I had a novel film outing today, which has been sunny with blue skies. Kenilworth Castle is open free to anyone on Boxing Day, 10-12, so I decided to go there. My Christmas present to myself was a set of coloured filters, red, green and blue (*), and I took those with a tripod (!!!) and the ME loaded with FP4, to experiment with Trichromes. The idea (which is totally bonkers) is to take the same photo with red, green and blue filters, and then combine them to make a colour image from black and white film! I took 6 scenes, ie 18 frames, but unfortunately forgot to get a phone snap for you. I'll save the next 18 frames for a day with perhaps a bit more wind, maybe some scudding clouds, as these can produce some interesting rainbow effects. I hope I'll have got something similar from the people moving about, in the scenes I've taken.
Andrew Keedle has written a bit about this technique:
https://www.keedlemedia.com/trichrome .
* Since I have given away my P-sized filter holder, I only have my charity shop A-sized holder. There are good strong red and green square filters available in A-size, but the blue filter is a bit weak; it's more of a colour temperature adjustment filter. The P range has a nice strong blue. So I'm not sure I'll get the proper effect.