Picked up my new camera today....a GF1

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More superb shots guys..

I managed to take a few this week on my travels




I keep coming across that cake picture......should be banned on here:LOL:

Ok but it is a great picture

Here is a pic of the only cake I can afford

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Just back from a holiday in the Alps. I just took my new GF1 and 14-45 lens and left at home my big bag of 1D's and L lenses. The GF1 was excellent. Small and light, and that 14-45 lens is really beautifully sharp. Very impressive. I didn't try any action shots with it, but the GF1 was responsive and a delight to use, and coming from an LX3 very familiar too.

I really want a longer prime - I'm pondering a 50mm Voigtlander f/1.5 which should look fantastic. However I'm not sure how long I should hold off before Panasonic bring out their own set of primes to go with the 20mm.

Good stuff, I reckon if the VL allows autofocus etc then go for it. The Road map for Panny stuff was posted back a few pages and whatever they are releasing is months off yet

Hurrah - joined the club yesterday. Took an age waiting for the battery to come to life. Went for the 2 lens kit (20 and 14-45). Been playing mainly with the 20mm last night, to get my head round all the settings.

Time to have a read back through the thread now, and see what I missed!

Hurrah indeed - welcome to the club! Looking forward to seeing some shots

I keep coming across that cake picture......should be banned on here:LOL:

Ok but it is a great picture

Here is a pic of the only cake I can afford

My cake picture was of Tesco Finest Belgian Chocolate Cupcakes I'll have you know :LOL:
I reckon if the VL allows autofocus etc

Oh if only they did Alan,


My cup would indeed run'eth over. Except I sold them.......still nice excuse for getting some of them back

I tried the Rawtherepee, thanks. I printed one of each Jpeg and raw up to A3 and quite honestly can't tell which is which. Glad I asked the question here before lashing out on Lightroom or whatever.

Incidentally those Voigtlander lenses are superb.
As in a previous post I was going to take my GF1 up to London with me while visiting Ripley's Believe it or not with the wife and kids. As it was all going to be a bit of a rush (had to get back for a ghost hunt which was amazing!!) we decided to leave the GF1 at home so I took my TZ6 along instead. Still got some good shots but really want to go back up to London to take more shots at a leasurly pace. May be we could have a GF1 meet in London in the spring?

See pics on my Flickr
Has anyone tried the Sigma 4/3 lenses? Any news on quality etc?
I have the 18-50mm f2.8 Macro which is listed for 4/3. Lovely lens with the D300. But on the GF1 with a Novaflex the aperture has to be guessed at. Inspite of it's size it balances nicely and the manual focussing ring is far nicer than the a/f Nikors. If it's any use I can shoot a couple of test shots.

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As in a previous post I was going to take my GF1 up to London with me while visiting Ripley's Believe it or not with the wife and kids. As it was all going to be a bit of a rush (had to get back for a ghost hunt which was amazing!!) we decided to leave the GF1 at home so I took my TZ6 along instead. Still got some good shots but really want to go back up to London to take more shots at a leasurly pace. May be we could have a GF1 meet in London in the spring?

See pics on my Flickr

I have and they're great except no gf1 :p

Looks like I have lured someone else into our gang :LOL:


Yay another one
They would have been great with the GF1 and 20mm!!! Next time :D

Seriously we should have a GF1 meet!
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I have the 18-50mm f2.8 Macro which is listed for 4/3. Lovely lens with the D300. But on the GF1 with a Novaflex the aperture has to be guessed at. Inspite of it's size it balances nicely and the manual focussing ring is far nicer than the a/f Nikors. If it's any use I can shoot a couple of test shots.

I take it then that the Sigma 4/3 lenses don't talk to the Gf1 body? Annoying not having AF but if it's got a nice MF ring then it would be ok.

I had it in my head that they were doing Micro 4/3 lenses but looks like it's just 4/3.....which i thought were the same.:bonk:
I'd be up for a GF1-type meet in London depending on when. Alternatively, I'd be happy to show people around Bristol/Bath sometime.
We'll sort something for late spring i think (y)
Just got back some big prints from the GF1 with the Aldi photo service as recommended on TP.


Got a really big 75x50cm one which looks great. Also got a couple of 30x45 ones which look really good. A night shot taken at ISO400 looks a little noisy close up but otherwise really nice.
Just got my SGP Skin Guard from the USA, really impressed with the quality and it makes the beast easier to hold too. (y)
We'll sort something for late spring i think (y)

Like that plan

Just got back some big prints from the GF1 with the Aldi photo service as recommended on TP.


Got a really big 75x50cm one which looks great. Also got a couple of 30x45 ones which look really good. A night shot taken at ISO400 looks a little noisy close up but otherwise really nice.

Good to know, thanks - I always try and shoot at 100 but sometimes I use 400
Just got back some big prints from the GF1 with the Aldi photo service as recommended on TP.


Got a really big 75x50cm one which looks great. Also got a couple of 30x45 ones which look really good. A night shot taken at ISO400 looks a little noisy close up but otherwise really nice.

How did you process your pics prior to uploading them to the "aldi printers"?
Did you resize them for the printing?
Re my recent post about the Sigma 18-50mm.

I got to wondering why this lens is listed as available in Macro 4/3 form . I can't find much information but was wondering if it can be used with the Panasonic adapter and could it be that this has got the required connections to make the lens compatable and fully functional with the GF1.

As stated mine doesn't couple but it is a Nikon mount.

Please note I mean Macro as in format not Macro as in the close up ability which of course this lens possesses.


Three new lenses coming.

100-300mm, 8mm fish eye and 14mm prime. If I remember correctly. Contact at a photo show in Germany rang me earlier. Had them in his hands. Nice.
I might be interested in the 14mm but the pictures here have got me interested in the 14-xx zoom too.
How did you process your pics prior to uploading them to the "aldi printers"?
Did you resize them for the printing?

I played around with them in LR a bit - probably upped the contrast a bit and did some sharpening. I didn't resize them - the smaller ones seem to have been cropped very slightly at either side to fit the slightly different ratio. Doesn't look like the bigger one is cropped at all as far as I can see.

If I was being picky they seem a little darker than on my screen but it might just not be calibrated right - I seem to have a tendency to make everything too dark anyway. :wacky:
I've only been able to get out with my GF1 on two sunny days since I got it so I took quite a few pictures when it was nice on Saturday.

I took this one to see how the GF1 coped with the stark light and shadows and I think that it did quite well, the scene looked a little darker to me. The sky is blown, but it was pretty blown to my eyes too!

Although this was just a test shot I actually quite like it as a picture too.

The most important question re the promised 14mm is the speed.. I would suggest if this lens is any slower than the anticipated f2.8 it won't be very tempting to 14-45mm owners. Surely the OP contact must have told him if indeed that person had the lens in his hand. In fact at f2.8 as a 14-45mm owner I will not be tempted unless it is a pancake.
I think the other two are just a joke particularly the 100-300mm (200-600mm equivalent) and a 8mm fisheye, yea two really useful lenses. Still I suppose the marketing people at Panasonic know better, who the hell would want a 10/12mm fast prime or even sillier a 40/45mm f1.4/ f1.7? No Brian you're just being silly nobody wants usable lenses where is the fun in that?

If I was being picky they seem a little darker than on my screen

Probably the difference between reflected light and transmitted Graham.

Woof on my screen the sky doesn't look " blown" bright yes but it probably was. Out of interest did you use my favourite "idiot" mode

At Aldis prices I see little reason for buying a large printer. I have a rather expensive A3 printer and in over two years have made a total of ONE print and six others at A4 for a friend. I have used it for printing a dozen or so b/w pages for my stamp collection and the wretched thing is telling me that four inks need replacing, four inks ar £17.99.........whew, Aldis do seem tempting.

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I played around with them in LR a bit - probably upped the contrast a bit and did some sharpening. I didn't resize them - the smaller ones seem to have been cropped very slightly at either side to fit the slightly different ratio. Doesn't look like the bigger one is cropped at all as far as I can see.

May do some tests with one image, leave it as standard, just normal PP workflow on it, but then do one thats been resized/sharpened for printing.

grum said:
If I was being picky they seem a little darker than on my screen but it might just not be calibrated right - I seem to have a tendency to make everything too dark anyway. :wacky:

Think thats my problem, over darkening(sp) images and im using a Huey to calibrate my screen.
At those prices, its worth a play around.

Dont know if anyone is interested but on the micro four thirds site on dPreview there is a guy who has created a profile for the GF1 on LR2, see here

I am wondering if I am the only GF1 user who is perfectly satisfied with the quality that the camera can produce.............all by itself without all this fiddling around.:bonk:

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Brian, I use RAW but I find that I'm not adjusting anything. I didn't adjust anything for that shot.

I agree with your comments about lenses. Lets hope Panasonic go all boring and actually make lenses just like you suggest.
Woof I know sweet FA about raw but am I not right in thinking the raw image that you get isn't raw until you neutralise the in-built camera defaults in the raw software?

Re the LR profiles.

When I see these things I get an image of a guy bearing down on his new Ferrari 599 armed with a DIY manual of car maintainence in one hand and a very large hammer in the other..:bonk:

I think the other two are just a joke particularly the 100-300mm (200-600mm equivalent)

I just wondered why you thought this particular lens was impractical Brian?
I am not a GF1 owner but I have been reading this thread with interest. At the moment I have a 450D which I am really happy with. However I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, which if it progresses will make the 450D and lenses too heavy for me to cope with (I am also female too!!;)).
I am excited about the emergence of the GF1 as this type of technology should enable me to continue with this hobby for years to come, and will probably be welcomed by many others in my situation.
My main area of photographic interest is wildlife, and so for me the introduction of a 100-300mm lens makes the GF1 incredibly attractive - no laughing matter for me ;)
Best wishes
Brian, "the raw image that you get isn't raw until you neutralise the in-built camera defaults in the raw software?"

I'm sure that you're right. I'm pretty sure that Silkipix includes some lens corrections but beyond that I really don't know what it sneakily includes. There may be some default sharpening, maybe some subtle noise reduction too. I'd like to know what Silkipix does even though it seems to make a reasonable job of it and I might sit and have a Google one day and see if I can find out.

I suppose that the only reasons for me clinging to RAW are that I've got used to processing every image (habit is a difficult thing to overcome sometimes) and also because it's easy to correct the WB in RAW should it all go wrong.
Dont know if anyone is interested but on the micro four thirds site on dPreview there is a guy who has created a profile for the GF1 on LR2, see here

I am wondering if I am the only GF1 user who is perfectly satisfied with the quality that the camera can produce.............all by itself without all this fiddling around.:bonk:


To me all the 'fiddling around' is part of the fun/creativity of digital photography. I used photoshop quite a bit already before I got this camera, and I am a compulsive tweaker. :)

Surely it's just equivalent to what you would do in a dark room with a film camera?

Gonna order another couple of pics from aldi today I think. Might be worth reading this thread - http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=165841
Some people report issues with a funny warm/orange tint to the pics - most people seem very happy though and I can't notice it.
wellyboot - I hope that the rumoured long lens does materialise but if it doesn't maybe an existing long lens and an adaptor will do?
Hi Marcia,welcome it's about time we had some female type common sense around here.

The 300mm a joke? Well certainly for me. The GF1 is a fantastic camera which is screaming out for " normal " fast lenses, not the equivalent of a 600mm in 35mm terms. You mention wildlife, yes this is about the only subject that the combination of GF1 and 600mm makes sense..........with a huge heavy tripod. Think 'ont, at present do you use a 400mm full format lens on your Nikon? Because that is what you would need to have the same reach. Mind you if you do have a 400mm Nikon, adapter, 800 mm ? Now we are cooking on gas.

But you are right, maybe for your wildlife.............or landscapes of Mars ( that's the planet thing not Marianne Faithful's plaything,) it's not a joke but for me .....no it's not either, it's just frustrating. But yes wildlife which is something I don't get involved in, unless an angry doggie counts. Now somebody is going to mention sport but here I think there are far better cameras.

To me all the 'fiddling around' is part of the fun/creativity of digital photography. I used photoshop quite a bit already before I got this camera, and I am a compulsive tweaker.

We are all thankfully different, I'd rather do the fiddling in the camera and get it right. Apart from as I have said before I treat the whole thing the same as in the good old days of slide film and projectors*.

And yes re your darkroom remark but at least in that enviroment I knew what I was doing.

Graham, thanks for that link, I shall not bother to order any inks until I have tried them.

Woof the few times I have looked at a raw file in Silkypix I note that there are already values put in, as if by magic.


*PS. That's quite funny in more than 50 years I have only ever shot one roll of colour slide film and now I keep going on about it, must be an age thing.
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I just wondered why you thought this particular lens was impractical Brian?
I am not a GF1 owner but I have been reading this thread with interest. At the moment I have a 450D which I am really happy with. However I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, which if it progresses will make the 450D and lenses too heavy for me to cope with (I am also female too!!;)).
I am excited about the emergence of the GF1 as this type of technology should enable me to continue with this hobby for years to come, and will probably be welcomed by many others in my situation.

Sorry to hear about the Lupus/Arthiritis.
I changed to the GF1 from a D80 due to problems in my arms thanks to the possible impending threat from MS. Just getting too painfull to lug it around all day, unless some one came out with a left handed dSLR:thinking:

I love the GF1, got my interest back and also helped with the psychological side in that it helps as a distraction.
Know how you feel wellyboot, I have a serious mobility problem ...walk more than 50m or stand for more than 10minutes and I'm in agony, hence my Photographic excursions are indeed limited.....my latest was from the back door in the dull damp light of day yesterday , when I go out I have to look a parking place for the car so the pic taking requires little walking..

Am I glad I changed from Nikon D90 to this superb GF1, so much lighter to carry.

That's an interesting shot.

I'll have to get a wrist strap for mine next time I'm in town. There's plenty of cheap ones on the auction sites but I think I'd rather see before I buy even if that does mean paying more at Jessops.
Know how you feel wellyboot, I have a serious mobility problem ...walk more than 50m or stand for more than 10minutes and I'm in agony, hence my Photographic excursions are indeed limited.....my latest was from the back door in the dull damp light of day yesterday , when I go out I have to look a parking place for the car so the pic taking requires little walking..

Am I glad I changed from Nikon D90 to this superb GF1, so much lighter to carry.

Sorry to hear that oldboy. I like your flower pics best so I guess that's quite a good subject for you. Seems to be a few crocks with GF1s!

I have CFS/ME and while I'm not too bad and can still get out and about a reasonable amount I tend to really suffer for the next few days if I do anything at all energetic.
walk more than 50m or stand for more than 10minutes and I'm in agony

I too have mobility problems, stagger around it just takes time and to cap it all I now have " Planters something or other" in my left foot/heel.

Moral is; don't get old..............Mind you the alternative is a trifle drastic. :)

GF1 was made for people like us (y):LOL:

I'm looking in Mathers price of £249 for the 200mm looks tempting to me could spread my horizons further.

Anybody used or got one, comments would be helpful.


I'm bit gutted I didn't get the 45-200 when they were on offer for £193 at Jacobs - wonder if they will ever do it again.

I gather it's not quite as good as the 14-45 or the 20mm lens, but I've still seen some very good pics with it. Glenn Surtees on here posted some very nice plane shots.
That's an interesting shot.

I'll have to get a wrist strap for mine next time I'm in town. There's plenty of cheap ones on the auction sites but I think I'd rather see before I buy even if that does mean paying more at Jessops.

I can recommend this one Optech Cam Strap QD

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