The Amazing Sony A1/A7/A9/APS-C & Anything else welcome Mega Thread!

I've got the Riii set to 1 minute auto power off, but it doesn't. Is there something else in the settings that's over riding it?
Not sure but maybe these will help?

From the rumor site...

The rumoured Tamron 20-50mm was a fake and there'll be no new Cosina lens announcements this week.

I was hoping that the Voigtlander 50mm f1 would be announced in Sony mount as they've already announced it'll come in Nikon mount. Maybe later.
Not sure but maybe these will help?

Bluetooth remote was on :)

Give that a try.

I'm still getting used to did and finding everything :ROFLMAO:

Just a reprocess of a picture I took with my A7 and M mount Voigtlander 35mm f1.4. I didn't keep that lens long as I hated the handling and IMO optically the E mount version is about a million times better. I think this one is one of about half a dozen pictures taken with that M mount 35mm that I like.

Autumn walk.

Fixed that for you Alan :)

You'd be amazed and proud of me Lee as I watched the auction end without upping my bid. A lens which is something between £200-£300 new went for £57 but I didn't up my bid as although it's a well made lens the IQ isn't so good. There's another similar lens which is much cheaper at £121 new and although it's not so well made as the marking are just printed on rather than engraved it has better IQ, so I might go for that.
Denoise and Sharpen are excellent. I also use the Mask tool and its excellent for separating foreground from background so you don't sharpen a creamy bokeh background.
Must look into that as on one or two I tried it affected the background adversely.
Must look into that as on one or two I tried it affected the background adversely.
Masking’s really important to get the best results (y)
The rumor site says that the Sony 50mm f1.4 will be announced tomorrow...

Assuming it's very good and a touch smaller than the f1.2 I suppose a lot will depend on how much it is.

Could anyone be interested in this lens?

I suppose it'll be too big for me to seriously consider buying as I do like compact kit. I will read and watch the reviews and look at the sample pictures though.
The rumor site says that the Sony 50mm f1.4 will be announced tomorrow...

Assuming it's very good and a touch smaller than the f1.2 I suppose a lot will depend on how much it is.

Could anyone be interested in this lens?

I suppose it'll be too big for me to seriously consider buying as I do like compact kit. I will read and watch the reviews and look at the sample pictures though.

Nope. I think I have all my focal lengths covered pretty much :)
The rumor site says that the Sony 50mm f1.4 will be announced tomorrow...

Assuming it's very good and a touch smaller than the f1.2 I suppose a lot will depend on how much it is.

Could anyone be interested in this lens?

I suppose it'll be too big for me to seriously consider buying as I do like compact kit. I will read and watch the reviews and look at the sample pictures though.
I doubt it, I have the Samyang 50mm f1.4 FE II and that works well enough for me, plus it’s the lightest AF 50mm f1.4 I know of.

I have been giving some serious consideration into buying the A1 for the past few days though for the improved animal eye-AF, extra resolution and potentially smoother EVF during slow shutter panning but I can only get £1500 for my A9-II and the A1 is £4770 from Panamoz. I just can’t justify a £3k spend just to get those few extra bits.
I have been giving some serious consideration into buying the A1 for the past few days though for the improved animal eye-AF, extra resolution and potentially smoother EVF during slow shutter panning but I can only get £1500 for my A9-II and the A1 is £4770 from Panamoz. I just can’t justify a £3k spend just to get those few extra bits.

I've mentioned before that life changing events in the last couple of years coupled with just getting older have lead me to start to reassess how I think about spending and savings. At the moment I see no point in ending my life with a large amount of money in the bank over and above what Mrs WW needs/wants but she has her own investments and property in Thailand anyway and like mine her tastes aren't really excessive.

We all have to make our own minds up based on our own circumstances and that of our families and loved ones but for me little is completely off the table when it comes to enhancing experiences and bringing a little more enjoyment to life.

One thing that does help me is that I mostly don't seem to want high end things and if I got an A1 I'd just use the same relatively cheap lenses on it :D
I doubt it, I have the Samyang 50mm f1.4 FE II and that works well enough for me, plus it’s the lightest AF 50mm f1.4 I know of.

I have been giving some serious consideration into buying the A1 for the past few days though for the improved animal eye-AF, extra resolution and potentially smoother EVF during slow shutter panning but I can only get £1500 for my A9-II and the A1 is £4770 from Panamoz. I just can’t justify a £3k spend just to get those few extra bits.
You know that voice that keeps saying do it…. Over and over…
I've mentioned before that life changing events in the last couple of years coupled with just getting older have lead me to start to reassess how I think about spending and savings. At the moment I see no point in ending my life with a large amount of money in the bank over and above what Mrs WW needs/wants but she has her own investments and property in Thailand anyway and like mine her tastes aren't really excessive.

We all have to make our own minds up based on our own circumstances and that of our families and loved ones but for me little is completely off the table when it comes to enhancing experiences and bringing a little more enjoyment to life.

One thing that does help me is that I mostly don't seem to want high end things and if I got an A1 I'd just use the same relatively cheap lenses on it :D
I definitely share your sentiment and have no dependants I don’t have to worry about leaving anything behind. However, there’s a cut off point and I think £3k for a bit better AF and extra resolution is beyond that cut off point for me (y)
I seem to have had a bad day.

I've bought two more lenses.

Silly me.

Now all I need is the opportunity to go out and use them.

While I'm here, Daffs at 50mm f1.1.

I've mentioned before that life changing events in the last couple of years coupled with just getting older have lead me to start to reassess how I think about spending and savings. At the moment I see no point in ending my life with a large amount of money in the bank over and above what Mrs WW needs/wants but she has her own investments and property in Thailand anyway and like mine her tastes aren't really excessive.

We all have to make our own minds up based on our own circumstances and that of our families and loved ones but for me little is completely off the table when it comes to enhancing experiences and bringing a little more enjoyment to life.

One thing that does help me is that I mostly don't seem to want high end things and if I got an A1 I'd just use the same relatively cheap lenses on it :D
I can't remember if I've mentioned this here so apologies if I have, my Dad passed away in 2019 and left me a reasonable sum of money. However I'd much rather he hadn't left me a penny and spent his last few years enjoying himself leaving me with good memories of him rather than wasting the last few years of his life. I normally takes ages to decide on buying something but when we were told his condition was getting worse (although we were given no timescale) I thought stuff it and bought the A9, who knows what is round the corner. It's not a good reason but I have some great action shots of my last dog and great puppy shots of my current dog which of course I will never be able to get again.
I can't remember if I've mentioned this here so apologies if I have, my Dad passed away in 2019 and left me a reasonable sum of money. However I'd much rather he hadn't left me a penny and spent his last few years enjoying himself leaving me with good memories of him rather than wasting the last few years of his life. I normally takes ages to decide on buying something but when we were told his condition was getting worse (although we were given no timescale) I thought stuff it and bought the A9, who knows what is round the corner. It's not a good reason but I have some great action shots of my last dog and great puppy shots of my current dog which of course I will never be able to get again.

Good for you and sorry about your dad.

I do still struggle to get out of and away from the penny pinching life :D I'm comfortable and retired early and did think I'd be leaving my money to not only Mrs WW if she lives longer than me but to other members of our large family too but now there's just three of us including me. At the mo I'm not really interested in cameras, it's mainly cheap lenses that catch my interest.
Despite the high price it could still be attractive if it's very good and it will I assume be smaller and lighter than the f1.2 and that alone would make it more attractive to me.
I doubt it, I have the Samyang 50mm f1.4 FE II and that works well enough for me, plus it’s the lightest AF 50mm f1.4 I know of.

I have been giving some serious consideration into buying the A1 for the past few days though for the improved animal eye-AF, extra resolution and potentially smoother EVF during slow shutter panning but I can only get £1500 for my A9-II and the A1 is £4770 from Panamoz. I just can’t justify a £3k spend just to get those few extra bits.
I’ve been looking at the A1 as well but the spend seems too much for the benefits.
I’ve been looking at the A1 as well but the spend seems too much for the benefits.
It’ll be interesting to see what the A9 III brings and what price point it will be.
I've been thinking of the a1 as well.
Suppose I could sell my a9 + a7R4a - decisions decisions :thinking:
Unless you need two bodies I’d personally have the A1 over having both the A9 and A7RIV.
I sold my A7RIV and A7c for the A1.
Unless you need two bodies I'd take A1 over your two bodies.

I have now downgraded to A7IV.
I'd definitely be keeping my a7c
Unless you need two bodies I’d personally have the A1 over having both the A9 and A7RIV.
I use the a9 for wildlife and a7R4a for landscape.
The a1 would be great for both.
I'm only dreaming at the moment as I am living off savings and a wee drawdown on my private pension until the Govt pension kicks in :rolleyes:
I sold my A7RIV and A7c for the A1.
Unless you need two bodies I'd take A1 over your two bodies.

I have now downgraded to A7IV.


Any technical reason or just too much money tied up in a camera?
It’ll be interesting to see what the A9 III brings and what price point it will be.
I'm keen to see this as well and think it's in a difficult position as too big a price drop while keeping a decent range of features could harm the A1 but if it's too close in price to the A1 then it's pointless. The fast mirrorless market seems to be getting competitive though so it could well be worth losing some A1 sales if people stick with Sony rather than buy a rival.
Any technical reason or just too much money tied up in a camera?

Too much money tied up in a camera and have been contemplating a move to Nikon.
Selling A1 isn't as easy since you can't post fully insured with RMSD. I found a buyer for it on this forum willling to collect, so I just moved it on when I had the chance to do so.
The A7R V has good reviews but there does not seem to be much chat/interest in it here?
Looks a great camera, if it wasn't for wanting blackout free shooting and the drive dial I'd definitely consider it.
I'm keen to see this as well and think it's in a difficult position as too big a price drop while keeping a decent range of features could harm the A1 but if it's too close in price to the A1 then it's pointless. The fast mirrorless market seems to be getting competitive though so it could well be worth losing some A1 sales if people stick with Sony rather than buy a rival.
I'd imagine that it'll be an A1 with lower resolution and the new multi angle screen. I think it'd be a mistake if the performance didn't at least match the A1
I have also been looking at the he A1 :D

Waiting to see what I he A9 III brings to the table but I don't think the resolution will be enough for me, would have to be at least around the 35mp range.
I'd be surprised if they upped the resolution, if they did I can't see it being more than 33mp.
I missed this piece on resizing at DPR but as it was a talking point recently I thought I'd post in just in case it's of interest. Assuming it hasn't already been posted :D
