Romanian fruit pickers

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Really struggled to get bus drivers in Cambridge, existing ones knew that and behaved appallingly.
Stagecoach then brought in some drivers on loan from Wales, then came reinforcements from Poland
Some of the Welsh stayed along with the Polish drivers, both migrants that put the local lot to shame

If homegrown talent had wanted to work the jobs were there for the taking. Customers were the winners here, timekeeping and manners certainly improved when the new people arrived
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I almost think it's racist to imply our own people are less capable than others from abroad...

You can find capable British people in Britain. There is plenty of them
In that case what is the problem then? Make up your mind will you :p
Not experienced it first hand but from what friends have told me, the poles etc... Are better to employ for manual type labour. Doesn't mean Brits are hopeless but as a rule they are not as hard working.
Really struggled to get bus drivers in Cambridge, existing ones knew that and behaved appallingly.
Stagecoach then brought in some drivers on loan from Wales, then came reinforcements from Poland
Some of the Welsh stayed along with the Polish drivers, both migrants that put the local lot to shame

If homegrown talent had wanted to work the jobs were there for the taking. Customers were the winners here, timekeeping and manners certainly improved when the new people arrived

Windrush, innit?
I've found British people to be diligent and hard working.

In bank or academic environment they would indeed be working hard towards bonuses or promotion. Let's refocus back on Apple pickers (pun intended) and builders for example. We had a lot of grief with bristolian builders a while ago... The job never got finished properly.
Plenty of hard working british people, plenty of hard working immigrants.
Interview applicants for the job, take the best applicant based on your criteria. Or pick on nationality and let your competitor get the better candidate.
In bank or academic environment they would indeed be working hard towards bonuses or promotion. Let's refocus back on Apple pickers (pun intended) and builders for example. We had a lot of grief with bristolian builders a while ago... The job never got finished properly.

What about the travellers that come Tarmac your drive. I've heard of shoddy workmanship from foreign people too and seen some great work done by British builders.
I personally wasn't too pleased when Romania and Bulgaria joined so early. But have a guess which country(ies) lobbied and brokered for their quick admission. I am not sure that leaves any more room for complaints. Perhaps it was better than letting Russia to overrun it yet again?

The superstate would be the best thing that could happen here. There is too much bureaucracy called the national governments that invariably stop the progress in the EU.

National pride was the fuel that saw the WW2 spark up and destroy the continent. Things are just barely back to 'normal' and you want to tear it all up again.

People that come from France the dodgy way are not EU citizens. This is not even funny now. You are moaning about ex-girlfriend of a friend of a friend and b*****ks written in the Daily Mail. This is frankly pathetic.

If you are unlucky enough to live in London, a place that is out of control due to the inadequate planning and overdevelopment in a very small area I suggest you take a look at other great cities and towns in the UK. Life is great in smaller communities.

I was wondering the same when I started the thread. But it seems it is mostly the space the take over here...

Fairly likely, and not just them :)
My point about people trying to get here from France is to show that this country is too attractive to immigrants. My other point ewas about immigrants send ing money home. As for where I live? In a town in Devon. But I'm not blind to what's going on. The country can't cope with any more immigrants scrounging of our benefit system and NHS, taking jobs and sending the money home, etc etc. This country is too soft. Why can't you see this?? Or maybe you did ;)
Actually my views are exactly the opposite, and I am sure I am not alone. I love the idea of a united Europe with open borders within the EU. I loved being able to use my Euros wherever I traveled. The concepts of nationalism and patriotism are, in my view, outdated and not conducive to the development of a civil society. It all stinks of "we are better than them", and you know what, we are not. We are all the same under the skin aren't we, despite what it says on our passport? Given the choice I would happily trade my British Passport and citizenship for a European passport and citizenship.
Europe is a wonderful, beautiful and fascinating place. Who wouldn't want to be part of it!
God I hope this never happens. Generations of Brits have been fighting European rule for centuries. But they couldn't beat us in a fight so now they're being all friendly and taking powers via the back door. Britain has prospered before with out the Europeans sticking the bloody noses in, we can now. The us isn't multinational so how is a united Europe going to compear with it?
God I hope this never happens. Generations of Brits have been fighting European rule for centuries. But they couldn't beat us in a fight so now they're being all friendly and taking powers via the back door. Britain has prospered before with out the Europeans sticking the bloody noses in, we can now. The us isn't multinational so how is a united Europe going to compear with it?

Oh dear. People like you make me feel sad. Humanity should be making moves to unite, not drive wedges.
Oh dear. People like you make me feel sad. Humanity should be making moves to unite, not drive wedges.
I think you're in cloud cockoo land if you think that will happens. What the world should have one President and all will be fine? There are some countries that are still devided into tribes so if people from the same country can't unite how the hell can the whole of humanity?
I think you're in cloud cockoo land if you think that will happens. What the world should have one President and all will be fine? There are some countries that are still devided into tribes so if people from the same country can't unite how the hell can the whole of humanity?

Small steps, small steps. Don't you agree having a goal is a noble thing? And if you have an objective, then at some point you have to take steps. Being insular and xenophobic is not the solution to anything.
My point about people trying to get here from France is to show that this country is too attractive to immigrants. My other point ewas about immigrants send ing money home. As for where I live? In a town in Devon. But I'm not blind to what's going on. The country can't cope with any more immigrants scrounging of our benefit system and NHS, taking jobs and sending the money home, etc etc. This country is too soft. Why can't you see this?? Or maybe you did ;)
Have you actually looked at the immigration figures across Europe. You'd be surprised at the league tables ;) maybe worth doing before making statements like that.
That tax you pay, national insurance. That's for healthcare and a state pension, the later being a joke as I understand it. People on state pensions get naff all.

I was referring to the special fiscal arrangements you appear to have made for your nether regions.
What about the travellers that come Tarmac your drive.

I am yet to see one. Let me know when they visit you next, I might come to take some stock for Alamy.

My point about people trying to get here from France is to show that this country is too attractive to immigrants. My other point ewas about immigrants send ing money home. As for where I live? In a town in Devon. But I'm not blind to what's going on. The country can't cope with any more immigrants scrounging of our benefit system and NHS, taking jobs and sending the money home, etc etc. This country is too soft. Why can't you see this?? Or maybe you did ;)

So I conclude that you personally have NO problems due to EU. However the daily fail and Farrage said they are evil so that must be true. Well done.

As for NHS and benefit cheating the certain brittish scumbags lead the way by a very large margin. It is a national affair and has NOTHING to do with the EU. Ask your MP to tighten the laws if it hurts you that much.

P.S. Far more money gets sent to off-shore tax heavens by the super wealthy elite compared to an odd £100 per month or two. It is about turning the blind eye in the right direction.

God I hope this never happens. Generations of Brits have been fighting European rule for centuries. But they couldn't beat us in a fight so now they're being all friendly and taking powers via the back door. Britain has prospered before with out the Europeans sticking the bloody noses in, we can now. The us isn't multinational so how is a united Europe going to compear with it?

Wake up, the great empire is has been reduced to a small island, and the economic strength still comes in numbers. Putin doesn't even consider UK alone as a super power anymore, however he must respect the whole of EU. Do you want to get rid of EU and be like Norway, Iceland or simply IRRELEVANT?
God I hope this never happens. Generations of Brits have been fighting European rule for centuries. But they couldn't beat us in a fight so now they're being all friendly and taking powers via the back door. Britain has prospered before with out the Europeans sticking the bloody noses in, we can now. The us isn't multinational so how is a united Europe going to compear with it?
Seriously? You do know we are European in the UK. And guess where the Americans came from.

Oh oh oh dear. Please don't think too hard.
Seriously? You do know we are European in the UK. And guess where the Americans came from.

Oh oh oh dear. Please don't think too hard.

You could replace UK and EU and they with North, South and Korea and it would sound just like Kim's speech. :) :LOL:

I wonder if it is the right time to get intoxicated with ethanol? :p
Seriously? You do know we are European in the UK. And guess where the Americans came from.

Oh oh oh dear. Please don't think too hard.
You know what I mean or are you too stupid to work it out (see I can throw insults too). And do you really thing everyone in the us came from Europe? Oh and you want us to be like the us? Well even their states have different laws. Come on open your eyes. But if we are one big happy Europe why are so many immigrants coming here, surely its the same as anywhere else?
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I am yet to see one. Let me know when they visit you next, I might come to take some stock for Alamy.

So I conclude that you personally have NO problems due to EU. However the daily fail and Farrage said they are evil so that must be true. Well done.

As for NHS and benefit cheating the certain brittish scumbags lead the way by a very large margin. It is a national affair and has NOTHING to do with the EU. Ask your MP to tighten the laws if it hurts you that much.

P.S. Far more money gets sent to off-shore tax heavens by the super wealthy elite compared to an odd £100 per month or two. It is about turning the blind eye in the right direction.

Wake up, the great empire is has been reduced to a small island, and the economic strength still comes in numbers. Putin doesn't even consider UK alone as a super power anymore, however he must respect the whole of EU. Do you want to get rid of EU and be like Norway, Iceland or simply IRRELEVANT?
Firstly my views on immigration and the EU have nothing to do with ukip or the daily mail, which I have never read. My views are my own.
As for the British scumbags you go on about, maybe. But they have more right here than immigrants here and quite frankly its a p*as poor argument. They were born here, get over it. People seem to be under the illusion that all immigrants come here to work. Yes some do but let's face it most end up on the doll paid for by British tax payers, the rest are just undercutting us, as I know first hand.

But at the end of the day whether you argree with immigration and the EU or not is irelivant. Britain is full!! If you hate your own country so much you want to live in someone else's go somewhere bigger like the states, oh but they don't have free health care do they!!
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You know what I mean or are you too stupid to work it out (see I can throw insults too). And do you really thing everyone in the us came from Europe? Oh and you want us to be like the us? Well even their states have different laws. Come on open your eyes. But if we are one big happy Europe why are so many immigrants coming here, surely its the same as anywhere else?
Well you said it, not me...aren't you the native English speaker ;)

Many immigrant come here, many more immigrants go other EU member states...It is freedom of movement ;) An essential part of the EU...just like the US. Not sure why you keep on referring to the US btw...
I probably shouldn't respond to bigotry, but one last time.

Firstly my views on immigration and the EU have nothing to do with ukip or the daily mail, which I have never read. My views are my own.

I cannot believe for a second you could make that up solely by yourself. Honest.

As for the British scumbags you go on about, maybe.

Definitely. Cold, Hard Fact.

People seem to be under the illusion that all immigrants come here to work. Yes some do but let's face it most end up on the doll paid for by British tax payers, the rest are just undercutting us, as I know first hand.

This takes the biscuit. Dude, even the daily fail and Farage could learn a lot of propaganda from you. You could make a good living out of that. :) P.S. I do expect to see some very clear proof on this please. You are not blatantly lying, are you?

Britain is full!!

Better watch out for the sheep and cows in your village. :p

If you hate your own country so much you want to live in someone else's go somewhere bigger like the states, oh but they don't have free health care do they!!

Did you have nothing else better to say than this completely made up nonsense? Do you realise what pish you are spouting in everyone's face?

edit: where is that ignore button? Ah, just found it. Bye!
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I probably shouldn't respond to bigotry, but one last time.

I cannot believe for a second you could make that up solely by yourself. Honest.

Definitely. Cold, Hard Fact.

This takes the biscuit. Dude, even the daily fail and Farage could learn a lot of propaganda from you. You could make a good living out of that. :) P.S. I do expect to see some very clear proof on this please. You are not blatantly lying, are you?

Better watch out for the sheep and cows in your village. :p

Did you have nothing else better to say than this completely made up nonsense? Do you realise what pish you are spouting in everyone's face?

edit: where is that ignore button? Ah, just found it. Bye!
Have I hit a nurve :)
Evidence? Where is your evidence that everyone on the doll,and no I'm not, is a scumbag? My friend was out of work for months because he was made redundant and couldn't get a job. Yet the factory in the town he works in employs loads of Portuguese. People are out of work due to hard times. Yet they seem to get the blame for scrounging benefits. Yes there are lazy bast**ds that can't be bothered that's true, but not all. When my friend was out of work he told me that upto 40 people were going for the same job. Does it sound like we need a bigger population?

Also I'll have you know I don't live in a village, I live in a town :p
...aren't you the native English speaker ;)

I can see how [the lack of] basic grammar skills and politeness can fail some people in job applications and interviews :)
Seriously? You do know we are European in the UK. And guess where the Americans came from.

Oh oh oh dear. Please don't think too hard.
And that's polite?? As for grammar etc give me a brake, I'm on a tablet and its late.
I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread.
What a jolly thread.

Job stealing foreign bastards.
Dole scrounging foreign bastards.
Lazy British scum.
Tax dodging dodgy employers.

Any other cheap, easy, lazy, bigoted b****x anyone want to enlighten us with?
What a jolly thread.

Job stealing foreign bastards.
Dole scrounging foreign bastards.
Lazy British scum.
Tax dodging dodgy employers.

Any other cheap, easy, lazy, bigoted b****x anyone want to enlighten us with?

I tell you what, those bloody parakeets coming over here, eating our fruit, being noisy, taking our bird's houses. They should definitely be on the list. And they are not even from the EU. I will definitely be voting UKIParakeet, none of the main parties are taking this issue seriously.
Funny how the pro EU people forget/don't comment on:

A) the fact the euro flopped
B) the fact the eu is totally corrupt

A) euro isn't going anywhere anytime soon despite a few nasty hiccups. However, the superstate is really needed to make it as strong as possible. It will all happen :)
B) OMG, somebody in the politics is totally corrupt. Are your favourite UK party / politicians / the government innocent like babies?
A) euro isn't going anywhere anytime soon despite a few nasty hiccups. However, the superstate is really needed to make it as strong as possible. It will all happen :)
B) OMG, somebody in the politics is totally corrupt. Are your favourite UK party / politicians / the government innocent like babies?

A) my parents moved to Cyprus and were pro euro but now realise it was the wrong thing economically. You cannot align economies like Greece and Germany.

B) no party in the uk is perfect. As we saw with the mp expenses all 3 parties were at it, but compared to the rest of europe... No contest. While your average labour/Tory mp may claim for a few things they shouldn't, corruption in the eu is rife. That's nog opinion, it's fact. If I ran my accounts like that, hmrc would have me banged up.
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