Although I’ve got LF kit packed ready for an outing, the weather has been against me so instead I’ve spent time in the darkroom and developed the roll of 35mm that I ran through thé yashica 635 ages ago.
It’s likely going to be the only roll of 35mm that I put through the camera tbh as it took an eternity to finish 36 exposures, in fact a wound it off at 32, but also composing for 35mm when I actually had a 6x6 focusing screen was for me somewhat strange.
I actually sometimes composed for 6x6 and ended up exposing some extreme cropped 35mm frames!
Anyway like it’s been a while since I’ve been out with any camera, it’s also been an age since I used these :
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The hc110 has an expiry date of dec 2019 so I will have bought it a year or two prior to that date !
All the chems still work fine even the already diluted stop and fix as I have results.
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Working with such a small format in the changing bag was , after LF, rather strange and then when I went to hang the film to dry I had forgotten just how long a 36 exposure roll is…… I thought it was never going to end unrolling off the spiral