Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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Amazing camera. I got mine late last week and took it out in fading light around London last night. I'm really impressed with the quality of the images it produces and I think this is gonna be a camera I take with me where I otherwise would leave my SLR behind. Some shots from yesterday:


Those are excellent (y)

One q though.....

why is the sky that funny colour ("blue" I think it's called) in those shots? :shrug::LOL:
Thanks all!

Yeah I photoshopped a nice day into the shots. :LOL: Actually it was a nice day on Wednesday.. chilly though.. winter is on its way!

I was gonna buy a small case for it, but I just had it in my coat pocket and that worked just fine, or hidden under my coat around my neck.

Whats the general consensus now on GF1 casage? It'd be nice to have some protection for it, but I don't wanna bulk it up.
Whats the general consensus now on GF1 casage? It'd be nice to have some protection for it, but I don't wanna bulk it up.

They are cracking pics, love the Underground/Big Ben pic.

Mine sits in a Crumpler Muffin Top 5500, but then i use it to carry stuff to work as well. Not a huge bag.
Amazing camera. I got mine late last week and took it out in fading light around London last night. I'm really impressed with the quality of the images it produces and I think this is gonna be a camera I take with me where I otherwise would leave my SLR behind. Some shots from yesterday:

SUPERB images!! Can't wait to get out more with mine!!!!
Anyone know the cheapest place currently for a GF1 and 20mm?
It's been a few weeks down the line since people started getting these camera's and I'd be interested in how they felt about them now?

I'm looking at getting one too, so it can sit in my bag rather than having to plan what to pack.
"I'd be interested in how they felt about them now?"

I think it's the best non SLR I've used. Apart from not having an OVF, having to set the aperture and shutter speed with a wheel and being able to change the ISO you can forget that it's digital. Until you come to load the picture onto your pc :) There doesn't seem to be any significant lag or delay or any bad manners to get in the way.
It's been a few weeks down the line since people started getting these camera's and I'd be interested in how they felt about them now?

I'm looking at getting one too, so it can sit in my bag rather than having to plan what to pack.

Havent been able to get out much due to weather and other problems. I went from a D80 to the GF1. Any regrets? probably, but due to factors out of my control it was the best option and im indebted to a certain Mr R.Head for pointing me in the direction of this weee beastie.
Lot easier to handle than the D80 which was the main thing i needed.

taken at lunch time today between the showers.


bigger one here:

hope its not to big.
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Hi all -

Can I say that I am really pleased to see this thread has hit 12 pages now. Good stuff and glad people are out with this camera. I am loving mine, but I was sans it for a week as I lent it to a mate to have a play with. But got it back yesterday and took it out in my camble-back bag today as my friend and I went out on our bikes. Some lovely light about this afternoon and took some cool snaps with it....

Have to say this thing is superb. Such clarity given the 'small' sensor. The last time I took my 5d Mark II to Wales I went over the bars and thought, never again, but this thing sits nicely at the bottom of my bag. Job done and some video to boot....

Keep posting one and all...!!! (thats me in shot 1).












Are they hand held? Bloody impressive if they are!! Mind you with alot of light and f1.7 the shutter speed is going to be good.

A few more from me: These are hand held indoors so not sharp.


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Yep - hand held.

Thats what I like about this camera. I just take pictures and assume that the shutter is fast enough and dont worry about triangulating aperture, shutter and ISO, I just use it.

Lovely stuff.
Yep - hand held.

Thats what I like about this camera. I just take pictures and assume that the shutter is fast enough and dont worry about triangulating aperture, shutter and ISO, I just use it.

Lovely stuff.
I agree, and i'm the same. Makes life a lot easier. Also when the camera is 100% still the quality is astounding!
A few from last night and today...



This next one was my first (grabbed) shot with the Canon 50mm f/1.4 and manual focus, so it's a wee bit on the oof side:bonk:


Picked mine up today having ordered it from T4 cameras Swindon. They matched the best price I could find.

GF1 and 20mm at £669. Added an additional battery 2 x 2GB cards and the Panny case. Total was £792.

It may replace my D300 which is my back up to the D700.

At the moment I have only taken pics in auto:


In store getting Eleanors outfit for the wedding. I was messing around and took this.


In the pub taken with flash




Messing around with pics at the table


Whilst Eleanor was playing on the imac.

So delighted with this little camera and cannot wait to take some decent pics.


I have just bought the GF1 with 20mm lens. For me it seems the ideal. Since switching to digital with the introduction of the D100 my interest in photography has just gone away. I merely went through the motions.......buying new equipment every so often in order to prove my interest was still there. This ended up with a D300 one year old with 164 attenuations of the shutter.............nearly all of my dog and the front headlight of my Mini.All I wanted was a simple camera of a size which wouldn't mean me looking like a pregnant camel when I took it for walkies. I have never liked zooms........too slow and too big, hence the ideal would be a digital "back" to hang on to a couple of Nikon primes.

The GF1 certainly foots the bill although I am begining to wonder if using the Nikons is a good idea.

I thought the Panasonic 20mm was a must so that took care of the " Standard" now would a 50mm 1.4 take over as a short "telephoto", or would the Nikkor 40mm be better as it is so small. Or again perhaps the Leitz 40mm ( whoops, sorry, it's an age thing) would be the way to go But at least for the tele end there are three options at least. The wide angle end is to my knowledge zilch. what is needed is a fully corrected 10/12mm. O.K. there is the Voigtander 12mm but it is a big lump, but any other ideas?

Also I have several small worries.

Firstly I sometimes get an error message about the lens being incorrectly fitted, a waggle of the offending item puts it right....is it a fault?

Secondly the LCD seems very exposed, any ideas re covers or perhaps the sort of tear off things that F1 drivers use might work.

I have checked and the firmware needs updating. I have managed ( computer challenged as I am) to upload the new version but, after putting the dowload onto a SD card the instructions run out So if I keep that card in the wardrobe will it work, or does one need to do something else?

Anyway the GF! is a breath of fresh air and who knows maybe it will bring new life into the old dog.;)

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I often daydreamed about a digital 111g. Now if Panasonic dumped the flash and the Video thingy maybe they could find room for something useful such as an optical view/rangefinder.:clap:


I've been umm'ing and arrr'ing about getting one of these. I keep going back to a D3000+35/1.8 combo as a cheaper alternative ( although slightly larger ) and really can't make up my mind. It's driving me up the wall.

really can't make up my mind. It's driving me up the wall.

It all depends on if you like the feel of working off the back of the camera. Personally I find it great and very creative but some folks just don't like moving away from the viewfinder.

What I'd really like is a ground glass mode, where it all goes back to front and upside-down. :LOL:
although slightly larger )

Pete the D3000 is very much larger and the lenses for the micro 4/3 format are extremely compact.

Can't comment re your 35mm f1.8 combo, or did you mean 35mm format 50mm f1.8? If so than the Nikon 50mm D weighs in at twice the 20mm Panasonic and is a bit more than twice the size.

Body only.

D3000 126mmx97mmx64mm Weight 17oz

GF1 110mmx71mmx 36mm weight 10oz

Which roughly makes the GF1 according to my rough estimate less then half the volume and less than 2/3 rds the weight.

Add it all together and the GDF! comes out at approx half the size.

So if size really does matter then it's actually a no brainer. :)

Hoping this helps,

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No the 35mm 1.8 DX lens, which on the D3000 give ~50mm. Weight wise you probably have a point though.

Finger hovers over buy button...
is anyone using a GF1 with the Olympus 14-42 zoom?- I am really tempted with a GF1 but with the Panasonic zoom it'll be awkward to carry - the olympus zoom seems to be a lot shorter
by a lot shorter you mean by 20mm? lol

I find it amusing the way this camera seems to have redefined peoples views.

20mm enough of a difference to make carrying easier - I'm no longer interested in carrying a DSLR around and am split between a GF1 and a G11 - a shorter zoom lens on the GF1 would be a clincher
20mm enough of a difference to make carrying easier - I'm no longer interested in carrying a DSLR around and am split between a GF1 and a G11 - a shorter zoom lens on the GF1 would be a clincher

This week's Amateur Photographer has a side-by-side comparison test of the G11 and GF-1
Probaly a stupid question to some of you - I'm not sure I really understand tis 4/3s stuff - how do you fit a (standard size?) Canon lens on a GF1
Probaly a stupid question to some of you - I'm not sure I really understand tis 4/3s stuff - how do you fit a (standard size?) Canon lens on a GF1

You need a converter.

There are ones for nikon/canon/leica etc.

ebay ~£40
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