Show us yer film shots then!


Lighting is key, its nicely lit, personally I'd go for a bit more especially up top, but the thing is beau to start with so it kinda makes up for it in my

still life is tough as old boots, that's why I love it..:)

If something like this came up in the challenges, something specific instead of the "make of it what you will" stuff, I'd struggle not to shoot for it.
Flower on black, coke can without zingers, bunch of bananas, anything like that.

actually, coke can without zingers would kill the entire F&C...probly
Landscapes with Velvia are hard! Blew most of this roll getting exposure wrong....need to practice.

Landscapes with Velvia are hard! Blew most of this roll getting exposure wrong....need to practice.

I really struggled with the contrasty shots, I might have to send this off to Rob and Paul to see if they can get any more out of it, trying to drag detail out of the rocks is pretty tricky.

Pembrokeshire sunset near Little Haven by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

Hassy Velvia 100-04 by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]

It's much better in the daytime though but there's still not much detail in the shadows.

Pembrokeshire coast near Little Haven by Raglansurf, on Flickr[/IMG]
I really struggled with the contrasty shots, I might have to send this off to Rob and Paul to see if they can get any more out of it, trying to drag detail out of the rocks is pretty tricky.

Hah yes, I've shot it in daylight and it's great....but sunsets...nightmare!

Doesn't help I forget that the M6 TTL meters off a circle on the shutter the patch I am metering off in the viewfinder bears no resemblances at all to the enormous portion of the image that is being projected onto the focal plane by the 12mm Voigtlander.
With Velvia 50 in daylight I decide what I want to do, I have found that with the right? camera, in my case a Bessa R3A the best results I have achieved is to set the camera on tripod or a stable base flip to A and set to 40 Asa and let it do the work.

Seems to work far better than I can do.
I really struggled with the contrasty shots, I might have to send this off to Rob and Paul to see if they can get any more out of it, trying to drag detail out of the rocks is pretty tricky.

Perhaps one of those neutral reverse grad filters might help here.
Nick if you play with the 2nd shot in Photoshop, it really comes alive...the problem is with my quick play it came out more HDR but erm well different.
Nick, bring them along on Sunday and I'll sort them out for you.
Tool the OM30 to the cyclocross at the weekend, unsurprisingly when shooting at F3.5 135mm there is a lot of missed focus but got a few and the opportunity to try out the Firstcall 400s on something where it didn't really matter if the film was guff.


CXFalkirk-Film by steveo_mcg, on Flickr


CXFalkirk-Film by steveo_mcg, on Flickr


CXFalkirk-Film by steveo_mcg, on Flickr

They were all suffering!!

Shot on the OM30 with Firstcall 400s (APX?) developed in D76 for 18 minutes which was a bit of a punt.
Bit of a grab shot really but two friends came over for the weekend and on Sunday morning they were a little fragile. I think more than one espresso was needed to kickstart their day!

It is a perfect man-cave but unfortunately I am just about to lose it because it will make an even better kitchen. It's always been the plan but I have been dodging that for nearly fifteen years!

The plus point of said move is that the old kitchen will become my new man cave and, if I can afford it, the adjacent utility room might make a good darkroom.

Here is a view of the other end which I have posted before (used for my entry in "Space" in the 52). The black squares on the walls are just sound deadening panels as that end of the room was a bit lively without anything on the walls.

That is quite some man cave, it has everything a man could need in a cave I particularly like the impressive vinyl collection.
Thanks Lee.

I agree about birds generally.

I think to work the bird needs to be either black or white. I'll try to test the theory next time I see a suitably posed crow.
Bit of a grab shot really but two friends came over for the weekend and on Sunday morning they were a little fragile. I think more than one espresso was needed to kickstart their day!

I really like this Mark,

Can't quite pin down why I find it so interesting, but it kept me analysing it for quite a long time.

And good luck in trying to get a darkroom :)
Beautiful shot osh.

A portrait of my grandfather.



What a lovely portrait. Great idea on shooting outside and the reflection of the evidently well maintained garden. There is an unwritten sadness and poignancy in the composition and his expression that I find quite moving. And provoking an emotion like that is difficult to achieve and praiseworthy.

Great work

What a lovely portrait. Great idea on shooting outside and the reflection of the evidently well maintained garden. There is an unwritten sadness and poignancy in the composition and his expression that I find quite moving. And provoking an emotion like that is difficult to achieve and praiseworthy.

Great work

..and I agree, well thought out shot.
Osh - great shoot as usual, you make me very jealous at North Wales is one of my favourite parts of the country


What a lovely portrait. Great idea on shooting outside and the reflection of the evidently well maintained garden. There is an unwritten sadness and poignancy in the composition and his expression that I find quite moving. And provoking an emotion like that is difficult to achieve and praiseworthy.

Great work

What he said
Osh. Wow another fabulous landscape. Very well seen and beautifully executed.
What a fantastic page of images. Just big congrats to everyone, stunning stuff all round.

I went out to Biddulph Grange Gardens again yesterday. Shot the last roll of out of date Jessops and tried out the one hour processing place I'd been recommended.

They had a halloween theme:

Scan-131024-0020 by srichgtr, on Flickr

Somewhat at odds with the usual feel of the place:

Scan-131024-0018 by srichgtr, on Flickr

One hour processing turned out pretty well although I got quite bored as there is nowt nearby to keep you occupied!
Just a few more from the Llandudno meet. Nikon FG, Nikon 24mm f2.8 and Kodak Portra.

Nice set Andy. Portra has such a pleasing pastel palette.