Romanian fruit pickers

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And British people should buy more expensive produce from the uk so the companies can pay their workers inflated prices.

It is demand, if there is a lot of labour supply why would a company pay more than legally required? It doesn't make sense unless there is a long term investment and retention required as part of the business model.

Quite, market forces but our country is in decline. We need to protect our own. A points based immigration system is the only way.
Actually my views are exactly the opposite, and I am sure I am not alone. I love the idea of a united Europe with open borders within the EU. I loved being able to use my Euros wherever I traveled. The concepts of nationalism and patriotism are, in my view, outdated and not conducive to the development of a civil society. It all stinks of "we are better than them", and you know what, we are not. We are all the same under the skin aren't we, despite what it says on our passport? Given the choice I would happily trade my British Passport and citizenship for a European passport and citizenship.
Europe is a wonderful, beautiful and fascinating place. Who wouldn't want to be part of it!

But we saw with the euro that the German and maybe French economies cannot be tied in with Italy, Greece etc... In theory it's all wonderful but in practice doesn't work.
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Both. The British should be doing them but companies shouldn't be hiring cheap labour that undercuts British workers.

Um, OK. Any suggestions? Because Ms Frith's proposals seem to say "stop Romanians coming here" which would (a) be illegal and (b) leave us with lots of apples on trees (There was a problem a few years back when it was very hard to get the fruit picked and basically prices rose and farmers planted less of the crops they could cut back on the next year so prices rose and we imported more). I can't see any reference to a plan to fix this without destroying what little economy East Kent actually has.

As for "undercutting" British workers, fruit farms have an obligation to pay minimum wage and given most of the work isn't terribly skilled I can't see why they would pay more. Any allegations that they are paying less than this should be looked into regardless of who is getting the money.

BTW I don't often hang out on fruit farms (so maybe I'm missing the real workers) but I can't remember the last time I heard Romanian spoken in Kent. Most common languages of Europeans of working age are all Slavic - I'm guessing Polish.

BTW2 There really isn't any fruit in Rochester. This seems to be playing on the prejudices of people who think there's an immigration problem but haven't actually seen it themselves. Any Romanians in Rochester certainly ain't picking fruit.
I can't remember the last time I heard Romanian spoken in Kent. Most common languages of Europeans of working age are all Slavic - I'm guessing Polish.

Any supermarket. Any day.
(Excluding, of course, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells ;) )
Actually my views are exactly the opposite, and I am sure I am not alone. I love the idea of a united Europe with open borders within the EU. I loved being able to use my Euros wherever I traveled. The concepts of nationalism and patriotism are, in my view, outdated and not conducive to the development of a civil society. It all stinks of "we are better than them", and you know what, we are not. We are all the same under the skin aren't we, despite what it says on our passport? Given the choice I would happily trade my British Passport and citizenship for a European passport and citizenship.
Europe is a wonderful, beautiful and fascinating place. Who wouldn't want to be part of it!

Totally agree, much rather embrace Europe than the US

Personally find many of the sentiments expressed on this thread to be totally repugnant. Biggest slice of the welfare bill is spent on the elderly. What next kill them off once they can no longer work?

Hopefully the more educated amongst us will prevail and try to make this country a decent land to live in albeit rich or poor.

Many of the people who fought and died for our rights would be horrified to see such ignorance and selfishness being displayed, thankfully for now only by a minority

Alf Garnett is alive and well in the minds of some, admittedly some of the rhetoric is being used to expose the more extreme views, but sadly some is not
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Any supermarket. Any day.
(Excluding, of course, Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells ;) )

Romanian? Really? I'm not doubting, just surprised as I haven't heard it.

Of course, if they are in the supermarket during daylight hours then they ain't fruit pickers ;)
Romanian? Really? I'm not doubting, just surprised as I haven't heard it.

Of course, if they are in the supermarket during daylight hours then they ain't fruit pickers ;)

I'm no linguist....just going by the numberplates in the car park :LOL:
Um, OK. Any suggestions? Because Ms Frith's proposals seem to say "stop Romanians coming here" which would (a) be illegal and (b) leave us with lots of apples on trees (There was a problem a few years back when it was very hard to get the fruit picked and basically prices rose and farmers planted less of the crops they could cut back on the next year so prices rose and we imported more). I can't see any reference to a plan to fix this without destroying what little economy East Kent actually has.

As for "undercutting" British workers, fruit farms have an obligation to pay minimum wage and given most of the work isn't terribly skilled I can't see why they would pay more. Any allegations that they are paying less than this should be looked into regardless of who is getting the money.

BTW I don't often hang out on fruit farms (so maybe I'm missing the real workers) but I can't remember the last time I heard Romanian spoken in Kent. Most common languages of Europeans of working age are all Slavic - I'm guessing Polish.

BTW2 There really isn't any fruit in Rochester. This seems to be playing on the prejudices of people who think there's an immigration problem but haven't actually seen it themselves. Any Romanians in Rochester certainly ain't picking fruit.

Not once we get out of Europe. There's no reason why British unemployed people cannot do this, the fault is our own that so many jobs that we can do are down by non british born people. British jobs for British people, its fair and right to help our own into work before we assist others to come here to work.

Re a lot of casual work, I bet less tahn min wage/cash in hand goes on. A practice that needs stopped/
So what about British people who leave Britain to work in other countries? Should that be stopped too?

Seems a bit hypocritical if not.

There's no reason why British unemployed people cannot do this

Except that apparently they don't want to. If Kent were awash with people begging to pick fruit then there wouldn't be any Romanians here. But it's an easier political point to say that "foreigners are stealing our jobs" than that we as a country need to figure out how to get this done.

As I say, it's too late for this year now but feel free to promote fruit picking to any unemployed people you know. Lots of work for anybody who wants to do it and is prepared to work hard.
So what about British people who leave Britain to work in other countries? Should that be stopped too?

Seems a bit hypocritical if not.


Many Britons are subject to a point based immigration system if they move the US, Canada, Australia etc. Want into these countries, you need to prove your worth before you go. These countries have it right for sure.
Except that apparently they don't want to. If Kent were awash with people begging to pick fruit then there wouldn't be any Romanians here. But it's an easier political point to say that "foreigners are stealing our jobs" than that we as a country need to figure out how to get this done.

As I say, it's too late for this year now but feel free to promote fruit picking to any unemployed people you know. Lots of work for anybody who wants to do it and is prepared to work hard.

Life on benefits is too good. I say starve them out...they will find work.
Not once we get out of Europe. There's no reason why British unemployed people cannot do this, the fault is our own that so many jobs that we can do are down by non british born people. British jobs for British people, its fair and right to help our own into work before we assist others to come here to work.

Re a lot of casual work, I bet less tahn min wage/cash in hand goes on. A practice that needs stopped/

Cash in hand will not stop when we are taxed so much. Loads of businesses operate a "pound for the till, pound for my pocket" policy.

You need to employ the best people and i don't care who they are as long as they are here legally. There is truth in the fact that some Brits would rather not work, and that's down to the benefits system. To be fair, many Eastern Europeans are grafters. In the flip side they are often happy to work harder for less, are not do fussed about things like breaks so are more attractive to an employer.

I m sure that the same discussions go on in other countries, Polish jobs for polish people, and racism is far more common and nasty in many other countries.
Have you ever been unemployed?

I have hence my earlier post about having 12 months at last Salary then zilch. Current benefits are of little use to someone earning average or above wage, as they will probably deplete savings in the 2 months between jobs. Aside from genuine sickness, no reason why you can't find a job in 12 months.
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for 6 weeks. I looked for a job, I found one, it was not hard.

So it wasn't hard at all, was it? So what is the problem again?
I have hence my earlier post about having 12 months at last Salary then zilch. Current benefits are of little use to someone earning average or above wage, as they will probably deplete savings in the 2 months between jobs. Aside from genuine sickness, no reason why you can't find a job in 12 months.

Why should the tax payer maintain your last salary .. just lower your standard of living if you don't want to use your savings
for 6 weeks. I looked for a job, I found one, it was not hard.

I'm presuming you are educated though - its not that easy for people looking for blue collar jobs.

That said the reason a lot of manual work employers prefer to hire people from the eastern bloc (mainly Poles round here admittedly) is that they show up when they are supposed to and work hard...
I'm presuming you are educated though - its not that easy for people looking for blue collar jobs.

That said the reason a lot of manual work employers prefer to hire people from the eastern bloc (mainly Poles round here admittedly) is that they show up when they are supposed to and work hard...

I just got a crappy job that required 5 GCSE's/standard grades. Anyone could have got it that. Difference was, I applied and put my all into getting it. We see people here turn up to inteviews in tracksuits, who don't try to get the job. If you try and take a places recruitment process seriously, you will get something. It might not pay well, but it will pay more than the dole and be a springboard to better things.
for others its hard as foreign workers undercut them in salary expecations etc and our own are often too lazy to try due to lucrative benefits and cheap alcohol.

Have you actually tried living on £72.40 a week - its not lucrative, and you don't have much left over for cheap alcohol (admittedly when i did back in the 90s it was £38 a week , but same difference)
for 6 weeks. I looked for a job, I found one, it was not hard.

I applied and put my all into getting it

So which one was it then?

Seems to me that you are seeking to blame your lowly employment status on others rather than the lack of higher qualifications that might help you obtain something less crappy. No excuse these days for anyone from whatever background not being able to undertake a university course, lack of intelligence not withstanding
One more poignant fact is the amount of working people posting on here during what I expect are paid working hours ;)

Wonder if the Talk Fruitpicking board is as active?
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So to recap the problem is these dirty foreiner who come to our counntry and take all the jobs that indolent dole scroungers are too lazy to take anyway, and the solution to this is to send all the dirty foreigners (and probably anyone whos black, brown or jewish) back where they came from , whilst abolishing benefits in order to starve hthe scum back to work...

Seems perfectly reasonable to me :runaway:

Middle class unemployment will also doubtless be resolved by all the jobs opening up in the Waffen SS, the Sicherdenheist, and the Party....
So which one was it then?

Seems to me that you are seeking to blame your lowly employment status on others rather than the lack of higher qualifications that might help you obtain something less crappy. No excuse these days for anyone from whatever background not being able to undertake a university course, lack of intelligence not withstanding

I'm happy with my status, all I was saying is no matter what the job, you need to make the effort to get it and show the hiring manager you need. Too many go to the job centre, disinterested and turn up to the inteview for the job they're told to apply for and act disinterested. Act interested and professional you will get hired
So after a few pages of Daily Fail ranting the consensus is that the problem is down to British people being unable or unwilling to work. You couldn't make it up :)
One more poignant fact is the amount of working people posting on here during what I expect are paid working hours ;)

Wonder if the Talk Fruitpicking board is as active?

I have flexitime , and tea breaks
for others its hard as foreign workers undercut them in salary expecations etc and our own are often too lazy to try due to lucrative benefits and cheap alcohol.

The pay is the same irrespective of nationality. If it is cash in hand, the same also applies to British "employees" and should very much get investigated by HMRC.

Do you think that a Daily Fail foreigner that can't speak or write better English than a decently educated local has a better chance of securing and stealing those jobs? Wake up.
I have flexitime , and tea breaks

Hope you don't waste them posting on here, save that for the more boring parts of the working day
I thought you were a banker ...

Have a good think about banks and all their functions. Not everyone in the tall building is a CEO, a senior manager or even team leader...
I thought you were a banker ...
Click to expand...
Have a good think about banks and all their functions. Not everyone in the tall building is a CEO, a senior manager or even team leader...

Coming from good old east end stock think I recognise a bit of rhyming slang going on here albeit not one of the more older traditional sayings
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So it wasn't hard at all, was it? So what is the problem again?

If it wasn't for all of those immigrants coming over and taking the jobs we refuse to do, he would have got one the next day!

Have you ever seen the show Skint? Or the scheme, or benefits street?

Yes. Not typical at all. Just designed to appeal to the Daily Mail bigots.

Have a good think about banks and all their functions. Not everyone in the tall building is a CEO, a senior manager or even team leader...

True but the janitor probably can't afford a BMW
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