"Panasonic G series" Owners Thread

Its the 16th 17th 18th so next week.
What stand are you on postcardcv. (Wish I could see names on this tp app!)

I am helping out on the LensCoat stand so say high if you are passing by.

BTW if you tap on someone's avatar on the app it will bring up a profile page which includes the real name. I'm Peter really but respond to postcardcv too!
Do they send you to the bird fair at Rutland Water? And will they have a Gx7 to play with :D

They have asked me in the past to do it but birding is really not my thing so I worm my way out of going!! LOL I do the London shows sometimes.

If I were a betting man I would say that Panasonic will have the GX7 there but that's just my guess!!
Grateful for advice. G5 or G6? I'm not too bothered about the 140mm lens by redemption on the G5 but fairly happy not spending the extra for the G6 unless it is worth spending. Is it? Anyone seen any good deals? Is it worth waiting for adopters of the GX7 and hoping some more will come secondhand?
Grateful for advice. G5 or G6?
Picture quality is the same - tehy sues the same sensor and they measure near as damn-it identically.

Personally, I'd only go for the G6 if the G5 was missing something the G6 had.
Just about to send some shots off for prints. I have frames but I don't get new prints very often. They just sit on my PC or go on flickr or Facebook.

What do you guys do with yours?
Just about to send some shots off for prints. I have frames but I don't get new prints very often. They just sit on my PC or go on flickr or Facebook.

What do you guys do with yours?

I have a Photobucket account and my family and friends can look at it and request any pictures they want. I sometimes do prints for myself but mostly print for other people.

Other than that they're on my pc, remember to back it up, and I have a folder where I put my favourites and I often have them on slideshow.
I just realised something as I was PPing this afternoon's shots - I don't like the 4/3 ratio! It doesn't feel right at all. Bit of a blow, considering. At least I know what's been subconsciously bugging me for months.

Think I might try setting the GF1 to 3/2 for a while.
I cropped a lot of the ones I took to 16x9, and liked it a lot.

I quite like some of the results of these, but in strong, low sun I had my least fun experience with the GF1 so far. I couldn't see the screen at all, and the kit 14-45 flared horribly, even through the lens hood.

I took the kit rather than my 30mm Sigma because I wanted to try out shooting mostly at 17mm or so . . . I've been seduced by the idea of an x100s. I've been so wrapped up in gear and focal lengths and whatnot since I started shooting that I'm really warming to the idea of simplifying - a high quality fixed focal length lens and sensor in a small package, and actually learning to see/compose/shoot without the gear getting in the way.

(Yes, I could just use one prime on the GF1, and I may do that if I can't bring myself to spend £900 on a fixed focal length camera, but a) I'd still have to get an EVF for it and b) god the x100s looks beautiful)

This first one is at 45mm.

Renewable Energy by Arfonfab, on Flickr

I'd like to think that if I'd have had a viewfinder, I'd have noticed the tree's very distracting in this one.

Standing stones, Pontypridd Common by Arfonfab, on Flickr

Standing stones, Pontypridd Common by Arfonfab, on Flickr
Keith - I like the first one a lot. The depth is great. If anything I would have tried to lighten up the building on the right a tad.

Sadly I think that an EVF is essential when trying to use the camera in strong sunlight and without it, the screen is pretty useless.
Thanks, Chris! The building is actually this war memorial (but from the other side), and I couldn't really manage to bring out any detail in it without over exposing the rest of the image (although thinking about it, I guess I could use a brush, although fine-detailed stuff like that is not really in my skill-set :D )

They shall not grow old by Arfonfab, on Flickr
Thanks, Chris! The building is actually this war memorial (but from the other side), and I couldn't really manage to bring out any detail in it without over exposing the rest of the image (although thinking about it, I guess I could use a brush, although fine-detailed stuff like that is not really in my skill-set :D )

A quick way to do it is to draw around the tower using the lasso tool and then just lighten the selected area. This took about 20 seconds so spending a minute on it would get a better result.

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Nice! I don't have any of the Photoshops though, just Lightroom. I guess I should reacquaint myself with Gimp at some point.
I got to play with a gx7 yesterday, now it feels so nice in the hand, excellent build quality, rear screen is very nice, evf, is a bit small, but still very usable once you get used to it. I also think this evf is not as bright as the one on my G5, but could still see plenty of detail. It also sounds like there are some new lenses could well be coming from september, there is another new version of the 14-42 which is going to be a kit lens with the gx7, slightly shorter in length than the hd version of the 14-42 sold with the g and gf6.

At least I got to see the 14-42 hd as well, that is a super little lens and finally gets rid of that awful zooming action of the old one.

Not g series, but panasonics new fz72, the image stabilization is astounding!
I got to play with a gx7 yesterday, now it feels so nice in the hand, excellent build quality, rear screen is very nice, evf, is a bit small, but still very usable once you get used to it. I also think this evf is not as bright as the one on my G5, but could still see plenty of detail. It also sounds like there are some new lenses could well be coming from september, there is another new version of the 14-42 which is going to be a kit lens with the gx7, slightly shorter in length than the hd version of the 14-42 sold with the g and gf6.

At least I got to see the 14-42 hd as well, that is a super little lens and finally gets rid of that awful zooming action of the old one.

Not g series, but panasonics new fz72, the image stabilization is astounding!

Interesting - thanks.

Still eagerly awaiting my GX7 to arrive (y)

In the meantime, took my GX1 and Samyang 7.5mm out with me to Bristol today...

Soup N Sandwich by TheBloater, on Flickr

Graffiti Tunnel by TheBloater, on Flickr
Some G1 + Minolta Rokkor 35mm f1.8 shots. the first is just a little DR test :D I'd have struggled to get this first time with my 5D but with the G1 and its in view histogram it's possible to get a shot like this first time and nothing is blown.

Some heavy crops at 80-100%.

Could you note the dimensions and weight of your 35 1.8 rokkor with the adapter for me please :)

I'll try but I don't know if I can weigh anything that small.

I have a 35mm f2.8 for sale if you're interested.
I can't weigh it as it doesn't register on my scales.

Here it is on my G1...

and next to my 14-42mm...

With the adapter it's a touch heavier than the 14-42mm but lighter than my Voigtlander 25mm f0.95.

Mounted on my G1 it sticks out 72mm.

Hope that helps :D
Allan, thats a great help, thank you. My reason for asking is I usually some digiscoping when out birdwatching, my compact got damaged that I would use, so I thought I would try this route. I have a 35mm f2.8 fujica m42 which I have given a try and is a weighty lens. I was wondering if there was going to be much difference in weight between the 2.8 and 1.8.

My lens and adapter weigh 257g and 70mm in length, so not much difference in length.

I can't weigh it as it doesn't register on my scales.

Here it is on my G1...

and next to my 14-42mm...

With the adapter it's a touch heavier than the 14-42mm but lighter than my Voigtlander 25mm f0.95.

Mounted on my G1 it sticks out 72mm.

Hope that helps :D
I bought a Rokkor 24mm f2.8 some time ago from a German ebay dealer called Camerafoxx. Unfortunately it proved to be very soft at the edges but the good news was that the dealer offered to replece it. Unfortunately once he had the lens back the number of 24mm's he had up for sale on ebay increased from 2 to 3... although this could be just a coincidence... and I received no further replies to any of the emails I sent him requesting either an ETA or a refund :razz:

Thankfully after opening a case ebay did their thing and a replacement lens arrived at supersonic speed and it's much better than the original.

Here's a 100% crop from a test shot I grabbed yesterday, it looks pretty sharp on my screen. This is via photobucket so wont look quite as good.

I've never had a problem dealing with an ebay company (rather than an individual) before but I do admit that Camerafoxx's actions... seeming to advertise the lens I returned for sale whilst failing to reply to multiple emails requesting an ETA for a replacement lens or a refund left a very bad taste and I wont be buying anything else from this dealer.
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I think im finally going to crack and get a 45mm 1.8.

My question is, for those of you that have the lens, do you use the hood? If so does it really make a difference, how often do you use it? Does the lens suffer from issues with flare etc? just trying to work out why the hood is separate and expensive? Did I also hear that the lens doesnt come in a pouch? Or did I dream that up.

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I think im finally going to crack and get a 45mm 1.8.

My question is, for those of you that have the lens, do you use the hood? If so does it really make a difference, how often do you use it? Does the lens suffer from issues with flare etc? just trying to work out why the hood is separate and expensive? Did I also hear that the lens doesnt come in a pouch? Or did I dream that up.


Mine didn't come with a pouch and I haven't bothered with the hood (more because of the added bulk than the cost). I haven't noticed it being overly prone to flare. It is a cracking lens, I am sure you'll love it.
I picked up the latest version of the Sigma 19mm f2.8 EX DN lens recently. So far, I've found it to be a superb lens that punches way above its weight!

Aira Force Detail by srhphoto, on Flickr

I'm now looking hard at the Sigma 60mm version.


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I think im finally going to crack and get a 45mm 1.8.

My question is, for those of you that have the lens, do you use the hood? If so does it really make a difference, how often do you use it? Does the lens suffer from issues with flare etc? just trying to work out why the hood is separate and expensive? Did I also hear that the lens doesnt come in a pouch? Or did I dream that up.


I used the hood on mine but more for that added bit of protection. It is rather overpriced but very well made. And no pouch is included.
I took my recently replaced Rokkor 24mm f2.8 out today and it seems a lot better than the last one and just as sharp as my other Rokkors.

The first three are whole images and the next three are heavy crops.

This is the way to the shops...

My little Rokkor collection now consists of 24mm f2.8, 28mm f2.8, 35mm f2.8, 35mm f1.8, 50mm f1.4, 80mm f2 and 135mm f3.5. I can't think of anything else to buy, maybe a Rokkor zoom, something that goes to 200mm or so.
No pictures, but my grip for my GH3 arrived this morning (claimed from the free grip promotion). Now that's much more comfortable to hold :D
Lovely trains, but sorry, a horrible filter that has spoilt the images.