Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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As this current thread has become quite top heavy, so to speak, I though I'd take the liberty of starting a dedicated G1/GH1/GF1 thread here to accommodate our musings. I've kicked it off, with a shameful admission considering the brilliance of the GF1 :nuts:

Whats was wrong with this thread already in place...

Official Panasonic GF1 Photo Sharing Thread
Well that went down a bomb. All that effort, result.........................close the thread. Sorry I wasted everyones time. I might be an old fool but I really do feel p......d off.
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Whats was wrong with this thread already in place...

Official Panasonic GF1 Photo Sharing Thread

Didn't know there was one! Is it in the equipment forum? If so, probably not ideal if it's an image sharing one. I was more hoping to open a general discussion one as a continuation of this one.

I don't think your effort has been wasted at all. Your work clearly demonstrates how good the 14-45 is. I still chuckle out loud when I pick it up because I'm amazed at both the size and the quality it can produce.
Well that went down a bomb. All that effort, result.........................close the thread. Sorry I wasted everyones time. I might be an old fool but I really do feel p......d off.

I completely missed your post about the 14-45, if that's indeed what you're referring to here. Interesting results - either you got lucky with your copy, or it's simply a very good little lens. Latter I suspect given the quality of other Panny lenses I've come across. Thanks for taking the time to do that. You seem to be a collector of many things too!
Didn't know there was one! Is it in the equipment forum? If so, probably not ideal if it's an image sharing one. I was more hoping to open a general discussion one as a continuation of this one.

Been going well so far, but who am I to pass judgement , thought everything was just great between the two threads..

Well done Brian T enjoyed your stamp pics this GF1 is such a versatile little camera depending of course which lens you use, seems to be good on em all, I only have the 20mm and 45mm darn't spend any more money on lenses.... keep posting pics mate at least I enjoy looking at them(y)
What you think?


Brian, I think that your shots prove the lens is sharp and the colours vivid.
There doesn't seem too be much barrel distortion either.
Do you find the minimum focusing distance to be limiting at all? My friend who also has the 14-45 on his GF1 found the MFD to be quite long and struggled to focus on some closer stuff
And so am I .....this for now(y)

Just a quick pic had to stand in front of TV to take it and I was not popular:)

Willl try and improve


No, this is about 6" from the screen lens at 45mm, let's be honest it's not a Macro lens.

re the colours. Yes I collect stamps. I collect GB but I specialise in Edward VII and George V the colour shades are notoriously difficult. Shades can make huge differences to the value and we are in certain cases talking in thousands of pounds for a slight difference that only an expert would notice. Anal? Oh yes. :) I would be happy to use the GF1 to record my collection for experts to examine...need I say more? Oh that is with diffused daylight and auto WB, wouldn't trust other lighting without some playing about and provided a properly set up and calibrated monitor is used.

But the GF1 colour and colour balance is extremely good, the examples shown are very very close to the original


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I picked up a 14-45 off here for £130 - very happy with it and Brian's tests and Glen's landscapes show that I am right to be. :)

Just found out today that a few pics I took of a gig at work with my GF1 and 20mm are being used for a press release, in preference to the ones taken by a proper photographer with lots of expensive Nikon kit. ;)
I picked up a 14-45 off here for £130 - very happy with it and Brian's tests and Glen's landscapes show that I am right to be. :)

Just found out today that a few pics I took of a gig at work with my GF1 and 20mm are being used for a press release, in preference to the ones taken by a proper photographer with lots of expensive Nikon kit. ;)

Congrats Grum, well done says it all for the GF1 and the 20mm :clap:
Just received my SGP Skin Guard in Deepblack (leather look) + Screen Film on ebay from a seller called wowsomethingnew for USD17.99 delivered. It arrived from Korea to the UK in a week!

What a fantastic product, gives the GF1 a real luxurious retro look. The screen protector, that came with it, is also very good and fits the GF1 screen precisely. The GF1 screen scuffs silly and if you hang the camera around your neck beware that buttons and zips on your clothes will destroy your precious screen.

The stickers are extremely well made and i believe laser cut to precision. http://www.sgpstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/1102

I've also got myself the Official Panasonic Leather Classic Case (20mm version) for my GF1, though expensive @ £60 it is made of really good quality leather and the red piping matches the case of the EVF. There are "little poppets" to detach the cover for rapid deployment of your camera. Case is nicely lined and a lovely snug fit.

Both items are necessary buys in my opinion, enhancing the lines of the GF1 and making it a true Leica Like!!
Just received my SGP Skin Guard in Deepblack (leather look) + Screen Film on ebay from a seller called wowsomethingnew for USD17.99 delivered. It arrived from Korea to the UK in a week!

What a fantastic product, gives the GF1 a real luxurious retro look. The screen protector, that came with it, is also very good and fits the GF1 screen precisely. The GF1 screen scuffs silly and if you hang the camera around your neck beware that buttons and zips on your clothes will destroy your precious screen.

The stickers are extremely well made and i believe laser cut to precision. http://www.sgpstore.com/product_info.php/products_id/1102

I ordered my Skin Guard two days ago. Their web site has said 'out of stock' for 2 weeks, so I emailed them and asked when they would have stock. They got right back to me and said it was a fault with the site, they had stock and after I ordered, they dispatched it within an hour.

I won't be using the screen protector though as I've ordered a glass GGS one from Greenlife on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270532832135#ht_3835wt_1167 £6.98 delivered, it too is on its way.

Can you tell me Wai, how durable do you think the Skin Guard will be, will it last or will it just peel off?
My GF1 + 14-45 turned up today, £539 and £50 panasonic cashback = £489 :clap:
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Can you tell me Wai, how durable do you think the Skin Guard will be, will it last or will it just peel off?

I can't be certain if the skin will last and last Glenn. However it would not be too unreasonable to think that the skin guard would fray around the edges over time and that the surface area will also be subject to wear and tear in the areas you handle it the most.

But for me, the job of the skin guard is to protect (much of) the camera's body from scuffs and scratches, keeping it in pristine condition for the time when i have to re-sale.

The GSS screen protector is of interest to me and i look forward to your comments on this.
Congrats - you need the 20mm too though. :p

Too right! My 14-45mm hardly gets used as the 20mm is so supreme. I can see myself using the zoom a few times a year, like on holiday, but the GF1 is another animal with the pancake.

After a week of GF1 heaven, i've not touched my Nikon D300 at all. To tell the truth, i've hardly used the EVF either, so good is the screen. However it will get more use once i get my Nikon glass on and the EVF is also good for portraits, especially if you've been told to focus at the waist for full body shots.
Great price - even before the cashback (y)

Seriously, the 20mm lens will blow you away - the sharpness and bokeh at f1.7 is superb

The GF1 is for my daughter, she is into Urban & portrait type shots but composes using 'zoom', I shoot wildlife / motorsport so need a bit longer than 20mm


If my daughter carries on using my spare 30D :bang:...

I'll swap :clap:
Brian T - "Well that went down a bomb. All that effort, result.........................close the thread. Sorry I wasted everyones time. I might be an old fool but I really do feel p......d off."

It's difficult to tell if you're being serious here or if it's your humour...I'll assume for a mo that you're being serious...

I read your post and studied the pictures and I'm glad that you posted. I don't come on the site every day and I don't reply to every thread or comment but I do enjoy a lot of what I see here even if I don't reply and I'm sure that there are many like me.

Whenever I come to this site I look at this thread and I will be sorry to see it end. It's a little GF1 club so keep posting all!!
I was just wondering if any camera and simple lens combination has so quickly established such an enthusiastic following.I find myself constantly picking it up and photographing the most mundane thing. After walloping up to 16x on the screen the card then gets shoved into the back of the Panasonic TV, a minute thinking F.....g Hell then delete.

Great fun I suppose once it gets warmer I might venture further afield until then.

I find myself photographing all sorts of mundane things



This is straight from the camera with the 20mm at f4.

I have had some fifty years of using the best lenses in the world but I am constanly amazed with this bit over £200 masterpiece.

Woof. I don't do things for applause, just as well I suspect. It was let us say a bit tongue in cheek tinged with a little irony. I too had come to the conclusion that this thread had become a little club and was rather disappointed at the thought of it being closed.

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Nice ones mate...I have the 45mm and 20mm but I think the 20mm is going to get far more use than the 45mm lens, the 20mm is a little marvel.

Yes Brian think we have a nice happy little GF1 Club going , and enjoyable it is, think when the sun shines again down here there will be an explosion of pics.(y)
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I am SO desperate to get out there and take some pics but the weather has been SO rubbish! I am going up to London Tomorrow so hopefully i will get some good shots especially the underground. Can't wait!
Do your best Andy, don't wear a hoodie or a Balacalava,.I'm even gettinjg p.....d off with looking for pictures among'st the washing up.

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Its amazing how a small but beautifully crafted chunk of plastic, metal and glass has ignited/re-kindled peoples passion for taking photos.

Im out in most weathers taking pics, the joys of agreeing to do a "365".
Might have to look for a 2nd lens for holiday use as well as a circular polariser.
Time to flog the Cokin P mount stuff i think and invest in some good filters.
What did I miss? Who is closing it?
This is by far the best ( and one of the few that I look at on TF) posts I have found on the interweb.
Please don't close it

brian - those scale pictures are super detailed - all the markings

andy - looking forward to seeing your London shots
I can't be certain if the skin will last and last Glenn. However it would not be too unreasonable to think that the skin guard would fray around the edges over time and that the surface area will also be subject to wear and tear in the areas you handle it the most.

But for me, the job of the skin guard is to protect (much of) the camera's body from scuffs and scratches, keeping it in pristine condition for the time when i have to re-sale.

The GSS screen protector is of interest to me and i look forward to your comments on this.

Thanks for the observations Wai, I'll let you know about the GGS when it arrives.

As for the rest of you.... the sun is shining here, so I'm off out to take some photographs :razz:
What did I miss? Who is closing it?
This is by far the best ( and one of the few that I look at on TF) posts I have found on the interweb.
Please don't close it

brian - those scale pictures are super detailed - all the markings

andy - looking forward to seeing your London shots

Hey bl0at3r - (cheers for your reply re the 7D by the way, very helpful) no one is closing the thread; I suggested moving into a dedicated micro four thirds thread as a continuation of this one so that it would be easier for new folk to pick up from a zero post count point of view, and also to allow the inclusion of discussion of other m4/3rds cameras. My suggestion was not received in the way it was intended. No worries.

My other concern was that there may need to be a new thread at some point as my understanding was that the forum software sometimes limits the number of posts in one thread (hence the Sony threads being split, and now on part 4 or whatever etc etc). Guess just wait for a mod to let us know if that's the case in due course.
I've got the GGS screen protector as well - seems very good. Only think is I wondered whether it increased the screen reflection issue. Not sure though.
"I am SO desperate to get out there and take some pics but the weather has been SO rubbish!..."

I wonder who's got the most pictures of the inside of their fridge and cupboards? :naughty: Not me, of course...:nono: :naughty:
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