Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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I assume you then lose AF etc?

AF yes, you put it in aperture mode, and manual focus.

Early shots suggest due to the screen quality, that getting manual focus is no problem.

You have to tell the camera that it's cool to shoot without a lens in the menu. It doesn't recognise the adaptor.
You can get adapters to fit everything from Nikon and Canon glass right the way through to one to take old c-mount TV lenses

So if I got one of these ,I could use my Nikkor glass with no problems.
Or do you drop down to manual focus or any other trickies :shrug:

PS Thanks for the report Pete,I remember you getting p#ssed off with it all, glad it has given you a new boost.
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AF yes, you put it in aperture mode, and manual focus.

Does that mean that the camera/ adapter combination will still stop a Nikon D or AIS lens down automatically to the required aperture after focussing wide open? Only the 20mm doesn't appear to have an diaphragm acuating lever, only electrical contacts.

Has anyone tried the "Ebay" adapters? They do seem very cheap compared to Novaflex etc.

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I have ordered a converter so i can for the old Olympus Zuiko OM lenses bought from Ebay in Hong Kong.....i hope it makes it!!. I'll be getting a M42 version soon also.
Well i'm missing FF too much.

I thought the GF1 would fill the gap that was left after i sold the 5D2, but i like landscape stuff too much and take a good amount of family/friends pics in low light too and hate using flash.

It's an amazing camera and if it weren't for the cost being comparable to a used 5Dmk1, then i wouldn't be bothering too much, but i feel the 5D2 was the camera for me....thus i'm going to get a 5D classic.
Well i'm missing FF too much.

I thought the GF1 would fill the gap that was left after i sold the 5D2, but i like landscape stuff too much and take a good amount of family/friends pics in low light too and hate using flash.

It's an amazing camera and if it weren't for the cost being comparable to a used 5Dmk1, then i wouldn't be bothering too much, but i feel the 5D2 was the camera for me....thus i'm going to get a 5D classic.

The GF1 is not for everyone, and i think that you need to click with a camera to be happy with it and get the results you want from it.

I had that 'happy place' with the D700, but couldn't justify the expenditure and the size / weight, so it had to go.

I've now found a new 'happy place' with the GF-1 and its doing everything i want :)
Well i'm missing FF too much.

I thought the GF1 would fill the gap that was left after i sold the 5D2, but i like landscape stuff too much and take a good amount of family/friends pics in low light too and hate using flash.

It's an amazing camera and if it weren't for the cost being comparable to a used 5Dmk1, then i wouldn't be bothering too much, but i feel the 5D2 was the camera for me....thus i'm going to get a 5D classic.

It's not up there with a 5d Mk1, but crucially for me, it fits in my pocket.

I'm got a job tonight where I'll be taking my big cameras and the GF1. Hoping to get "the shot" for a newspaper with the GF1.
I hear you both...the size is defo a BIG pro for the GF1, but using it for what i tend to like shooting, the size won't help.

The 20mm is a glorious lens, but i'd rather have the 5D with a 50mm f1.8.

Has anyone bought the Panny case yet (for GF1 and 20/1.7)

Like this

No, because Luigi Crescenzi is in the process of producing a custom half-case, along the lines of his Leica ones. I've asked him if he could do them with a cover for the lcd as per his Canon G10 one...

I can't believe these comments about size, I think we've been a bit spoilt with tiny compact cameras in recent years.

The GF1 seems smaller than my Bessa R and Canonette and is about the same size as an Olympus Trip. It's heavier but not hugely bigger than my Jessops Quickshot and Kodak Instamatic.

Come on chaps. The GF1 isn't big it's just that we've got used to tiny smaller than a fag packet digital compacts.

PS. And lots of people managed perfectly well with one lens something between 35 and 50mm, so a GF1 with 20mm f1.7 seems like a pretty good idea to me.
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Well largely down to this thread, I bit the bullet on Sunday and purchased the GF1 with 20mm lens, 14-45mm lens and view finder.

I'm a complete novice when it comes to photography - I used to rely on a lumix compact to do the work for me - but I was so impressed with the quality of the GF1 so I resisted simply upgrading to a TZ7 (although it would have saved me a fortune!!!).

Thanks to the thread, Mathers of Bolton got my business and I have to say they were fantastic in helping me out.

Now I'm looking forward to starting my new (expensive) hobby !!

Thanks to all those who posted advice in this thread, it was much appreciated.



That image didn't load up last time!

Chuffing hell - you're looking at £100 or so for a half-case then.

Basically, but for a handmade case in quality leather that not really a lot of money, you'll pay more than that for a decent watchstrap...
True - but you'd usually put that on a watch body that costs £2k plus, rather than a £500 camera ;)

They're nice but it's a big rich for me for a GF1 to be honest. I'll give the Panny one a go I think.
The Panny case arrived late yesterday and it's MUCH nicer in the flesh.

Softer leather than I expected and looks very well made. I like. A lot.
Any one got a wrist strap for their GF1?
Been looking at the Op/Tech Cam strap QD as a possibility.
Well... I am now with the GF crowd!

There's been talk of cases above, and having had the GF in my pocket for the last 24 hours, I am thinking a case might be a good idea if I am to avoid being a sad ex-owner in the near future.

I want to keep bulk to a minimum. I am looking for something stealthy and like a second skin, just to protect from knocks when in my coat, and offer some sort of protection to the LCD.

Any suggestions?
Until something better turns up I'm using a cheapo camcorder case I bought at ASDA.
I wanted the smallest case that I could get my GF1 and 20mm in.

Lowepro Apex 60 AW.

A tight fit.
I have a 12-24mm Nikon lens and an 18 -50mm f2.8 Sigma, obviously neither have aperture rings. can anyone advise re an adapter? Also I am a bit worried about the weight of these lenses, each of which weigh about the same as the GF1 with it's 20mm in place. Also would such an adaptor be suitable for " D " ( aperture ring) lenses? As being a cheapskate the cost of one adaptor is enough.


Just found this case. In fact there are loads of rather nice ones on Ebay including some from GB at around £56.

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There are various grades of adapter available Brian, from just over £20 to around £150. I bought one of the cheapo ones in Canon FD mount and it seems decent enough so far. The Nikon version will allow you to set the aperture on all but the G-series lenes, but you can also get adapters that will work with them, but for a decent one you're up over £100.

Case-wise I'm torn between a Panasonic one and one of the Luigi half cases when they are ready, but as my local Panasonic store will have theirs in on Wednesday for £59.95 I'll probably just get one of those......in the meantime :nuts:

Re cases I think this one is for me. Genuine leather and made in Dudley, £54, one third of Luigie's price. The colour shown is the one I shall order but others are available for the less flambouyant :)


Re the adapters. I think I better do a little more research. Most of the cheapos seem to come from China/ Hongkong and the prices seem to vary enormously...........maybe suck it and see.

The Nikon version will allow you to set the aperture on all but the G-series lenes, but you can also get adapters that will work with them, but for a decent one you're up over £100.

But does the G version accept D lenses, any idea?

I do seem to be getting a few blown highlights, any tips. Yes, compensating with exposure then boosting in PS but I am trying to get the results from the camera rather than Adobe see my last remark re TV.

That Silkypix ( or whatever) seems a real pain.........who decided on dark grey against black? Potty.

Great camera though. After a brief run in with RAW I think set to large Jpegs, black and white dynamic, 800 ASA, + 1 sharpening and set to 9-6 (mostly) is going to revive a somewhat jaded photographic appetite. That and little more and PS can go.............just load the card into my Panasonic TV and enjoy.

If the above seems amateurish thats because I just can't be bothered messing around, life is too short The whole idea is to use a memory card like a box of slides..........nowadays memory is so cheap. Therefore take happy snaps, delete unhappy snaps, watch on TV then fileaway. O.K if one takes my fancy the R2400 is upstairs.............when I can afford to put some wretched inks in it..............WOW that thing can drink:(

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love how easy it is to set custom WB. was at my sons nativity today, Auto WB didnt like the lights and using the presets still wouldnt get it 100% right. so out with the whibal cards i bought couple of years ago and never used. select the 1st custom WB option, point at whibal, set it and et voila. spot on.

same with focus track which is great fun.
I have a 12-24mm Nikon lens and an 18 -50mm f2.8 Sigma, obviously neither have aperture rings. can anyone advise re an adapter?

Brian, good to see you online again, I trust all's well with you? Will you ever be venturing back to the AP boards?

I have the Novoflex Nikon adaptor, chosen specifcally because it has an adjustment ring to allow of use with G lenses, though I've not tried it with a G lens yet and suspect that there will be more than a little guesswork in setting apertures.

If you want to have a look at it in the flesh I'd be happy to meet for a pint in Whitelocks one lunchtime.
Hi Barney,

I dip into the AP site now and again, too many highly talented experts for we simpletons. But it has it's uses, for instance thank you for letting it be known that Jacobs had re-emerged..............no, not for the shop but for the pretty assistants.. Also I think I should thank ( blame) you for pointing me towards the GF!.

Whitelocks sounds good, do you work in Leeds? PM, I'm free anytime and can I wear the button hole?

But to get back to the topic..

If the Novaflex is good enough for you then that's it, Speed Graphic ?Thanks for the D/G info, thats good to know, I should certainly like to try out the two zooms. however their size precludes long term usage.

I reckon the 20mm is a great lens for a standard. Now with the Novaflex the Nikon F1.4 50mm will make a fabulous tele ( If the focussing works out)which only leaves the wide end, at the moment the 12mm Voigtlander seems to be a contender.

IMNVHO I reckon the GF! has provided a digital back to hang on to some great lenses..............now where did I put that Angenieux F2.2 9.5-95mm

Brian. Closely related to "The Grateful Dead".
If you want to have a look at it in the flesh I'd be happy to meet for a pint in Whitelocks one lunchtime.

Just spotted that your over the border in North Yorkshire. Have to sort out a mini-micro 4/3's meet as long as my passport is still valid to get me into North Yorks. About hour and half or less travel time as well to harrogate..

Something to sort out for the new year perhaps?

Plus im getting intrigued by the adapters. My local camera shop has a fair few 2nd hand lens in of various makes, like the idea of a fast 50mm.
Brian, yes, I got the Novoflex from Speedgraphic. I'd add the caveat that I haven't quite figured the manual focusing out with it yet. I'm sure that there's an option to zoom in to get critical focus when required but I haven't delved into the manual too much yet.

I've been using mine with a Nikkor 45mm f:2.8 AF-P which makes for a nicely compact telephoto, but I should really try it with the 50mm f:1.4 too and part of me is regretting selling my 105mm f:2 AF-DC.

Re Whitelocks, I work from home in Harrogate but can work from the Leeds office whenever I wish so it would be great to meet up. I'll drop you a pm.
Just spotted that your over the border in North Yorkshire. Have to sort out a mini-micro 4/3's meet as long as my passport is still valid to get me into North Yorks. About hour and half or less travel time as well to harrogate..

Something to sort out for the new year perhaps?

Absolutely! Whereabouts are you? North, South, East or West?
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