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Sony 85 v Batis 85...

Hmmm, I don't think that Batis cats eye bokeh is for me.
Oh man, the Sony lens looks to be better all round lens for a lot of people. The size I'm not especially concerned about, and my camera body does stabilisation too, so two of the the Batis' three main advantages don't really concern me. Of course, the third is price.

I really hope my Batis pre-order arrives before these are available otherwise I'm afraid I'll do something my wallet will hate me for. Damn you, Zeiss and your woeful sales projections! :(
Oh man, the Sony lens looks to be better all round lens for a lot of people. The size I'm not especially concerned about, and my camera body does stabilisation too, so two of the the Batis' three main advantages don't really concern me. Of course, the third is price.

I really hope my Batis pre-order arrives before these are available otherwise I'm afraid I'll do something my wallet will hate me for. Damn you, Zeiss and your woeful sales projections! :(
Really.. The Sony is sharper then the batis.?

That makes the Sony one go toe to toe with the otus
Really.. The Sony is sharper then the batis.?

That makes the Sony one go toe to toe with the otus
Can't really say until more substantial side-by-side comparisons are posted, but it certainly looks to be at least no worse from initial appearances.

TBH, it should be considered a criminal act to announce lenses without having full reviews ready to roll out!
Can't really say until more substantial side-by-side comparisons are posted, but it certainly looks to be at least no worse from initial appearances.

TBH, it should be considered a criminal act to announce lenses without having full reviews ready to roll out!
True mate. But the batis is sharper then canon or nikons 1.2/1.4 and just a bit behind the otus!

That's why for the Sony to beat the batis. Your looking at almost if not equally as good as the otus!
True mate. But the batis is sharper then canon or nikons 1.2/1.4 and just a bit behind the otus!

That's why for the Sony to beat the batis. Your looking at almost if not equally as good as the otus!

But the Batis is a f1.8 lens? Sharpness isnt everything especially in a portrait lens. Who says its sharper anyway?
But the Batis is a f1.8 lens? Sharpness isnt everything especially in a portrait lens. Who says its sharper anyway?
That nikon guy and many charts as well.

Yea but if you don't need 1.4 your good to go and at that focal length. The dof is very think already.
True mate. But the batis is sharper then canon or nikons 1.2/1.4 and just a bit behind the otus!

That's why for the Sony to beat the batis. Your looking at almost if not equally as good as the otus!
Yeah, it's crazytown just how fast camera tech is advancing nowadays. I think it's a symptom of the state of the industry as a whole - everyone's clambering over each other to grab the high end camera market as the low end implodes in on itself. The old budget heroes Sigma and Tamron are trying to reinvent themselves as premium brands, and even Samyang/rebadge-of-the-day lenses are making yesterday's lenses look like the bottom of a beer bottle.
That nikon guy and many charts as well.

Yea but if you don't need 1.4 your good to go and at that focal length. The dof is very think already.

But it hasnt been DXO tested yet, one persons opinion doesnt mean much. Consider the 85 1.8G, its sharp, fast, light, well built, stupid sharp and DIRT cheap compared to a Batis, also no cats eye.

No, f1.8 isnt f1.2 or f1.4. There are other characteristics like fall off and bokeh, colour etc. Like I said, sharpness isnt everything. Cats eye bokeh, meh. To get a lens ridiculously sharp you often give up its other rendering characteristics with some exceptions (Otus - hence price!).
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But it hasnt been DXO tested yet, one persons opinion doesnt mean much. Consider the 85 1.8G, its sharp, fast, light, well built, stupid sharp and DIRT cheap compared to a Batis, also no cats eye.
But it's a good start and I don't think it's just one persons opinion is it? That Jason Lanier bloke seems to think it's rather nice too :D
But it's a good start and I don't think it's just one persons opinion is it? That Jason Lanier bloke seems to think it's rather nice too :D

He would though.

You dont seem to think much either. I think you know what a portrait lens is supposed to be as youve owned the Sigma like I have.
But it hasnt been DXO tested yet, one persons opinion doesnt mean much. Consider the 85 1.8G, its sharp, fast, light, well built, stupid sharp and DIRT cheap compared to a Batis, also no cats eye.

No, f1.8 isnt f1.2 or f1.4. There are other characteristics like fall off and bokeh, colour etc. Like I said, sharpness isnt everything. Cats eye bokeh, meh. To get a lens ridiculously sharp you often give up its other rendering characteristics with some exceptions (Otus - hence price!).
But I have a 1.2 as well so I'm good
Is the sigma 85mm an art lens?
If you get the chance to try one maybe you should. I thought mine was the best AF lens I'd used until I moved to the Sony system. It's even better than their well regarded (non Art) 50mm f1.4.
If you get the chance to try one maybe you should. I thought mine was the best AF lens I'd used until I moved to the Sony system. It's even better than their well regarded (non Art) 50mm f1.4.

... and at a bargain price! I also liked my 50 EX DG HSM but the ART I have now is quite a bit better (but more expensive!)
... and at a bargain price! I also liked my 50 EX DG HSM but the ART I have now is quite a bit better (but more expensive!)
As you said above it's not all about sharpness and I did like the way old Sigma 50mm f1.4 images looked. I've never used the Art but at the time I had the Siggy 50mm I thought that I would never need a better 50mm. Have to say that the Sony 55mm is a fantastic lens if sharpness is the aim, very sharp across the frame.
Also we need to see how the QC is with the g master lenses as previous Sony lenses have terrible QC

Youd hope it would be better because they are so expensive, but Ive seen reports of dodgy QC in a few FE/Batis lenses. Not that other manufacturers are 100% perfect.
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Youd hope it would be better because they are so expensive, but Ive seen reports of dodgy QC in a few FE/Batis lenses. Not that other manufacturers are 100% perfect.
Batis lenses are more reliable then Sony lenses. I've heard just one person have issues with there batis.
it must work faster then Owen with the adaptor because id cant see why they would release it other than to cater for lens that don't work on metabones.... Metabones could just release a new Firmware.... I'm gonna buy the sport and maybe one of these lets see..

Does it struggle indoors then like my 50-500 but fine outside... ?always useful 600mm picture of dogs :) inside
I expect it does struggle inside tbh pretty sure it's not great on my 1dx though yo be fair....

I'm interested to see what the results are like with this sigma adapter they are certainly hyping it up
yeah gives me yet another angle now to just buy the Canon version, then if i don't like Metabones i buy the adaptor its priced at $249, so sub 200 for us
Guys ive been eyeing up the Manfrotto 3n1 35 BAG as i need space for a 15inch laptop ( MacBook pro size.) any others anybody recommends for this....
Also we need to see how the QC is with the g master lenses as previous Sony lenses have terrible QC
Hmmm. Just checked and my Sony lenses have managed not to fall apart.

Batis lenses haven't been out 5 minutes yet so a bit early to shout their quality and reliability from the rooftops.
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Hmmm. Just checked and my Sony lenses have managed not to fall apart.

Batis lenses haven't been out 5 minutes yet so a bit early to shout their quality and reliability from the rooftops.
Mate the 1.4 sony 35mm has terrible QC an date batis lenses have been out for almost a year!

When I say QC I me a straight off the bat buying the lenses and expecting it have no issues. And hardly anyone besides on person have had issues.

These are made by zeiss. Not by lego
Mate the 1.4 sony 35mm has terrible QC an date batis lenses have been out for almost a year!

When I say QC I me a straight off the bat buying the lenses and expecting it have no issues. And hardly anyone besides on person have had issues.

These are made by zeiss. Not by lego

Yep the issues with the 35 f1.4 are widely reported, shocking when you consider its over £1300 in the UK....
Mate the 1.4 sony 35mm has terrible QC an date batis lenses have been out for almost a year!

When I say QC I me a straight off the bat buying the lenses and expecting it have no issues. And hardly anyone besides on person have had issues.

These are made by zeiss. Not by lego
That's one lens and you then go on to make a sweeping statement.

I've read reports about Batis focus dial issues but personally I try to keep a level head when reading reports on line and generally avoid sweeping statements as they are IMO hardly ever justified. I'd be much more likely to take note of something from Lens Rentals or similar.

But if you want to make sweeping statements and run about like a headless chicken be my guest :D
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Mate the 1.4 sony 35mm has terrible QC an date batis lenses have been out for almost a year!

When I say QC I me a straight off the bat buying the lenses and expecting it have no issues. And hardly anyone besides on person have had issues.

These are made by zeiss. Not by lego

Wasnt their reported sample variation with the 55 and Batis 85? Like I said though, not just Sony issues.
If the Sigma adapter can get their own glass working like a native E mount lens (to take advantage of things like continuous Eye AF and general reliability) then it suddenly becomes a very attractive proposition. Now that Sigma have their own mirrorless cameras too, they'll be wanting to make sure that their lenses work well with hybrid AF.

There sure is a lot happening at the moment.
Yep the issues with the 35 f1.4 are widely reported, shocking when you consider its over £1300 in the UK....

From what I've read it's possibly because the setup of this lens includes multiple shims... a shame and I hope they change their approach with future lenses aiming for high quality but even so, does this justify such sweeping statements?

Oh, I forget... we're on the internet... :D
That's one lens and you then go on to make a sweeping statement.

I've read reports about Batis focus dial issues but personally I try to keep a level head when reading reports on line and generally avoid sweeping statements as they are IMO hardly ever justified. I'd be much more likely to take note of something from Lens Rentals or similar.

But if you want to make sweeping statements and run about like a headless chicken be my guest :D
That and the 90mm macro one.

Batis is far more reliable then sony.

Loads are concerned about how QC is like on these master G lenses.

the ziess branded primes are made and constructed by sony but with zeiss approval, thats why the 55, 28, 35 f2.8 etc are all brilliant lenses with no QC problems
That and the 90mm macro one.

Batis is far more reliable then sony.

Loads are concerned about how QC is like on these master G lenses.

the ziess branded primes are made and constructed by sony but with zeiss approval, thats why the 55, 28, 35 f2.8 etc are all brilliant lenses with no QC problems

Wrong, Ive seen issues reported with the 55. What does Zeiss approval mean if Sony is manufacturing, all they are doing is approving the design :rolleyes:
Concerned about the quality of lenses few people have used yet?

Internet panic at it's worst IMO.

Sorry but maybe I'm just a bit grouchy today :D but the whole quality and reliability thing + the internet = stuff to be taken with a pinch of salt, IMO.

There are lots of commentators on line I wouldn't trust to tell me what day it is let alone the quality and reliability of a product. Time will tell and all I advise is that people don't panic... delay a purchase by all means but declaring GM lenses to be unreliable pieces of Leggo before they're hit the shops isn't the most level headed way forward, IMO :D
Going back to my design / manufacturing / product approval days and trying not to generalise one thing I will say is that you can't necessarily judge either quality or reliability from the badge on the box or even be sure who actually designed and / or made it.

I've seen some utter s***t with a supposed quality name on it and of course conversely I've seen some good stuff with a name you'd associate with lower end products.

Oh, and IMO Made In Xxxx means nothing.