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Might be dust on you lens where it connects to the camera. If you clean the sensor and then fit the lens which has dust on its end plate then this gets transferred to the sensor - always clean the end of your lenses with a rocket blower - preferably a Hepa one.

All my lens are clean I always take care of my kits like I said never had such issues with any other cameras I've own
It deffo oil as nothing shift with rocket blower at all. Do all Sony suffer from this. As I know Nikon d600 did or 610
Nope never heard of a probelm with oil with any of the a7 series bodies mate
All my lens are clean I always take care of my kits like I said never had such issues with any other cameras I've own

But did you look for them as much eg take pics at f22 of whit walls paper etc.... I know I didn't with my canon just looked at normal pics and could see them then cleaned it..... think your issue is that something has got I the sensor somehow by the sounds I've never know such problems with the Sony sure they get dust etc you clean and it's gone though hope it gets sorted mate :-(
I only started the white sheet test today as I notice the spots on some images even at 18 so that why I started testing as I am wanting get it sorted. Will see what tmr brings. But as I say it strange all dots are getting worse than they where this morning and I've not took the Len off
You don't need to take the len's off to attract dust mate that's a complete myth ;-) I had a 100-400 canon aka the dust pump lol
I only started the white sheet test today as I notice the spots on some images even at 18 so that why I started testing as I am wanting get it sorted. Will see what tmr brings. But as I say it strange all dots are getting worse than they where this morning and I've not took the Len off

Tbh I bet if I shot my canon at f18 there is prob some dust there
How do dust get in then? I though these suppose be sealed?
Lol I don't need to there will be ( I can see dust at f8 I the sky lol
Lol. I would accept a few of if camera was a few month old but on day one I feel it unacceptable.
Such a shame as I love the camera very much in every other ways. Just seeing what my friends at calumet can do. They are very good with emails with me I prob hear from the first thing morning
Brand new sealed
See to me I hardly ever shoot over f8 so if I have dust then I will clean if not I just leave it if I can't see it ain't there if u go looking for it you will find it I'm sure
We see what tmr brings [emoji106]
Saying that I did a shot for u at f22 on white paper and didn't have 1 spot lol .... I wouldn't say I am overprotective when I change lens at weddings etc either weird
And you've never changed lenses?

Yes I have done yes but with first lens on there was dust. Or shall we say oil. As if it dust shouldn't a rocket blower shift them.
Saying that I did a shot for u at f22 on white paper and didn't have 1 spot lol .... I wouldn't say I am overprotective when I change lens at weddings etc either weird

There u go lol
But some dots got hole in them on the ones I took earlier
Okie dokie it ain't hairs is it? I didn't look that close u held a flashlight up to it when it's upside down?
Yes held a flash light and can't really see much on it. I've even given the lens a good clean both ends.
Not sure then to be honest but obv if it still on there with a wet. Clean u have a major problem
Yes I have done yes but with first lens on there was dust. Or shall we say oil. As if it dust shouldn't a rocket blower shift them.

Not always, some can be stubborn, pollen can be a pita to remove. Mirrorless get more dust than modern dslrs ime. Halos are usually oil though. Get the shop to do a final clean put lens on send you results when you get the camera take 100 shots in burst and check again.
Yup will see what they do tmr. Then we go from there.
Well I was using a big stopper today so I went to 18 and 22 to get slower shutter speed that when I started see them. Strange thing is now I just taken a image at f8 and there 5 bleeding things so somthing not right in this camera.
Well I was using a big stopper today so I went to 18 and 22 to get slower shutter speed that when I started see them. Strange thing is now I just taken a image at f8 and there 5 bleeding things so somthing not right in this camera.
Defo not good mate if it is visible at f8 BUT don't forget you haven't had it cleaned since earlier today at f22 so prob spreading same stuff about
@rookies You've only got a few shots on your Flickr page and only a couple of those outside at possibly narrower aperture. I'm only on my phone but I can't see any obvious dust spots on either? Have you got any other real shots taken at 'normal' apertures for landscapes (F11-F16)? Be careful shooting too many test shots of blank walls, you can make yourself crazy when the actual issue isn't visible when shooting normally.