Nikon D750 & D780

So does my Windows 10... and a proper start menu. Which is why I like windows. I can make it do what I want more easily.


Just thought I'd let you all know if you didn't already....

Carry on :)
Been doing it since Windows 8

Serious problem with mine tonight! It's totally locked up, the buffer won't clear and won't fire.

Seems to be dogged with issues one thing after another.

Battery out, changed cards and still won't fire.

Sat here scratching my head trying to do the last pics of the pregnant gf before the birth, so annoyed.
Serious problem with mine tonight! It's totally locked up, the buffer won't clear and won't fire.

Seems to be dogged with issues one thing after another.

Battery out, changed cards and still won't fire.

Sat here scratching my head trying to do the last pics of the pregnant gf before the birth, so annoyed.

Two-button reset?
Rubber mallet?

Sooo close to that!!!

Not sure what to do, it's knackered! Last time was 4 weeks, haven't got that time. GF is due in 3-4 weeks and tonight was going to be some of the last pics, I need a camera! Think I'm going to insist on a loan body, not sure whether that's possible not being an NPS member but it's now been in for two recalls (6 weeks); damage that was my fault (4 weeks) and then returned again as it came back with a big mark on the sensor, which they replaced under warranty which took another 4 weeks. Or I could get hold of Panamoz and tell them I want a replacement. It's the most unluckiest piece of electronic kit I've ever owned, seems to be cursed!
Thanks David very kind of you. Seriously though, I do need these pics somehow so going to have to sort very quickly.

Tried the two button reset and it doesn't do anything....
Just purchased a sigma 150 macro 2.8 and trying it out very pleased with first results. Next thing to fine tune the focus - noticed a problem . My standard AF fine tune for this camera is +6 - new lens showed it needed +5 (back focus a tad). When tested a few shots some were coming up as +6 some at +5 , very strange - looked at the menu and noticed I now had two 150 2.8 's ? (I have never before had a 150 lens) so deleted one of these lenses but it came back again !!! also noticed after all this that the first shots showed some vr 0n and some vr off - vr has always been on !

Well i picked up a used D7000 as a backup/daughter camera for £220... Having owned one previously i knew what it was capable of. Great cameras for the price.

Having said that, there is a D700 in classifieds for £370... Which is crazy cheap.

I think HDEW have the D7200 in for around £590.
It needs a big heavy metal micro adjustment tool! I might have to sell the Tammy 150-600 to fund a second body if I can't sort quickly, maybe get a 7200 as back up?

Feel sorry for you with the panic setting in, shame your so far away i have a d610 as a backup body which isn't being used for the next 4-6 weeks, was going to sell it but never no when i might "need" it if i come across a problem with my d750. Good luck with it
Feel sorry for you with the panic setting in, shame your so far away i have a d610 as a backup body which isn't being used for the next 4-6 weeks, was going to sell it but never no when i might "need" it if i come across a problem with my d750. Good luck with it

Thanks mate. Was looking at the panamoz price of a 610 a minute ago, could be tempted. Just can't wait 4 weeks for the repair. Will have to sell something on to fund it though.
I just use the taskbar as a dock in Win10, which I find fine. Is that dock built into Win10?

@JohnN I dont personally find OSX any easier than Windows. Both work pretty much exactly the same way, Windows just lets you tinker a bit more (if you feel the need).

Nope... it's Object Dock by Stardock.
So no quicker to ship in than panamoz?

I think it may be actually. It's not souced from UK stock, but I've heard talk of them having more available stock in the UK. @Gary Coyle may be able to shed some light here... I think he buys insane amounts of gear due to his line of work.
I think it may be actually. It's not souced from UK stock, but I've heard talk of them having more available stock in the UK. @Gary Coyle may be able to shed some light here... I think he buys insane amounts of gear due to his line of work.

HDEW have tended to be quick in the past, I've been tossing between them and Panamoz as there's not a huge price difference between then on most stuff!
When I ordered from hdew, it took a week. They do stock some items so it might be best picking up the phone
Have had differing results with HDEW.

First order delivered in 3 days, 2nd order fedex left in my bin storages outside and it went missing. Cheeky bastards at fedex then tried to trick me in to saying I have had the items (not hdews fault) and have cancelled order with them before as after a week it was still not ready to ship.

Good customer service though and you can call them in UK too which is big bonus.
@minnnt I'm trying a 24-70 over the weekend a for few days that I have off next week. If I like it I'm holding you soley responsible for my possible spending.
Feel sorry for you with the panic setting in, shame your so far away i have a d610 as a backup body which isn't being used for the next 4-6 weeks, was going to sell it but never no when i might "need" it if i come across a problem with my d750. Good luck with it

610 is pretty much the same as 750 other than AF, the grip & Wifi. How are the files in terms of DR and the shadow recovery. I remember the early reviews of the 750 and in some, the 610 was slightly better in terms of DR, how have you found it Andy?

I could go for the 700 in the classifieds but I think a 610 for twice the money would serve as a backup for 5+ years which sounds better to me, plus a 3 year warranty.

I want to do some more studio stuff so the the bits that are missing won't be an issue and if I ever do another wedding they would complement each other. Next year I really must earn something from this ridiculously expensive hobby of ours to start paying for my kit alone.
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Double post. Damn phone.
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@minnnt I'm trying a 24-70 over the weekend a for few days that I have off next week. If I like it I'm holding you soley responsible for my possible spending.

It will mean selling off some other lenses so going to use my time with it wisely!
I was just thinking that you would get a pretty much pro built camera that produces excellent results and you may not have to sell any lenses... The 610 would compliment the 750 well as they're of a similar age and body shape etc.

But as you say it's twice the price. If you are planning on using it as a second body then i guess it would make sense (especially with the warranty.) The 7200 is a good call too, though and would offer a few benefits if you needed extra reach or a faster shutter speed.

JJ, pretty sure you'll love it. Tam or Nik?
Lightly used Tamron, think its a fair price but want to make sure its not got any focus/build issues.
I know you're thinking about a longer term second body, but why not just get something line a 5300 or something just to tide you over while its sorted - then you can make a less rushed choice and also in the longer term have a cheap crop for odd projects like macro or some such.
Phew.... I feel less pressure now incase you don't like it. :p

lol! The one in the classifieds was tempting, but a trial on the Tamron seemed like the logical option! Just hope its a good copy.
I think it may be actually. It's not souced from UK stock, but I've heard talk of them having more available stock in the UK. @Gary Coyle may be able to shed some light here... I think he buys insane amounts of gear due to his line of work.
Wouldnt say insane, i have had gear shipped direct from the UK with Panamoz once but the rest has always come from HK within 5 days