Show us yer film shots then!

The shot of the hound is some impressive reflexes, I presume you weren't machine gunning it?

Is that the E4 stuff that's meant to be done in C41? Not sure I'll bother after all its a bit... meh.
Wow Ewan, that's come out pretty well! What film, may I ask?
Kids in buggies, it's the only way I can get mind to hold still long enough to focus. Nice shot.
Velvia 100 was pretty much developed for product photography were colour accuracy was important if the light temperature isn't 5500K whatever you take will not be neutral, could be better could be worse.

I spend a lot of time at Kew on dull days they often have lighting on which isn't even faintly close to daylight even shooting digitail I find it easier to wave a colour temperature meter about to get the white balance right.

Before digitail became so prevelant most people knew they had to do some correction with filters to get things right and optinammly these days scanners should be calibrated but not set to correct some of the more sophisticated drum scanners can actually adjust the tones in shadows within pictures.

An article reviewing a few colour meters

I hae the Minolta and the Gossen mostly I prefer the minolta, new these were / are 850 -1000 seconhand they mostly go for 250-300 I got lucky and paid 100 for the Minolta and 119 for the Gossen still not cheap but if you want to seriously shoot slide film they are worth having.

Gossen Sixticolour meters go for a lot less and probably do for a lot of people.

Both of osh's shots are beautiful.

Spot on tones in all of Steve's shots and I love the sky in the first one.

Thanks. I do now think the problem is mainly the scanning though, both the B&W and colour area bit skew compared to the film I now have. I'm going to scan/photograph them myself at some point shortly and see what I get. Interesting reading though. :)

Somebody said B/W is about 3 things-




I thought it was Bill Brandt ?

Anyway, whilst trying to find out I came across a Nick Brandt exhibition going down next week in the smoke.

October 21 - November 10 2013

I'd go but....London......nope, you southern jessies can go though..:)

Contrast... Agreed

I will definitely be popping in to that exhibition. Thanks
Looking at your lovely pic Ewen which suggests the girl was objecting to having her photo taken, reminded me of my grandaughter who is always objecting:-

Hi all

Recently bought Olympus OM2, 50mm f1.4, couple of shots from the first roll through - Ilford something-or-other ISO 400


Very nice Erik, you can't beat a bit of Portra.
The local community center went out with a blaze two days ago, had time yesterday to swing round with my latest box camera to test it and see what the damage was. Shame I always meant to photograph this building but I think it may now be demolished!

Not easy to use a box camera an hour before sun down with a heavy sky but I had a go. The normal mode underexposed and shooting for an "elephant" on bulb mode over exposed and introduced a bit of shake but thats just part of the game.

Gutted by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

Gutted 2 by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

Gutted - silhouette by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

Shot on my JB Ensign box camera with GP3 semi-stand developed in Rodinal 1+100 for an hour. This is probably the first sharp (ish) box camera I've used.
Hi all

Recently bought Olympus OM2, 50mm f1.4, couple of shots from the first roll through - Ilford something-or-other ISO 400

Marvelous shot of the Seagull :)

Prompted by Sectionate's shot this is from a few years back Velvia 10x8 croped a bit


The silly size is worth a look for the perspective it gives
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Thank you Brian, sorry for being obscure its actually the same subject as Sectionate's last shot above the Ouse Valley Viaduct

A some what more conventional shot from January 09 I think


Silly size

5x7 with velvia 100 and a 90mm Super Angulon F8 both uncleaned up scans with a Howtek Scanmaster D4500

Not entirely happy with either shot and must make the effort to have a another go at it sometime.
Nice shot Abbandon but what is it? a bridge support?

It's a shot through the arches of the Balcombe viaduct in the Ouse valley.

It's a nice shot but could do with a tweak to straighten it up though ;)
:muted:We don't do things like that with view cameras, no excuse really as the thing is dripping with levels. Some when I want to reshoot it with more even illumination the camera dead leveled and front rather than rear tilt
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:muted:We don't do things like that with view cameras, no excuse really as the thing is dripping with levels. Some when I want to reshoot it with more even illumination the camera dead leveled and front rather than rear tilt

Sorry, hadn't realised you'd shot it with a view camera. I never really got to grips with the movements on my Toyo, it just ended up messing with my head :LOL: So, I now have the simpler, and lighter Nagaoka, much easier.
Nothing too exciting or interesting here, just a few from my first time playing with Portra 160 which I rather like!

Bit of medium format action on the Fuji 690, all metered with an iPhone app which I'm pretty damned impressed with!






ahh.....sneekin round the mirror pool eh

my vans in that last one

unless its nicks :shrug:
I got some shots back from a test roll in my Isolette, i'm pretty happy with them to be honest :) They were all metered off an old Zeiss Ikon unit that i picked up at a car boot :)

Things that i need to watch are the straightness of the camera when i'm taking the shot because some of them are a little askew, the viewfinder is round and there's no guidelines :LOL: Everything seems to be okay as i had hoped, number 2 came out a little bright but i seem to remember shooting that one a little brighter to bring out the shadows so it's all good. These are straight scans from the darkroom, and might i add what a fantastic service, posted on Wednesday and returned today. i'll definitely be using them again for my future stuff :)





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I got some shots back from a test roll in my Isolette, i'm pretty happy with them to be honest :) They were all metered off an old Zeiss Ikon unit that i picked up at a car boot :)

Things that i need to watch are the straightness of the camera when i'm taking the shot because some of them are a little askew, the viewfinder is round and there's no guidelines :LOL: Everything seems to be okay as i had hoped, number 2 came out a little bright but i seem to remember shooting that one a little brighter to bring out the shadows so it's all good. These are straight scans from the darkroom, and might i add what a fantastic service, posted on Wednesday and returned today. i'll definitely be using them again for my future stuff :)






I like 1 and 4.
Thought I would share a few recent pics... for starters, 1 from Cambridge and one of my local church using a Rolleicord Va with Ektar. Think I prefer Portra to Ektar.


Next, a few from my Leica M2 and Portra

1. Cambridge College (St Johns)

2. Very dark local church

3. St Ives beach
And finally, back to the Rollei with Portra

1. Lizard Point

2. Lizard again

3. Tintagel in Cornwall

4. Another in Tintagel
Well, having taken the big step of trying out film, and having had my Mamiya RB 67 for 2 weeks now....
I've found it all quite a challenge.... I've struggled with only having 2 lenses to work with( the 90mm and 180mm,neither of which I'd particularly use in digital), also..... following 'Woodsy's' mantra of "allow yourself only a single frame for any given composition.", has also been really difficult, as I had got used to taking various compositions and scenes, and then choosing the best one.... and.... remembering that I do actually have to take a light reading, because it isn't done for me anymore :bonk:
Still, we are getting there slowly....

This was taken using Ilford FP4
The Monastary at Buckfast Abbey....

Monastary at Buckfast Abbey... by Lee.H2013, on Flickr

This was taken using Kodak Ektar 100
Trenchford Reservoir......

Trenchford Reservoir. by Lee.H2013, on Flickr
Well, having taken the big step of trying out film, and having had my Mamiya RB 67 for 2 weeks now....
I've found it all quite a challenge.... I've struggled with only having 2 lenses to work with( the 90mm and 180mm,neither of which I'd particularly use in digital), also..... following 'Woodsy's' mantra of "allow yourself only a single frame for any given composition.", has also been really difficult, as I had got used to taking various compositions and scenes, and then choosing the best one.... and.... remembering that I do actually have to take a light reading, because it isn't done for me anymore :bonk:
Still, we are getting there slowly....

Very good Lee, but you could use your digital camera for a few tests shots and exposure readings, I think we would all agree there is no problem combining the two, and anyway why put all your eggs in one basket :) I don't use digital but usually carry two film cameras with me :exit:
Very good Lee, but you could use your digital camera for a few tests shots and exposure readings, I think we would all agree there is no problem combining the two, and anyway why put all your eggs in one basket :) I don't use digital but usually carry two film cameras with me :exit:

Yes, I get that, and, I do also take the Nikon FM2n out with me as well....
But, I've already been through the carrying multiple digital cameras and multiple zoom lenses depending on what I'm shooting out with me on each trip, and carting heavy gear all over Dartmoor is no fun sometimes.
But, my decision to try film was to limit my choices...after all, I can take hundred's of crap images with digital, I don't even have to think about that, no cost, no worries if I got them all wrong, I could just go back and try again....that though, didn't teach me anything about 'how' to make an image....being primarily a bird photographer didn't require me to think too much really.....if nothing else, the Mamiya has forced me to slow down a lot... it's just remembering everything is manual!. :LOL:
Well I didn't understand this bit "I've struggled with only having 2 lenses to work with( the 90mm and 180mm,neither of which I'd particularly use in digital)" in full frame 35mm digital (and film) they would be equivalent of about 50mm and 90mm, well surely if you don't even have a full frame digital camera you would have zoom lenses to cover that range anyway.
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Well I didn't understand this bit "I've struggled with only having 2 lenses to work with( the 90mm and 180mm,neither of which I'd particularly use in digital)" in full frame 35mm digital (and film) they would be equivalent of about 50mm and 90mm, well surely if you don't even have a full frame digital camera you would have zoom lenses to cover that range anyway.

Lol :LOL:, yes, my zoom lenses cover that range, but, I got used to using zoom and not my feet........ and using only a fixed focal length of 90mm(or the 180mm) is completely different to having the range of choice anywhere between 70-200mm(with a 1.4X converter attached)where I can zoom in and out at leisure....take multiple images at different focal lengths, and decide which one I fancied...
A couple from me taken on Hasselblad of buildings at Salford Quays.

Not alternative methods, but just trying something a bit different.

This was taken on Velvia 100, but the slide was then used as a negative to produce a black and white negative image.


This building reminded me of the hull of a ship, so tried using a copper toner. Whilst the toner was still drying I used a cloth to smear it slightly to try and make it look like rust streaks on a hull.

A couple from me taken on Hasselblad of buildings at Salford Quays. Not alternative methods, but just trying something a bit different. This was taken on Velvia 100, but the slide was then used as a negative to produce a black and white negative image. [/URL][/IMG] This building reminded me of the hull of a ship, so tried using a copper toner. Whilst the toner was still drying I used a cloth to smear it slightly to try and make it look like rust streaks on a hull. [/URL][/IMG]

Love your creativity and inventiveness Steve.
They both work really well. Fave is the converted Velvia.
Recently scanned but taken some time ago. It's Velvia 50, but I can't remember which camera

Iris by wickerman6, on Flickr
Recently scanned but taken some time ago. It's Velvia 50, but I can't remember which camera

Not normally a fan of still life, particularly flowers, even less so when they're in colour but that's very nice indeed.