Nikon D750 & D780

I'm borrowing a Tamron 24-70 this weekend.... I'm almost hoping I don't enjoy it!
So whilst waiting for Panamoz to reopen after their holiday so I can order my D750, I've come across a D810 for £1150. It's mint, 6 months old, UK model with 2500 clicks. Is that worth it? I was particularly drawn to the D750 because of its focusing and low light performance. Will the D810 match it?

That is a great price for a hardly used mint D810. I'd pick it up in a heartbeat.
Excuse my stupidity.... but where is the option to use the remote on the D750? I'm sure it used to be on the dial??!
Oh how annoying! But never mind, least its there I guess!
Yes mate, Nikon UK cashback is usually very generous. I think they did something crazy like £225 off a 70-200 VR2 and the 24-70 deal was also very good. @snerkler bought the 70-200 and got it for an excellent price.
Yep, got £225 cash back on the 70-200mm f2.8 VRII (y)
It's buried in a menu somewhere - the menus that are lettered a b c d etc off the top of my head. It'll only stay on for 15 mins which is bloody annoying.
Does it? I used IR for one whole evening without having to keep turning it on, or at least I can't remember doing so :confused:
Will have a try and see what happens! In mean time... im off to finish spending my D610 money lol
Just a thought maybe it only remains on for 15mins unless it's used/activated?
So do I go buy my lens and get it for tomorrow or save myself £60 and wait!

Going to order a Fusion Plate too.... not sure whether to go black or a pretty colour!!
Can anybody recommend a couple of good large zooms. up to 500mm to use on the d750.


The new Nikon 200-500mm seems to be getting good reviews, theres a thread in this section on the lens. Alternatives are the Tamron & Sigma 150-600mm lenses or the older design Sigma 50-500mm which is supposed to be better over the 150-500mm version.
Why 'only' up to 500mm? There's the new Nikon 200-500mm but not sure what that's like. I've had the Nikon 70-300mm VR which was very good considering the price, but now have the Tamron 150-600mm which I think is excellent.
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Why can't you get fusion plates in UK, shipping is 1-8 weeks... Gggrrrr
Can anybody recommend a couple of good large zooms. up to 500mm to use on the d750.


If your wanting it for wildlife i would look at the 150-600,although good IQ i did have problems with the Tamron so now have the Sigma 150-600 C.
I find it pretty funny that certain people find using a pc so difficult, OSX Mac has the dock,

So does my Windows 10... and a proper start menu. Which is why I like windows. I can make it do what I want more easily.


Just thought I'd let you all know if you didn't already....

Carry on :)
I'm presuming star dock plus a couple of other bits?

I think in general mac users like macs because they're simple (not the people the machines ;)) - both OS' can do pretty much what the other can its just apple don't want or expect their users to mod anything, whereas Microsoft always have.

Nice clean desktop by the way.
So does my Windows 10... and a proper start menu. Which is why I like windows. I can make it do what I want more easily.


Just thought I'd let you all know if you didn't already....

Carry on :)

I just use the taskbar as a dock in Win10, which I find fine. Is that dock built into Win10?

@JohnN I dont personally find OSX any easier than Windows. Both work pretty much exactly the same way, Windows just lets you tinker a bit more (if you feel the need).
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If your wanting it for wildlife i would look at the 150-600,although good IQ i did have problems with the Tamron so now have the Sigma 150-600 C.

Was that the lock-up issue?

I've had it, but only once so far and have used it a bit - not like some of you guys, but over a hundred shots and a few outings.

Is it just the D750 it doesn't get on with or other Nikon models too?
I just use the taskbar as a dock in Win10, which I find fine. Is that dock built into Win10?

No, not by default - if I've guessed my application right its ObjectDock by Stardock (link) - I tried it a few years back so its probably come on a bit since then, but it was fine but I too just use the taskbar or now I'm on 10 (and it was the same really on 8.1) I just hit the start button and have my most commonly used applications right there.
Was that the lock-up issue?

I've had it, but only once so far and have used it a bit - not like some of you guys, but over a hundred shots and a few outings.

Is it just the D750 it doesn't get on with or other Nikon models too?
Touch wood I've not had mine lock up yet and taken a few thousand shots I reckon. I have had my D750 lock up a few times but that's been with other lenses.
Fusion Plate has been ordered - 1-4 weeks delivery from US..... hope its nearer the 1 than the 4!
Was that the lock-up issue?

I've had it, but only once so far and have used it a bit - not like some of you guys, but over a hundred shots and a few outings.

Is it just the D750 it doesn't get on with or other Nikon models too?

Yes it was the lock up,back to Tamron twice with no improvement,i was getting it nearly every time i went out with it,when you consider ime retired and go out most days it just got too much for me,this was with a D7100.
D750 finally collected after 3 days of cock ups by Panamoz/TNT. Back to the d7100 for a week or so......
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