The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

Since my cormorant photo was so popular - here's another photo from the same fly-by - this time with a different background. I think I prefer the golden look of the water in the first version as it flew under a bridge on the way past.

DSC02057 by Gilbo B, on Flickr
As it's a bit quiet.

A couple of pictures taken with my A7 and now sold Vivitar 19mm at Redcar. You can see the famous "Vertical Pier" in the background.


See those penguins in the background? Closer now...

Is there a way to transfer raw files from the camera to iPhone/iPad wirelessly? The Sony image app converts them to a low quality jpeg and then sends them. I don’t want to use FTP.
Is there a way to transfer raw files from the camera to iPhone/iPad wirelessly? The Sony image app converts them to a low quality jpeg and then sends them. I don’t want to use FTP.

When travelling I have always had to use a iPad>SD Card reader.
Since my cormorant photo was so popular - here's another photo from the same fly-by - this time with a different background. I think I prefer the golden look of the water in the first version as it flew under a bridge on the way past.

Lovely colours there Gil :D
@woof woof - I've taken the leap to an upgrade!!

I'll be interested to know how you think it compares to the A7.

My main issues as DR, lack of an electronic shutter and the A7's face recognition doesn't work as well as eye detect does with my Panasonic cameras. I used my GM5 yesterday and it recognised Mrs WW's face at a distance at which the A7 wouldn't have had a chance.
I've bought something.

It's not an A7rIII or any other camera and it's not a car, watch or piece of HiFi either so that only leaves...

It's coming next week.
I'll be interested to know how you think it compares to the A7.

My main issues as DR, lack of an electronic shutter and the A7's face recognition doesn't work as well as eye detect does with my Panasonic cameras. I used my GM5 yesterday and it recognised Mrs WW's face at a distance at which the A7 wouldn't have had a chance.

I have had a flick through the menu's - never heard of half of it! Changed a few things that I think might suit me better - I remembered I need to put the IBIS on a custom button though because I'm always switching between hand held & tripod - I think I'll primarily leave it switched off actually.

I don't take a great deal of portraits but I'm looking forward to the Eye AF of it in all honesty. DR is a bit better on paper. Higher ISO should be an improvement too and I want to test it for night sky stuff at some point.

In the hand it feels good. Don't really notice the extra size & weight tbh.

I did notice the lens mount pretty tight on it though when I stuck the 35GM on there! Is that normal? Or is the A7 I have just worn/not as good? I know they improved the mount from the original series. On the A& a lens goes on almost like it's greased :ROFLMAO:

Anyway, might get out later & for sunrise tomorrow but it does feel like I've picked up a water infection somehow!

I've bought something.

It's not an A7rIII or any other camera and it's not a car, watch or piece of HiFi either so that only leaves...

It's coming next week.

Well, you said "not any other camera" rather than "not any other camera GEAR" so it's got to be another for the lens collection :)

The missus was surprised I actually bought a few new t-shirts the other week!!
Has anyone spent any time with the new focus bracketing feature on the new a7RV please?
I've been prevaricating on a switch from a Canon 5D mkIII to an alpha-series camera and the main use case will be product photography - just wondering about this for effectiveness, ease of use or any other input anyone may have. :)

Toby. Take a look at Cascable photo App
Thanks will take a look.
@snerkler in the imaging app go to settings and change import settings from camera to original
Rather than the 2M jpeg option
Doesn’t work as that’s what I have it set to. It does say on the online manual that you can’t transfer raw and it will be converted to low res jpeg.
I have just tried it with a raw file and it’s copied it across to my iPhone as a low res jpeg, checking my imported images it worked previously as full size jpeg my last dated photo was June 2022 when it worked as full size jpeg. My current app version is 7.7.1. So I suspect it’s changed with the latest app version. Can you install the previous app version?
I've bought something.

It's not an A7rIII or any other camera and it's not a car, watch or piece of HiFi either so that only leaves...

It's coming next week.

Was it a coffee maker? I've spent the past few days deciding what to get for my morning/afternoon brews.

@Raymond Lin Please just tell me what to buy... and if the grinder I need is the Niche can you help pay for it please?
Was it a coffee maker? I've spent the past few days deciding what to get for my morning/afternoon brews.

@Raymond Lin Please just tell me what to buy... and if the grinder I need is the Niche can you help pay for it please?
I use an old Gaggia Classic and it brews great coffee.
I also use a Eureka Mignon Silenzio grinder with great results.....
I use an old Gaggia Classic and it brews great coffee.
I also use a Eureka Mignon Silenzio grinder with great results.....
The eureka is a bit better price wise so I'll continue my research. The Gaggia is something I'm considering, not sure I'd want to take the chance on a used machine but if I'm going to end up voiding a warranty by changing springs and things I'm maybe as well not paying £400 for a new one. On the other hand a Sage Bambino plus offers a lot of features and less tinkering, but on the downside it offers less tinkering.
The eureka is a bit better price wise so I'll continue my research. The Gaggia is something I'm considering, not sure I'd want to take the chance on a used machine but if I'm going to end up voiding a warranty by changing springs and things I'm maybe as well not paying £400 for a new one. On the other hand a Sage Bambino plus offers a lot of features and less tinkering, but on the downside it offers less tinkering.

Do you make espresso or other? if you make everything else but Espresso then I'd get the Ode Gen 2.

But that is 70% of the price of the Niche.
Was it a coffee maker? I've spent the past few days deciding what to get for my morning/afternoon brews.

@Raymond Lin Please just tell me what to buy... and if the grinder I need is the Niche can you help pay for it please?

Had a De'Longhi Magnifica bean to cup for 10 years, was really easy to use but I always thought I was missing something. Bought a Sage Barista Pro last year, to be honest by the time I fill the water, weigh and grind the beans, warm the portafilter, level, agitate and tamp the coffee, pull the shot, froth the milk, do a bit of latte art, clean and purge the wand I'm no longer thirsty .

Hmmm, maybe I'm still missing something and need to upgrade ..... :rolleyes:
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Had a De'Longhi Magnifica bean to cup for 10 years, was really easy to use but I always thought I was missing something. Bought a Sage Barista Pro last year, to be honest by the time I fill the water, weigh and grind the beans, warm the portafilter, level, agitate and tamp the coffee, pull the shot, froth the milk, do a bit of latte art, clean and purge the wand I'm no longer thirsty :rolleyes:

:ROFLMAO: You are not wrong, which is why I've drank filtered (with the Hario Switch) for the past 6 months. With the higher energy cost I don't need to pre-heat the machine, I don't need to wait for it. I just need to boil the water I need which I used to do anyway for the Americano. While the water is boiling I weight out the beans and grind it so it takes about 2mins total.

One time I tried to make espresso but it choked the machine, so I started again, and it choked again....if I need to froth some milk that'll add time, one time when nothing was going right it could literally take me 15-20mins!

Coffee, when get nerdy, is a hobby...and can be challenging one.
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I have just tried it with a raw file and it’s copied it across to my iPhone as a low res jpeg, checking my imported images it worked previously as full size jpeg my last dated photo was June 2022 when it worked as full size jpeg. My current app version is 7.7.1. So I suspect it’s changed with the latest app version. Can you install the previous app version?
I don’t know but that would be of no use either unfortunately as I’d want to transfer the raws.
Do you make espresso or other?
It would need to be fine enough for espresso, and ideally I'd want single serving with low retention. So guess where that has led me :ROFLMAO:
Had a De'Longhi Magnifica bean to cup for 10 years
Had one of those a few years ago and one morning the most horrendous sound came from it and it looked like it had tried to grind itself inside out. I decided to save all the bother and just got a Lavazza pod machine but needless to say it doesn't satisfy the need.

You are not wrong, which is why I've drank filtered (with the Hair Switch) for the past 6 months.

I've also considered just getting a decent grinder and just grind for a V60 as a lot of the time I'd be making an espresso into a larger drink anyway. But then if I've got a decent grinder....

Anyway.... I'll keep pondering and let everyone get back to camera talk.
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Tell me about it ... I even bought a bottomless portafilter and recorded it just to make sure everything was ok :rolleyes:

I think I got most if not all coffee gadgets.

Bottomless filter.
Single sprout
Double sprout
Wooden handle
WDT tool
Concave tamper
Flat tamper
Competition tamper (58.4mm so it goes to the edge)
Shower screen
Knock box
Upgraded the seal to silicon
IMS basket
Changed the steam wand

The only thing I want to do without adding a PID is to get a press gauge so I can adjust the valve inside to lower it to 9 bars.
The eureka is a bit better price wise so I'll continue my research. The Gaggia is something I'm considering, not sure I'd want to take the chance on a used machine but if I'm going to end up voiding a warranty by changing springs and things I'm maybe as well not paying £400 for a new one. On the other hand a Sage Bambino plus offers a lot of features and less tinkering, but on the downside it offers less tinkering.
I had a bambino before I got the gaggia...
I thought it was ok.....until I got the gaggia.
I wouldn't be worried about buying an older machine tbh....mines is 14 years old and still going strong.
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There are different versions of the Gaggia. The pre-2015 ones are the ones to go for, with rocker switches and adjustable pressure valve inside.

If getting a new one, you want the “classic Pro” which is basically same spec as the old classic.

Avoid the lower base classic model and ones with the electronic switches.
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Out with the Riii, with its much improved AF system, taking sunrise photos of a church :ROFLMAO:

And yes, the half shutter press doesn't bring you out of magnify for MF..... Who was saying that last week or so....?
If you use auto magnify then half press should bring you out of magnify IIRC, but if you manually magnify via a function button then half press doesn't bring you out of magnify.