like Mark Rothko. (y)

Week 29 - Letter by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/100sec f4.8 60mm ISO200

Random alphabetic letter

Apologies for the boring literal interpretation. The royal mail post box had already been done what seemed like a dozen times and I have no photogenic letter writing props at home -- plus my cursive handwriting is appalling. So this is it, I'm afraid. Onwards and upwards.

Week 30 - Contrast by C Fredriksson, on Flickr
1/200sec f3.2 60mm ISO200

The idea was to photograph my black cat, Ashli, and her gorgeous yellow eyes... (eg contrasting colours) but she refused to cooperate as usual. Oskar on the other hand was happy to pose, though he is admittedly not as well suited for the theme. I spent about an hour working with both of them to get something for my cat project and ended up with a few decent portraits of Oskar on the window ledge. Does it say Contrast? Maybe a tiny bit. Anyway, I'd rather not use too many more cat photos for this challenge, in the same way that I don't want to submit flower photos every other week.
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Like straight very colourful

i really like letter too it really works its not boring has nice texture to it and nobody else thought of it :clap:
Hi Nathalie,

Small, I think this is perfect as is(y) there's enough detail in the peppercorns that you know what they are and enough detail in your hand to add scale.

Straight, whoa I feel I've had a tad too much brandy looking at that! Lovely colours and looks straight to me.

Letter, nice detail on the S and I like the DOF.

Contrast, I'm not sure this really says contrast to me but I don't really care as its just such a beautiful photo! Definitely needs framing :clap:
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