Excellent idea and very well executed. I like the simplicity of the composition even if it makes the engineer in me cringe every time I look at it!
Pull, a really clever idea, works so well, top shot Stan.
Very impressive piece, It’s good having this kind of public art about I think.
Art is a good colourful shot, and nicely on theme.
You missed a trick, you could have used it for this weeks theme Bizarre.
That is a very bright shot, nice and colourful.
Could have lost the building on the left. Shame about the dirty wall to the right, maybe it's not finished yet
That`s a cool shot for the theme Stan, nicely placed and taken image.
I don’t know what’s more bizarre the picture or the mental image of you shoving a leek inside a banana skin, you weirdo
Great idea for bizarre, I'm not to keen on the black corners but good job
What a bizarre Image, fits the theme so well, great technical work, all spot on.
I did have a chuckle at that image Stan
Lateral thinking at it's best.
nicely exposed, plenty of detail, no off putting shadows
I like it, nicely thought out.
The only problem is, you've peeled it from the wrong end
What a great sight never get the chance to see seals here, they do look like a bunch of layabouts though
Great image of the lazy seals Stan, goes great in the pano too.
Lovely seals Stan, I do like the crop you have used there.
I really like it. It sort of shows a real life view of these animals, probably helped by the letterbox crop.
They look a bit like rocks, good composition
What seals, They look like pebbles on a beach, okay I have put my glasses on. Looks much better on Flickr.
I see Chris has the same observation.