"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

What's wrong with micro 4/3rds in a studio? I'm perfectly happy with mine for the sorts of stuff I do (mainly product still life, but I've used it for portraits too). In fact before I decided to sell the 5D2, the G5 had to be good in a studio environment too.

The main problem I find is the choice between EVF2 or hotshoe flash trigger - and the trigger wins. I'm not totally convinced the DoF looks right either in a studio but not sure if I can explain why. I'll look for some pictures later.

As far as it goes, the 12-35 is an always on lens for me and I love it outside. Maybe having 2.8 when I should use f8 accounts for the DoF issues.
The main problem I find is the choice between EVF2 or hotshoe flash trigger - and the trigger wins.
Ahh.. I'm using a G5 which does have the hotshoe and built in EVF.
The 14/2.5 is wider than the 20mm and at f2.5 faster than the 12-35. Cheaper too :)

Just an observation... :)

As much as i love primes I think I want a zoom for my G5. I already have 28mm covered with my Sigma DP1m. The 14mm is a super little lens though!
OK this is the first time I've ever seen the Lumix 20mm described as a tad too TELE! :D
I do like the 20mm but find it a tad to tele for a prime and it's slow focus is a little annoying. I thought the 12-35 would be a good wide all rounder for me and it would be nice to have 12mm at the wide end!
I've just bought the 14mm f2.5 and I like it more than the 20mm. It focusses faster and doesn't make any noise. I got it as part of a new GF3 kit because I wanted a really small carry-about camera. So far I like the combo.

Here's a pic with the 14 attached to my OM-D, no sharpening in PP:

OK this is the first time I've ever seen the Lumix 20mm described as a tad too TELE! :D

It is for me as a walk about lens :D or rather it was. I have not had one for a while. I prefer the 17mm Oly for walk about on M4/3.
I've just bought the 14mm f2.5 and I like it more than the 20mm. It focusses faster and doesn't make any noise. I got it as part of a new GF3 kit because I wanted a really small carry-about camera. So far I like the combo.

Here's a pic with the 14 attached to my OM-D, no sharpening in PP:


WOW Glenn that's superb!!!!!!
BTW: I have a 14mm - it hasn't been on the camera since the 12-35 was purchased... I'm considering a GX7. If I do go for it, I will probably get the kit 20mm and use it as a pocketable walkabout with the option of the 14mm.

Either that or I'll end up buying the Fuji X100S.....
I've just bought the 14mm f2.5 and I like it more than the 20mm. It focusses faster and doesn't make any noise. I got it as part of a new GF3 kit because I wanted a really small carry-about camera. So far I like the combo.

Here's a pic with the 14 attached to my OM-D, no sharpening in PP:


Superb Glenn :)

Great set of images but this one above I really like. It's got a really nice DOF and it's really sharp with great detail. Just a real nice image!

Here is one from my newly aquired G5 and 14-45mm lens...

Leaves by andywest1, on Flickr

Thanks Andy, much appreciated (y) Really liking the greens on those leaves. Very nice,

Glen, Cracking pic and a great b+w conversion.
Glenn that mono is superb, could look at it all day and discover new details.

Alan you are such a gear tart :)
I don't know which way to go myself... sell off my MFT kit or my DSLR kit, although there doesn't seem to be much market for either kit at anything other than giveaway prices :(
I don't know which way to go myself... sell off my MFT kit or my DSLR kit, although there doesn't seem to be much market for either kit at anything other than giveaway prices :(
Both - and get a Fuji....
Let me think about that... No. Too much wrong (or at least that doesn't suit me) with their cameras. If I had one I think it'd take me about an hour to drop kick it over a hedge.

As I said earlier, I may back off from all thoughts of buying CSC kit until the technology improves to a point that I can shoot how I want to shoot.
What is wrong with it for you Alan? I know the X-Pro1 is ISO 200 & 1/4000th, but at least you'd gain an OVF, no AA filter and a sensor that has great low light capability. And direct shutter/aperture dials/rings to boot....
What is wrong with it for you Alan? I know the X-Pro1 is ISO 200 & 1/4000th, but at least you'd gain an OVF, no AA filter and a sensor that has great low light capability. And direct shutter/aperture dials/rings to boot....

Even people who love their Fuji's seem to be saying that you need to learn to work with them and live with their quirks. That would have me tearing my hair out. I want a camera that just gets out of the way and enables me to shoot how I want to shoot without having to constantly fight and wrestle with it. And then there's the problem of processing images which would mean using the Fuji software or buying something else (and getting used to it...) as using my CS5 to process Fuji RAW's produces JPEG's covered in dots.

Being 52 I did grow up with the limitations of film speed and low maximum shutter speeds but in those days my lens was f4 and my prints were (mostly) small. My years of shooting with DSLR's and wide apertures in whatever light I want have spoilt me and I'm left with the two CSC issues I can't really overcome or live with despite how much I try...

1. EVF's are for me simply unusable in truly low light due to their high light output and resultant eye strain.
2. Using ND's bugs me big time as it negates the advantages that CSC's offer, namely being portable and convenient. If I'm going to have to take ND's out with me and use them for one shot in three on days when the light is good I might as well just take my 5D as although it's bigger and heavier at least I don't have the hassle of constantly fitting and removing ND's.

As far as I can see the latest batch of CSC are nowhere near fixing either issue for me.

Maybe someone with a newish CSC with a base ISO higher than 100 could try shooting at wide apertures in good light one day and report back? Being stuck at f2.8-4 really doesn't interest me.
as using my CS5 to process Fuji RAW's produces JPEG's covered in dots.
I believe this is fixed in the latest camera raw which means either LR5 (not sure if the latest raw processor for LR4 has it fixed) or CS6...

Yes, I know Fujis have their quirks, but the latest cameras/software seem to be getting better from what I can see - and the software updates do genuinely seem to be that.
I've just bought the 14mm f2.5 and I like it more than the 20mm. It focusses faster and doesn't make any noise. I got it as part of a new GF3 kit because I wanted a really small carry-about camera. So far I like the combo.

Here's a pic with the 14 attached to my OM-D, no sharpening in PP:

Lovely shot, shows what that little lens can do! Where was this taken?
Thanks for all the positive comments. Yes, Edinburgh Castle and the Ross Fountain in Princes Street Gardens.
I might as well just take my 5D

Just out of interest do you use MF lenses with the 5D? How does it fair? Do you use an adapter with a chip?

I know this is off topic for the thread but I keep seeing silly prices for mk1's and I am intrigued for portrait stuff.

I have used my Zuiko's on my 5D via a dumb chipless adapter and they seem to work just fine but my 5D has the standard focus screen and I personally find manually focusing difficult unless the subject is big in the frame making focus easier to judge.

5D fitted with Zuiko 28mm f2.8 and a Sigma 20mm f1.8 looking on...

I'd imagine the 5D + a manual 135mm would make a good portrait set up and in fact I have a Zuiko 135mm f3.5. The pair seem to work well together and focusing shouldn't be too much of an issue assuming that your subject is big enough in the frame.

If you go this route remember that some legacy lenses will not focus to infinity on a 5D, such as Canon FD and Minolta SA mount to name two. Olympus Zuiko work ok though.
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If anyone goes... ask them how the rise in base ISO affects shooting with wide apertures in good light and if the low setting is RAW and included in auto ISO.

Have to say that the rumoured spec of the new Nex 7 looks good but it's from an unknown source.
Have to say that the rumoured spec of the new Nex 7 looks good but it's from an unknown source.

That's the trouble with all this, There are always new cameras round the corner to make you want to wait to see what that's like!! There are a couple new OMD's coming too....apparently!